The Kaizen method is the Japanese philosophy that helps children to be orderly.

If Japanese culture has something, governments and families emphasize early childhood education. Children learn to develop their abilities and be disciplined from a very young age. They have efficient techniques, such as the Kaizen method, which helps the little ones learn to be organized and set goals.

What is the Kaizen philosophy?

The reality is that this technique was not explicitly intended for raising children, but it serves a lot of that purpose. Kaizen is a term made up of two Japanese kanji: Kai, which means change, and Zen, which means good or to improve, as indicated in the text How the Japanese Interpret Kaizen by Wayne Macpherson, a professor at Massey University in New Zealand.

It is a philosophy that drives creativity and better results through small, consistent actions that deliver long-term benefits. In many companies, this method has been adopted to eliminate procrastination.

The origin of this approach dates back to World War II. Japan was in serious economic problems, so a businessman named Taiichi Ohno created a methodology to improve production systems based on two values that govern his culture: commitment and discipline.

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Kaizen Method Steps

The method consists of the following steps:

  • Pick a task that takes no more than three minutes to complete. Some start with less, one minute even, which is called the “one minute rule.”
  • Establish an exact time to do that activity to return to your routine after carrying it out.
  • Make the activity you selected become a habit.

How to apply the Kaizen method to children

This technique is so effective that it is also applied in the upbringing of children with simple adaptations.

  1. Designate a task that the children can do every day simultaneously. Try to make them see it as a challenge or a game. “You have three minutes to do it!”
  2. The task should be the same every day, for example: pick up your shoes, wipe your desk, put away your toys, feed your pet, fold your clothes, set the table, sweep your bedroom…
  3. Respect the scheduled time. Set the alarm, and you immediately have to do the activity as soon as it goes off.
  4. You must be together with your little one during those minutes.
  5. Do not increase the time until you see results.

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Why does this technique work?

Being a method that promotes the creation of simple habits in a short time, it is not dull. Little by little, and without noticing it, the task becomes a good habit.

To give you an idea of ​​how they apply the Kaizen method in Japan, in schools, each child has a box with all his school supplies in it. When the day ends, they are given three minutes to collect their things and leave their spaces impeccable. The hustle and the fun attitude of the teachers make it an entertaining activity, far from something imposed.

Another example. In Japan, parents usually create, together with their children, a list of things that they must do every day: learn to add, wash their sneakers, or draw something. Daily goals are set, including spending quality time with family. The trick is that they are small steps that effortlessly make them go far.

Kids need routines

With perseverance, anything can be achieved, and children love routines because they make them feel safer. They are not thinking about what to do but are clear about what to do. Exercises help them organize and avoid chaos. Children feel better when routines are regular, predictable, and consistent.

A tip: Besides making those minutes fun, another way to create the habit is to motivate the children with a prize at the end of the week. In this way, they know that their effort is rewarded.

Start with three minutes, then five, then ten… When the habit is built, your little one will automatically fulfill that task. The time will come when you don’t even look at the clock, and you don’t realize how much time you have spent on the task.

We invite you to practice the Kaizen method with your children. Remember that a series of continuous improvements is more effective than one big change. Small daily goals are easier to achieve, they generate satisfaction because we feel that we are advancing, and the effort is dosed.

Try it and tell us how it went.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

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Maternity leave is not a vacation

Some people, bosses, and companies think maternity and paternity leave is a paid vacation. They falsely believe that during this period, their workers spend their time resting or that taking care of a baby is not a job but an activity that you can do “for a while,” as something that does not require much attention.

The reality is that as the journalist Anna Whitehouse, founder of Mother Pukka, explains in a public reflection on her LinkedIn account, during sick leave due to the birth of a baby is when mothers and fathers assume the work most difficult and important: to take care of a new life.

Maternity and paternity leave is a time to be with your baby

The leave granted by law to parents when they have a baby is known as maternity or paternity leave.

It is a period that, in the case of Mexican women, is 84 days, up to four weeks of the prenatal and postnatal period, and in the case of men, five days.

During this time, the mother or father may be absent from work with full pay. Unfortunately, many still believe that these days are days of rest, without considering how difficult it is to take care of a baby that depends on his parents.

It is not a vacation or a good break

Anna Whitehouse wrote, “A business reminder: maternity/paternity leave is not a holiday. It is not a good rest, and it is not free time. It is a heady cocktail of anticipation, expectation, arrival, and survival. It’s stripping yourself to an initial state and navigating naked through blocked milk ducts, red nipples, bloody sheets, broken minds, blackout blinds googling maniacally”. As a mom or dad, you are necessary.

Caring for a baby is much more than a full-time job; it is a job that requires all your senses to focus on adapting to the new and challenging routine; it is physical and emotional fatigue, it is joy, but also a flurry of doubts and emotions.

“Every second is needed (if not in person, in mind). It is a job. No sick days. Without fair compensation. It’s the most privileged position in the world, but it takes courage, guts (often inglorious), boobs, and any other limbs you can put to work. It is the purest happiness. It is the starkest of contrasts”.

For women, the mix of hormones and wear and tear on the body is immense. No one prepares you to take care of a baby through the pain of childbirth or major surgery like a C-section.

“It’s limping to the park after the birth, high on oxytocin; returning home, collapsing in the fetal position, succumbing to a postnatal slump. It is life in its purest, ugliest, and most stunningly beautiful form. It is rising higher, above your hunger, above your exhaustion, above your needs. It’s raising the next generation #flexappeal #maternitydiscrimination #challengethestatusquo”.

Dad also needs to spend the first few weeks with his baby. Photo: Shutterstock

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Let’s put an end to discriminatory comments

Whether out of ignorance or simply because they are discriminatory and ill-intentioned, the truth is that there is a significant lack of sensitivity to the vital task of bringing new life into the world.

Becoming a mother and father is a unique and wonderful experience, but it is full of new challenges that put us to the test every day. Don’t bosses and employers understand that parenting should be a priority? Isn’t it clear to them that the children we educate now will be the adults of tomorrow?

Hopefully, one day it will be apparent to all of us, not only to those who mistakenly believe that maternity and paternity leave is a vacation but also to the governments that bargain the days parents have for that task.

As data, in Sweden, maternity leave is 480 days and paternity leave is also 480 days. Not all European countries have such an advanced parenting culture, but we are far behind. In Latin America, Venezuela has the most extended licenses for mom (182 days) and dad (14); Chile follows (126 days for mom and five for dad).

In Mexico, initiatives have been presented to increase maternity leave from 84 to 98 and paternity leave from five to 15 days, but it is still insufficient. Remember that our country is within Convention 183 for the protection and recognition of maternity of the International Labor Organization (ILO). On several occasions, the United Nations Organization (UN) has issued recommendations to countries to increase maternity leaves and consider inclusive and friendly policies for childcare workers.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

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World Water Day: Consequences of its pollution

This March 22nd is World Water Day, a date established by the United Nations Organization (UN) that invites us to reflect on the consequences of the contamination of our vital liquid. We face a huge problem, so we need to explain to our children how we can take care of this essential resource.

The importance of water

Water is essential for the survival of the beings that inhabit the planet. There is no life, plain and straightforward, without water, but it is also crucial for socio-economic development, energy production, and adaptation to climate change.

Unfortunately, even though we know how important it is, many still do not understand that it is a non-renewable resource and that we, the people, are the main ones responsible for its pollution.

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Why is water polluted?

There are many reasons; these are the main ones.

  • Millions of tons of garbage and industrial waste are dumped into the seas.
  • The use of pesticides in agricultural fields; they seep into underground channels and reaches the consumer networks.
  • Accidental oil spills in the oceans. In addition to the small leaks that end up in the sea.
  • Maritime traffic. Waste from fishing boats and oil tankers.
  • Deforestation causes sediment and bacteria in the soil.
  • The increase in temperature on the planet decreases the oxygen in water composition.
  • Sewage. The United Nations Organization warned that more than 80% of wastewater reaches the oceans untreated.
  • We also contaminate water when it is not properly cleaned when we throw oil, medicine, or garbage down the drain after being used in homes.

What are the consequences of water pollution?

We can list the following:

  • The disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems. If we don’t change our habits and stop the emission of pollutants, life in the oceans will be impossible.
  • Alteration of the food chain. We will no longer have fish for our consumption.
  • Lack of water
  • Diseases
  • Without water, many social conflicts, even wars, can break out.

How we help solve water pollution

  • • Through reforestation. Plant trees, especially on the banks of rivers and lakes, to protect the ecosystem.
  • With stricter protection laws. Involve industries to reduce hazardous materials and waste.
  • Reduce your ecological footprint. Try to avoid burning hydrocarbons (gasoline). Use the bike to get around.
  • The reduction of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture.
  • Eliminate the use of single-use plastics • Get informed and try to make others aware too.

World Water Day is celebrated every March 22nd to remember the relevance of this essential liquid. It’s time to pay attention. While most pollution comes from large industries, you can do a lot. Don’t litter, save water, don’t waste it. Remember: without water, there is no life.

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10 Places in Mexico City to go for a walk with your children

With the arrival of spring came sunny afternoons and the magnificent colors offered by flowers, grass, and trees. You don’t need to leave Mexico City (CDMX) to find an outdoor space to spend a relaxed afternoon. We took on the task of looking for ten places to go for a walk with your children. They can run, enjoy the scenery or even have a picnic. I highly recommend them! 10 Places in Mexico City to go for a walk with your children.

Going for a walk with your children helps you build memories.

Although chaos and bustle reign in CDMX, it is possible to find outdoor areas perfect for children to build beautiful family memories. Parks, forests, mountains, archaeological sites, and plant nurseries stand out for merging with urban planning and modern architecture. Try to give yourself some time and visit some (or all) of these sites. You will not regret it.

1 Masayoshi Ohira Park (Pagoda Park)

Address: Corredores, Country Club Churubusco, Coyoacán.

This place is open 24 hours a day and stands out for its Japanese style. It has a red portico, toril in Japanese, which is typical of the land of the rising sun. You’ll feel like you’re in another country when you walk around the pond connected by a bridge and the beautiful cobbled paths.

Masayoshi Ohira Park Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Masayoshi Ohira Park Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Masayoshi Ohira Park Photo: Wikimedia Commons

2 La Mexicana Park

Address: Lomas de Santa Fe, Contadero, Álvaro Obregón.

Located in the vicinity of the Santa Fe Shopping Center, you can spend a whole day full of adventures in this park. From running, skating, and eating in one of its restaurants to admiring an artificial lake while the children play in the many green areas. It is open from five in the morning to 10 at night, so you have plenty of time to have fun.

La Mexicana Park Photo: Wikimedia Commons
La Mexicana Park Photo: Wikimedia Commons

3 Chapultepec

One of the oldest urban forests in Latin America, with more than 686 hectares. It is the lung of CDMX and has many attractions: you can stroll through the botanical garden, visit the zoo, visit The Castle, attend a cultural event at the Casa del Lago, visit the Museum of Modern Art, take a tour of the Museum National Anthropology… One day isn’t enough to see it all. You can come back a thousand times and discover new things every time.

The Castle in Chapultepec. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

4 Bicentennial Park

Address: Av. 5 de Mayo 290, San Lorenzo, Tlaltenango, Miguel Hidalgo.

It is located on the border between the Miguel Hidalgo Municipality and the Azcapotzalco Municipality, a few meters from the Refinería Station on subway line seven. Its opening and closing hours are from Monday to Sunday, from seven in the morning to eight at night. It has soccer fields, basketball and volleyball courts, an artificial lake, and green areas to enjoy the day.

Bicentennial Park Photo: Facebook @ParqueBicentenarioMX
Bicentennial Park Photo: Facebook @ParqueBicentenarioMX

5 Fuentes Brotantes National Park

Address: Av de Las Fuentes, Fuentes Brotantes, Tlalpan.

The Fuentes Brotantes Park is located in the town of Santa Úrsula Xitla in Tlalpan, south of Mexico City. In this beautiful place, some springs flow from the skirts of the Sierra del Ajusco. It is an oasis in the middle of the city, ideal for walking and enjoying nature. Schedule: Monday to Sunday from nine to six in the afternoon.

Sprouting Fountains Photo: Wikimedia Commons

6 Xochimilco: Trajinera Ride

Address: Cuemanco Pier: Periférico Sur Adolfo Ruíz Cortines, Xochimilco.

When was the last time you visited Xochimilco? We have an ancestral jewel inside the city, and we rarely visit it. The famous canals of Xochimilco are the last vestiges of the extensive transportation system that the Aztecs created. The colorful trajineras take visitors on tour to see the chinampas, a unique agricultural system. Also, you can listen to mariachis, visit the nurseries and even buy food. Trajinera tours are commonly carried out during the day, from eight in the morning to seven at night; however, you can also do night tours.

Xochimilco. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Xochimilco. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

7 Laberinto Ajusco

Address: Camino Viejo al Maninal No. 13, Carretera Picacho-Ajusco Km 15, Ampliación San Miguel Ajusco, Tlalpan.

The place looks as if it has come out of a fairy tale. It is a European-style house with a replica labyrinth of the one in Hever Castle, Great Britain. It was built in 1999 by art historian Ignacio Figueroa who turned his home into an outdoor recreation space. It is open from Monday to Sunday from eight in the morning to eight at night.

Laberinto Ajusco. Photo: Facebook @laberinto.ajusco.oficial
Laberinto Ajusco. Photo: Facebook @laberinto.ajusco.oficial

8 Los Dinamos National Park

Address: Camino a Los Dinamos, Los Dinamos Reserve, La Carbonera, La Magdalena Contreras.

This park has a protected natural area of 2,429 hectares of forest. There are many activities for your children to have fun with: biking, climbing, zip-lining, camping, trout fishing, horseback riding, or just running, running and letting your little ones enjoy themselves. It is open from six to half past six in the evening.

River of the Dinamos. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
River of the Dinamos. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

9 Los Coyotes Zoo

Address: Heroica Escuela Naval Militar and Calzada la Virgen s/n. Col. Ex Ejido San Pablo Tepetlapa. 04900.

It was inaugurated in 1999 and only exhibits native or endemic wildlife species from the Valley of Mexico, a region rich in biodiversity. You can see the mythical axolotl, the Mexican wolf, the coyote, the teporingo, and the white-tailed deer, among others. It also offers visitors sports, camping, scouting, family, and social activities. It has three children’s playgrounds scattered throughout the zoo so your little ones can admire the animals and play at the same time.

Los Coyotes Zoo. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Los Coyotes Zoo. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

10 Desierto de los Leones National Park

Address: Álvaro Obregón, 05800 CDMX. It is also known as the Desert of Our Lady of Carmen in the Montes de Santa Fe.

Although the name evokes a desert, it is a forest full of vegetation where you will also find a 17th-century convent that belonged to the order of the Discalced Carmelites. There is a small river; every weekend, multiple cultural and artistic events are held on more than 1,500 hectares. There are many recreational activities for children to have an unforgettable day. If you wonder why they call it a desert if it is a forest, the answer is more of a population issue; in the past, there were very few people in the area. Curious.

Cabin in the Desierto de Los Leones National Park. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Cabin in the Desierto de Los Leones National Park. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Translated by Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

How to draw flowers from numbers

One way your children can learn to draw easily is from numbers. You can make endless things, from animals to faces or even objects. It is so simple that you will be surprised how quickly everyone at home learns. On this occasion, we found some tutorials on YouTube that will help you draw flowers.

Tutorials to learn to draw flowers with numbers

A children’s song says, “With a 6 and a 4, I draw the face of your portrait”. Well, believe me, you can also draw beautiful roses! This is a fun way for your kids to build confidence when using a pencil. You will love them.

Draw a rose with the number 2

Trace the number two and form a spiral from the little head. Then you add the petals, the stem, and the leaves. It is very simple; you will have your drawing almost finished in less than five minutes. Click play.

Draw a flower bud with the number 3

This flower hasn’t opened yet, but it still looks lovely. Trace the number three, and, very similar to the previous example, you will add the rest of the petals. The interesting thing about this way of drawing flowers is that you will have a bud ready to color.

With the number 8, you can draw a wildflower

Number eight is your guide. Trace it, and from there, you form the rest of the flower. When you color it, you won’t even notice that there is a number, and the flower is beautiful.

With the number 6, you can make a beautiful open rose

On a piece of paper, trace the number six. On the belly, begin to draw the details of the center of the flower as if it were a spiral. Close the six and add the outer petals with curved strokes following the shape of the center. Add two leaves and color them.

Here is the video to guide you.

Learning to draw and have fun with your little ones is never too late.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

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Who is Benito Juárez? An explanation for children

On March 21st, we commemorate the birth of Benito Juárez, also called “Distinguished of America.” Regarding the date and the fact that it is an official holiday, we invite you to explain to your children what he did and why he is so important in the history of Mexico.

Who was Benito Juárez: summary for children

Benito Juárez is the first and only indigenous president that Mexico has had. He ruled the country from 1857 to 1872. He was known as Distinguished of America for his fight against the French invasion. He established the bases by which the secular state (separated from the church) and the Federal Republic were founded in our country.

A brief account of his biography

His full name is Benito Pablo Juárez García. He was born on March 21st, 1806, in the town of San Pablo Guelatao, in the state of Oaxaca. He was of Zapotec origin. His parents, Marcelino Juárez and Brígida García, were farmers and died when he was three years old. Benito worked as a field laborer and sheep herder since he was a child.

At the age of 12, he decided to leave his town because there were no schools, and he realized that those who learned to read and speak Spanish did so by traveling. He went to the city of Oaxaca, where he stayed with his sister Josefa who worked as a cook for a wealthy merchant named Antonio Maza. Many years later, Mr. Maza’s adoptive daughter, Margarita Maza, would become his wife.

In Oaxaca, Juárez began tending Mr. Maza’s farm, and later met the Franciscan priest Antonio Salanueva, who accepted him as an apprentice bookbinder and offered to send him to school.

He had difficulty going to school because the other children were more advanced. In addition, he suffered from bullying and discrimination due to his indigenous and poor condition. The teacher gave classes to “decent” children, and children who looked like him were instructed by the assistant. Angrily, he dropped out of school and decided to learn independently.

With the help of the clergyman Salanueva, he managed to master Spanish and continue with his studies. He took courses in Latin, philosophy, and theology at a seminary, but despite his excellent grades, it was not his calling, and he turned to law. In 1834, at the age of 20, he obtained a law degree from the Institute of Sciences and Arts of Oaxaca.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Important events in Benito Juárez’s life.

He began his political career on January 1, 1832, when he was elected alderman of Oaxaca.

During the United States invasion of Mexico, he was appointed interim governor of his state. During his administration, he carried out public works and doubled the number of schools in the state. He founded the town of Huatulco and built many roads.

He prevented Antonio López de Santa Anna from hiding in Oaxaca when he was a fugitive, so he was banished to Cuba when Santa Anna reached the presidential seat for the eleventh time. He traveled to New Orleans, where he received support from the Masonic lodges and met Melchor Ocampo, with whom he planned a coup against Santa Anna.

Back in Mexico, he collaborated with General Juan Álvarez, leader of the Ayutla Revolution, who appointed him Minister of Justice when he was elected President. During this period, he elaborated the first reformist law, known as Ley Juárez, which cut the rights of the military and ecclesiastics.

In 1858, after Ignacio Comonfort’s self-coup d’état in support of the Tacubaya Plan, Benito Juárez held the position of President of the Republic by law.

As president, he defended the Constitution of 1857 and proclaimed the Reform Laws, among which is the nationalization of ecclesiastical assets and freedom of worship. He also successfully faced the French Intervention and the Second Empire, preserving Mexico’s sovereignty and independence.

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What is Benito Juárez’s best-known quote?

“Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.”

The famous phrase was said when the Republic was restored in Mexico in 1867. Its meaning expresses the universal awareness that everyone, whether individuals or nations, is free and sovereign with the right to self-govern and self-determine. It points out that singular and collective respect is the basis of human dignity.

When did Benito Juarez die?

In 1871 his wife, Margarita Maza de Juárez, died, which lowered the spirit of the President, who did not recover from his loss. On July 18, 1872, when he was planning his re-election, he died of a heart attack in his apartment at the National Palace, where he resided. He was 66 years old.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

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11 tips from a new mom

“Sharing my experiences as a new mom, I am sure that more than one will feel identified.” Nancy Aguilar describes herself on Mama Primeriza, a Facebook fan page with almost 130 thousand followers where she shares parenting tips and anecdotes of the most beautiful adventure of life: motherhood.

“I opened the page in 2020 because I had my emotions running high when my daughter was born. I started writing about how I felt and noticed that many people responded. I didn’t think it would be so successful,” Nancy tells us.

Those experiences led her to connect with thousands of women who felt identified. “More moms were going through the same thing I was going through.”

Two years after publishing her first post, Nancy tells us the top tips she would give to other new moms, including herself, to understand what is going on when having her first baby. This is what she replied to us. They are all very useful; we are sure they will work for you.

1. Reality surpasses everything you imagined

It is good to be informed and prepared before your baby’s arrival, but nothing compares to having him already in your arms. You can read thousands of books or even have some experience with nephews and children of friends, but do not expect everything to be as you were told or as the book said.

“Honestly, I did not imagine that motherhood would be like this. I had already supported my sister with her two girls, and I thought I knew what it was like to have a baby because I helped her bathe them, change them, take them to school… I thought I was ready, but nothing prepares you to have a baby when your body is recovering. It is a very strong physical and emotional wear. If you add that my baby was born during a pandemic, I stopped working and dealt with postpartum depression, which I did not expect.

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2. Your child is your teacher

When you have a child, you face a new world, and you have to learn little by little about it. You evolve as a person and mother because your baby is your best teacher.

“Emma has taught me that you have to evolve and grow to face what comes at each stage of your baby. Two years ago, I learned the whole topic of breastfeeding, diapers, and bathing the baby; today, I face emotional intelligence. I have realized that there are many things that I have to regulate to pass on to my daughter. Motherhood is growth.

3. Accept your new role

Motherhood is a radical life change that confronts you:

“At first, it is a shock. Seeing that you are no longer the woman you were before getting pregnant but a new woman with other responsibilities is very hard. It was tough for me, but now that I understand my role as a mom, it’s a blessing. I know that I have to grow up together with my daughter.

4. One day at a time

A bad day doesn’t define you as a mom.

“Every day is different and full of learning, so I would tell you to think about one day at a time. Do not punish yourself or get overwhelmed because maybe today was not good; tomorrow will be a new day, and you will think about things better. Calm down; this is motherhood; some days are excellent, and others not so much. We should not label ourselves or punish ourselves by saying that we are the worst mothers just because we had a bad day.

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5. Be patient

Go at your own pace, be patient with yourself, your body, and your baby. Each thing requires its time and a period of learning.

“Breastfeeding, for example, is an art. You learn, your baby learns, and there is a very nice bond. But before that connection happens, it isn’t easy to get used to. Some are successful, and it doesn’t hurt, but I wasn’t one of them, the truth is I struggled a lot, but I loved it when I managed it well. Don’t despair, be patient with yourself and your baby.”

6. Do not compare yourself

“I would also tell you not to compare your motherhood to someone else’s because they are all different. There is no better or worse. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. As I almost always put in the texts I write, I would tell you: you are doing well”.

7. Sometimes, you feel overwhelmed

“For me, the first few weeks were very overwhelming; I felt lost. The page helped me get off my chest, and many moms told me they felt that way. That’s when I realized it wasn’t me; we ALL went through ups and downs. We have meltdowns. Motherhood is a flurry of emotions, but when you go down, there are two options: either you go further down, or is it a watershed for you to wake up and get ahead. There are days when I still feel overwhelmed, and that happens to all of us.”

8. You can’t control everything

“When activities and tasks come together when the day doesn’t give you up or don’t do what we had planned, you feel frustrated. Emma got to teach me that I can’t control everything. I used to have everything planned, and it turned out impossible. When you become a mother, you face the fact that there are things that get out of your hands, and you cannot control some situations, people, or emotions.

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9. If you need help, look for it

Another piece of advice I would give you is that if you need help, look for it and accept it because we tend to fall for the I can do everything. It happened to me, and it’s not true. Even if you say, “It’s just a baby, and I can do it,” it is not true. It’s ok to accept help”.

10. Trust your body

“Be confident in your body and your instincts. Even if you don’t know how to do it well, you can”.

11. Be selective with the information

“Social networks have good and bad things, but it depends on what you decide to pay attention to. We have to be selective; we have the power to choose what to follow. Take what works for you and your family, and throw the rest away.”

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Letter to my daughter on International Women’s Day

My dear daughter, today is International Women’s Day, and I would like to explain what the date entails. When I found out that you would be a girl, I was filled with joy. Your dad and I imagined what you would be like since you were in my womb. Will you like dancing as much as I do? Will you love the arts like your dad? We searched for a powerful name that would reflect strength and kindness. We prepared every detail to welcome you with love and thoroughness and dreamed of you. We visualized you big, happy, radiant, full of life and joy. But there is something inside me that worries me, and that is why I go out every March 8 to demand fairness. I must confess that the world you arrived in scares me a little because it is true: things are not easy for women, there are many dangers, and there is machismo.


I want to tell you that International Women’s Day is not a date to congratulate ourselves for our beauty or for being a “wonder that God created.” Today is a day of struggle; the goal is to make ourselves visible and stop all kinds of abuse. I hope that when you grow up, this day becomes obsolete, and its existence will not be necessary. Hopefully, women and men are recognized equally, and gender equality is a daily practice, so common that we do not have to emphasize it. One day they called us the weak sex, and we repeat that story so many times that we end up accepting it as reality without realizing its consequences. For a long time, we women taught our children that this was the truth; that is why we want to change the paradigm.

Let’s rewrite history: Once upon a time, there was a world where all people lived together, collaborated, and learned from each other. A society in which we respect each other not for being of one sex or the other but simply for being part of humanity.

That is the meaning of Women’s Day. It is not a day against men; on the contrary, today many families march on the streets to demand equity: women and men have the same rights and opportunities but respect our differences.

The fight is not one day, nor was it born from a specific event. It is the fruit of more than a hundred years of feminist movements to demand freedom of thought and action, fair wages, and, above all, an end to all kinds of violence.

For my part, I will do my best to make you a full, confident woman but also kind, empathetic, and fair. Your mission is to be happy, find a dream, and fight for it.

You can read: What do we celebrate on March 8?

Your dad and I will be your guides, but the time will come when you must fight alone, spread your wings, and shine with all your brilliance. I only ask that when you have your daughters or sons, if you want to have them, you teach them that we are all valuable and that there is no such thing as the weaker sex.

Never let them put you down for being a woman. If someone tells you that you can’t, draw courage within yourself to prove otherwise. If they try to mistreat you or make fun of you because of your gender, raise your voice, defend yourself, and don’t be afraid to set limits. We will teach you how to do it because you are not alone.

I want you to know that you are unbelievably valuable and that only you have control over your body and your decisions. Remember that everything has positive and negative consequences, so you must consider them before making any choice.

That’s right, dear daughter. You came into the world at a time when things are changing, but it requires us to keep fighting. I hope that we no longer have to go out into the streets to shout for respect, peace, and freedom one day. Meanwhile, we don’t give up, and I ask you never do.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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How to choose the best pet for your family

Baby pets are lovely, but before you decide to bring a pet into your home, keep in mind that it will be another family member. You must be very aware of your circumstances and analyze which is the most suitable animal depending on its needs and what you want and can give it. It does not necessarily have to be a dog; other species can get along with children and adapt to your space.

Basic questions before having a pet

According to Dr. Fausto Reyes Delgado, director of the UNAM-Banfield Veterinary Hospital, before acquiring a pet, it is essential to answer the following questions, preferably with the help of a veterinarian.

  • Do you all agree?
  • What do I want a pet for?
  • How much time am I going to spend on it?
  • Is there space in my house?
  • Do I have money to cover its needs?

Reaching consensus: Do you all agree?

Although children are always the ones who insist on having a pet, we must remember that the responsibility for the pet rests with the adult.

“Those who have to be responsible are the adults, not the child. The child has to play; he has to learn. The adult has to educate the child on the care of his pet and mark how far he can and how far he cannot interact with it,” says Dr. Reyes.

If any family member does not agree with having a pet, it is best to think twice as it could be a source of conflict.

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Why do you want a pet?

According to the specialist, 50% of the dogs and cats kept at home are out of habit, not because they are wanted. A pet is a permanent commitment, so before assuming that responsibility, ask yourself why you want it,

“Almost always, the first options are dogs or cats, but if you analyze the questions well, you may realize that a fish or a cat is better for you. If you want to have a dog, go ahead, but why do you want it?” points out the expert.

Do you want a dog that gets along well with children? There are breeds that do not do. Do you need a vigorous animal with which you can go running? You should also see which one is right and its size or temper.

Your pet must be adaptable to your way of being. If you are an active family that goes out to the countryside, a dog is ideal. If you like to watch movies at home, a cat will be delighted to be with you.

Taking into account the expectations you have as a family is also essential. A dog gives you security; fish tanks can be very relaxing. You can determine all this by answering the simple question: Why do you want a pet?

How much time are you going to dedicate to the pet?

Pets need your care, so choosing according to the time you can dedicate to them is highly recommended. Primarily, dogs require a lot of attention. Consider walks, play, affection, physical activity, and education. Many fall into a deep depression from being home alone all day. Cats require less care. If you don’t spend much time at home, turtles or fish may be better.

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Is there room at home?

Each animal has specific needs and its own living space. If you want to adopt a dog, you need an appropriate place, even for the smallest breeds. If you live in a very small apartment, it may be better for you to choose a fish. Cats adapt better, but they need enough toys not to get bored; besides, they may scratch furniture and doors if they don’t have a scratching post.

How much can I invest in my pet?

In Mexico, pet owners invest an average of 1,407 pesos per month, with the most significant expense being food with 505 pesos and the veterinarian with 332 pesos. You have to consider that at the beginning, the cost can be higher, around 4 thousand pesos, because you must apply vaccines, dewormers, general check-ups, medicine in case of illness, and sterilization surgery if you wish.

Choose the ideal pet


It is usually the first choice as a pet. They are loyal, affectionate, tender, and one of the greatest sources of happiness for many people. They are social animals; they seek human company. They need attention and care.

  • You must take them out for a walk.
  • They require space.
  • Diet suitable for its size.
  • Vet visits.
  • They can’t spend much time alone because they get very sad.
  • You have to educate, brush and bathe them regularly.
Dogs are lovely. Photo: Pixabay
Dogs are lovely. Photo: Pixabay


They require less care than dogs; that is why many families opt for one, although they are not the most recommended for children because they are very independent animals that must be treated gently. When they don’t want to play, you don’t have to insist because they don’t tolerate rough treatment.

Most cats like being able to go outside, but this doesn’t mean they enjoy going for walks as dogs do. Instead, they love to go out and explore gardens, terraces, or patios. They move in three-dimensional spaces; they like to climb high places and have places to hide.
They need space. Cats make a clear differentiation among places of rest, feeding, elimination, and play. They should not be mixed.

They require special food, water, a litter box, a scratching post, and toys.

Cats are independent and territorial. Photo: Pixabay
Cats are independent and territorial. Photo: Pixabay


They are furry, funny, and cute and have floppy ears, but they also need care.

They need a complete and varied diet. Fresh vegetables, leaves, and herbs, zero candy. Their cage should be large; they need space to move and go out at least two hours a day to exercise.

You can put some hay or straw as a cage but be careful with wood chips because some types can irritate. They are sensitive to heat waves, so you should not leave them exposed to the sun for a long time. You have to cut their claws regularly because they can hurt themselves or their owners.

Funny and tender, this is how bunnies are as pets. Photo: Pixabay
Funny and tender, this is how bunnies are as pets. Photo: Pixabay

Aquatic pets

Turtles and fish. Aquatic pets love quiet and don’t like to be touched, but you can admire their beauty. Observing their swim provides peace of mind and is an excellent therapy to calm cravings.

The most common aquatic pets are goldfish, Chinese neon, red-eared sliders, guppy fish, and aquatic frogs.

Among their needs is a fish tank with a filter, a water pump, a heater with a thermostat, and decorative elements for them to hide. They also require special food, soothing drops, and regular cleaning.

Fish provide tranquility and beauty. Photo: Pixabay
Fish provide tranquility and beauty. Photo: Pixabay


Examples of rodents such as hamsters, mice, gerbils, and guinea pigs are “pocket pets.” They are so-called because they are tiny and require less care than other pets.

They require a cage with a feeder, waterer, and adequate space to move and exercise. Exercise wheels and gyms are great sources of activity. Rodents love to nibble, so you should have gnawing toys and accessories.

They are relatively inexpensive but consider additional feed, accessory, and vet costs.

Rodents like hamsters need a lot of exercise. Get them a wheel or gym. Photo: Pixabay
Rodents like hamsters need a lot of exercise. Get them a wheel or gym. Photo: Pixabay

How to integrate healthy routines into the family

All children, and adults, need routines. Routines help organize our days, constantly integrate healthy habits, and define our tasks and responsibilities.

The importance of healthy routines

When a child knows what he has to do, he begins to feel much more secure in his environment. And just as healthy habits are created through routine, it is also possible to have unhealthy routines,

“Some moms come to the office and tell me that they find it hard to have specific routines in the week. I have the case of a mother who told me that she is nocturnal. She is more active at night and, therefore, she has a hard time putting her daughter to sleep. The four-year-old girl could be playing until 12 or one in the morning depending on what time her parents fall asleep. The next day, this girl’s mood is irritable, she has a hard time waking up, she doesn’t pay attention”, explains Paloms, psychologist and mother, author of the blog Hola Mi Tribu.

Especially in the early years of children’s development, the kind of routine they have is very important. Think about it, they are beginning to create the habits that they will carry for a lifetime. Good and bad habits, so it’s critical that as a family you establish routines that are positive. And not only that, remember that children learn by imitation: you must also lead by example.

What healthy routines can we apply as a family?

1. Mealtime

Establishing a meal schedule is useful for your children to learn to eat well. The food routine helps them to know when their stomach is full, they are not snacking and snacking, not knowing the quality and quantity of what they are eating. In addition, if they all eat together as a family, ties are strengthened, and the moment becomes more enjoyable.

Integrate the most suitable foods for each meal, make sure they are varied, and that they belong to different groups. Do not forget to include fruits, vegetables, and freshwater every day. Hydration is also very important. At least two liters throughout the day, prefer plain water, without sugar.

2. Personal hygiene

How difficult bath time is for some children! You should not be flexible on this subject. Personal hygiene habits are essential because they are related to our health. Brushing their teeth after every meal, bathe daily (or at least every other day), make sure their clothes are clean, and tidy up their room. Set specific days and times when you must do each thing.

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3. Homework time

Just as you have your job, your child must understand that he also has responsibilities, and that homework is one of them. You decide the time he does his homework, but a great tip is that when he gets home, before anything else, he does his homework. Problems will be avoided.

4. Exercise, at least 30 minutes daily

Many parents make the mistake of believing that because children are playing and running, that counts as exercise. No, children need vigorous physical activity or the specific practice of a sport. Find your time to move and exercise as a family. Drink water to stay hydrated!

5. Time to watch TV or have fun

If you think that leisure time should not be in the routine, you are wrong. Children also need to play, have fun, and get away from stress. Obviously, you also have to set schedules. They can’t spend all evening watching TV, but they can set aside one hour a day to enjoy their favorite show or go out to play.

6. Family moments

Set aside some time each day to spend time with your children. They can do some puzzles, play a board game or read a little, but these moments are the ones that will stay etched in their memory. Take advantage of the weekend to break the routine and make plans together. Go for a bike ride, a swim, to the park, or skating. Not only is it worth it, but they are also very important.

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7. Time to go to bed

Sleeping hours should be a priority in the family. Children between the ages of five and 12 should get about 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Adults and adolescents need about 7 to 8 hours. The whole family should have their bedtime, not necessarily the same, especially if you have small children and adolescents, but sleep is essential to get through the day. Set schedules and establish a suitable environment: no screens and no toys on the bed.

As parents, it is a great challenge to establish comfortable, effective, and healthy routines that maintain balance. But beware, our children are not robots, we must also be flexible and be aware that, if from time to time the family gets out of the routine, nothing happens.

“Remember the 80 20 rule. If 80% of the time your kids have a routine to follow, that’s fine. It is also very nice to be able to get out of the routine, go on vacation, have a party, and eat outside the house. Routines help us have a clear idea of what our days are like and what we have to do in the week or month, but it’s not like something will happen if we sometimes break that routine”, concludes Paloms.

No matter what routine you are talking about, the important thing is that at least from Monday to Friday you try to follow schedules. This is going to make it a lot easier for our kids and you will also know what’s next so you can guide them.

We all need routines; they help us organize ourselves. Photo: Shutterstock
We all need routines; they help us organize ourselves. Photo: Shutterstock

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

The anger box, an effective tool to control tantrums

The anger box is a child relaxation technique that helps children control their emotions. It is based on the story So angry! by Mireille d’Allancé, a light text in which the author tells us how a boy named Roberto, very, very angry, lets The Monster that destroys everything come out of his inside.

It surely reminds you of someone, doesn’t it? Every child has thrown a tantrum in their life. It is normal. In the story, when Roberto realizes that his favorite toys and books are thrown away by the Monster, he realizes his mistake, so he traps it in a box so that he doesn’t come out again.

Based on this story, the Spanish psychologist Marina Martí created the box of anger. The idea is that children learn to control their emotions and realize that when anger is intense and reaches a tantrum, it can be very destructive. It turns into a giant monster that we must catch to stop breaking everything.

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How to apply the anger box technique

  • Read with your child the story So angry! Talk to him and make sure he understands.
  • If he throws a tantrum, give him paper and colors. Ask him to draw his anger like the monster that came out of Roberto’s belly.
  • It doesn’t matter if he just doodles; you need the child to let his emotions come out through the drawing. Tell him to put eyes, arms, and legs on the monster so that it has an identity.
  • Once the drawing is finished, have him crumple it up and put it in a box that you must close very well with adhesive tape or with a key if you have one. This way, that annoying monster won’t come out again.
  • Ready, with this simple action, the monster is defeated. Your child will learn that he can control his anger, and it will be a triumph for him to turn something negative into positive.
  • Be careful; the anger box is helpful in specific anger situations. It is not helpful to correct continuous lousy behavior, and it is better if applied to children between two and five years of age.

All the kids throw tantrums

Anger is a primary human emotion. We all get angry. Adults learn over time not to explode into tantrums, but children lose control quickly, especially between two and three.

Try to be patient; little by little, your child will learn to control himself, but in the meantime, you can help him with simple tools such as the anger box to transform the negative into positive.

After the tantrum, talk to your little one when he is calm. Ask how he feels and discuss with him what made him angry. In this way, he will learn to know himself and others better. The important thing with emotions is that they learn to understand them, not avoid them because they are normal.

Here we leave you the story so you can talk about it with your child.

The anger box

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Tree-drawing test to know the personality of children

Through drawings, children consciously and unconsciously communicate emotions, feelings, and their perception of themselves. Personality, character, desires, concerns, and even fears are reflected in the strokes; therefore, a tool such as the tree-drawing test is handy in pedagogy and child psychology. It is interesting!

A bit of its origin

The first to use the tree-drawing test was Emil Jucker, a Swiss counselor dedicated to counseling children and adolescents. It was later adopted by various psychologists and graphologists such as Karl Koch, who in 1957 proposed it as a clinical method for dealing with personality and expressing conflicts. Other doctors like R. Stora and M. Passi also implemented it with excellent results.

What is the tree-drawing test?

It can be applied to both children and adults from five. Age is important because the child must have basic drawing skills for a test to be reliable. A three or four-year-old child does not usually capture details. The strokes are expected to be disproportionate, which has more to do with immaturity in the perception of reality than with personality.

The tree-drawing test is a projective test of deep personality; through its different contents, we will explore areas of personality. It is a widely used technique in clinical and work practice; we develop some concepts. The contents analyzed in the test are the following: the trunk, the crown, the branches, the ground, and other accessory elements that sometimes appear.

How is it carried out?

Give the child a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. Ask him to draw three trees as he wants, but they have to be real. Make sure that he is comfortable and that there are no trees in sight that influence his drawing.

Hand out the sheet in a horizontal position. Pay attention if he changes the position because that speaks of his little adaptability and independent judgment.

Do not forget to mention that the drawing must be spontaneous; it does not need to be something very elaborate. After making the first tree, ask him to draw two others to his liking but also real.

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The first tree represents the inner life of the person who drew it: traumas, memories, and ways of relating. The second is the family, and the third is the outside world.

Analysis elements


It is the element that is most identified with the perception that the child has about himself. It is the “I”, his security, and the confidence with which he assumes the challenges of the outside world. Narrow or irregular weak trunks show a character that is influenced by others.

The width of the trunk allows us to know aspects of his personality.

Thin trunk: They are sensitive or vulnerable to external stresses. They tend to reason their feelings.

Wide trunk: They are impulsive and guided more by instinct than reason.

“Normal” trunk, neither broad nor thin: They are people who have emotional balance.

Branches and canopy

The upper part of the tree forms the branches and the crown. It must be seen as a whole that symbolizes the quality and intensity of the child’s relationship with the world.

The trace of the branches tells us about the child’s interpersonal relationships. If there are no branches, but there is foliage, it is usually interpreted that he does not like to be spontaneous in his relationship with others; instead, he likes to think and plan.

Upward branches are associated with optimism. When they are projected towards the sky, they show a desire to grow and interact with the world. If they end in a point or teeth, they can indicate impulsiveness or aggressiveness.

The downward branches show a depressed, pessimistic, and helpless emotional state. When they have detail (for example, like a weeping willow), they are associated with very sensitive people with a tendency to sadness.

Ascending and descending branches simultaneously: They are unstable and submissive people. If they intersect with a predominance of angular shapes, they are impulsive, tend to criticize others, and have a low tolerance for frustration.

If the crown is small in relation to the tree, it is often related to shyness and introversion.

If the canopy is large, it symbolizes extroversion, imagination, and interest in relating to the world. It speaks of difficult control of fantasy, narcissism, exhibitionism, and vanity if it is too big. A proportionate cup indicates balance, realism, and reflexivity. Smooth, wavy strokes on the canopy speak of adaptability, patience, understanding, and a taste for quiet activities. If the top seems crushed, it tells us of a feeling of stress towards the pressure of the outside world.

Root and soil

It is the unconscious, and its meaning is usually about stability. If it is present, it speaks of realistic criteria, and if it is absent, it indicates rootlessness, insecurity, and lack of support. If, in addition to the ground, it includes grass or a garden, it can refer to an internal conflict that causes discomfort.

Many roots speak of a positive attachment to the mother or family. Misshapen or disproportionate roots indicate a search for stability and curiosity about the occult. The lack of roots can be a symptom of a lack of security.

Other elements of interpretation

The distance between the trees speaks of the attachment or closeness among them.

The position and size of the drawings must also be considered. In the center, it shows a child with a strong personality; in the corners or small size, it shows us shyness.

Although the tree-drawing test is very interesting, pedagogues and psychologists always accompany it with other tools. This exercise cannot be interpreted as something absolute; it must be assessed with other tests.

Let´s keep in mind that all human beings, especially children, change. The same exercise can vary completely a few months apart. It depends a lot on the emotional moment that the child is going through.

This and other tests are just a guide. If you notice something striking, go to a pedagogue or psychologist to evaluate your child. Always remember that the one who has the last word is the expert.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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