About Ligia Oliver

Productora de radio, cine y TV, copywriter, correctora de estilo, traductora, guionista (publicitaria, cinematográfica, televisiva), reportera o entrevistadora en el formato que sea necesario para generar audiencia; ya sea en campañas publicitarias o temas diversos, basándome en estrategias creativas que permitan posicionar una marca, un programa, un texto, un argumento, etc. Desarrollarme en proyectos editoriales, publicitarios, cinematográficos, televisivos, radiofónicos, de relaciones públicas, contacto de prensa o estrategias de marketing en Redes Sociales. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_EeR2RBF7A&feature=youtu.be

Anahí: The arrival of my second child

Having a second child or not, have you thought about it?

Having a second child or not, have you thought about it? I’m going to tell you what my experience was when I decided to grow my family.

When Manu was born, my husband and I always thought that God would give us the blessing of being able to give him a little sister or brother.

It was always in our plans, but I wanted to wait a bit to give my little Manu all the time he needed. Also to feel that I was ready and to prepare my body.

It was definitely something we wanted and planned together. Before taking a step forward towards the search of another child, both you and your partner need to be honest about whether this is really what you want.

I particularly believe that a brother or sister is a great gift as he becomes your friend, confidant, partner and support in life. However, I also know that we all have different circumstances and that this is not a decision to be made lightly.

Don´t miss: How to nurture self-esteem in your children

Get your body ready

Once you have made the decision, the next step is to go easy and give yourself some time to prepare your body.

Although each woman is different and the puerperium stage lasts 40 days, I recommend that you go little by little.

It has been demonstrated that a woman needs a minimum of one year to get the strength back to carry a pregnancy.

In fact, the World Health Organization recommends waiting 18 months and suggests that shorter intervals are associated with greater risk to the baby, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and other pediatric complications.

Each one of us knows when it is the right time, we can feel it, but it is worth going to your gynecologist, taking care of your diet and taking vitamins. Remember that you are not alone and that bringing a new life is no small thing.

Dont miss: The invisible work of mothers

A decision made by the couple

Whether or not to have a second child is something that is decided and enjoyed as a couple. As I told you, my husband and I discussed it and the day it came true it was beautiful.

I remember that just on Father’s Day, his second Father’s Day, Manu and I gave him the news that I was pregnant and that we were going to have another baby. It was very nice.

Thank God I had two wonderful pregnancies, without any complications.

And Emiliano arrived. When we found out that he was going to be another boy I was delighted. I always thought that I was going to be a mother of girls and it turned out that God had other plans for me, which I love and am infinitely grateful for. I am so happy to be a mother of two boys that I don’t need anything else.

This is true

All mothers say this, but you will understand me because it is true, all we want is for our babies to be well, healthy, have free souls, happy and that they come into this world to transform everything. The rest does not matter.

Don’t miss: Jealousy among siblings

Today I want to tell you that I am the happy mother of two beautiful boys and that I am going to do everything in my power to make them happy and good people, with goals in life.

In other words, you don’t have to give them everything, but encourage them to achieve things for themselves, to fight for their dreams and never give up.

I can assure you that, in the long run, our children will thank us much more if you teach them to work hard rather than making everything easy for them, because the day they go out into the world they won’t know how to fight for their dreams.

Well, that’s how we decided to have a second baby.

So far, I can tell you that we want to be a family of 4, but I don’t know, there is a proverb that says, “Tell God about your plans…”

I’m Anahí and I am looking forward to meeting you in my next article in Baby Creysi.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Baby Creysi partners with Anahí as brand ambassador, designer and editor

  • In her new facet as a businesswoman, Anahí, with the brand, will design four new collections in a co-branding strategy and will venture as a writer on the Baby Creysi editorial platform.
  • The first #BabyCreysiPorAnahí collection will be available on Amazon, Baby Creysi boutiques and department stores starting in November.

As part of the expansion strategy to the United States, Baby Creysi announces an alliance with Anahí, singer, actress and influencer, who debuts as a baby clothing designer and writing an article on the brand’s editorial site.

“We all have a story with Baby Creysi. It is a brand, loved by families in Mexico, which has remained in the top of mind for almost 50 years and continues to connect with new generations. With our entry into the United States market, we expand our distribution network and clients to reach the Hispanic and North American community that seeks our products”, stated David Cohen Sitton.

Baby Creysi CEO

The alliance with Anahí represents a new cycle for Baby Creysi that seeks to reach a younger audience and initiate conversations between mothers and fathers in Mexico and Latin America.

“I love Baby Creysi. It brings beautiful memories; I wore it when I was little and it was my mom’s favorite brand, that’s why my babies wear it today. As a brand, it has the potential to stand out in the US market for its high quality and designs that allow it to compete internationally”, said Anahí.

Anahí's first collection, Quality and love, is now available. Photo: Baby Creysi
Anahí’s first collection, Quality and love, is now available. Photo: Baby Creysi

Baby Creysi by Anahí includes four collections

The Baby Creysi by Anahí collaboration consists of four collections that will be designed together with the actress, who is Manuel and Emiliano’s mother. In this way, the star consolidates her role as an entrepreneur and reinforces her role as an opinion leader in the parenting sector.

Quality and love is the first collection of the #BabyCreysiPorAnahí line and includes extra soft rompers, bodysuits and outerwear. It is already available on Amazon, Baby Creysi boutiques and department stores starting in October.

Writer and mommy blogger

In addition to her collaboration as a brand designer, Anahí makes her debut as a writer and mommy blogger with a fortnightly article: Challenges for today’s moms and families, which is published on the Baby Creysi editorial site.

Through anecdotes and tips, Anahí opens the debate to address issues such as strengthening self-esteem in children and the invisible work of mothers, the one that everyone takes for granted and is not recognized.

Her idea is to share her experience with other moms and dads because, in the end, both Anahí and Baby Creysi have been part of the lives of Mexicans for generations.

“We are a generation of moms and families who have accepted the biggest challenge of our lives and we want to grow up to see our children transform into people who will lead the future. We are strong, independent and multitasking moms and dads who seek to give love to our children on a daily basis, in simple and profound ways, without leaving behind our personal development”.


About Baby Creysi

Baby Creysi is the leading company in the children’s clothing market in Mexico. It is a 100% Mexican company. With almost 50 years in the market, it offers quality clothing, fashion and innovation for newborns, babies, girls and boys. It is present in all the country, reaching more than 3,000 points of sale, providing a portfolio of unique products, focusing on design and quality.

All Baby Creysi products have international quality certifications (OEKO-TEX®

Standard 100) which guarantees that the fabrics are safe for baby’s skin.

Through its website, Baby Creysi consolidates itself as a lifestyle brand by sharing editorial content and fashion and style recommendations for the little ones in the house.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Do not miss: Jealousy among siblings

How to nurture self-esteem in your children

Today is a special day. This is my first collaboration with Baby Creysi as a Mommy blogger. I share these lines with you with much love and with the sole objective of being closer and that together we explore this wonderful stage of our lives: being moms.

We have grown up together and I hope you will accompany me in this adventure. The content will evolve. We will discover moments and joys, but we will also share tips that will help us in raising our babies. Because finally that is our goal, guide them through the world, help them become good and strong people.

The first topic I want to explore with you is self-esteem in children. I am convinced that a mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance instills the same in her children. We must love ourselves as much as we love them.

Start with self-esteem, your own self-confidence

These days the term “self-esteem” has been used a lot and it seems very easy, but it is difficult to carry it out. Building our own self-esteem goes from sleeping well, exercising, laughing, eating well, going out with friends or with our partner, or simply having some time alone.

Remember that we are the mirror of our children and we reflect everything they learn and all what they build day by day, such as their personality and self-esteem.

If a child continually hears his mother say words of disapproval towards herself, he will keep that attitude in his unconscious and reproduce it later. Undoubtfully, feeding our self-esteem and loving ourselves more help us become better mothers.

Think about it, the first contact babies have is with their mom. We are the ones who translate their needs, satisfy them and become the representatives of the world that they are getting to know little by little. Do you realize the importance of this first bond with us?

Don’t miss: How to be patient with children

Let them experiment

I like to teach my children to do new things. It is good that they try it for themselves because it gives them a sense of security. At first we have to help them, but then we should let them try little by little. That’s what I do.

I always tell them that I am confident they are going to achieve it and I let them do what they can, even if they make mistakes. They should experience the opportunity to learn, but above all to try and take pride in their achievements.

Don’t label them

It is very important not to use labels. When you tell them off, focus on the inappropriate behavior and not on the child himself. By putting labels like “you’re rude” or “short-tempered,” your kids can associate the mistake with their own personality. Instead, use phrases that separate the mistake from himself. For example: “I know you can stop the tantrum”.

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It’s better to highlight their achievements than to point out their mistakes

In our society we have been taught to educate our children by pointing out and correcting their mistakes, when the most important thing is to highlight their small and big achievements. They must be praised, without falling into excess.

I recommend that at bedtime, give your children five minutes to highlight their achievements no matter how small they were. Say something like, “I have realized that today you managed to stop your tantrum, I am sure that tomorrow it will be like that again” or “I really like it when you help with the housework”. Sending our children to sleep with these messages helps us a lot strengthen their self-esteem.

10 ways to help your daughter or son build self-esteem

I want to share other very useful tips that have helped me. It is in our hands to make a difference:

  1. Your children are unique, never compare them.
  2. Accept their feelings and teach them how to deal with their emotions.
  3. Listen to them. Give them the confidence to talk to you about whatever they want.
  4. Focus on their strengths and don’t try to make them perfect. Watch their progress, see what they do well and enjoy.
  5. Tell them clearly and specifically what you expect from them or what you want them to do.
  6. Celebrate their efforts and create opportunities for them to do well according to their age, tastes, and abilities. This is a key point because by ensuring that they have a chance to develop their strengths, they will feel good about themselves and improve their behavior.
  7. Don’t take control. Resist the urge to do everything to them.
  8. Consider mistakes as opportunities, do not focus on the failure but on the search for solutions.
  9. Keep a sense of humor, help your children not take things seriously.
  10. Encourage them to treat others with kindness.

Finally, I think the most important thing is that you remember that they learn by example. You will see that one day in the future you will turn to see your grown children and think with pride, “we did very well”.

I am Anahí and I am looking forward to meeting you in my next article in Baby Creysi.

Find a wide variety of clothes for your little one in our online store on Amazon.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Other Themes: Phrases that destroy children’s self-esteem Benefits for your children of having a pet 10 books to turn your girls into powerful women

5 positive strategies to manage children’s anger

We all have felt anger or rage, it is a totally normal and healthy human emotion. Since we are born, we can feel it and over time we learn how to moderate and canalize it. As parents, it is good to use positive parenting strategies so that our little ones know how to manage anger.

Why do children get angry?

According to the American Academy of Psychology, there are many things that can make children get angry:

  • 0 to 18 months of age, they get angry because of hunger, noise, tiredness or overstimulation.
  • 18 to 36 months of age because they want that you give them what they want immediately, they get frustrated when they can’t do what they want, or others don’t understand them.
  • 3 to 5 years old, they get angry because they are learning to share things, it is not easy for them to understand that others think differently, they do not know how to control their emotions.
  • 6 to 9 years old, they get angry because they feel rejected, criticized, discriminated and misunderstood.

Positive Strategies for Managing Children’s Anger

According to Luz María Peniche, psychoanalyst and author of the book, A Guide to Raising Healthy and Safe Children, no emotion is negative or positive by itself. All of them have one goal, “they function as red flags for others and for ourselves; they are caused by our concerns”.

How can we help our children express and manage their emotions, especially anger?

1. Accept your child’s emotion

Peniche indicates that the only way for children to be on the way to an adequate management of emotions is that we accept and validate them. In other words, we should explain that it is a normal reaction, that he has the right to feel it, but that he must learn to control himself. She uses phrases like:

“I understand that you are angry”.

“Come, I will hug you, let’s take a deep breath; that will help you calm down”.

Tell him about a moment when you got angry, in this way you also validate his affections.

2. Help him express and name it

The next step is to make them feel safe to express themselves and know how to name what they feel: anger, sadness, happiness.

If the child is in the middle of an outburst, remind him of the house rules, but help him turn the anger into words. For example: Use your words to tell me what you feel. What caused that anger? Don’t push your kid, he may need some time before talking. Let him calm down.

3. Let the kid detect the source of his anger

The mere fact of analyzing the cause of anger lowers its intensity. In addition, you reinforce the validation of the feeling. When someone listens to you, you are better able to process the emotion.

“When we identify the source of the anger and frustration and fix the resentment and offense, we help children deal with the emotion”. If it is difficult for him, but you infer what caused his anger, ask him, so that he can identify the cause:

“You got angry because your brother doesn’t want to lend you his toy, didn’t you?” “I know you don’t like to take a bath. I understand it makes you angry, but in that way we are clean and prevent illnesses”.

4. Let him learn to distinguish actions from emotions

Explain that sometimes when we are angry (sad or scared), we feel like disobeying and misbehaving, but go over the house rules.

Your child will understand the message if you make clear statements, without accusations or humiliating words. He has to understand that he should not let emotion take over because an exaggerated anger complicates the problem and makes us act impulsively.

“In this family, yelling, throwing objects or hitting is not allowed. Calm down. Use your words to explain what bothers you”.

5. Find ways to calm him down.

The last step is to change his mood. “Find ways to calm him down and comprehend his anger”, says Peniche.

a) Look for a distractor

Instead of thinking about the person or situation that caused the anger, encourage him to think about something else like taking a walk, digging in the garden, listening to music, riding a bike.

You can say something like: “I understand that you’re mad because I didn’t buy you that toy, but we’re going to sing so you calm down”. “I know you’re afraid of the dark, but we’ll bring your special teddy bear to keep you company”.

b) Change the environment, keep him away from the conflict

Take him to a quiet place and tell him it’s okay to walk away from the problem to avoid an angry outburst. By moving to another part of the house or to the backyard, the child can get some space and work on calming down.

c) Find ways to release anger

Another strategy for processing anger, if all else fails, is to find a safe way to release the emotion.

Suggest ways for the child to unburden himself:

  • Crisscross jumping
  • Some controlled pillow punches
  • Write or draw a picture of what is bothering

We are sure that with these tips you can help your child control his anger. Try them and if you have any other tip, do not hesitate to share it with us.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Benefits for your children of having a pet

Psychologically and physically, having a pet has great benefits for children. They provide company, security and self-esteem. They help foster empathy, coexistence and also give a great motivation for little ones to exercise. “Yes, there is a lot of advantage for children to have a pet, because humans are social animals and having a pet with us helps us maintain that process”, says Dr. Fausto Reyes Delgado, Veterinarian Zootechnician and director of the Veterinary Hospital UNAM-Banfield.

6 benefits of having a pet

1. Pets help improve communication

According to Dr. Reyes Delgado, children who have pets tend to be more sociable, “A pet helps a lot in terms of communication and affection. It allows us to communicate better, to be more open and to express ourselves much more easily”.

Research suggests that when children have difficulty at reading aloud, with the help of animal therapy, a trained dog and a guide, they show fewer symptoms of anxiety and improve their communication. “Their attitudes change and their skills improve”, says Lisa Freeman, director of the Tufts Institute for Human-Animal Interaction.

Don’t miss: My child wants a pet, what do I do?

2. They provide self-esteem

Psychologists from the University of Miami and the University of San Luis indicate that pets provide emotional benefits compared to those of human friendship.

“We saw evidence that pet owners did better, in terms of wellness outcomes and individual differences, than those without companion animals”, said the researcher leader Allen R. McConnell, PhD, of the University from Miami in Ohio.

The expert adds, “Specifically, pet owners had higher self-esteem, were in better physical shape, tended to be less lonely, were more conscientious, more outgoing, less fearful, and were less worried than non-owners”.

We recommend: 10 family movies that teach love and respect for animals

3. Pets help reduce stress

Taking care and playing with a pet is a recreational activity that keeps children focused on the present, enjoying it.

According to the study, Effect of Domestic Dogs on Children’s Perceived Stress, by Darlene A. Kertes, a psychologist at the University of Florida, companion dogs have a buffering effect on childhood stress. In her study, Kertes and her team looked at the effects of dogs on children who had their support figure (father or mother) not present.

Results indicated that under the condition of being alone (without social support), children showed an expected increase in stress, but the presence of a pet dog significantly dampened the stress response, compared with children without the presence of a pet.

4. They provide security, empathy and confidence

In the article, Pets and children, published by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it is explained that pets help children develop positive and empathic thoughts towards them, but they also have benefits related to their security.

“Pets can be safe recipients of secrets and thoughts. Children often talk to them like they do to their stuffed animals. They also provide a connection with nature and can teach respect to other living beings”, reads the AACAP document.

5. They encourage physical activity

According to the AACAP, pets also fulfill other needs such as comfort touch, love, loyalty and even physical activity.

When children play with their pets, they forget about screens and get more exercise. If they have a dog, that motivates them to take it for a walk in the park and run alongside it. They exercise, have fun, and don’t even realize they’re burning calories.

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6. They help develop psychomotor processes

Doctor Fausto Reyes Delgado adds that pets also help children, especially younger ones, develop psychomotor processes, “Especially fine movement such as loosing or grasping”.

With proper adult advice, a pet can be the best company for the child. However, it is very important that before taking an animal home, seek advice from a veterinarian to find out if it is suitable for you or what type of pet you can have.

In this article we give you more information about it, just remember that a living being is a great joy but it also implies a lot of responsibility.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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5 positive strategies to manage children’s anger

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5 tips to prevent girls and boys from throwing tantrums

Por Lewis Iván Núñez Alcántara

Psychologist, thanatologist, coach, and specialist in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy training. Tantrum specialist.

Tantrums are common and expected behaviors as part of the development of girls and boys; they usually manifest themselves in the first four years of life and are related to the difficulty children find in expressing their feelings and emotions: something that hurts them, that scares them, that makes them feel sad, angry or frustrated.

Tantrums are the clear signal that it is time to start teaching them how to self-regulate because they do not know how to do it independently. You can help them and accompany them to understand what they feel and the appropriate ways to express it. The most important, but also the most difficult, is that you remain calm.

We share some of the most common situations in which girls and boys throw tantrums, as well as tips that can help you:


1. Learn to follow the rules and limits

Tip: Girls and boys behave better when they keep in mind the limits to be respected and the conditions of their activities. Make an effort to establish limits and rules according to their age and accompany them so that they learn to follow them.

2. Interruption in their activities or changes in their daily routines

Tip: Girls and boys need to have routines that support the development of their habits, this means, their emotional balance. Letting them know in advance that they will change activities will avoid surprises and bad times for both of you. In case you cannot anticipate these changes, you can always use strategies such as dialogue, distraction, and play to introduce them in the next activity.

Do not miss: Why do children throw tantrums?

3. Learn to share with others

Tip: Keep in mind that this attitude is learned through trial and error and time will be your best ally; therefore, it is necessary to arm yourself with great patience to guide them little by little through dialogue, examples or stories where they are participants, to the practice of how they can share with others through kindness and words like “please” and “thank you”, applying it to personal belongings, food and activities.

4. Difficulty at controlling your feelings and emotions before mealtime

Tip: In case of any delay in your feeding schedule, we suggest you have snacks to avoid feelings of discomfort due to hunger.

You can read:

5. Due to tiredness, they may get upset more easily and react to minor stimuli

Tip: If there will be days with a lot of activity, we suggest that you consider times or moments so that they can take a nap or have a brief relaxation space to avoid tantrums. In cases of hunger and fatigue, it can be a little more difficult to contain a tantrum, since discomfort is a physical sensation that they cannot ignore.

When you feel confronted by a tantrum, it can be very easy to lose control and react in a way that makes it more complicated. The key point to make them happen with less intensity and frequency is to stay attentive to the needs of girls and boys because in this way you will learn to identify the moments in which a tantrum may occur and possibly you can “get ahead” or do something to avoid or reduce it.

This article was originally published in Guardianes. Check it here.

* Guardianes is a program of Afectividad y Sexualidad AC, which is dedicated to seeking the best interests of children and adolescents, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Our organization has, since 2017, with the Special Consultative Status granted by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Throughout its 19-year history, it has collaborated with civil society organizations in defense of the rights of children and adolescents, focusing its efforts on the prevention of mistreatment and child sexual abuse www.guardianes.org. mx

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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7 snack ideas for kids: healthy and cheap!

The time between breakfast and lunch is very long, so our little ones need a healthy snack that provides energy to both the brain and the body so that they can achieve all the functions of their physical development and learning. Whether they are in-site classes or online, it is very important that your children have a snack. Take into account some recommendations:

  1. A snack is a light meal, not a main meal, so it should have fewer calories and be smaller than a normal meal.
  2. The snack does not replace breakfast. Children should have breakfast daily, and eat it during the first two hours after waking up.
  3. This snack must consist of four axes: Natural water. A portion of fruit and vegetables, food of animal origin, oilseeds or legumes. A serving of cereal.
  4. We suggest the following meal schedule: Breakfast 7:00 a.m. Snack 10:30 a.m. Lunch 15:00 p.m. Dinner from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

7 healthy snack ideas for children

Preparing these snacks will also mean savings in your pocket; each one has an approximate cost of 13 pesos per person compared to the bought ones that can cost around 20 or 30 pesos. These are the suggestions given by the Ministry of Health:

Healthy menu 1

  • Taquitos of jicama lettuce and grated carrot with panela cheese (3 pieces of lettuce, ½ cup of vegetables and a slice of cheese).
  • 1 cup of papaya cut in pieces.
  • 1 cup of homemade popcorn.
  • This menu has an approximate cost of 13 pesos per person.

Snack idea 2

  • Nopal (prickly pear stems) cooked with panela cheese (½ cup of nopales and a slice of panela cheese).
  • 4 whole grain crackers.
  • 1 orange.
  • This menu has a cost of 15 pesos per person.

Kid snack 3

  • Fruit with yogurt and sesame seeds (1 cup of papaya with 4 teaspoons sesame seeds and a half cup of sugar free yogurt).
  • ½ cup grated carrot.
  • 14 pieces of natural unseasoned peanuts.
  • This recommendation has a cost of 15 pesos per person.

Healthy lunch for children 4

  • Beans and tortilla shells (mashed beans with 3 corn shells).
  • Cooked nopales salad (1 cup).
  • 2 prickly pears.
  • This preparation costs 18 pesos per person.

Menu 5

  • Quesadilla: corn tortilla and panela cheese (1 pc)
  • 1 cup of apple cut in small pieces.
  • ½ tcup of jícama
  • 14 pieces of natural unseasoned peanuts.
  • It has a cost of 20 pesos per person.

Snack idea for kids # 6

  • 1 medium size fruit cut in small pieces (or ½ cup of fruit cut in small pieces).
  • 100 grams of vegetables.
  • ½ sandwich with a slice of bread with cheese, turkey ham or some other protein such as tuna.
  • Water (avoid the consumption of sugary drinks or soft drinks).
  • Cost: 20 pesos.

Snack #7 for your little ones

  • 1 boiled egg.
  • 100 grams of raw carrot sticks.
  • 1 tangerine.
  • 14 pieces of almonds.
  • Water.
  • Cost: 25 pesos.

Remember that cravings prevent children from concentrating on their tasks, reduce physical performance and capacity to learn.

This is a guide issued by the IMSS for the correct nutrition of children and adolescents. It might be useful.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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The genealogical tree: a tool to know our roots

We, human beings, have a natural need to know about our origins. Researching about our family, who they are and what they are like, is something that we can discover through a family tree. Thanks to this drawing, the genealogical tree: a tool to know our roots, not only do our children get closer to the history of their grandparents, uncles and cousins, but also find relatives who did not even have a clue that they existed.

This educational chart can help your little ones discover that they have blood ties in one or more states in Mexico, or even in other parts of the world. It also gives them clarity about the professions and activities that their ancestors carried out. It will make you proud and together you will delve into family history.

Take advantage of your children’s curiosity to start a new adventure through genealogy, a little-known discipline, yet it involves “thinking, reflecting and asking yourself more about your family and your ancestors”, said genealogist Mireia Nieto from Tataranietos.com

Did you know that genealogists help us know our family and biological origins, as well as to clear up doubts and family mysteries?

The tree is a useful tool for children as it helps them better understand who their relatives are, but it also gives them confidence and boosts their personal growth.  Photo: Pixabay
The tree is presented chronologically, always in pairs; either starting from the child, or from the oldest branch of the family. Photo: Pixabay

Connect with our ancestors

A family tree is a resource that we can use if we want our children, like us, to connect with their ancestors. Not only is it an ideal way for them to meet relatives who have already passed, but also it gives them the opportunity to strengthen their self-esteem, gain confidence and nurture knowledge through some family stories and anecdotes.

When talking about a distant aunt, your child can recognize that there are affinities and certain likes or hobbies for music or movies. “When we analyze the bond that joins us to our ancestors and what is the genetic and emotional legacy that people leave us, we evolve and grow”, says the expert.

Mireia Nieto emphasizes that genealogy is for everyone, and clarifies that this discipline does not only try to search or find out about our ancestors who have already died, but to trace the living family, “Connect the old genealogy with the new family models that exist today. It helps our personal growth and allows us to learn from the past so as not to make the same mistakes in the present and in the future”.

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“The past cannot be changed, but if you study it and understand it, you change”.

Mireia Nieto, genealogist

More benefits of starting a family tree

“A family tree is a graphic representation that summarizes the family and genetic relationships of a group of people,” says Mireia Nieto, who notes that, “For centuries the metaphor of the tree has been used as a symbol of life that says that the visible parts, like the trunk, the branches, the leaves, are due to the invisible: the roots”.

According to Mireia Nieto, some other benefits of working on a family tree, are:

  • Knowing better the biography of a relative. This will help you, as an adult, better understand why they are the way they are. This makes it possible to close mourning and resolve pending family conflicts.
  • Explaining your identity. Investigating and analyzing a genealogical tree explains your identity and helps you answer to whom you owe your physical traits, beliefs, customs or some health problems.
  • Discovering your origins helps you be more connected with life and be more grateful.
It is a useful tool for children as it helps them better understand who their relatives are, but it also gives them confidence and boosts their personal growth.  Photo: Pixabay
It is a useful tool for children as it helps them better understand who their relatives are, but it also gives them confidence and boosts their personal growth. Photo: Pixabay

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How to make a family tree

If you want to make your family tree, you will first have to gather information and do the research with your family members. You and your child can search letters, documents, files, records, libraries, newspaper archives, and so on.

What follows is to make a diagram where we graphically represent the relationships between family members. It is usually made in the shape of a tree that symbolizes life and roots, which are our origins.

There are family trees that display the photos of our relatives and others to which only the names of the people and the relationship are put. On the internet there are templates in which you can support yourself to do it.

Currently there are software and online platforms where you can enter the information you find about your family and venture into the world of genealogy.

Explicación para niños

Si a tu peque aún le quedan dudas sobre la función de un árbol genealógico, te dejamos algunos videos ilustrativos. Le quedará muy claro.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

Virtual Baby Showers: a growing trend

Turn on the computer monitor, try to charge the battery in advance and have a good internet connection. Now click on the link, turn on the microphone, the camera and voila! You are in a videoconference. But not just any videoconference, this is a very special one, the one that celebrates the arrival of your baby.

What is next?

It is seeing the faces of family and friends. From people you haven’t seen for a long time; some live in another country, and all of them are gathered to celebrate the traditional Baby Shower, now virtually.

Recently, this idea of a meeting was unthinkable for Alberto Solís, new father of Valentina who tells us that, in the midst of the pandemic, and a few weeks after the lockdown was decreed in our country, he and his partner found out that they would be parents.

Celebrating a Baby Shower never crossed his mind, “The main thing was to keep us safe and defend our unborn daughter”.

In the end, his family organized the virtual celebration.

Currently, many expectant mothers and their families are choosing to hold a baby shower online. The purpose is not to put at risk the mother’s, the baby’s and the guests’ health.

Since last March, virtual meetings have been on the rise. In Mexico, there was a 41 percent increase in the use of video conferencing in Microsoft Teams, according to data from Microsoft News.

If we have learned anything during the pandemic, it is that technology is our best friend; you can welcome your baby safely and have just as much fun with a virtual baby shower. Photo: PxFuel
If we have learned anything during the pandemic, it is that technology is our best friend; you can welcome your baby safely and have just as much fun with a virtual baby shower. Photo: PxFuel

What do you need to organize a virtual Baby Shower?

A computer, internet connection and a variety of games will be enough to celebrate a virtual Baby Shower and you will be ready to start the meeting.

“We didn’t imagine what it would be like, but it was a lot of fun to see the family play and get advice on what it means to be parents”, says Solís.

In some games, the host, who is usually the family member who organized the videoconference, must share the screen. Among the most common games for this type of celebration can be adapted to play them remotely:

  • Unscramble the words. For example: lmki (milk), apisder (diapers) or bbi (bib).
  • Charades. Send by private chat to one of the guests with the action to perform: crawl, cry, change a diaper, etc.
  • Measure the belly. They can do it with a tape measure or with toilet paper. In the distance, the guests must give their estimates.
  • Change the diaper. Blindfolded, the future parents must put a diaper on a doll in the shortest possible time.
  • The price is right. Choose some products, for example: diapers, powdered milk, baby bottles, onesies, t-shirts, blankets. Contestants must guess the price.

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A Baby Shower is a party to share the joy because a baby arrives in the family. Although it is an Anglo-Saxon tradition, little by little it has been adopted in our country. Photo: PxFuel
A Baby Shower is a party to share the joy because a baby arrives in the family. Although it is an Anglo-Saxon tradition, little by little it has been adopted in our country. Photo: PxFuel

The origin of this tradition

A Baby Shower can be held from the seventh month of pregnancy. It is customary for guests to bring gifts for the unborn baby and give advice to new parents.

The party, as we know it today, originated in the United States. However, there are sources that agree that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans gave offerings to the mother once the baby was born.

In recent times, it is increasingly common for both parents to participate in the Baby Shower. 

It can certainly be a start to include men in parenting. “I didn’t know what a baby shower was and also had no idea on what was going on, but it was fun to watch and participate in it. I think it is good that these traditions evolve under more open and inclusive parameters”, admits Alberto Solís.

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Is it a trend that has come to stay?

Virtual Baby Showers are a growing trend. They are a great opportunity for friends and family to participate in the shower of the unborn baby from the distance. With this type of gatherings, family ties have also been strengthened.

The advantages

The advantages offered by technology is to get closer and interact in a different, but fun way. “I am sure that this trend will continue because it is very functional. We learned that the family in another city or country can accompany us despite the distance”, says Sandra Salguero, who held her virtual Baby Shower with about 30 people to celebrate the arrival of her baby Neithan.

“People should not have an on-site Baby Shower in a pandemic if they love and want to raise and see their son or daughter grow up. Safety is the first thing they should focus on and see the safest alternatives that the digital world offers us”, Alberto Solís, Valentina’s father.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

7 ideas to reveal your baby’s gender

Boy or girl?

Although the sex of the baby won’t determine his personality or his preferences, there is still the illusion of knowing what it will be before it is born.

And so be able to name it, plan purchases, decorate spaces and even imagine scenarios.

To share this illusion with our closest people, there are very funny and appropriate dynamics to reveal the great news in these times of healthy distance.

If you want to organize something in a garden, you could use:

A piñata

  • The most Mexican of the traditions can divinely serve to the purpose of making known your baby’s gender.
  • You just have to get a neutral piñata (white or in a question mark shape) and fill it with confetti and small balloons or balls with the color appropriate to the ad you want to make.
  • This type of piñatas do not usually break hitting them with a stick, they open rather pulling shoelaces, like those made for babies, and ideally mom and dad pull the laces at the same time, in front of all the guests.

Box full of helium balloons

  • Just as cute as the idea before mentioned, in terms of a visual show, this idea is similar to that of the piñata but in this case, the box is on the floor and, when parents open it, the balloons of the corresponding color gender will fly away.
  • You can also have the same balloons raising a sign that says “It’s a boy”, “It’s a girl” or the name you’ve chosen for the baby

Pop a giant balloon

  • This is about getting an opaque balloon (usually black) that has pink or blue confetti inside.
  • A variant of this option that involves more guests (since in the original idea only the parents of the baby blow up the balloon) is to make a board with several small balloons where only one is filled.
  • The guests take turns blowing up the balloons until someone finds the one who has the surprise.

Reveal the gender by videoconference

Shoot a video

  • What if you record yourself together for the others?
  • The first and most moving idea is to record the moment the doctor reveals you the gender at the 20-week structural ultrasound appointment.
  • So, everyone will share the emotion as if they had been there. However, you can also be recorded doing some of the above ideas in the garden.

Scraping cards

  • A super fun idea is to create cards that reveal the gender written and hidden by a layer of paint that guests will have to scrape all at the same time.
  • To make those cards you just need to have them printed anywhere and then, cover the part of the surprise with a mixture of ¼ teaspoon of liquid soap per ½ of acrylic paint of the color of your choice.
  • Let them dry and send them to your guests at the virtual event, for everyone to discover the gender of the baby at the same time.

Filled cupcakes

  • Bake or buy cupcakes with the color of your baby’s gender in their center.
  • Just like the cards, send them to your guests and arrange for everyone to take the first bite together to discover the surprise in a very sweet way.

The secret box

  • This option is the most exciting, but it means more suspense for you.
  • It’s about bringing a box the day of your structural ultrasound, asking the doctor to write down the gender of the baby on a piece of paper without telling you and putting it in a box that will be sealed and won’t be opened until the live event.
It is certainly the best way to share the excitement at the same time!
Which one would you prefer? And it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl, it is a human being that will fulfill your heart with love.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

We recommend you to read: Virtual Baby Showers: a growing trend

Like father, like son?

Every father is proud that his son looks like him.

In Mexican culture the proverb“Hijo de tigre, pintito” (Like father, like son) alludes to the physical resemblance and attitudes that the son inherits from his father.

Sometimes proverbs are culturally highly positioned ideas. 

And in a macho society, like the Mexican one, “believing that the son has to be like the father could be very frustrating and harmful for both, to the father and the son”, says psychologist Alma Aguilar Segura, from Grupo Kintsugi: Psicología Clínica.

The M.D. family therapist says that raising expectations about what the child will look like is normal and humane.

Dads can make plans and create possible paths to follow. If it is so important for a father that his son resembles him, “let it be in good and positive things such as values and good education”.

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“New paternities have made men be a guide and companion of their children; and not to look for their sons to be an extension of themselves”.

Alma Aguilar Segura, family psychotherapist

Respect your son individuality

When dads think about their sons, they often have an elaborate plan for the future of those little boys.

For example: study a career, get married and have children, practice some sport, even “support their favorite team”.

What if…

But if the son is born with some disability, if he studies Pedagogy instead of Architecture as his grandfather, or if he is homosexual, there are dads who prefer to renounce paternity because “for them, it’s hard to realize that their son is not going to be or do what they expected”, explains the psychologist.

There are very traditional families where stereotypes and macho culture prevail.

In this kind of homes, it is probably that the father will suffer “a strong emotional shock” when he realizes that his son doesn’t fulfill his personal expectations.

According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), in the publication Growing in Equality, “gender stereotypes are beliefs that exist in all societies”. 

“They are generalized views and perceptions about attributes or characteristics that men and women, boys and girls possess or should possess, which are based on social and cultural norms and not on biological factors”.

Towards a new parenthood

“New masculinities and paternities should give the opportunity to build bonds beyond the characteristics of their children”, emphasizes Aguilar Segura, PhD candidate in family and couple therapy, by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

A boy who feels rejection form his father may have many emotional holes, such as insecurity or fear of rejection. 

And in adolescence he’ll be looking for acceptance, or could repeat those patterns of behavior because he didn’t learn how to create healthy bonds and relationships.

If you have problems accepting your son’s characteristics, whatever they are, the specialist offers some tips to achieve a healthy coexistence and build a bond of love, respect and acceptance.

A bond of love:

  • The first step is to accept and understand that no one in life comes to fulfill our expectations just because we want to. No one is obliged to fill anyone’s expectations.
  • Another important aspect is to respect your son’s individuality. Regardless of his age, he is an individual and, as a parent, you have to respect that individuality. If the child is young, “the role of a father is to be his guide and to give him the freedom to learn to relate respectfully to his environment”.
  • Parents should consider to have personal projects and not make their sons their only life project. Although this gesture could be interpreted as love, it could also cause more demand for children and less flexibility from parents
  • It is essential that each member of the family be free and autonomous, that each one could be accompanied and respected. And that’s going to help to create more enjoyable bonds to everyone.

“Children have no obligation to fulfill their dads’ expectations. That should not determine the parent-son relationship”.

Alma Aguilar Segura, psychologist

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

We recommend: Assuming paternity is for men.

A life project, a key to couple and family life

In life, going where you want is something you can achieve if you have a plan and a structure about the way you are going to do it. This is interpreted as the elaboration of a life project.

Building a life project implies having deep personal knowledge and mental preparation: knowing who you are, what your values ​​and principles are, which ones are negotiable and which ones are not in order to be very clear about the sense and meaning of life, explains the teacher in family and couples therapy Cristy Cortinas Trujillo, founder of Being Infinite Psychology and Professional Development.

Before planning, “First you should ask yourself what you would like to do with your life,” says the specialist, because the more a person knows himself, the more consistent he will be with himself and will be able to make better decisions.

“The key point to carry out a life project is self-knowledge. Many times we accept what is coming to us. There will be circumstances in which we cannot choose, but in others we will be able to do it”, emphasizes the expert in Gestalt therapy.

Family and couple life plan

After planning a personal project, you can continue to develop a couple’s plan to know the direction that the relationship will take: where you will go together as partners and how you will achieve those goals.

For the psychologist and thanatologist, first comes “my project”; then, “your project”; and, finally, “our project”. She adds that a plan as a couple must have a certain compatibility and the wishes of both must always be respected, “We don’t have to want the same thing, but we do have to go to the same place”.

Developing a project as a couple is complex. It includes a large number of aspects: children, family, education, work, etc. If each partner does not have his/her own life project, it will be very difficult for them to establish the points of a couple plan, so it is important to have one beforehand, the expert points out.

Benefits of a life project

According to the publication “It’s not you, it’s our finances”, from the Federal Consumer Protection Office, when life as a couple begins, in addition to involving the sentimental part, the economic aspect must also be considered.

There are destructive events that happen because the couple does not plan financially. However, “teamwork and planning are the key to achieving financial balance as a couple”, says the publication.

In addition to the importance of the economic part, a life project also makes people more resilient and be able to reintegrate more easily in adverse circumstances. “If they have to go through a crisis yet have worked on what they want, they will be able to overcome it and bring out their strengths”, emphasizes the expert Cortinas Trujillo.

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“A life project allows you to know what you want and why; it is a daily motivation to carry out your plans”.

Cristy Cortinas, teacher in family and couples therapy

Aspects to consider

Before preparing your plan or project, you should think about what gives meaning to your individual life and your life as part of a couple. The expert proposes:

Analyze your context. Ask yourself: where are you (individually and as a couple) at this moment in life and where do you (each of you) want to go? Try to be realistic so those plans can be fulfilled.

Know yourself. Identify your personal identity and the relationship identity. How is the couple and the relationship? What do you both like?

Recognize your own and your partner’s skills. For example, you can highlight staying positive when facing difficulty or doing good teamwork.

Have an action plan. This implies knowing what you want (or both want) and how you (or both) are going to achieve it. Also, it is important to know when you want it and what you need to start.

Don’t lose your essence. Before any life plan, you should not lose your identity. Before being in a relationship and having a project, it is very important that each person’s individuality is never lost.

Having clarity in our life project will make us work for what we want, either personally or as a couple. It will also help children find meaning and significance in life.

“A life project is a path you decide to take; it is our compass or our map”.

Cristy Cortinas Trujillo, teacher in family and couples therapy

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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