Names for your baby inspired by Christmas

The Christmas season has started with the beginning of December; it is the favorite time of the year for many people and a source of inspiration to name your little one since there are many names for your baby inspired by Christmas.

If your little one is about to be born, we leave you this list of names for your baby inspired by Christmas that will give you some ideas.

Girl names inspired by Christmas

Belén: It means house of bread, and its origin is Hebrew.

Noelia: Of French origin, it means Christmas.

Gloria: It comes from Latin; in the Christian tradition, it means complete and true happiness.

Paz: It comes from the Latin “pax” or “the one who takes care of life”.

Ángela: It means “the one who carries a message”.

Mary: It is of Hebrew origin; it means “the chosen one, the one loved by God” she is also the mother of Jesus.

Anunciación: It refers to the annunciation of Archangel Gabriel to Virgin Mary.

Estrella: It alludes to the star that followed the wise men to the birthplace of Jesus.

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Boy names inspired by Christmas

Jesus: Of Hebrew origin, it means “The Savior”.

Gaspar: Its origin is Persian, it means “he who manages the treasure”, it is also the name of one of the Three Wise Men.

Nicholas: It means “the people’s victory”. It is of Greek origin.

Noel: It is of French origin; it does mean Christmas.

Joseph: He is the father of Jesus, which means “whom God magnifies”.

Gabriel: It is the archangel’s name who sends the message to the Virgin Mary of the birth of the son of God; It means “strength of God”.

Esteban: Derived from the Greek stéfanos, which means “victorious”.

Baltazar: It means “the one who God protects”.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

It may be interesting: Baby names that mean Moon

Baby names and their meanings inspired by the Sun

The Sun is essential for life. Feeling its warmth is one of the most pleasant sensations. Its powerful force influences our personality and even the perception of beauty. The Sun has been worshiped by all cultures, it is a source of art, magic and mysticism. How about being inspired by our Sun to choose the name of your baby?

This list contains baby names inspired by the Sun, we have options for both girls and boys. They are all beautiful!

Dont miss: Baby names that mean Moon

Girl names inspired by the Sun

Aurora: Of Latin origin. It means, “The luminosity of the aurora” or “Dawn”. In Roman mythology, Aurora is the deity who personifies the dawn. She was the sister of the Sun and the Moon.

Elena: Name of Greek origin derived from Helene. It means “Bright torch”. It can also be translated as “Shining like the Sun”.

Eleanor: Its origin is uncertain, although the most widespread theory indicates that it is of Greek origin, a variant of the name Elena. Another theory says that it comes from the Breton Eliennen which means “Spark”.

Elia: Girl name of Greek origin that means “The one who shines like the Sun”.

Kira: Of Persian origin that means “Sun”. It could also mean “Clairvoyant” or “Foresighted”.

Kin: This beautiful name comes from the Mayan. Its meaning is “Sun”.

Marisol: It is the contraction of two names. Mary, which means “The one chosen by God” and, Sun, which refers to the “King Star” or “The one that shines”.

Sol: It comes from Latin and means “The one who has a luminous faith” or “The one who shines like our Sun”.

Solana: It is of Latin origin. Some theories indicate that it means “The light of the Sun”, while others assure that its meaning is “Wind from the East”.

Soleil: Name of French origin. It means “Charming and pleasant as the Sun”.

Suniva: Variant of the English name Sunngifu, meaning “Gift of the Sun”.

Youta: Japanese name. It means “Sun” or “Sunlight”.

Yanara: Name of Mapuche origin that means “Daughter of the Sun”.

Youko: It is of Japanese origin and means “The girl of the Sun”.

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Boy names inspired by the Sun

Addae: Name of African origin. It means “Morning Sun”.

Antilef: It comes from the Mapuche, indigenous people of Argentina and Chile. It means “River of the Sun”.

Dagobert: Of Germanic origin. This name means “Shining like the Sun” or “Clear and bright day”.

Eleodoro: Of Greek origin and it means “Gift of the Sun”.

Elian: Of Greek origin. It refers to Helios, God of the Sun. Helio: Boy name of Greek origin that means “Sun”.

Inti: Inca name that also means Sun. It can be a male or female name.

Rajib: Comes from Sanskrit and means “God of the Sun” or “Almighty Ruler”.

Samson: It comes from the Hebrew word shemesh, which means “Sun”.

Shaiming: It is of Chinese origin and means “Sun Ray”.

Suvan: From Hindu root, it means “The Sun”.

Tonatiuh: Of Aztec origin, it means “Sun”, “The luminous one”, “The one that warms up”. Other meanings indicate that he is the “Lord of Turquoise”. Tonatiuh was the fifth and current Sun in the Aztec view of the cosmos and the fierce sun god of several other Mesoamerican cultures, including the Toltecs.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

We recommend: Neutral names for your baby

Names for girls that are not common, yet very beautiful

Falling down during pregnancy

When we are expecting a baby, we avoid sudden movements and high-impact exercises to reduce the risk of bumps and falls during pregnancy. However, even if we take care of ourselves, accidents happen, so we must be attentive to the symptoms that could indicate that the fall, no matter how insignificant, can be risky for our little one.

Should I worry if I fall down during pregnancy?

Yvonne Butler Tobah, a Mayo Clinic physician, explains in her article, Fall during pregnancy, that falls are a common cause of minor injuries and, in some cases, can be harmful to the mother-to-be and her baby.

You have to take things calmly, be attentive to warning symptoms and call your gynecologist if you have any questions. Maybe it is nothing but the shock, as the human body is designed to protect the baby during pregnancy.

“The walls of the uterus are thick, strong muscles that help protect your baby. The amniotic fluid also works as a protection. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is located behind the pelvic bone. Minor falls during early pregnancy are not usually a cause for concern”.

“However, falls in the late second and early third trimesters could be harmful for both you and your baby, especially if there is direct trauma to the abdomen”, Butler explains in her text.

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Signs of danger after a fall during pregnancy

Dr. Mercedes Álvarez Goris (Gynecologist Lucina), a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, explains the symptoms to which we must pay attention after a fall, as they are indicative that something is not right.

  1. Contractions
  2. Your tummy gets hard
  3. Pain in the belly
  4. If you suddenly don’t notice the baby’s movements. Especially in the second half of pregnancy if you don’t feel your baby for more than an hour.
  5. Liquid discharge. Your water could have broken if you notice that abundant liquid comes out.
  6. Vaginal bleeding

If you have any of these symptoms, seek urgent aid. If you do not perceive any change, but you have doubts, make an appointment with your doctor for a complete check-up and calm down.

Main reasons for falls during pregnancy

Throughout the pregnancy we must be cautious, but at the end we must be especially careful. For example:

  • When going up and down stairs, hold on to railings or ask someone for support
  • Put a non-slip mat in the shower
  • Avoid wearing heels
  • Stand up slowly to avoid dizziness
  • Try to walk safely, avoiding dangerous, uneven, inclined or slippery surfaces

You can read: Baby names that mean Moon

Do not forget that your body axis of balance changes during this period.

“You increase your size, your spine curves, the belly grows and starts to pull you forward. In this period you are more prone to sudden falls and bumps. That is why, especially in the third trimester, it is recommended not to make movements that require a lot of balance or a lot of motor agility”, indicates the gynecologist Mercedes Álvarez.

Take it easy, you do not need to add extra stress. A visit to your doctor to rule out any danger will help you to be calmer.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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6 Parenting Challenges You Face when You Have a Child

Being a mom or dad is a big challenge. Your life is transformed and a series of concerns come to your mind about how to raise that little being who totally depends on you. We are almost always improvising on unknown scenarios, but how about taking a few minutes to analyze some parenting challenges that will come to you with the arrival of your baby?

6 Modern Parenting Challenges

According to the 2021 Modern Parenting Index prepared by Nestlé and the consulting firm Kantar, based on the opinion of more than 8,000 mothers and fathers of babies from 0 to 12 months in 16 countries, including Mexico, these are the main challenges that parents face.

1. A hyper connected world

32% of new parents said that despite living in a world where friends and family are just a WhatsApp message away, it is very common to feel that they are alone with the baby. This is because parenting has continual doubts.

2. Peer pressure

51% of those surveyed said they felt observed and under a lot of pressure about how to raise children.

3. Guilt: the biggest parenting challenge

45% agreed that new parents take on a lot of blame which has a long-term impact.

The main factors that lead to guilt are going back to work, leaving the children in someone else’s care and not knowing if they are being a good parent.

4. Unexpected realities

31% said they were not prepared for the reality of being a mom or dad, they were shocked. 53% recognized that it is more work than they expected.

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5. Unrequested advice

60% of respondents felt that everyone had an opinion on how to raise children.

6. Shared parenting

Of the fathers and mothers surveyed, 62% believe that men are more involved in the care of their children than previous generations.

There is still room for improvement in this area, with only 49% stating that childcare responsibilities are shared equally between the mother and her partner.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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10 tips for your baby to sleep peacefully

It seems that sleepless nights are a “rite of passage” when we are new parents, especially the first months of our babies’ lives. It does not have to be this way. Here are 10 tips for your child to sleep peacefully… and you too!

Before starting with the tips, it is important that you are patient. Think that your baby was in a place where he felt calm, safe and could rest when he wanted.

Now he must get used to the fact that nights are for sleeping, that there are times to eat, and that he is no longer inside his mother’s belly. Everything is a process, but little by little, with the help of these tips, you will achieve your goal.

10 tips for your baby to sleep peacefully

Liliana Amaro, infant sleep coach at Zzleep my baby, explained some tips for our babies to rest. “Remember that in the first few months babies sleep at least 16 to 18 hours. It is a lot, but it is recommended”, says the expert.

1. Create a routine

According to Amaro, it is very important to have a sleep routine since our children are very young. This way you can organize your day, but it also allows you to understand their sleeping patterns. “Having a routine is essential, since your children are kids up to when they are teenagers. It is essential that you understand that your newborn should sleep more, respect his naps”.

2. Understand your baby, talk to him!

    Babies are people just like us, but they can’t talk yet. Observe your child and identify what he wants to communicate to you through his eyes, the reactions he has to your words and with crying. Talk to your baby.

    “Talk to him and explain what is going on around him. If you change his diaper, tell him what you’re doing. If you feed him, tell him what you offer him. Regarding sleep, explain to him that if he is cranky it is because he feels tired and has to sleep. Tell him that it is already night, point to the sky and explain that there is no sunlight, that it is time to sleep”, indicates the sleep coach.

    3. Know the type of crying

    Try to identify why your baby cries and the hues that he has in his cry. The cry of hunger, pain or sleep is not the same.

    “Many dads can identify that babies cry in different ways. Sometimes moms don’t know it because they are very tired, but be observant and you’ll notice it. When you recognize the sleep cry, you have the signal that he is tired and it’s time to take him to his crib”.

    Do not miss: How a baby should sleep, position and recommendations to keep it safe

    4. Offer a relaxing bath

    The bath helps the baby settle down and enter a state of relaxation that leads to sleep.

    There are moms who prefer to bathe their child in the morning because they have help and, it’s fine, as you like it, just try to integrate it before the nap so you can create a routine.

    It is not recommended to add anything in the bath water, only if the pediatrician has prescribed a dermatological oil, warm water is sufficient. At night, the bath can help you to make him sleep.

    5. Dress your baby properly

    As it happens to adults, excessive cold or heat interrupts the sleep, so do not cover your baby too much. Try that both blankets and your baby’s clothes are made of natural fibers such as cotton.

    By the way, we invite you to take a look at the Baby Creysi clothes because they are comfortable, soft and made with hypoallergenic cotton. Ideal for your baby to sleep peacefully.

    Do not miss: Tips to avoid crib death

    6. A few minutes with mom and dad before going to sleep

    Before the baby falls asleep, it is highly recommended that you spend a few minutes with your baby to make eye contact, coo and caress him. You can also read a story aloud.

    It is highly recommended that the baby and also children spend time with their parents before going to sleep. For me the calmest activity is reading because it increases attachment, it is a soft activity, of low intensity, that can be carried out in bed.

    7. Have an adequate diet

    Both the baby’s and mother’s diet are important. If the baby is breastfed, a balanced diet by the mother will help him rest. If he already eats solids, you have to watch that he does not have very caloric foods or that his meals are very heavy.

    You have to check that the child does not eat foods with a lot of sugar or calories that he needs to burn before going to sleep. It is recommended to feed him at least half an hour before going to bed, but ideally the last meal must be two hours before going to sleep. Do not let him fall asleep with the bottle in his mouth because it causes cavities in his first teeth and there is a risk of choking.

    You can read: How should a baby sleep? Positions and recommendations to keep him safe

    8. Observe your little one’s sleep signs

    If your baby yawns, nods or starts to put his head on your shoulder, these are signs that he is sleepy.

    Heading is a drastic signal, also when he lies down. When you detect the signs, immediately put him in his bed to sleep. Sometimes we take long and that’s when they start waking up again. The ideal is to attend to the signals instantly.

    9. Find a comfortable place for your baby to sleep

    There is a myth that says that you should get your baby used to sleeping anywhere: with the lights on, with noise, even in chairs, armchairs, etc. In addition to being dangerous, these myths do not take into account the child’s need to rest.

    “I ask you, how do you like to sleep? Can you sleep with noise or light? If so, you are a strange case because most of us sleep in comfortable, cozy, dark and quiet places. That is also what is recommended for babies”.


    10. Promote habits from birth

    Liliana Amaro’s last point is that you begin to encourage sleep habits in your children from the time they are newborns.

    “Habits that are introduced from an early age are those that will last a lifetime. They are good practices that are passed on and will help them throughout their lives. A child who sleeps well will be an adult who will adapt to society more easily and will be happy”, concludes the specialist.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

    Spanish version

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    Names for girls that are not common, yet very beautiful

    The name for the baby is one of the most important and difficult decisions for mom and dad because it is a choice for life. Some parents go for classic names, others for unusual names that may feel unique, such as their little ones. This time we bring you a selection for girls; we are sure you will be inspired.

    Uncommon names for girls

    Do you want a name that stands out from the rest? We have uncommon options with beautiful meanings that we think you will like.

    Letter A

    • Allora: Its origin is Australian and means “Swamp” or “Marsh”. It is also often related to an Italian word Allora which means “in this case” or “therefore”.
    • Ailén or Aylen: It comes from the Mapuche language, a native people of the Chilean territory. It means “Transparent”, “Very clear”.
    • Áine: Goddess of the sky in Celtic mythology and Irish queen of the fairies. She is a deity associated with the moon who is attributed gifts such as pure love, fortune, and magic. In Gaelic (Celtic language) it means “Radiance”.
    • Amarilis: It comes from the Greek and means “The one who shines”. The name was mentioned by the Greek poet Theocritus in his Idylls and by the Roman poet Virgil in his Eclogues. Amarilis is also a beautiful plant with trumpet-shaped flowers that blooms in spring and winter.
    • Arya, Aria: It has its origin in Sanskrit and means “Noble, great and true”. It is very little used in Latin America, but it was famous in 2017 for being one of the characters in the Game of Thrones series (Arya Stark).

    Letter B

    • Brenna: It comes from Gaelic and it means “Small drop of water”.
    • Briseida: From Greek origin meaning “Queen of beauty” or “Venus of the wind”. In Greek mythology, Briseida was a Trojan widow who was kidnapped by Achilles during the Trojan War, after the death of her three brothers and her husband, King Mines of Lynerso.

    Letter C

    • Calliope: From the Greek and it means “The one with the beautiful voice”. She is the muse of epic poetry and eloquence.
    • Cassandra: From the Greek and it means “Sister of men”. In mythology, Cassandra was the sister of Hector and Paris and she had prophetic gifts.
    • Cristel: From the Greek word krystallos, it means “She who is clear”, “She who is pure”. In its Latinization, its meaning changed to “She who has clear thinking”.
    • Cora, Kora: Name of Greek origin, which comes from the word Korë’ which means “Girl, Maiden, or Young Virgin”. In Greek mythology, Cora was the daughter of Demeter, goddess of agriculture, the seasons, and spring. Other theories claim that it comes from Australia and means “Companion”. Finally, there is a third version that indicates that it is the nickname for the Latin name “Coral”, which means “precious stone, the beauty of the coral, or Innocent”.
    Foto: Pixabay

    Letter D

    • Daila or Dayla: Its origin is Latin and means “Beautiful as a flower”.
    • Damara, Damaris: It comes from the Greek and means “Friendly”.
    • Dakota: Comes from “The Dakotas”, a Native American tribe that were located in Minnesota and western Wisconsin in the United States, whose meaning is “Friendly”.
    • Dasha: Variant of Dassah, from the Hebrew hadassah, which means “Myrtle tree”. Other theories point that it comes from the Greek and in this case, it means “Gift from God”.
    • Daya: From the Sanskrit “Day”; this name means “Compassion and sympathy”. This name is rare in Spanish, but very popular in India and the United States.
    • Deva: Name that comes from the proto-Indo-European word deiwos, and means “Celestial, heavenly, Bright”, “The sky illuminated by daylight”. In Sanskrit it is “devi” which means “Divine” or “Goddess”. Devas are benevolent deities in Hinduism and Buddhism. They are portrayed with warrior qualities.
    • Dru: It is used for both girls and boys. It comes from the Greek and means “The one who sees everything clearly”. Other theories point that it is a variant of the Anglo-Saxon name Drew, which means “Wise”.

    Letter E

    • Eda, Edda, Hedda: Its origin is in the Anglo-Saxons. It means “Full of health”, “The one that is happy”. Eda in Czech is also a name for a boy which means “keeper of wealth”.
    • Eider: Variant in Basque of the name Eideard, common in Scotland and Ireland. This girl’s name refers to “Beauty, Fairness”.
    • Eira, Heira: From the Scandinavian, it means “Snow”. It derives from the Scandinavian goddess of health, who was in charge of granting happiness and tranquility. In Guaraní (a native language of South America) it means “Honey”.
    • Enith, Enid: Feminine name that comes from the Celtic and means “She who loves beautiful things”.
    • Enora: Original from the Anglo-Saxon and means “Sunbeam” or “Bright light”.

    Letter F

    • Faina: From the Greek, it means “Resplendent”, “Splendid”, “Bright”.
    • Farah: It is Islamic; it means “Joy”, “Joviality”.

    Letter G

    • Gaia, Gaya: Name original from the Greek mythology. It refers to the goddess of the earth and mother of our planet.
    • Galya, Galia: Russian in origin, it means “God will redeem us”.
    • Garazi: This name is of Basque origin, a variant of Gracia, which comes from the Latin Gratia and means “Heartwarming”, “Pleasant”.
    • Geraldine: French variant of Gerarda, feminine of Gerardo meaning “Strong” or “Brave”.

    Letter H

    • Hasna: It comes from Arabic and means “Beautiful, strong and fair woman”.
    • Haya: It is of Hebrew origin; it means “Life”.


    • Haviva: It comes from Hebrew and means “Well loved”.


    • Hailey: A girl’s name of English and Scottish origin that means “Hay meadow”.

    Letter I

    • Idara: Derived from the Latin Ita which means “She who is farsighted”. Other versions indicate that it comes from the Etruscan language with a similar meaning: “The one who is forewarned”.  
    • Idina: Means “Kind”, “soft” or “Gentle”. It is also a name for both a girl and a boy and comes from the Hebrew.  
    • Ilse: Germanic in origin and means “Nymph of the rivers”. It is precisely in the German culture that Ilse is a fairy who is in charge of protecting rivers. Other versions indicate that it is a Dutch and English variant of Elizabeth, a name of Hebrew origin that comes from the voice elisheva which meaning is “Promise of God”.
    • Iria: Girl name original from the Celtic which meaning is “Fertile land”.  
    • Itzayana: Name that comes from the Mayan culture and which means “Gift of God”.  
    • Izaro: This name of Basque origin, specifically from the island of Bermeo, means “Star”. Legend has it that in that place, a Franciscan friar fell in love with a young woman whom he went to see every night swimming, guided by a light that she lit every night. The family got to know about his visits and one stormy night turned on the lights on a cliff where the in-love friar died.

    Letter J

    • Jacaranda: Name that comes from the Guaraní word hakuã, which means “That has perfume” or “Fragrant”. It is related to the tree with purple flowers of delicious fragrance.


    • Jara: it is of Hebrew origin meaning “Sweet”.


    • Jamila: It comes from the Arabic and means “Beautiful”.

    Letter F

    • Kaia: From the Greek Gaea which means “Goddess of the earth”, “Mother Earth” or “Earth”. Other versions indicate that it is of Slavic origin and means “Pure”. Kaya is also the name of a city in Japan.


    • Keira, Keyra, Keyrah: Name of Celtic origin that derives from Ciara, Irish feminine of Ciaran. It means “Person with dark hair and eyes”.


    • Kenia, Kenya: In African tribal language it is the shortening of the expression Kirima Kere Nyaga, which means “The Mountain of brilliance”, “Splendor” or “Radiance”. Kenya is a country in eastern Africa that owes its name to a 5,199-meter mountain.
    • Keren: Name of Hebrew origin that means “Maiden Queen kept for God” or “Vineyard of God”. Keren-Hapuc was Job’s youngest daughter in the Bible.

    Letter L

    • Laia: Catalan diminutive of Eulalia, a name of Greek origin that means “To speak well”.  
    • Lara: Diminutive of the name Larisa, from the Greek, that means “The one who is happy and willing”. Another theory indicates that it comes from the Roman mythology and it was the name of one of the water nymphs.
    • Liv: Of Norwegian origin that derives from the word hilf and which means “Protection”, “Shelter” or “Heat”. It is also associated with the word liv which in Scandinavian means “Life”.

    Letter M

    • Malika: Of Arabic origin, it means “Queen”.
    • Morgana: Of Celtic origin, feminine of Morgan; it means “Lady of the sea”.

    Letter N

    • Neferet: Of Egyptian origin and means “Beautiful woman”.

    Letter O

    • Oda: Scandinavian diminutive of Odelia which in Hebrew means “I will worship God”.
    • Odette: French variant of Odetta, which comes from the German and means “Wealth”.


    • Ornella: Of Italian origin, it means “Ash bloom”.

    Letter P

    • Pili: Name of Egyptian origin. It means “Born second”. In some Spanish-speaking countries it refers to the diminutive of Pilar, a Marian invocation of the Virgin of the Pillar.
    • Prisca: Name of Latin origin, feminine variant of Prisco that derives from the name Priscus which means “Venerable old man”.

    Letter Q

    • Quetzal, Quetzali: It is of Nahuatl origin, it means “Sacred and magnificent bird”.
    • Quirina: Of Latin origin, it means “The one who carries the spear”.

    Letter R

    • Randi: Female variant of Randolph, meaning “Shield Wolf”.
    • Rani: Of Hindu origin, it means “Queen”.
    • Rashida: Of Arabic origin, it means “Sober, prudent”.


    • Roberta: Feminine form of Roberto, which is of Germanic origin and means “Admired for his fame”.


    • Romina: Derives from the Latin Romanus and means “From the land of the Christians”.


    • Rosabella: Compound name of Latin origin, it means “Beautiful rose”.


    • Rosella: Italian name that means “Beautiful flower”.

    Letter S

    • Sabina: Of Latin origin, it means “From the country of the Sabines”.


    • Samay: This name is of Quechua origin and means “Peace”.


    • Sansa: Name of Sanskrit origin that means “Praise”, “Charm”. Sansa Stark is a character from Game of Thrones.

    Letter T

    • Tea: Diminutive of Dorotea which in Italian means, “The one that was granted by God”.  
    • Telma: Its origin is Germanic and means “Helm” or “Helmet”. Another version is that it is of Greek origin and means “Will”.

    Letter U

    • Umay: Of Turkish origin, it means “Hope”.


    • Ukara: Name of Japanese origin and means “Morning dew”.

    Letter V

    • Vania, Vanya: Of Russian origin, it is the feminine form of the masculine name Ivan that means “Blessed by God”.

    Letter X

    • Xena: Of Greek origin. It means: “The guest who comes from abroad”.


    • Xenia: Of Greek origin, it means: “She who is supportive” or “Hospitable woman”.

    Letter Y

    • Yamileth: Of Arab origin. It means “Beautiful, cute”.


    • Yarazeth: Of Arabic origin, it means “Friendship”.


    • Yaretzi: Of Nahuatl origin that means “She who will always be loved”.


    • Yatziri, Yatziry: Of Mayan origin, it means “Flower of the dew or Maiden of the moon”.

    Letter z

    • Zenda: It comes from the Persian and means “Holy woman”.  
    • Zoe, Zoey: The origin of Zoe is in Greek and means “Full of life”.  
    • Zuri: Its origin is Swahili, an African language spoken in Tanzania, and it means “Good, beautiful”.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

    Spanish version

    We recommend: Baby names and their meanings inspired by the Sun

    When should my baby’s eyes be examined?

    Did you know that just as there is a neonatal screening which detects serious metabolic disorders that are treatable and are not visible at birth, a visual screening should also be performed?

    In fact, by law it is mandatory that a baby’s eyes be examined from the first weeks after his birth. Within the framework of World Sight Day, which is commemorated every year on the second Thursday of October, this time on October 14, APEC Hospital for the Blind invites, through the campaign, Ama tus ojos (Love your eyes), parents and caregivers to monitor the visual health of their children from the moment of their birth.

    “Let’s not neglect sight because it is a sense that allows us to connect with the world and develop any other behavioral or cognitive ability”, said Dr. Linda Cernichiaro, a specialist in pediatric retina.

    Do not miss: How a baby should sleep, position and recommendation for safe sleep

    When to examine my baby’s eyes

    According to the specialist, both in children and adults, whenever we check the general state of our health, we must include an eye test, not only with the optometrist but also with an ophthalmologist, in order to diagnose conditions in a timely manner.

    “Whenever a condition is diagnosed late, it will generate a visual alteration that can interfere with our activities, our development and our interaction with the world”.

    In the case of babies, from the first weeks after birth, it is essential to carry out a neonatal visual screening, “The idea of the ​​screening is that children are checked early since, unlike adults, they do not they manifest or express that they have some ailment or disease”.

    Visual neonatal screen

    According to Cernichiaro, the pediatrician or the treating doctor should not only see the general health of the baby. He must also check the organs that usually have alterations that cause disability.

    “There are five screenings:

    • Auditory screen detects if the child hears well.
    • Orthopedic one checks if there is no alteration in the hip that interferes with walking.
    • The cardiac one allows to know if there is any congenital failure of the heart and the metabolic one that there are no rare diseases of the metabolism.
    • Visual screening was created under the same concept”.

    What does the neonatal visual screening consist of?

    The neonatal visual screening is an examination performed by the pediatric ophthalmologist in the first four weeks of life. Most eye diseases have treatment and a good prognosis if they are detected early, hence the importance of their performance.

    “Children generally do not complain of a visual problem and manifest it late like the pupil looks white, one eye squints (strabismus), kids stumble, they don’t turn to see their mother”…

    “It had always been thought that until the alteration was evident, it was when they visited the ophthalmologist. But it is now understood that, as with the other screenings, a timely visual examination could detect early alterations that could leave sequelae”, explained the expert.

    It’s not painful

    The ophthalmologist’s recommendation is to do this study before the first month. However, if your baby is older, you can take him for the test. It is not painful and lasts about five or 10 minutes.

    “It is suggested that babies do the test at that age to detect diseases and being so young, it is not painful and it costs less to do the exam. Older children are more distractible and less cooperative”.

    How often should we check up our kids’ eyes?

    The General Health Law in its article 61 establishes that children must be checked by an ophthalmologist at the first month of life. Then, between the 6 and 8 months. Later it is suggested that they be checked before they enter school, between the ages of two and three.

    “At birth it is important to check the eyes are fine. At 6 and 8 months to see the function of their sight. And the 2 or 3 years to see if they need glasses or some optical aid”.

    On basic vision care in children, the doctor recommends avoiding the use of electronic devices when they are babies. No child under 18 months of age should be in contact with any electronic device, zero tolerance.

    At 4 or 5 years old, it can be left for an hour under the supervision of an adult and more than 50 centimeters from the eyes. Not close to the screen.

    “If kids are online or on the computer with homework, they need to be next to natural light. That is, next to a window so that natural light is the one that illuminates. Outdoor activities must also be promoted, that makes develop less diopters”.

    Premature babies should do their visual screening before

    Cernichiaro noted that premature babies, born before 40 weeks, should be checked between the second and third week of life.  

    “If they were born before 34 weeks or weigh less than 2 kilos, they must be checked between the second and third week of life. This is to prevent a disease called retinopathy of prematurity, which is treatable and if it progresses, it can lead to blindness. It is the first cause of blindness in our country”.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

    Spanish versión: Here

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    How should a baby sleep? Positions and recommendations to keep him safe

    Many moms make the mistake of putting things in their baby’s crib when he goes to sleep: blankets, pillows, bumper pads, quilts, stuffed animals…

    But the doctors’ recommendations are contrary to a crib full of items; it is not a good idea to lay them face down, as our grandmothers used to do. What should the place to sleep our little ones be like, what is the safest position for them?

    Safest position to sleep a baby

    The writer and mother, Emily Oster, with whom we spoke about her book Parenting without myths, explains that when we were children it was common to sleep babies on their stomachs, covered by a thick blanket and surrounded by protectors, “It made sense, babies are so small and the cradles are not comfortable”.

    The idea of a tiny baby lying alone in a giant crib is a bit scary

    “Until the early 1990s, the most common sleeping position for babies was on their stomachs, most likely because they “don’t wake up much”.

    However, since the 1970s there has been evidence that sleeping on the stomach is associated with an increased risk of premature infant death syndrome, also called crib death.

    As time has gone by and through very serious research that supported the danger of sleeping on the stomach, pediatric academies around the world issued different recommendations.

    The guide, Safe Sleep for Baby, from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), explains that babies sleep safer on their backs.

    “The supine position is the safest position for all babies up to one year of age and they should be placed in this position as soon as possible after birth”.

    “Babies who sleep on their backs are much less likely to die from SIDS than those who sleep on their stomachs or sides. It is recommended that they sleep like this during naps and at night”, the document says.

    It is even pointed out that babies who are used to sleeping on their backs, when placed on their stomachs for a nap, are at very high risk.

    Should the baby be repositioned if he changes position?

    According to the guide, “if the sleeping baby rolls by himself from face up to face down or vice versa, there is no need to reposition the baby. Putting him to sleep on his back at bedtime is the most important thing to reduce the risk of SIDS”.

    Best place to sleep a baby

    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agrees that newborns should sleep alone, in a crib or bassinet, and on their back.

    “AAP guidelines say that there should be nothing inside the crib with the baby. Bumpers should not be used, that is, the pads around the crib to prevent their little hands or feet from getting caught”, explains Emily Oster.

    Oster recommends that newborns sleep in their parents bedroom, but in their own crib or bassinet, not in bed with them.

    “These recommendations are designed to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome”.

    On the other hand…

    The NICHD guide also refers to not putting things where the baby sleeps, “When putting your baby down to sleep, use a firm and flat surface, such as a mattress in a crib, bassinet, portable crib or playpen, covered with a fitted sheet. Do not include other types of bedding or padded objects in the sleeping area”.

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    Places that are NOT recommended to sleep your baby

    The NICHD also lists certain places we should never sleep our baby. For example:

    1. Never place your baby to sleep on soft or cushioned surfaces, such as a couch, sofa, waterbed, pillow, comforter, sheepskin, or blanket. These surfaces can be very dangerous for babies.
    2. Don’t put your baby to sleep regularly in a car seat, stroller, swing, baby carrier, cloth carrier such as a wrap, ring sling or similar products.
    3. Your baby should not sleep in an adult bed, couch, or chair alone, with you, or with anyone else, including siblings or pets. Sharing a room reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
    4. If you take the baby to an adult bed for feeding or soothing, remove all soft or padded items and blankets or covers. When you’re done, return the baby to where he sleeps alone, such as a crib, playpen, or bassinet, and close to your bed.
    5. Armchairs and sofas are very dangerous for babies if adults fall asleep while feeding, soothing or holding the baby on them. Parents and other caregivers need to be aware of how tired they are during these times. There is no evidence for or against devices or products that claim bed-sharing is “safer”.
    6. Don’t put any padded objects, toys, bumper pads, or loose blankets or bed covers under the baby, on top of the baby, or anywhere the baby sleeps.
    7. Dress your baby in sleepwear, such as a sleeping bag, designed to keep him warm without the need to wrap him in loose blankets. Dress him appropriately for room temperature and not too warm. Parents and caregivers should watch for signs of overheating, such as sweating or the baby’s chest feeling hot to the touch. Keep your baby’s face and head uncovered while he sleeps.

    Don’t fall into temptation

    For Emily Oster, while the recommendations from the AAP and other institutions are very easy to understand, they can be difficult to follow, particularly amid the exhausting confusion new parents experience.

    “Many newborns sleep best on their stomachs and it’s too tempting to let them sleep that way all the time when nothing else works. It can also be tempting to let them sleep in your bed or on the couch, especially while you are breastfeeding, but you have to think carefully about the risks”, concludes the author.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

    Spanish version: Here

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    Celebrity babies who are adorable

    September is the month of babies, so we want to celebrate it with eight adorable little ones, children of celebrities, who have style and good taste in their blood. Get ready to die of love with these photos that their parents have shared with us through social networks.

    Adorable Babies of Famous Dads

    1. Manuel and Emiliano

    Sons of Celebrity Anahí and Manuel Velasco

    The singer and actress is more than happy with her two beautiful and adorable children: Manuel and Emiliano. From the first moment they conquered us with their smiling and charming expressions, in addition to those beautiful intense blue eyes, which they inherited from mom and dad. They are cute! “Here are my reason, my engine and my greatest loves in a photo”, Anahí published in the description of an image next to her babies and her husband.

    Manuel and Emiliano Velasco Puente.
    Photo: Instagram @Anahí

    By the way, the clothes that these beautiful little babies are wearing are from Baby Creysi and are available in our online store.

    2. Mary and twins Nicholas and Lucy

    Children of Anna Kurnikova and Celebrity Enrique Iglesias

    The former Russian tennis player and the Spanish singer have three cute children, the youngest is Mary, who was born on January 30th, 2020. The mischievous twins are named Lucy and Nicholas. The couple recently shared the first image of their little ones together, enjoying a ride in a red minicar.

    Little Mary and her brothers, the twins, Lucy and Nicholas.
    Photo: Instagram @AnnaKurnikova

    3. Mathilda

    Daughter of Celebrity Hanna (Ha*Ash) and Juan Carlos Herrera

    After six years of marriage, Hanna welcomed her first daughter on June 3rd, 2020. This cute little doll is called Mathilda and since she was born, her mom has made us part, through her social media, of her most tender moments. “I want to share with you the most important and greatest triumph of my life… being a mom!” She wrote at the time of announcing her pregnancy. Beautiful!

    Mathilda is Hanna’s joy.
    Photo: Instagram @haashoficial

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    4. Gianna and Luka

    Babies of Celebrity Karla Souza and Marshall Trenkmann

    The Mexican actress and the American banker have two little ones, a son and a daughter. The oldest is Gianna, three years old, and the youngest is Luka, who turned one-year-old on June 12th.

    “There is so much injustice in the world and, as a mother, it makes me think about which world I want to see my children grow up in. I look at Luka and Gianna and they bring me hope, but it also inspires me to dedicate myself to being part of the change we so desperately need”, Souza wrote on her Instagram account.

    Luka is one-year-old and Gianna is three.
    Photo: Instagram @KarlaSouza

    5. Vida Isabelle

    Daughter of Celebrity Natti Natasha and Raphy Pina

    Last year the Rampampam singer surprised the world with her advanced pregnancy. After a long time looking for a baby, she even described it as a miracle. “So many times many doctors told me, ‘You are not going to be able to be a mother,’ and today, in front of all of you, I share this six-month-belly with the whole world”, she said during an awards ceremony.

    Little Vida Isabelle came into the world on May 22nd, 2021 and although she is only a few months old, she already has her own Instagram account with more than 1.6 million followers. She is a fashion baby and full of tenderness.

    Little Vida already has her own Instagram account.
    Photo: Instagram @queenvidaisabelle

    6. Maria Paula

    Daughter of Celebrity Dulce Maria and Francisco Alvarez

    Another beautiful baby, ex RBD. This is María Paula and she was born in January 2021. Her mother has shared several photos of her baby with us. “You taught me a kind of love that I did not know, an immense love greater than fear”, it reads in one of her posts on her Instagram.

    With the arrival of her little daughter, Dulce María has been sharing with her followers her memories as a mother:

    “I love you my little moon, my little star, the most beautiful thing in my world and also the most tiresome one. I love you”.

    María Paula is Dulce María’s “little moon”.
    Photo: Instagram @dulcemaria

    You can read: Become an expert in holding your baby

    7. Masha and Santiago

    Children of Celebrity Ana Layevska and Rodrigo Moreira

    In December 2018, the actress became a mother for the first time. “I always wanted to be a mother. I didn’t know when. This life and my career are complicated, but I always wanted to start a family”, she confessed when announcing her first pregnancy. Two years later she announced the arrival of Santiago and, since then she has given us beautiful images of her Little Suns, as she calls them. They are beautiful!

    Both babies took after their mommy. Photo: Instagram @analayevska

    8. Bella

    Daughter of Celebrity Marlene Favela and George Seely

    Nice Bella melts us with her photos on her own Instagram account. As her name says, she is beautiful, but she also radiates tenderness and cuteness. She is two years old, yet an influencer with a lot of style to wear.

    Bella is a real doll. Photo: Instagram @bellaseely_

    Aren’t they adorable?

    Remember that you can find the most beautiful clothes for your baby in our online store, Baby Creysi. The outfits that Anahí’s little ones wear are very cool.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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    My baby only wants to be with me

    Recovery after childbirth: how long does it take? How can I take care of myself?

    Your baby has just been born: you are exhausted, excited and with many questions. You finally have that beautiful piece of flesh and bone that you carried in your womb for nine months. You and your partner will give everything to take care of him for the rest of your lives, but regardless of your baby’s needs, on the first days, weeks and months you also need to take care of yourself and to focused your energy in the recovery after childbirth.

    How long will you be in hospital after giving birth?

    Dr. Mercedes Álvarez Goris, a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, explains that if you have a vaginal delivery, without any complications, the minimum you will be in the hospital is 24 hours. “If there is no risk factor, I mean, that the woman doesn’t suffer from hypertension or diabetes, she must mandatorily be 24 hours in hospital, although she can be up to two days to get help with the baby or anything”, says the expert.

    When it is a surgical or C-section delivery, you can stay a few more days, “As it is an incision, they can stay a few more days for pain management and it can vary from 48 to 72 hours”.

    Many years ago, women stayed up to a week or ten days in hospital, but those times are over. Obviously there are advantages and disadvantages, there are people around you who take care of you and help you solve situations with the baby, but you are not in your environment, you do not have any of your things, and that can be a bit suffocating.

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    General recommendations when leaving the hospital

    When you leave the hospital your first impulse will be to be 101% caring for your baby, but may I tell you something? If you are well, your little one will be too, so it will be important that you follow the general recommendations for your care.

    According to the gynecologist, the stage after childbirth is called the puerperium and the recommendations, whether after having a vaginal or surgical delivery, may vary from woman to woman, but in general terms they are:

    • Have a good diet: fruits, vegetables and proteins, avoid fats.
    • Relax: Absolute rest should be avoided. I mean, walk or move a little since lying down can cause coagulation problems and the risk of developing clots in the legs increases.
    • Rest: To the best of your ability, sleep. Your baby will also spend his first days sleeping, take advantage and recover.
    • Hydration: Drink plenty of water.
    • Hygiene: Take showers carefully.
    • Take your medications: especially if it was a C-section delivery. Antibiotics and painkillers are usually prescribed.
    "The girdle: although there is no real evidence that it helps, there are women who feel very safe wearing it", she adds.

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    When will my body return to normal?

    The puerperium stage is well established medically, it lasts 42 days and it is known as quarantine. In this time, says Mercedes Álvarez, the body will begin a period of adaptation.

    • There is a redistribution of fluids and recovery begins
    • The uterus gets smaller in the first 24 hours
    • In the first 48 hours, the woman feels swollen, a little plumper, but this decreases over the days
    • Lochia, which is bleeding after childbirth, goes from being very abundant to scarce and changes color.
    • Lactation starts
    • The body loses its pregnant shape and returns to its original one

    However, although in the puerperium stage you begin to recover, full recovery will come months later.

    “Many women believe that once they give birth, their body returns to what it was like before pregnancy, but is not like that, it is a slow process, especially regarding the body composition, but everything returns to normal. There is no set time, it depends on each woman”, explains the doctor.

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    Full recovery, up to a year later, research states

    In a research by the University of Salford in Greater Manchester, England, Dr. Julie Wray interviewed several groups of women to get a broad view of postnatal recovery. In her conclusion, the scientist suggested that the body requires at least 365 to return to normal. In addition, she revealed that new mothers are dissatisfied with postnatal services, saying, according to Wray, that the six-week recovery time was a “fantasy”. Each woman is different.

    The truth is that postpartum recovery takes time. You have to take it with patience and responsibility. Take care of yourself!

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

    Spanish version: Here

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    Diaper rashes: how to cure and prevent them

    Diaper dermatitis, commonly known as diaper rash, is a very common condition in babies. “It is estimated that one in four babies will experience at least one diaper rash episode in his lifetime. Between 25 and 65% of babies who wear a diaper have diaper dermatitis, and three out of four go to the pediatrician for this problem”, says Dr. Víctor Mundo, pediatrician and Medical Affairs Consumer Health at Bayer, Mexico.

    What do diaper rashes look like?

    According to the Mayo Clinic, diaper rash is an inflammation of the skin that appears as a patchwork of pink or bright red spots. It can also be seen as irritation, fissures, abrasions, and peeling of the skin. It usually occurs as a rash in the area that is covered by the diaper, hence the name. That is, it affects the genitals, buttocks, perineum, lower abdomen, and upper thighs. The skin is a very important organ with many functions: It protects our internal organs, it is the main layer of our immune system that prevents our body from coming into contact with microorganisms.

    • It is essential to regulate our body temperature, this is the reason why we sweat and perspire

    • It allows us to have different sensations

    • Thanks to melanin, a substance that gives color to our skin, it protects us from UV rays and helps our cells produce vitamin D.

    • It constantly regenerates itself

    “In general terms, the upper part of the skin is called the epidermis, but at its base there are cells that are like moms because they grow new cells which develop until they become old. The most superficial layer of these cells, when mature, is the stratocornus and it is what we see when we exfoliate the skin, they are dead cells that come out. I mention this because in babies the upper outer layer of the skin is very fragile, thin, has a very important permeability and being immature makes it more susceptible to being damaged”, explains the pediatrician.

    What causes diaper rash

    Normally, diaper rashes are caused by prolonged contact of the baby’s skin with irritating substances: urine, stool, detergents and fragrances, but also by the simple rubbing of the diaper. “Both urine and stool cause a change in the PH of the babies’ skin. The enzymes contained in the baby’s waste damage and irritate the skin. Prolonged exposure to urine and stool is an important risk factor”, says the specialist. Another factor that causes chafing is moisture and rubbing against the diaper. “Prolonged wetness and the friction that the skin is having with the diaper weakens the outer layer and increases the possibility of friction damage. In addition, another conditioning factor is when the diaper is very tight. Artificial fragrances and scented diapers can also be risk factors, “Fortunately, they are used less and less nowadays, but there are perfumes, preservatives and dyes that can aggravate diaper rash.”

    How to prevent diaper rash

    According to Dr. Mundo, these are some measures we can take to prevent annoying diaper rash.

    Maintain proper hygiene

    Frequent diaper changes are highly recommended. Prolonged contact with stool and urine is a risk factor. Clean your baby’s bottom with warm water. You can use cotton balls, but make sure there is no lint left behind, wet wipes are also useful. Do not use wipes that contain alcohol or perfume.

    Dry the area well

    You can use a towel or leave your baby without a diaper for a while to air dry. If you notice chafing, do not rub the skin with the towel as it can aggravate the irritation.

    Use a protective cream

    “Especially use one that contains dexpanthenol, which is a precursor of vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. This vitamin helps skin cells regenerate. In addition, it protects, moisturizes and prevents the area from being too much moist”, says the doctor.

    Don’t overtighten the diaper

    When you change the diaper, be careful not to close it too tight. “It is also good for the baby to breathe well. The tapes can make his abdomen not distend appropriately. Try not to overtighten it and have a diaper of the right size, remember that they come in different sizes”, he adds.

    How long does diaper rash last?

    According to Dr. Mundo, depending on the severity, diaper rash lasts between one and three days.

    “This is very important because many children experience situations where they cannot sleep, they are crying, that is the way they express their annoyance. It has also been noticed that it occurs in a greater proportion in girls and boys between 9 and 12 months of age. It does not mean that the youngest children do not have it, but the highest peak of diaper dermatitis is at this stage and 5% of these cases can be aggravated”, concludes the expert.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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    Raising without myths, a guide to a more informed parenting without so many worries

    Raising without myths: It seems that being a mother is a synonym of worries, but this, like many other false beliefs that exist around parenting and how to care a baby, is a lie.

    That is why Emily Oster, an economist by profession and mother of two, wrote the book Criar sin mitos (Parenting without Myths) approaching with data and scientific evidence, the doubts that parents have:

    “To help them feel more informed and less likely to google answers”, says the author.

    We chatted with Emily Oster about her book, which is a guide that all moms and dads should have at their bedsides. In the end you will understand that everything will be fine, stop worrying!

    Life changes and you have to adapt

    The birth of a baby not only turns the life of the parents upside down, but also of the whole family.

    At first it can be very difficult, “My first year as a mom was especially hard. With both my kids, I have had times when I wanted to give up for different reasons, but with my first girl I felt sad. I love my daughter very much, but I missed my old life”.

    “With my second child I felt better, but I was feeling sad because I didn’t want to lose the closeness I already had with my first daughter, who at that time was already four years old”.

    “I think the main challenge was how to manage my time and identify what part of what people say about motherhood was a lie, what I should repeat with my second baby and what not”, explains the author.

    Instead of sticking with “what people say”

    Emily decided to dig deep and document every major decision she had to make as a mom. From how to take care of a baby the first days, to topics such as breastfeeding, vaccinations, bedtimes, choosing a daycare, or going back to work.

    “When I got pregnant I didn’t realize how everything around me would change. I faced and overcame many challenges, but it was not until the birth of my second child that I understood the things that I had done well and those that I had not, my mistakes and successes. Then came the book”.

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    Parenting without Myths or any additional stress

    While being a mom and dad does come with a lot of anxiety and worry, you don’t have to add to the stress with unsupported sayings and advice.

    In the book

    The author demolishes myths and puts on the table, based on facts, her sentence, an informed opinion that she hopes will help other parents.

    “A myth that I address in the book is everything that people say about breastfeeding. It certainly has benefits, but it is exaggerated. They say it is wonderful, that it will help you lose weight, and it will make your children more intelligent and successful”.

    “I tried to identify what was true and what was not. I found that it does have benefits, especially when the baby is very young; for example it helps with his digestion. But not everything that is said is true and I think that magnifying it adds a lot of pressure to moms”, adds Oster.

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    Make decisions based on what makes you happy

    One conclusion Oster drew with her book is that parents have the right to make their own decisions and should always focus on what makes them happy.

    “When people make important decisions, they think that deciding based on the baby is the only way to go. However, in the book I found that you should also think about yourself as a parent”.

    During the research

    “For example, during the research, I found that there are not many differences between children whose parents go out to work and those who are at home. That is why I tell you to think about what is best for you as a family, as a whole, what makes you happy”.


    Finally, the book leaves us with a reflection that should be clear to us: don’t worry, you’re doing well as a mom and dad. “There are many ways to be a good parent, and you don’t have to do things as someone else says, it’s okay to find your own solutions”, the author concludes.

    Criar sin mitos de Emily Oster (Parenting without Myths)

    Publisher: Diana / Planeta

    Books Review: Any new mom or dad knows that friends, family, doctors and even strangers on the internet give a lot of often contradictory advice about raising a baby.

    This is a guide to decipher your baby’s first years.

    Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

    Spanish version

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