6 Books for new fathers

Waiting for the arrival of our baby is full of joy and enthusiasm, but also of many doubts in which the question “will I be a good father?” spins around us over and over. No one is born knowing how to be a parent. These books for new parents will help you in this new stage.

Facing fatherhood can be terrifying, since we will support a life that will depend on us, we want to be perfect, or at least we do not want to repeat what we don’t like about our own parents.

Nobody is perfect, but we can give our best to that little one who is on the way. This selection of books for new fathers, which we have made for you, will guide you in your introduction to fatherhood.

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Guía del papá primerizo, by Jonas Weidner (First–Time Dad)

How can I lose the fear of being a father? How can I build a bond with my baby? These are some of the questions that this book tries to decipher, it will also try to guide you to reconcile your new facet as a father with other areas of your life, such as work, your partner and sexuality. Publisher: Books on Demand

Cover of the book Guía del papá primerizo
This book addresses different questions that dads ask themselves. Photo: Editorial Books on Demand

Qué se puede esperar, el primer año, by Heidi Murkoff (What to Expect, the First Year)

Each chapter corresponds to the first months of your baby’s age; this book will guide you on basic newborn care, crib safety, breastfeeding, sleep, and even provides topics such as effective and ecological parenting (changing the use of disposable diapers for cloth diapers). Publisher: Planeta

Cover of the book Qué se puede esperar, el primer año
Basic baby care and effective parenting issues are some of its contents Photo: Editorial Planeta

Mi recién nacido: La guía definitiva y más completa de ayuda a padres ante el nacimiento del bebé, by Pedro Camacho (My newborn: The definitive and most complete guide to help parents before the birth of the baby)

This book is written by a Neonatology nurse at the hospital Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Talavera de la Reina, in Madrid, Spain; he advises new parents on issues such as colic treatment in nursing babies, cleaning the umbilical cord and the nose, among others; these topics are explained with illustrations. Publisher: Pedro Felipe Camacho Garcia.

Cover of the book Mi recién nacido: La guía definitiva y más completa de ayuda a padres ante el nacimiento del bebé
This book provides basic tips for baby care Photo: Taken from Amazon

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El factor papá: Un libro sencillo y revelador que deberían leer todos los padres, by Richard Fletcher (The Dad Factor: A Simple and Insightful Book Every Dad Should Read)

The importance of the father being involved in his baby’s life from the time of pregnancy is the central theme of this book. The author delves into the benefits for the emotional and mental development of his son, of having a close relationship with his father. Publisher: Sirio

Cover of the book El factor papá: Un libro sencillo y revelador que deberían leer todos los padres
The importance of the father in the life of his child is the central axis of this book. Photo: Editorial Sirio

Guía urgente del padre primerizo, by Rafael Esteve Lloret (Urgent Guide for the First–Time Father)

Through illustrated pages, the author recounts his personal experiences and gives advice to new fathers, with a touch of humor and irony, to face this new stage. The book covers different situations in daily life, from the difficulties of sleeping the newborn, to the couple’s relationship. Publisher: Larousse

Cover of the book Guía urgente del padre primerizo
Through the illustrations, the author tells his experience as a father Photo: Editorial Larousse

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Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo: Anécdotas de cómo ser padre te cambia la vida, by Óscar Martínez (There is only one father… and that’s me: Anecdotes of how being a father changes your life)

The television presenter in Spain narrates his experiences becoming a father and how his life changed completely. Martínez says that, although men are usually afraid of everything that represents a commitment, embarking on the adventure of being a father is absolutely worthwhile. Publisher: Grijalbo

Cover of the book Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo: Anécdotas de cómo ser padre te cambia la vida
The Spanish presenter tells his experiences as a first-time father Photo: Editorial Grijalbo

We hope that this selection of books be a support for this new stage. What did you think?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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6 Libros para papás primerizos

La espera por la llegada de nuestro bebé está llena de alegría y entusiasmo, pero también de muchas dudas en las que la pregunta: ¿seré buen papá? Nos da vueltas una y otra vez. Nadie nace sabiendo cómo ser padre. Estos libros para papás primerizos te ayudarán en esta nueva etapa.

Enfrentarse a la paternidad puede ser aterrador, ya que nos enfrentaremos ante una vida que dependerá de nosotros, queremos ser perfectos, o cuando menos no repetir lo que no nos gusta de nuestros propios padres.

Nadie es perfecto, pero sí podemos dar nuestra mejor versión a ese pequeño que viene en camino. Esta selección de libros para papás primerizos, que hemos hecho para ti, te guiarán en tu iniciación a la paternidad.

Te recomendamos: Recién nacido: cuidados básicos

Guía del papá primerizo de Jonas Weidner

¿Cómo perder el miedo a ser padre? ¿Cómo generar un vínculo con mi bebé? Son algunas de las preguntas que este libro trata de descifrar, además intentará guiarte para compaginar tu nueva faceta como papá, con otras áreas de tu vida, como el trabajo, tu pareja y la sexualidad. Editorial: Books on Demand

Portada del libro Guía del papá primerizo
Este libro aborda diferentes preguntas que se hacen los papás. Foto: Editorial Books on Demand

Qué puedes esperar en el primer año de Heidi Murkoff

Cada capítulo corresponde a uno de los meses de tu bebé; este libro te orientará en temas sobre cuidados básicos del recién nacido, seguridad en la cuna, la lactancia, el sueño, incluso aporta temas como la crianza efectiva y ecológica (cambiar el uso de pañales desechables por los de tela). Editorial: Planeta

Portada del libro Qué se puede esperar el primer año
Cuidados básicos del bebé y temas de crianza efectiva son algunos de sus contenidos Foto: Editorial Planeta

Mi recién nacido: La guía definitiva y más completa de ayuda a padres ante el nacimiento del bebé de Pedro Camacho

Este libro está escrito por un enfermero de Neonatología del Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Talavera de la Reina, en Madrid, España; asesora a los papás primerizos en temas como el tratamiento para el cólico de los bebés lactantes, la limpieza del cordón umbilical, de la nariz, entre otros; estas temáticas son explicadas con ilustraciones. Editorial: Pedro Felipe Camacho García.

Portada del libro Mi recién nacido
Este libro brinda consejos básicos para el cuidado del bebé Foto: Tomada de Amazon

No te pierdas: ¿Debo bañar diario a mi bebé?

El factor papá: Un libro sencillo y revelador que deberían leer todos los padres de Richard Fletcher

La importancia de que el papá se involucre en la vida de su bebé desde el embarazo, es el tema central de este libro. El autor profundiza en los beneficios para el desarrollo emocional y mental de su hijo, de tener una relación cercana con su padre. Editorial: Sirio

Portada del libro El factor papá
La importancia del padre en la vida de su hijo es el eje central de este libro. Foto: Editorial Sirio

Guía urgente del padre primerizo de Rafael Esteve Lloret

A través de sus páginas ilustradas el autor cuenta sus vivencias personales y da consejos a los papás primerizos, con un toque de humor e ironía, para enfrentar esta nueva etapa. El libro abarca diferentes situaciones de la vida cotidiana, desde las dificultades para dormir al recién nacido, hasta la relación de pareja.  Editorial: Larousse

Portada del libro Guía Urgente del padre primerizo
A través de sus ilustraciones, el autor cuenta su experiencia como papá Foto: Editorial Larousse

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Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo: Anécdotas de cómo ser padre te cambia la vida de Óscar Martínez

El presentador de televisión en España, narra sus experiencias al convertirse en padre y cómo su vida cambió por completo. Martínez cuenta que, aunque los hombres suelen tener temor a todo aquello que represente un compromiso, embarcarse en la aventura de ser papá, vale mucho la pena. Editorial: Grijalbo

Portada del libro Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo
El presentador español cuenta sus experiencias como papá primerizo Foto: Editorial Grijalbo

Esperamos que esta selección de libros sea un apoyo para esta nueva etapa. ¿Qué te parecieron?

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10 keys to explain the Independence of Mexico to children

On September 15th and 16th Mexico throws a party; we commemorate what is considered the formal beginning of our Independence. The children wear typical clothes, on the night of the 15th we prepare a dinner with the most succulent dishes of our gastronomy and in the morning of the 16th, it is customary to see the parade.

That day many schools have a representation of the Grito de Dolores (Dolores call), one of the culminating points of the history of Mexico. It is very important that our children understand what happened that day.

Take advantage of the celebration to explain to your little ones a bit of our history. These are 10 keys to understand the Independence of Mexico. Review them so that you can explain them to your kids.

A long, long time ago…

List of 10 keys to explain the Independence of Mexico to children

1. What Mexico was like before

According to the book Historia Mínima de México, by Daniel Cosío Villegas, Alejandra Moreno Tascano, Lorenzo Meyer, Ignacio Bernal, among others, by 1800, New Spain (or Mexico as it is now called) had become one of the richest countries in the world, but there was a huge contrast: there was a lot of wealth for some (Spaniards and Criollos) and maximum poverty for others (mestizos and natives).

2. The caste system

One of the main reasons that originated the armed movement of 1810 was the caste and class structure. This meant that society was organized like a pyramid and people had to stay in the block (social stratum) into which they were born.

  • At the top were the Spaniards, classified in Peninsulares (born in Spain) and Criollos (children of Spaniards born in America).
  • Under them were the Mestizos (children of Spanish and native) and Castizos (children of mestizo and Spanish).
  • At the bottom were other descendant castes and natives.

3. Unfair society

Let’s go back a few years. In 1740, after two hundred years of being a dependent part of the Spanish empire, New Spain entered, like the rest of the world, an era of change known as the Age of Enlightenment.

The population considered part of the “nobility” owned all the wealth; they were only 0.15% of the population according to the Revillagigedo Census.

The original peoples lived in conditions of slavery, the mestizos began to be the majority of the population and the Criollos considered that the Spanish nobility was parasitic. Can you imagine the conditions?

Catalyzed by the ideas of the French Revolution and by the growing disgust against the Spanish crown and the taxes they imposed, the idea of independence began to take shape.

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4. Mexican Independence: A Criollo Movement

The Criolla middle class (illustrated) and the rich Criollos (landlords and miners) were the first to consider that it was unfair that all the wealth was sent to Spain.

In 1808, Napoleon, one of the greatest conquerors of all times, occupied Spain. The Spaniards opposed the invader and the Criollos, who did not considered themselves Spanish, tried to take advantage of the crisis to become independent and start the movement.

5. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the village priest who stood up to fight

Conspiracies took place everywhere, and the Spanish reported the Criollos, accusing them of violating the trust of the empire. However, the conspirators from Querétaro, San Miguel and Dolores, upon being denounced, rose up to fight.

In the early hours of Sunday, September 16th, 1810, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a wealthy, influential teacher, brilliant ex-student of the Jesuits and priest of the town of Dolores, set the prisoners free and put the Spanish authorities in jail. He called mass and from the atrium of the church incited the parishioners to join his cause.

6. El Grito de Dolores

The priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, accompanied by Ignacio Allende and Juan Aldama, called his parishioners to take up arms. He rang one of the bells of the Parish of the Town of Dolores, today Dolores Hidalgo, in Guanajuato.

The exact words that priest Hidalgo spoke are unknown, the most probable and oldest version says that he shouted, “Long live our most holy Mother of Guadalupe! Long live Fernando VII and death to bad government!” (Bishop Manuel Abad y Queipo).

You can read: 5 tips to enjoy Mexican food and national holidays without remorse

7. The Banner of Vírgen de Guadalupe

In Hidalgo’s illustrations and murals, he is portrayed carrying a banner of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the highest Catholic figure in Mexico since the 16th century. According to historians, on the morning of the 16th, when he called the people in “El Grito”, he did not take out the religious image, he did it during the first hours of his march for independence. In any case, it is tradition that in the representations of “El Grito“, the Mexican flag is carried emulating that banner.

8. The Independence of Mexico began with only 15 people

A small group of only 15 people, according to letters from Miguel Hidalgo, started the riot without military training and very few weapons. Four months later, that group of people would become an army of 100,000 men with 95 cannons. It was not a simple protest, but the desperation of the entire town.

9. Was the Independence of Mexico on September 15th or 16th?

There is a lot of discrepancy regarding when “El Grito” actually took place, most historians agree that it was in the early hours of September 16th. President Porfirio Díaz, who was in power between 1876 and 1911, changed the celebration from the 16th to the night of the 15th to celebrate it with his birthday. Since then we celebrate it on the night of September 15th.

But check it, we celebrate September 16th  as an iconic event, but actually, the consummation of independence was on September 27th, 1821, with the triumphal entry of the Army of the Three Guarantees (Trigarante) commanded by Agustín de Iturbide to Mexico City.

10. There were many women involved

Some people believe that few women participated in the Independence, but they are wrong.  Without the participation of women, the movement could not have been able to consolidate. The most renowned ones are Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, Leona Vicario, María Ignacia Rodríguez, Gertrudis Bocanegra, Mariana Rodríguez del Toro, Altagracia Mercado, Carmen Camacho, among others.

There was also a hidden network in which women from different social classes (mostly Criollas and natives) participated, they were called “Las Guadalupes” and they were in charge of getting donations and food.

Interesting and exciting, don’t you think? With this data you can give your kids a light explanation of why we celebrate the Independence of Mexico today and what happened on this day many years ago.

Now, let’s enjoy the food. Viva Mexico!

By the way, you can put together a patriotic outfit for your babies in the Baby Creysi Online Store. In fact, all the clothes are beautiful. Take a look!

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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