The feeling of holding our baby in our arms is unique. When we lull him to sleep, we think about how fragile he is and that we would always keep him away from any danger. One of the ways to protect your little one is with vaccines. Vaccines for your newborn: Which are they?
Isis Adriana Moctezuma Rebollo, a pediatrician member of the Mexican Association of Pediatrics, highlighted the importance of vaccinating babies in the first days after birth since these are a mechanism for controlling many infectious diseases common in the past.
“There are diseases that can cause death; they can be transmitted to people who are not protected. These diseases have a tremendous economic impact and cause medical consultations, hospitalizations, and premature deaths”.
UNICEF points out that vaccines constitute one of the most significant advances in health and development worldwide since they have reduced diseases such as polio, measles, and smallpox for more than two centuries, thus avoiding 3 million deaths per year from these conditions, according to the international organization.
Vaccines prevent diseases like polio. Photo: Shutterstock
BCG: Prevents meningeal tuberculosis (brain infection), which can cause death and must be applied when your baby is born. It is injected into the right arm.
Hepatitis B: It is also applied at the time of birth. This infection is transmitted from mothers to children and is used to prevent the child from getting sick. You should receive two booster doses: at two and six months old.
The BCG and Hepatitis B vaccines have to be given right after birth. Photo: Shutterstock
Vaccination in the first year of life
Protecting your baby against diseases is very important; here, we explain the doses established by the Universal Immunization Program for your little one’s first 12 months.
Two months old
HepB: The first boost against this condition is applied.
DTaP: It protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). Boosters are applied at 4 and 6 months of age.
RV: It is the leading cause of severe diarrhea in young children. At 4 and 6 months of life, reinforcements are applied.
PCV13 (Pneumococcal conjugate): It prevents the development of diseases such as pneumonia caused by pneumococcal bacteria. At 4 and 12 months, the baby receives the booster doses.
Four months old
Reinforcements of the DTaP, RV, and PCV13 vaccines.
Six months old
Third dose of DTaP, HepB, and RV.
Influenza: The first dose of this vaccine corresponds to this age. It is the virus with the most circulation in winter; it produces respiratory disease.
Seven months old
Second dose of influenza.
12 months old
MMR: It is the 3-in-1 that prevents measles, rubella, and mumps.
The harmony we feel when we hold our baby in our arms is broken when we hear him cry in the middle of the night. We try a thousand things like lulling, singing to him, but nothing seems to work. We tell you what sleep is like at this age and what to do to put to rest your newborn.
After childbirth, we feel exhausted. Adapting to being mothers and taking care of a life that depends on us drains our energy. At nightfall, we want to go to bed and have sweet dreams, but the crying of our baby stops us.
Getting the baby to sleep through the night has become mission impossible. The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) indicates that newborns sleep between 18 and 22 hours; they wake up when hungry, have colic, are cold, or feel discomfort due to a wet or dirty diaper; some sleep less without being sick.
Getting our newborn to sleep through the night seems impossible. Photo: Shutterstock
How do babies sleep?
Newborns do not have a set bedtime. The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford points out that they tend to confuse day with night at this age so that they can sleep between eight and nine hours and approximately eight hours at night.
This institution explains that most babies do not sleep through the night until they are three months old or until they weigh more than 5 kilos; however, this varies in each little one; some sleep continuously until they are one year old.
“Newborn infants have a small stomach and must wake up after a few hours to eat. In most cases, they will wake up to eat about every three hours”.
Lucile Packard Children´s Hospital Stanford
Most babies don’t sleep through the night until after three months old. Photo: Pixabay
Baby sleep states
Joaquim Bosch Castells, pediatrician and member of Top Doctors Spain, commented that the little ones wake up after 3 or 4 hours in the first months of life mainly because they need to eat, require a diaper change, or want to be talked to.
Once fed, “active sleep” begins; the little ones move their eyeballs with their eyes closed, their breathing is irregular, they make faces and movements. They may appear restless, but this behavior is entirely normal and should not be interrupted.
“When parents or caregivers are not aware of this situation, it is common for them to cover the child or hold him, interrupting his normal sleep and interfering with his maturation”.
Approximately half an hour after this phase, they enter a deeper sleep known as “quiet sleep”. During this period, the baby is relaxed and breathes deeply.
“The baby combines both sleep stages for 3 or 4 hours until he wakes up; he follows this routine practically during his first two months of life”.
Babies often wake up because they are hungry. Photo: Pixabay
Tips for sleeping the newborn
Bosch Castells comments that the first two months of a baby’s life are challenging for parents; it is essential to establish a routine for the little one to sleep continuously at night.
Here are some of his recommendations:
Keep the baby awake while he eats.
Breastfeed in half-hour intervals on each breast.
Hold him awake for 15 minutes after each meal.
It is recommended that the mother follow the baby’s same sleep schedule.
After changing the diaper, put him in his crib, always awake. He will learn to fall asleep by himself..
Establishing a sleep routine is essential for the baby to sleep through the night. Photo: Shutterstock
Sleep habits since we are babies
The Mayo Clinic organization gives the following tips to help your little one sleep:
Establish a bedtime routine: Try bathing him, snuggling him, singing to him, playing quiet music, or reading to him. Try to do these in a quiet room with little light.
Put him to bed when he is sleepy but awake: doing this, your little one will associate the bed with sleeping. Remember to place the baby on his back so that he falls asleep and remove blankets or other items from the crib or bassinet that may impede his breathing.
Give him time to settle in: He may be restless or cry before finding a comfortable position and falling asleep. If the crying doesn’t stop, talk to him and leave the room. He may require your presence to feel calm and go back to sleep.
Keep a quiet environment: If he wakes up at night, speak quietly, keeps the lights dim, and move slowly. This will indicate that it is time to sleep and not to play.
Remember that you are getting to know your baby in the first months of life, and he is getting to know you, so the fact that you have difficulty putting him to sleep is very normal, but soon they will establish a routine.
Our baby’s name is a difficult decision to make because we are looking for a choice consistent with his personality. If you are still undecided, we leave you this list of Nahuatl names inspired by the Sun.
According to the Aztec cosmogony, the universe’s basic structure is made up of three parts: the earth, the sky, and the underworld, so the names of Nahuatl origin have a beautiful meaning. Many of them are related to the elements of nature.
In the Diccionario de Nombres Indígenas (Dictionary of Indigenous Names) of the Veracruzana Academy of Indigenous Languages, it is explained that the Nahuatl alphabet is made up of 19 letters, most of them pronounced in a similar way to Spanish.
We have made this list to give you ideas to name your little one. Due to their translation, they can be used indistinctly in boys and girls.
Axayácatl: he was the son of Tezozomoc, a Mexica tlatoani who ordered the carving of the Stone of the Sun. His older brother succeeded him on the throne.
Chichiní, Chichiná: Sun, the day, the workday.
Cuauhtli, Kuauhtli: Eagle, the symbol of the Sun.
Erandi: For the Aztecs, it means
The names of Nahuatl origin have beautiful meanings. Photo: Pixabay
Letters K-O
Kin: Its meaning is Sun; the Mayans also used it.
Kinich: It means the face of the Sun; it was also used in the Mayan culture.
Kitsá, Quitzá: Its meaning is Sun, day.
Kuxi, Cushi Kushi: It means Sun-corn, although it can also refer only to corn.
Naolin: he was the Aztec god of the Sun.
Ollin Tonatiuh: The Sun of movement, of the fifth creation from Teotihuacán.
Sasil/Saasil/Zazil: It is dawn, clarity, light; its origin is related to the Mayans.
Sugey: Its meaning is sunlight; it is of Aztec origin.
Tanok: It also means Sun, but its origin is attributed to Tepehuano, a language derived from Nahuatl.
Tlanextic:Light of dawn.
Tonalli: Its meaning is heat from the Sun, day, destiny.
Tonatiuh: Of Aztec origin, it means Sun, the luminous one, the one that warms up. Tonatiuh is the fifth and current Sun in the Aztec view of the cosmos and the fierce Sun-god of several other Mesoamerican cultures, including the Toltecs.
Tonatiúh: It means our father Sun, the Sun, the day. The Mexica people considered him the leader of the sky. He was also known as the Fifth Sun because the Mexica believed that he took over when the Fourth Sun was expelled from the sky.
Xqaqáh, Xqaqá, Xqakgáh:It dawns, the Sun arrives, it brightens the day. This name also appears in the Totonac language.
Yaxkin: Its meaning is rising Sun, the origin of this name is attributed to the Mayans.
Names of Nahuatl origin are an excellent option for your baby. Photo: Pixabay
The pandemic has made us feel vulnerable. But the idea of being in the same space with many people makes us anxious, especially if we have babies. But did you know that the best way to protect them against Covid-19 is by breastfeeding?
María del Pilar Velázquez Sánchez, a specialist in gynecology at Hospital Ángeles, points out that breastfeeding is essential for the lives of our children, since it influences their physical, emotional and mental development.
“Breastfeeding makes it possible to have, not only a healthy child, but also a healthy adult. We recommend that it be exclusive for the first six months of life, and if possible, extend to the first two years”.
By breastfeeding our children we provide them with defenses against many infections, even against SARS-CoV-2.
Studies have shown the existence of antibodies in the breast milk of vaccinated women against this virus.
Research carried out by the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute in Spain, have found the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in women who were vaccinated against Covid-19.
“We were not able to detect the RNA of the virus in any breast milk, and we found that antibodies were present in the majority of infected women, suggesting that breast milk is a protective shield”, said María Carmen Collado, a CSIC researcher.
In the research, carried out on 75 lactating women who received AztraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the presence of antibodies was detected.
In all the analyzed cases, there was a response to vaccination with an increase in antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, much more intense after the second dose.
“Breastfeeding is a priority, and we still need more targeted research to confirm the potential protective role of these antibodies present in breast milk against COVID-19 in children”.
María Carmen Collado, researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research
Breast milk provides protection against diseases, including Covid-19 Photo: Pixabay
Defenses against Covid-19 in babies
In another investigation carried out by the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in the United States, the presence of antibodies against Covid-19 in breastfed babies was also revealed. The research involved 30 women in the lactating stage with their respective children.
The finding of these defenses was in the stool of the babies.
A research, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, involved taking several samples of breast milk at different times:
Before and after the mothers received the vaccine.
Two to three weeks after receiving the first dose.
Three weeks after they received the second dose.
Mothers vaccinated against Covid-19 can transmit antibodies to their children Photo: Shutterstock
Blood samples from the mothers were used after three weeks of receiving each dose of the vaccine; in addition, stool samples from the babies were studied 21 days after the application of the complete vaccination schedule for the mothers.
In the investigation, antibodies were discovered in breast milk, which neutralize the Spike protein (the one that contributes to the infection of Covid-19 in the respiratory system) of SARS-CoV-2, as well as four of its variants.
Antibodies against Covid-19 were also detected in stool samples from breastfed babies.
Breastfeeding without interruption
Unicef recommends not stopping breastfeeding during the pandemic, since there is no scientific evidence that Covid-19 is transmitted through breast milk.
The American Academy of Pediatrics explains that breastfeeding should not be interrupted, since the mother can breastfeed even if she has COVID-19 or if she has not been fully vaccinated, as long as she takes additional safety precautions to protect her baby.
All these results support the importance of recommending breastfeeding systematically in all cases in which the mother has few or no symptoms. It is the best protection.
Breastfeeding should not be interrupted during the Covid-19 pandemic Photo: Shutterstock
The position of the stars and the date on which we are born contribute characteristics to our personality. If your baby is very curious, loves to explore, or is very sensitive, it may be due to his horoscope. We tell you the characteristics of each zodiac sign and tips to deal with them: Baby horoscopes: What is yours?
Research of the University of Murcia in Spain finds the origin of horoscopes in the Babylonians. They were the first to assign shapes to the stars and write the most amazing facts and their relationship with the stars on tablets.
The alignment of the stars and our date of birth can contribute characteristics to our personality. Photo: Pixabay
Astrologer Ishtar Freya explains that Astrology is very diverse and deep, encompassing many personality traits. She also clarifies that each person is different; even if he shares the same zodiac sign with others, no one is the same.
“We will always have different characteristics, the same happens with children, they may have the same zodiac sign as their cousins, but they will have a completely different personality. Astrology can give us some personality traits, but it doesn’t define us 100%”.
How do the stars influence us?
Freya explains that the relationships among the solar sign, the ascendant, and the moon help understand personality traits.
“Our solar sign is assigned according to our date of birth. Our ascendant indicates our personality, that is, how we address the world through these characteristics, while the moon represents our emotional intelligence”.
She points out that the signs are also divided into cardinal, fixed, and mutable; the first ones tend to be leaders, the fixed give structure to what the cardinal built, and the mutable can do both.
To know the personality traits of your little one, the first thing is to identify his zodiac sign by his date of birth. Ishtar Freya tells us what your little one’s personality can be like and how you can treat it based on these zodiac dates:
Aries (March 21 – April 21)
They are very active; they love to be leaders, to conquer new things. It seems that they do not run out of battery, and it is hard to put them to sleep. As parents, we must teach them limits so that they think before acting.
Taurus (April 22 – May 21)
It is a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. They are calmer children with more passive energy; they are observant, practical, and creative. They can become very artistic; they are very peaceful and stable; however, they can be stubborn and possessive. They don’t like changes, so if you have a little Taurus, you should explain to them that the changes are for the better.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
It is the first air sign. They are usually very naughty, so it won’t be easy to keep them quiet. They tend to be precocious; they will ask questions sooner than most children their age. Little ones under this sign tend to be dual in character, happy for a while and then angry.
They can become reckless as they absorb everything they hear. As parents, we must teach prudence and make them understand that they do not have to say everything they hear.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
It is a cardinal, water sign ruled by the moon. They are children very attached to their mothers. Super cute, loving, calm, and sensitive, so many things can make them cry or feel betrayed; they are very suspicious. We have to focus on them being sure of themselves.
Cancer children are very sensitive and attached to moms. Photo: Pixabay
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
It is a fixed sign governed by the sun; they can be very confident and creative, but they can also become arrogant and demanding. They can be authoritarian, adventurous, and proud. They have to be taught from an early age to handle these emotions. They are very loyal, generous, noble, and have big hearts.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
It is a very particular sign because it is mutable and earthy. You are going to face very analytical children, very critical. We have to teach them that not everything has to be precisely the way they want it so that they don’t develop feelings of frustration. They are very organized and neat.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
It is a cardinal air sign ruled by Venus. They can be lovely and cuddly; it seems that they are fragile, but they are not. Being ruled by Venus, their aesthetic energy makes them always smile on their faces; they are very cheerful, sleep all night, but have a very low tolerance for frustration, and it is difficult for them to decide. From a young age, they must be encouraged to make their decisions with exercises, such as choosing their clothes.
Libra babies are very giggly. Photo: Pixabay
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
It is a water sign ruled by Pluto. They are adorable children, but it is not easy to live with them. They tend to be intuitive, sentimental, and mysterious, so they are also usually reserved. From a young age, we must work with them to express their feelings. They are very jealous and can feel betrayed.
Children under this sign tend to be jealous. Photo: Pixabay
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Mutable sign of fire, its planet is Jupiter. They are optimistic, funny, witty. They will ask profound questions, like the origin of the Universe. They are rational and very free.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
It is a cardinal earth sign; its planet is Saturn. It is a planet that generates strong discipline configurations; they are lonely and will be in their space where they feel good. They are very structured children; unexpected changes stress them out and make them feel out of place. We must help them understand that things evolve as part of life. They are patient and determined.
Capricorn children tend to be loners. Photo: Pixabay
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Aquarius children are interested in technology; they are original, creative, and very independent, but also stubborn. You have to set rules for them because they are rebellious. They tend to be interested in technology.
Pisces (February 19 – March 21)
His planet is Neptune; it is a mutable water sign. They are super intuitive and sensitive to energies, with very powerful emotional acuity. They are very imaginative, so you have to encourage them to express everything they perceive. They are very friendly and try to help others.
According to her zodiac sign, these are the characteristics that your baby’s personality can have. Did you identify any?
It is widespread for newborns to get yellow scabs on their heads. If you have detected this kind of dandruff in your baby, do not be alarmed, we will tell you what scrabs are on the baby’s head and how to remove them, so scabs on the baby’s head: what are they?
Babies’ skin is very delicate, it requires a lot of care, and the scalp is no exception. Babies’ scales are not dandruff but seborrheic dermatitis, although it is commonly called cradle cap or yellow scabs.
Scabs on the baby’s head: what are they?
Rossana Llergo Valdez, president of the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology, explained that this condition is prevalent in infants and causes scaly, dry, or oily plaques on the scalp of babies. It is not painful or itchy. However, these scabs can be challenging to remove.
“It is a frequent condition that happens due to an excess of fat called seborrhea. It may be due to a hormonal imbalance, mainly due to maternal hormones; it happens in the newborn stage. But it does not represent a problem that should concern us”.
Cradle cap produces yellow scales on the scalp. Photo: Shutterstock
What is it?
The Nemours Children’s Health Foundation explains that the cradle cap is the simple way of calling seborrheic dermatitis that appears on the scalp of babies. Also called seborrhea, it can occur in:
Forehead and face
Behind the ears
Diaper area
Other skin folds
This foundation details that seborrheic dermatitis usually begins with the cradle cap; it first affects the scalp, but then it can spread to other parts of the body.
Seborrheic dermatitis can appear on other parts of the body. Photo: Shutterstock
How can we treat cradle cap?
As time goes by and the daily bath, it can fall off on its own. You can also use special soaps to help it disappear. Dr. Rossana Llergo Valdez recommends using keratolytic shampoos because they have substances that remove the skin’s stratum corneum or those with zinc pyrithione, which has antifungal properties.
“Shampoos with a very gentle keratolytic component help us clean babies’ scalp, so the scale falls off properly”.
The also president of the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology advises not to scrape the cradle cap since it can irritate the scalp of our little ones.
How long does it take to disappear?
With this type of shampoo, you will notice improvement between 15 and 20 days. If you decide not to use any products, the cradle cap can disappear in a few weeks or months.
Bathing is essential for the cradle cap to disappear. Photo: Pixabay
When should we consult a doctor?
The Mayo Clinic organization recommends visiting a doctor if seborrhea persists or has spread to other parts of the body so that he can assess the child and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
The doctor will ask you:
• How long has your baby had the cradle cap?
• What have you done to treat it?
• How often do you shampoo his hair?
• What products have you tried?
Do not forget to consult the dermatologist frequently to take care of your baby’s skin.
Waiting for the arrival of our baby is full of joy and enthusiasm, but also of many doubts in which the question “will I be a good father?” spins around us over and over. No one is born knowing how to be a parent. These books for new parents will help you in this new stage.
Facing fatherhood can be terrifying, since we will support a life that will depend on us, we want to be perfect, or at least we do not want to repeat what we don’t like about our own parents.
Nobody is perfect, but we can give our best to that little one who is on the way. This selection of books for new fathers, which we have made for you, will guide you in your introduction to fatherhood.
We recommend: Newborn: basic care
Guía del papá primerizo, by Jonas Weidner (First–Time Dad)
How can I lose the fear of being a father? How can I build a bond with my baby? These are some of the questions that this book tries to decipher, it will also try to guide you to reconcile your new facet as a father with other areas of your life, such as work, your partner and sexuality. Publisher: Books on Demand
This book addresses different questions that dads ask themselves. Photo: Editorial Books on Demand
Qué se puede esperar, el primer año, by Heidi Murkoff (What to Expect, the First Year)
Each chapter corresponds to the first months of your baby’s age; this book will guide you on basic newborn care, crib safety, breastfeeding, sleep, and even provides topics such as effective and ecological parenting (changing the use of disposable diapers for cloth diapers). Publisher: Planeta
Basic baby care and effective parenting issues are some of its contents Photo: Editorial Planeta
Mi recién nacido: La guía definitiva y más completa de ayuda a padres ante el nacimiento del bebé, by Pedro Camacho (My newborn: The definitive and most complete guide to help parents before the birth of the baby)
This book is written by a Neonatology nurse at the hospital Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Talavera de la Reina, in Madrid, Spain; he advises new parents on issues such as colic treatment in nursing babies, cleaning the umbilical cord and the nose, among others; these topics are explained with illustrations. Publisher: Pedro Felipe Camacho Garcia.
This book provides basic tips for baby care Photo: Taken from Amazon
Don’t miss: Should I bathe my baby every day?
El factor papá: Un libro sencillo y revelador que deberían leer todos los padres, by Richard Fletcher (The Dad Factor: A Simple and Insightful Book Every Dad Should Read)
The importance of the father being involved in his baby’s life from the time of pregnancy is the central theme of this book. The author delves into the benefits for the emotional and mental development of his son, of having a close relationship with his father. Publisher: Sirio
The importance of the father in the life of his child is the central axis of this book. Photo: Editorial Sirio
Guía urgente del padre primerizo, by Rafael Esteve Lloret (Urgent Guide for the First–Time Father)
Through illustrated pages, the author recounts his personal experiences and gives advice to new fathers, with a touch of humor and irony, to face this new stage. The book covers different situations in daily life, from the difficulties of sleeping the newborn, to the couple’s relationship. Publisher: Larousse
Through the illustrations, the author tells his experience as a father Photo: Editorial Larousse
You may be interested: How to care baby’s skin in winter
Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo: Anécdotas de cómo ser padre te cambia la vida, by Óscar Martínez (There is only one father… and that’s me: Anecdotes of how being a father changes your life)
The television presenter in Spain narrates his experiences becoming a father and how his life changed completely. Martínez says that, although men are usually afraid of everything that represents a commitment, embarking on the adventure of being a father is absolutely worthwhile. Publisher: Grijalbo
The Spanish presenter tells his experiences as a first-time father Photo: Editorial Grijalbo
We hope that this selection of books be a support for this new stage. What did you think?
Related notes: 8 Basic Tips for Baby Skin Care Recovery after childbirth: how long does it take? How to take care of me? Diaper scrapes: how to cure and prevent them
La espera por la llegada de nuestro bebé está llena de alegría y entusiasmo, pero también de muchas dudas en las que la pregunta: ¿seré buen papá? Nos da vueltas una y otra vez. Nadie nace sabiendo cómo ser padre. Estos libros parapapás primerizos te ayudarán en esta nueva etapa.
Enfrentarse a la paternidad puede ser aterrador, ya que nos enfrentaremos ante una vida que dependerá de nosotros, queremos ser perfectos, o cuando menos no repetir lo que no nos gusta de nuestros propios padres.
Nadie es perfecto, pero sí podemos dar nuestra mejor versión a ese pequeño que viene en camino. Esta selección de libros para papás primerizos, que hemos hecho para ti, te guiarán en tu iniciación a la paternidad.
¿Cómo perder el miedo a ser padre? ¿Cómo generar un vínculo con mi bebé? Son algunas de las preguntas que este libro trata de descifrar, además intentará guiarte para compaginar tu nueva faceta como papá, con otras áreas de tu vida, como el trabajo, tu pareja y la sexualidad. Editorial: Books on Demand
Este libro aborda diferentes preguntas que se hacen los papás. Foto: Editorial Books on Demand
Qué puedes esperar en el primer año de Heidi Murkoff
Cada capítulo corresponde a uno de los meses de tu bebé; este libro te orientará en temas sobre cuidados básicos del recién nacido, seguridad en la cuna, la lactancia, el sueño, incluso aporta temas como la crianza efectiva y ecológica (cambiar el uso de pañales desechables por los de tela). Editorial: Planeta
Cuidados básicos del bebé y temas de crianza efectiva son algunos de sus contenidos Foto: Editorial Planeta
Mi recién nacido: La guía definitiva y más completa de ayuda a padres ante el nacimiento del bebé de Pedro Camacho
Este libro está escrito por un enfermero de Neonatología del Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Talavera de la Reina, en Madrid, España; asesora a los papás primerizos en temas como el tratamiento para el cólico de los bebés lactantes, la limpieza del cordón umbilical, de la nariz, entre otros; estas temáticas son explicadas con ilustraciones. Editorial: Pedro Felipe Camacho García.
Este libro brinda consejos básicos para el cuidado del bebé Foto: Tomada de Amazon
El factor papá: Un libro sencillo y revelador que deberían leer todos los padres de Richard Fletcher
La importancia de que el papá se involucre en la vida de su bebé desde el embarazo, es el tema central de este libro. El autor profundiza en los beneficios para el desarrollo emocional y mental de su hijo, de tener una relación cercana con su padre. Editorial: Sirio
La importancia del padre en la vida de su hijo es el eje central de este libro. Foto: Editorial Sirio
Guía urgente del padre primerizo de Rafael Esteve Lloret
A través de sus páginas ilustradas el autor cuenta sus vivencias personales y da consejos a los papás primerizos, con un toque de humor e ironía, para enfrentar esta nueva etapa. El libro abarca diferentes situaciones de la vida cotidiana, desde las dificultades para dormir al recién nacido, hasta la relación de pareja. Editorial: Larousse
A través de sus ilustraciones, el autor cuenta su experiencia como papá Foto: Editorial Larousse
Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo: Anécdotas de cómo ser padre te cambia la vida de Óscar Martínez
El presentador de televisión en España, narra sus experiencias al convertirse en padre y cómo su vida cambió por completo. Martínez cuenta que, aunque los hombres suelen tener temor a todo aquello que represente un compromiso, embarcarse en la aventura de ser papá, vale mucho la pena. Editorial: Grijalbo
El presentador español cuenta sus experiencias como papá primerizo Foto: Editorial Grijalbo
Esperamos que esta selección de libros sea un apoyo para esta nueva etapa. ¿Qué te parecieron?
The arrival of the pandemic and the environment in which we live makes us face stressful situations, so it is super important to encourage the emotional development of our little ones; meditation for children is a way to achieve this. These tips will help you promote this practice.
Sometimes we think of meditation as a practice for adults; however, children also go through stressful situations, so it is essential to make meditation a daily routine.
Maayan Jinich, a guide in Buddhist meditation and Mindfulness, commented that social networks make us see life “outside,” so we forget what is inside us. Given this, she highlighted the importance of spending time with ourselves and doing meditation, a daily exercise in our routine, to which we allocate a moment of the day.
“Make sure your children spend time with themselves. Do this a 15-minute daily practice before going to bed; it is a moment they will have to scan themselves to see how they feel, what they can learn from their day, what they liked or didn’t like, to begin to get to know and recognize themselves”.
The Buddhist meditation and mindfulness guide highlighted that meditation is a tool to know ourselves and understand our needs.
“If you give this tool (meditation) to a child from an early age, he will become very self-assured because he will begin to know himself”.
These are some tips that Maayan Jinich shares with us to practice meditation in children.
These are some tips that Maayan Jinich shares with us to practice meditation in children.
In our home, let us choose a place where we feel comfortable and can relax to meditate.
“Look for a quiet place, preferably in your children’s bedroom. Let them choose a little spot special for them, a warm place, where they can sit on the floor, where there is no interference so that their time to meditate does not have distractors, and they can connect”.
Your child’s room is a good place for meditation Photo: Shutterstock
Make room in your routine
To make meditation part of our daily lives, we must assign a time to meditate to encourage consistency. Preferably that time is at night before falling asleep.
“Before sleeping, children will meditate and be thankful. It is a way to acknowledge what they have instead of what they lack. It generates moments of a lot of intimateness. If they want to express something, they can do it. That builds links”.
Suitable music
Music plays a fundamental role in meditation since it helps us create an atmosphere. You can search for classical music or a playlist to meditate on YouTube.
Thank together
Once you have chosen the place, the music, and you are comfortable, be grateful for everything you have; this will make your children see gratitude as a daily practice. They will also learn to value their environment and feel lucky.
“It is important to cultivate gratitude in children, to see what they do have, what they do see. Teach them from their young age to thank is one of the greatest issues that we should promote in our children”.
Promoting gratitude in our children is essential Photo: Shutterstock
Connect with the heart
Once you have thanked, take a deep breath and connect with your heart and feelings; ask your little one how he feels and how his day was. With this, you will bring your kid closer to meditation, to his spiritual being.
“Sit on the floor, connect with your breath, with your heart. As a mother, you can ask your kid how he feels, what things he has to be thankful for, elicit him to tell you something beautiful that happened to him that day”.
Connecting with your children is a first step in making meditation a daily practice. Photo: Shutterstock
Short sessions
In children, the ideal is that the sessions do not last more than 15 minutes before going to sleep so that they do not get bored and see meditation as something obligatory that later generates rejection.
“Short times, warm space, let there be laughter so that it does not become an inquisitive practice as an obligation, let it be a practice of joy, of laughing, do not take yourself so seriously so that the children start to enjoy”.
Get together with your family and together put these tips into practice.
The dreaded fourth wave of Covid-19 is arriving in Mexico. Infections increase, and with it, our concern for the health of our children. If your little one tested positive, don’t panic because these tips for the treatment of Covid-19 in children will help you.
The images of long lines of people waiting to be tested for this disease do nothing but anguish us, and when we see the positive result in our children, fear invades us because the idea that it could get worse terrifies us. However, we must remain calm to support our little ones during their treatment.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that children have “a much lower risk” of seriously developing the disease commonly known as Coronavirus than older adults. However, minors with chronic conditions have a higher risk of getting worse.
According to Morgan Guerra Gea, epidemiologist and Medical Director of Previta, we must be very aware of the evolution of our little one’s condition, especially if he has a chronic disease or suffers from obesity, and maintain contact with the pediatrician from the diagnosis.
Tips for the treatment of Covid-19 in children
Do not self-medicate
Dr. Guerra Gea asserts that the Omicron variant produces symptoms very similar to those of a common cold or flu; therefore, it is essential not to self-medicate and go to the doctor if you have any signs of the respiratory disease so that the specialist can rule out or confirm a suspicion of contagion.
“Avoid self-medication in the face of any sign of respiratory disease or cold. It is better to go and make an assessment with the doctor. We recommend performing an antigen or PCR test. Do not leave it to chance; let’s see if it is or is not”.
Before any symptom, we must go to the doctor do not self-medicate. Photo: Pixabay
Take care of food
Food is essential to get through the disease as it strengthens our immune system helping it to better combat the disease.
“Do not give up healthy food, avoid everything that has added sugars, search for natural foods”.
To help the body fight Covid-19, we must have healthy food. Photo: Pixabay
Make confinement bearable
Dr. Guerra Gea recommended “using an area of the house to go through isolation. It can be the child’s bedroom, trying to keep him there most of the time, but not restricting the common areas as long as everybody wears face masks to avoid completely isolating the little one since he could be affected emotionally”.
To make confinement more enjoyable, we can organize some games or activities so that our children do not despair during this stage and establish routines to avoid boredom.
“You have to suggest fun activities or games and do not let them watch television all the time. Keep them active, so they are not desperate. It is necessary to maintain a routine as much as possible so that children can go through this stage”.
During treatment, it is essential to maintain the routine. Photo: Shutterstock
Appoint a caregiver
Once we receive our child’s Covid-19 diagnosis, choosing a family member to care for the little one is essential. The caregiver must be vaccinated against this condition and does not have chronic diseases.
“There should be a caregiver; the best is someone already vaccinated, with strong defenses and no health risks. If the caregiver is the mother and she is sick, there is no problem; they should only use a face mask in closed places”.
Warning symptoms
Although most cases of Covid-19 recover at home, proof of this is that from the start of the pandemic until January 9 of this year, 6,720 hospitalizations have been registered in children between 0 and 9 years of age. According to the Ministry of Health, we must be very aware of how the condition develops in our children.
If you have the following symptoms, see a doctor immediately:
The fever does not subside despite the use of medication
Heavy breathing
There is space between ribs
The chest sinks
Change of color in lips, fingers, or extremities
We must be attentive to the warning signs. Photo: Pixabay
It is essential to vaccinate your little ones and the whole family against influenza to avoid co-infection; they can get Covid-19 and influenza simultaneously. This combination has been called Fluorona, which has been found in various parts of the world, for example, in Israel, while in Mexico, it was detected on January 8th in Nayarit.
“Before any viral disease, there is always the opportunist: the virus or the opportunistic bacteria that can co-infect the child with low defenses. The seasonal influenza is circulating at this time, so it is necessary to do it as soon as possible if you have not been vaccinated against it”.
Dr. Guerra Gea
Let’s not let our guard down against Covid-19; let’s keep taking care of ourselves.
The increase in cases of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant have generated a lot of concern and doubts about how to care for our little ones. Here we answer the five frequently asked questions about this variant in children.
In the last week we have seen how Covid-19 infections have increased, only on January 6th, the Ministry of Health reported 25 thousand 821 new cases. This type of news alarms us; however, we must remain calm and not disregard preventive measures.
Dr. Rafael Bojalil, a researcher at the Department of Health Care of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) Xochimilco Unit, explained that Omicron, unlike other variants, is concentrated in the upper respiratory tract: nose, throat and larynx. Therefore, it is more contagious and the symptoms are very similar to those of a common cold.
“Omicron does not settle in the lungs, it settles in the nose and throughout the upper respiratory tract up to the bronchi; that is why it is more contagious, the virus is closer to the exit, to the breath”.
We recommend: Omicron and back to school
Are the symptoms of Omicron the same in children?
Dr. Bojalil commented that the symptoms of Covid-19, in its Omicron variant, are the same in adults and children.
Sore throat
Runny nose
Fever (not always)
The Omicron symptoms are the same in adults and children. Photo: Shutterstock
When should I see a doctor?
Due to the similarity of the symptoms with a common cold, in case of any flu symptoms we should go to the doctor, so that he can evaluate us and, if necessary, have the test.
“Today, anyone who has symptoms of respiratory infection should be considered a Covid suspect”.
Dr. Rafael Bojalil
Are the tests for all ages?
Although it can be annoying for children to have the test to detect Covid-19, it can be done at any age. Dr. Bojalil pointed out that it has been observed that there is little sensitivity of the antigen tests to the Omicron variant; he recommends having the PCR test.
“We have been seeing that the antigen tests are very insensitive for this new variant, Omicron, and they give us many false negatives, so we would have to do PCR tests immediately after detecting contact with a positive case two or three days later. Doing two tests on a kid can be annoying and expensive. They can wait in lockdown for two to three days after knowing that he has been close to a person who has tested positive for Covid-19, then carry out the test”.
Tests to detect Covid-19 are for all ages. Photo: Shutterstock
Do not miss: Why to vaccinate children with comorbidity against COVID-19 and other frequent questions
My child tested positive, what do I do?
If your child tested positive for Covid-19, it is very important that the pediatrician give him the proper follow-up and allocate an area of the house so that he can undergo his treatment.
The doctor commented that isolation can affect children emotionally, so he recommends that all the family follow preventive measures: assign an area of the home, but without keeping him isolated from other parts of the house.
He stressed that only one family member must care for the minor; the caregiver must be vaccinated against Covid-19 and not have comorbidities, so that he is not so vulnerable.
Isolating children can affect them emotionally Photo: Shutterstock
Cloth face masks: do they work against Omicron?
Because this variant focuses on the upper airways, cloth face coverings are not sufficiently protective because they are very thin. The UAM Xochimilco researcher recommended wearing the N95 and KN95 masks.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has indicated that to protect yourself from the Omicron variant, it is recommended to wear N95 masks, since they filter up to 95% of the particles in the air and fit perfectly.
It may interest you: When should I vaccinate my baby against influenza?
Preventive actions
Given this increase in infections, we must follow prevention measures, do not disregard them:
Frequent hand washing
Wear a face mask
Avoid crowded places and gatherings
At school, do not share food
Get vaccinated against Covid-19 (vaccine-approved population)
Today is one of the most anticipated dates for our little ones, who woke up early to see their gifts. It is one of the traditions that we remember most fondly, but do you know the story of the Three Kings?
Three Kings Day is a special date for both children and adults, who we relive with our children or nephews, that illusion of waking up the next day and discovering if the Kings had brought us what we asked for. This tradition has its origin in the Catholic religion.
Father José de Jesús Aguilar Valdés, assistant manager of Radio and Television of the Archdiocese of Mexico, explained that on January 6th, the Catholic religion celebrates Epiphany, a Greek word that means manifestation, this celebration recalls when some wise men from the East, guided by the Star of Bethlehem, came to worship Baby Jesus.
Do the Three Kings (Wise Men) appear in the Bible?
The Gospel by Saint Matthew only mentions that “some wise men from the East,” guided by a star, came to Jerusalem to worship the newborn King and offer him gifts.
“When the kings arrived in Jerusalem, they thought that the born king would be in Herod’s palace. To assassinate the child, Herod asked them to look for him and come back to tell him where he was and go to worship him. But in dreams, they were warned not to return to Herod.”
Father José de Jesús Aguilar Valdés
The priest explained that the Three Kings represent all humanity; therefore, they are of different skin tones.
The Three Wise Men following the Star of Bethlehem Photo: Shutterstock
Who are the Magic Kings Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltazar?
Melchor: He is a bearded, white, older man, represents the Europeans, and offers Baby Jesus gold.
Gaspar: he is the one with the brown hair and beard who represents the Asians; he gave incense. His name means “treasure manager”.
Baltazar: he is represented with a dark complexion representing Africa and gave the child myrrh. His name means “the one who protects the king”.
The Three Wise Men Photo: Shutterstock
What do the gifts of the Three Wise Men mean?
Father Aguilar Valdés commented that kings were honored with gold; incense was used in temples and means that people accepted that the newborn child was God; while myrrh was used to embalm the dead, so it represented that the child “was god and king, but he became a man to die for humanity”.
How do we know the name of the Three Wise Men?
Although the name of the Kings is not mentioned in the Bible, in a mural of the sixth century in Ravenna, Italy, the Wise Men’s names appear, Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltazar. From there, it is thought that their names spread, and with the expansion of Christianity, the arrival of the Wise Men became a tradition.
According to the Complutense University of Madrid, in the early years of Christianity, in the Catacombs of Rome, works began to appear in which the three Kings were represented.
Sixth century mural from Ravenna, Italy Photo: Shutterstock
The fourth Wise Man
A legend indicates that Artaban, a Persian king, would join Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltazar to meet Baby Jesus; however, on his way, he stopped to help a homeless man, and he was delayed.
Arriving at Borsippa, in Mesopotamia, where it is believed that he would meet his three traveling companions, he found that they had departed. He continued his trip, but when he arrived in Jerusalem, people informed him that Baby Jesus was no longer there, nor did he locate Melchor, Gaspar, or Baltazar.
He witnessed the execution that Herod ordered against children under two years of age; Artaban, to prevent a Roman soldier from murdering a little boy, offered the guard a diamond. This was the reason why he was imprisoned for 30 years. The legend of Artaban was spread by the theologian Henry van Dyke, in a story from the 19th century entitled “The Other Wise Man”.
Did you like the story of the Three Wise Men? Get together with your little one and tell it to him so that this tradition remains.