6 tips for the treatment of Covid-19 in children

The dreaded fourth wave of Covid-19 is arriving in Mexico. Infections increase, and with it, our concern for the health of our children. If your little one tested positive, don’t panic because these tips for the treatment of Covid-19 in children will help you.

The images of long lines of people waiting to be tested for this disease do nothing but anguish us, and when we see the positive result in our children, fear invades us because the idea that it could get worse terrifies us. However, we must remain calm to support our little ones during their treatment.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that children have “a much lower risk” of seriously developing the disease commonly known as Coronavirus than older adults. However, minors with chronic conditions have a higher risk of getting worse.

According to Morgan Guerra Gea, epidemiologist and Medical Director of Previta, we must be very aware of the evolution of our little one’s condition, especially if he has a chronic disease or suffers from obesity, and maintain contact with the pediatrician from the diagnosis.

Tips for the treatment of Covid-19 in children

Do not self-medicate

Dr. Guerra Gea asserts that the Omicron variant produces symptoms very similar to those of a common cold or flu; therefore, it is essential not to self-medicate and go to the doctor if you have any signs of the respiratory disease so that the specialist can rule out or confirm a suspicion of contagion.

“Avoid self-medication in the face of any sign of respiratory disease or cold. It is better to go and make an assessment with the doctor. We recommend performing an antigen or PCR test. Do not leave it to chance; let’s see if it is or is not”.

Before any symptom, we must go to the doctor do not self-medicate. Photo: Pixabay
Before any symptom, we must go to the doctor do not self-medicate. Photo: Pixabay

Take care of food

Food is essential to get through the disease as it strengthens our immune system helping it to better combat the disease.

“Do not give up healthy food, avoid everything that has added sugars, search for natural foods”.

To help the body fight Covid-19, we must have healthy food. Photo: Pixabay
To help the body fight Covid-19, we must have healthy food. Photo: Pixabay

Make confinement bearable

Dr. Guerra Gea recommended “using an area of ​​the house to go through isolation. It can be the child’s bedroom, trying to keep him there most of the time, but not restricting the common areas as long as everybody wears face masks to avoid completely isolating the little one since he could be affected emotionally”.

To make confinement more enjoyable, we can organize some games or activities so that our children do not despair during this stage and establish routines to avoid boredom.

“You have to suggest fun activities or games and do not let them watch television all the time. Keep them active, so they are not desperate. It is necessary to maintain a routine as much as possible so that children can go through this stage”.

During treatment, it is essential to maintain the routine. Photo: Shutterstock
During treatment, it is essential to maintain the routine. Photo: Shutterstock

Appoint a caregiver

Once we receive our child’s Covid-19 diagnosis, choosing a family member to care for the little one is essential. The caregiver must be vaccinated against this condition and does not have chronic diseases.

“There should be a caregiver; the best is someone already vaccinated, with strong defenses and no health risks. If the caregiver is the mother and she is sick, there is no problem; they should only use a face mask in closed places”.

Warning symptoms

Although most cases of Covid-19 recover at home, proof of this is that from the start of the pandemic until January 9 of this year, 6,720 hospitalizations have been registered in children between 0 and 9 years of age. According to the Ministry of Health, we must be very aware of how the condition develops in our children.

If you have the following symptoms, see a doctor immediately:

  • The fever does not subside despite the use of medication
  • Heavy breathing
  • There is space between ribs
  • The chest sinks
  • Change of color in lips, fingers, or extremities
We must be attentive to the warning signs. Photo: Pixabay
We must be attentive to the warning signs. Photo: Pixabay

It may interest you: When should I vaccinate my baby against influenza?

Vaccine vs. influenza to avoid co-infection

It is essential to vaccinate your little ones and the whole family against influenza to avoid co-infection; they can get Covid-19 and influenza simultaneously. This combination has been called Fluorona, which has been found in various parts of the world, for example, in Israel, while in Mexico, it was detected on January 8th  in Nayarit.

“Before any viral disease, there is always the opportunist: the virus or the opportunistic bacteria that can co-infect the child with low defenses. The seasonal influenza is circulating at this time, so it is necessary to do it as soon as possible if you have not been vaccinated against it”.

Dr. Guerra Gea

Let’s not let our guard down against Covid-19; let’s keep taking care of ourselves.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Omicron in children: 5 frequently asked questions

The increase in cases of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant have generated a lot of concern and doubts about how to care for our little ones. Here we answer the five frequently asked questions about this variant in children.

In the last week we have seen how Covid-19 infections have increased, only on January 6th, the Ministry of Health reported 25 thousand 821 new cases. This type of news alarms us; however, we must remain calm and not disregard preventive measures.

Dr. Rafael Bojalil, a researcher at the Department of Health Care of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) Xochimilco Unit, explained that Omicron, unlike other variants, is concentrated in the upper respiratory tract: nose, throat and larynx. Therefore, it is more contagious and the symptoms are very similar to those of a common cold.

“Omicron does not settle in the lungs, it settles in the nose and throughout the upper respiratory tract up to the bronchi; that is why it is more contagious, the virus is closer to the exit, to the breath”.

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Are the symptoms of Omicron the same in children?

Dr. Bojalil commented that the symptoms of Covid-19, in its Omicron variant, are the same in adults and children.

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Fever (not always)
Mom taking care of child
The Omicron symptoms are the same in adults and children. Photo: Shutterstock

When should I see a doctor?

Due to the similarity of the symptoms with a common cold, in case of any flu symptoms we should go to the doctor, so that he can evaluate us and, if necessary, have the test.

“Today, anyone who has symptoms of respiratory infection should be considered a Covid suspect”.

Dr. Rafael Bojalil

Are the tests for all ages?

Although it can be annoying for children to have the test to detect Covid-19, it can be done at any age. Dr. Bojalil pointed out that it has been observed that there is little sensitivity of the antigen tests to the Omicron variant; he recommends having the PCR test.

“We have been seeing that the antigen tests are very insensitive for this new variant, Omicron, and they give us many false negatives, so we would have to do PCR tests immediately after detecting contact with a positive case two or three days later. Doing two tests on a kid can be annoying and expensive. They can wait in lockdown for two to three days after knowing that he has been close to a person who has tested positive for Covid-19, then carry out the test”.

Tests to detect Covid-19 are for all ages Photo: Shutterstock
Tests to detect Covid-19 are for all ages. Photo: Shutterstock

Do not miss: Why to vaccinate children with comorbidity against COVID-19 and other frequent questions

My child tested positive, what do I do?

If your child tested positive for Covid-19, it is very important that the pediatrician give him the proper follow-up and allocate an area of the house so that he can undergo his treatment.

The doctor commented that isolation can affect children emotionally, so he recommends that all the family follow preventive measures: assign an area of the home, but without keeping him isolated from other parts of the house.

He stressed that only one family member must care for the minor; the caregiver must be vaccinated against Covid-19 and not have comorbidities, so that he is not so vulnerable.

Isolating children can affect them emotionally Photo: Shutterstock
Isolating children can affect them emotionally Photo: Shutterstock

Cloth face masks: do they work against Omicron?

Because this variant focuses on the upper airways, cloth face coverings are not sufficiently protective because they are very thin. The UAM Xochimilco researcher recommended wearing the N95 and KN95 masks.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has indicated that to protect yourself from the Omicron variant, it is recommended to wear N95 masks, since they filter up to 95% of the particles in the air and fit perfectly.

It may interest you: When should I vaccinate my baby against influenza?

Preventive actions

Given this increase in infections, we must follow prevention measures, do not disregard them:

  • Frequent hand washing
  • Wear a face mask
  • Avoid crowded places and gatherings
  • At school, do not share food
  • Get vaccinated against Covid-19 (vaccine-approved population)

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Measures to prevent accidents at home

During the holidays, accidents at a home increase by 30%. We leave you some steps to avoid accidents at home. Protect your little ones! Read these measures to prevent accidents at home.

The hustle and bustle of the holidays, the preparations for family dinners, the decorations in the home force us to take care of our little ones. These are some measures to prevent accidents at home. Follow them and take care of your little ones! Figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) indicate that the first cause of death in 2020 among children between 1 and 4 years of age were accidents, while the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) indicates that during winter holidays increase the accidents of children at home by 30%, with burns and falls. Intoxication is the major injury suffered by our little ones.

Civil Protection details that accidents with Christmas trees caused 60% of homes’ fires registered in December. As if that was not enough, the Ministry of Health of the government of Mexico City (Sedesa) warns that burns in children increased 30% due to the burning of pyrotechnics, leaving injuries to hands and fingers and hearing loss.

We must apply preventive measures to protect our little ones in these situations. The National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) and the IMSS provide some recommendations for this season:

In the kitchen

  • Prevent your little ones from playing in the kitchen, not even near it.
  • Keep children away from the stove or heater.
  • Do not carry a child while cooking.

Christmas trees and safe Nativity sets

  • Place them on firm bases so that they are away from corridors and drafts.
  • Do not place lighted candles as part of the decoration, as they can cause fires.

Watch out for Christmas lights

  • Use LED-type bulbs since they consume less energy.
  • Check that the contacts are not damaged and do not overload them.
  • If you leave the house, turn off all the lights.

Safe piñatas

  • Use cardboard piñatas to avoid bumps or cuts.
  • Take precautions when hitting it.
  • Avoid stuffing them with heavy or pointed objects.
  • Hold it firmly and outline the area.

Prepared for emergencies

In addition to these measures, it is essential to plan for these situations, to be better prepared if an accident occurs. Leonardo González, a Real Estate analyst at Propiedades.com, recommends having an emergency plan to be better prepared to resolve them.

This emergency plan at home must have the following points:

  • Simulate evacuation routes inside the house.
  • Identify problem areas and those that could cause accidents.
  • Always have emergency telephone numbers and contacts at hand.
  • Create a procedure plan among the whole family and assign roles.
  • Implement internal measures to act promptly.
  • Repair damage that could cause accidents.

This season is one of the favorites for many people; let’s enjoy the holidays with caution, let’s follow the rules to protect the little ones at home.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version: Here

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How to promote spirituality in the family

Parents are concerned that their children grow up healthy and strong, that they have good grades, and play sports. But what about their spiritual development? From the family, we can promote spirituality and have many benefits. We tell you what they are!

Panterita Roch, a spiritual coach, explained that we tend to think that we are separate entities, in which the body is on one side, and the mind on the other, and spirituality entails an enormous effort on our part; however, there is nothing more natural, because, above all, we are spirit.

We can make spirituality part of our daily lives and foster it with some small practices in our families. Panterita Roch shares with us some of her advice to promote family spirituality.

Some of the benefits that spiritual development gives us are:

  • It helps relax and release stress.
  • It promotes the development of values.
  • It encourages empathy, compassion, and dignity.
  • It helps develop respect for us and others.
  • It encourages questioning and growth.

Besides these benefits, we may add a more balanced life, better communication among family members, and an atmosphere of peace and generosity, which provides us with an optimal solution to solve everyday problems.

“Although these benefits sound idyllic, the truth is that these are natural characteristics of our essence that always accompany us; we just have to change our approach and remember what we are”.

Take advantage of everyday activities

The practices in our routine are a good time to practice; if we want to teach our family to be grateful, we can start by giving thanks when we finish a meal.

You can thank the Universe or anyone you have faith in so that it begins to become a conscious habit.

Involve your partner

Before starting to teach your children, talk to your partner so that everyone takes advantage of the moments of coexistence and promotes spirituality in a didactic way.

“You should first strengthen your own beliefs and help each other find inner balance. There will always be questions to ask and challenges to overcome, but together is better”.

Encourage service to others by example

An old saying says that “you have to lead by example,” so if we want to instill in our little ones to help others, we must start with ourselves, either by donating something or allocating part of our time to some tasks.

“Nothing like your example to make service to others organic and natural; this will help us develop empathy for others and see other people as part of yourself, which is one of the most important lessons of selfless service”.

Meditate together

Doing meditation, a daily family practice is the best way to encourage spirituality in our little ones.

“Hold short sessions if you have never done it before and increase the time depending on the need of the family members. Five minutes will be enough. Remember that deep breathing is key, inhaling deeply in five seconds, holding the air for three seconds and then releasing it in five seconds; the important thing is that they can relax and connect with their inner self”.

Learn together

Researching about topics that catch your attention and discussing the points that are most interesting to you will unite you more.

Panterita Roch commented that you could start fostering spirituality in children as soon as they begin to be aware of themselves; the ideal age is five years old to help them manage their emotions and frustrations at that stage.

“The important thing is that you connect, express your concerns and triumphs, and that family members represent physical and spiritual support for each other”.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

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Home remedies to raise the body defenses

Many people look forward to the holiday season. It is the time to get together with friends and family, but low temperatures are a factor that can cause respiratory diseases. These home remedies will help you raise your defenses and be stronger against any illness.

A balanced diet is key to having strong defenses, since consuming certain foods provide us with nutrients to strengthen our immune system. However, we can help ourselves with some home remedies, which combine different natural products to keep us strong.

However, we must not forget that no home remedy or food is the cure for an illness. If you or your little one have any discomfort or symptoms, you should go to the doctor to get the appropriate treatment.

Honey lemon tea

This recipe is a granny’s classic home remedy because when we go down with a cold, they tell us that this drink will help us cope with the symptoms. Honey has many benefits: it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it is a natural sweetener, and best of all, it only has 64 calories.

On the other hand, the lemon has a high content of vitamin C; it also has antiviral properties that help raise the defenses against possible viral infections. Attention! It helps our body to strengthen our immune system, but it does not mean that lemon cures a viral or bacterial infection.

Ointments with ginger

Ginger is a plant native to Southeast Asia which is used in many food recipes, but it is also used to calm many ailments, since its properties provide many benefits, including raising our defenses and it is udes in many home remedies.

Gingerol is the main active compound in ginger and the one that gives its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; it also helps reduce stress and therefore raise our defenses. Whether you consume it in tea, or in some food, the ginger ointment helps stimulate the respiratory tract, thus helping to decongest.

To prepare this ointment, boil a few pieces of this root; then grind the root (if you have a mortar, it is much better, otherwise you can crush it with some hard object to apply pressure). You are going to grind the root until its consistency feels like a paste, and at night, apply it on the chest.

Saltwater washes

Another home remedy: Making a solution with salt and water helps clean the mucous that is generated in the respiratory tract. Pour a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and stir. Whether you gargle or put small drops directly into your nose with the help of a dropper, it will help keep your breathing passages clear, due to the astringent properties of salt.


Because it contains phytochemicals (compounds that help promote the immune system), garlic is a food that you can eat in small pieces or you can add it to your meals. It will help you raise your defenses.

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Juice against flu

This drink is also a mom’s classic because as soon as the winter arrives, moms prepare this juice for their children. The ingredients, orange, pineapple, guava and a few drops of lemon, are rich in vitamin C to raise defenses.

Remember that these home remedies only help us raise our defenses and they complement other factors such as sleeping well and eating a balanced diet. Check them and prepare for your little ones the one you consider best.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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Rituals to attract abundance

The Christmas season makes us think about what happened to us in the year and plan what we want for the next one. One way to fill ourselves with energy is through rituals to attract abundance; we leave you some to do as a family and attract abundance.

Spiritual coach, Panterita, shares with us that to obtain the abundance we desire, we must let go of past experiences, even the bad ones, to make room for all that is good.

Abundance is energy; it is an energetic current that flows from you and through you. You can make room in your energy, but if you are full of emotions you have not released, you are not making room for new things to come into your life”.


Before performing the ritual, you must prepare internally by looking for the right place and time for your family to be relaxed, but also externally: clean your home, especially the area of the house where the ritual will be performed.

Internally, you will think about what you want to achieve by 2022: if you’re going to change jobs, buy a house, buy a car… Panterita comments that when one thinks about the goals I want to achieve, I am charging myself with energy.

“The intention, when you think about what you want, you are aware of it, you impregnate it with energy to become a reality. This feeling, that energy is going to make this work”.

What do you need?

Once you have cleaned your house, found the place, as well as the time to perform the ritual, and that you have done this exercise of thinking about your goals, you’ll need:

  • • One purple candle: purple is the color of transmutation; we will use it because we will let go of everything we don’t want.
  • • One golden candle: it helps us bring abundance. If you don’t get a golden one, it can be red, yellow, or orange.
  • • paper and pen
  • • A pot or cauldron
  • • Music: you can search for mantras or frequencies

Visualize what you want

Once you and your family have found the right time and place, you are going to take the candle, the paper and the pen; with the candle in your hands, you will close your eyes and inhale deeply three times; while you do it, you will think about everything that happened to you in this 2021 and give thanks.

“You will say three times thank you, and then you will think about everything that happened this year. You are going to write everything. First, you will write the phrase. Thank you three times: Thank you because I had a job this year. And also, be thankful for the bad because everything you consider to be something bad is a teaching that shows you what your soul has to work on”.

By doing this ritual, you let go of everything that happened to you and make room for new things. The next step is to think about what you want for the next year, visualize it, and you are going to write it down on a piece of paper; then, take the golden candle, and again you will imagine what you expect from the following year.

“We are going to light the golden candle. You will take it into your hands and set an intention on it; this intention is what makes the difference. You will feel and remember the happiest moment in your life, and you will transmit that feeling of love from your heart to the candle, and you will infuse it with energy”.

Now that you have visualized your life in 2022 write down what you saw and put it in place in your home or office to constantly see it. Get together with your family; each one may think about what they want for the following year and do this ritual to receive abundance.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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When should I vaccinate my baby against influenza?

Winter is here, and one of the diseases with the highest circulation is influenza. Many moms wonder: When should I get my baby vaccinated against the flu?

Dr. Julissa Rodríguez Calderón, medical manager for the influenza vaccine at Sanofi Pasteur, highlighted the importance of vaccinating our little ones against influenza since children under five years of age are at greater risk of presenting complications since their immune system is not yet mature.

She specified that children between six months and eight years, who have never received the influenza vaccine, should receive two doses with four weeks between each one.

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At what age can I vaccinate my baby?

Dr. Rodríguez explained that the influenza vaccine is indicated from six months of age; for this reason, pregnant women must get vaccinated; in this way, they pass the antibodies to their babies; the vaccine can be applied in any trimester of pregnancy.

“Because we cannot vaccinate newborns, my recommendation is to vaccinate the pregnant woman; she can be vaccinated in any trimester of pregnancy. This would be the only opportunity that the baby has to be protected because the mother will pass antibodies to the little one who will not be able to receive the vaccine until he is six months old”.

The specialist also explained that due to the changes in pregnancy in the immune, cardiac, and respiratory systems, the risk of complications from influenza increases as pregnancy progresses.

“A pregnant woman has twice the risk of being hospitalized. If she has a problem such as asthma, she has ten times the risk of hospitalization, which will impact the little one. If we don’t vaccinate her, she’s two to four times more likely to have a stillbirth or have a low-weight baby born early”.

When does vaccination start?

The medical manager for the influenza vaccine at Sanofi Pasteur commented that it is advisable to apply the dose as soon as it is available to be well protected. This year, the vaccination campaign against influenza began on November 3.

“Ideally, it has to be as soon as possible. Right now, we still are on time, winter is just about to start, and that is when there is a greater circulation of the virus, we must protect the most vulnerable people, children under five years of age, patients over 60 years of age, and pregnant women”.

Preventive measures

Some measures to prevent getting the flu are frequent hand washing, avoiding closed places with little ventilation, keeping the little ones warm, and checking-ups with the pediatrician.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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How can we prevent colds in children?

The holiday season is known for its low temperatures; it is super important to prevent colds in children so that they are healthy and can enjoy this time.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, we can prevent colds with measures to start at home; they go from frequent hand washing to avoiding touching the eyes or nose with the hands.

We share some tips to prevent colds; these will protect them, even if they are not at home.

Measures to prevent colds in children:

• Wash your hands every time you arrive at a new place.

• Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth when you are outdoors.

• When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth or nose with the inside of your elbow.

• Don’t hug your friends when they are sick.

• Don’t drink from the same bottle as your friends.

• Stay away from people with colds

Since the beginning of winter, 82 positive cases of influenza have been registered in Mexico. In addition, with the emergence of a new variant of Covid-19, it is necessary not to lower our guard and continue taking care of ourselves, and especially of the little ones so that they can enjoy the Christmas holidays in good health.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

We recommend: When should I vaccinate my baby against influenza?

Family diversity books for kids

Times have changed, and with it, families. Books on family diversity for children are a way to explain to your little ones about the subject. Your children must know the different types of families from an early age to grow up in a tolerant and inclusive environment.

We leave you the following list of books for your children about the diversity of families.

Cada Familia a su aire (Each family, in its own way) by Béatrice Boutignon

Teach your little ones that families are made up in different ways, whether by a mom and dad, homoparental families, monoparental ones, and many more. Your little one will learn that no matter who its members are, the most important thing is to have someone who cares for us and loves us. Editorial Hotel papel (+3 years).

Cover Each family in its way. Photo: Editorial Hotel Paper
Cover Each family in its way. Photo: Editorial Hotel Paper

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Familiarium by Mar Cerdà

Each of its pages is cut into four parts, and a character or characters are drawn on each of them so that different combinations can be made with the cutouts so that your little ones get to know the diversity of families. On the last page, your child will be able to draw his family model. Editorial Comanegra (+3 years).

Cover: Familiarum. Photo: Editorial Comanegra

Cover: Familiarum. Photo: Editorial Comanegra

El gran Libro de las Familias (The Big Book of Families) by Mary Hoffman

Through its illustrations, your little one will learn about the diversity of families. At the end of the book, there is an activity for the naughty kids in the home to draw their family tree. Editorial Oxfam Intermón (+3 years).

Cover: The Book of Families. Photo: Editorial Oxfam Intermón,
Cover: The Book of Families. Photo: Editorial Oxfam Intermón,


Federico y sus familias (Federico and his families) by Mili Hernández and Gómez

The protagonist is Federico the Cat, who takes a tour of all the families he has had, each of them different, but the ones he loves equally. This book is aimed at the smallest of the home. Editorial NubeOcho (+2 years).

Cover: Federico and his families. Photo: Editorial NubeOcho
Cover: Federico and his families. Photo: Editorial NubeOcho

Familias (Families) by Oh Mami Blue

With illustrations and rhymes, this book shows us that there are as many types of a family as there are ways of loving, with which your little one will learn that all families, regardless of how they are made up, have in common the love between their members and their desire to protect themselves. Editorial Somos Libros (+3 years).

Cover:  Families. Photo: Editorial Somos Libros
Cover: Families. Photo: Editorial Somos Libros

Una gran familia (A great family) by Elisenda Roca and Rocío Bonilla

Violeta and her dog, Brush, organize a party for her neighborhood, where all the neighbors are going to collaborate, so the little ones observe through the illustrations in this book the different types of family that exist and that everyone can live together help each other. Editorial Beascoa (+4 years).

Cover:  A big family. Photo: Editorial Beascoa
Cover: A big family. Photo: Editorial Beascoa

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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Let´s empower our girls

Family is essential to prevent violence against women, so it is super important to raise free, strong, confident and independent girls. We have some tips for you to encourage your little girl to make her own decisions.

Avoid saying no

Dr. Marisol Pérez Ramos, an academic from the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), recommends that parents let their daughters make decisions from an early age, not overprotecting them and avoiding telling them no always.

With this simple piece of advice, from an early age, you teach them that their opinion is important.

“Regularly, girls are overprotected from not falling down, or getting dirty; the best thing is that the girls are free, that they fall, that they get dirty. You have to avoid saying “no” all the time, you have to let them experience new paths, get on the games and give them the confidence that they are able to do things”, she expresses.

Marisol Pérez Ramos, academic at UAM

Help empower your girls

Doctor Pérez Ramos comments that, instead of scolding the little ones, their confidence should be encouraged and supported if they make a mistake; you can change the scolding for positive expressions that encourage them to continue discovering their abilities.

“We can say the opposite: You can keep trying and next time you will do it. I mean change negative expressions for positive reinforcement and reduce scolding”.

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Avoid gender stereotypes

Gender stereotypes, in general, are those that condition our behavior and attitudes according to our biological sex. For example, pink, or characteristics such as fragility, are often associated with girls.

About hosehold chores

The UAM researcher recommends that girls should not be limited in their activities or tastes, but also avoid teaching them that household chores are exclusively for them, that they involve all family members.

“These types of limitations are all about gender violence, as well as the fact that girls are the ones who serve the food or do the chores. Nor should we tell them to always be nice or kind because it is a way of conditioning their behavior”, she explains.

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Do not compare girls with their brothers

Expressions like, “Your brother is allowed because he is a boy” is also a way of limiting girls. This encourages the propagation of gender stereotypes.

“Sometimes dads usually take their sons to soccer games and leave their daughters behind because they are girls. This is an example of a discriminatory process”, she highlights.

Our family is essential to prevent gender violence, so it is super important to foster confidence in our girls to empower them and make them free to achieve each one of their goals.

Translated by: Ligia Mabel Oliver Manrique de Lara

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How to take care of the heart of mom and dad: let’s anticipate trouble

September 29th is World Heart Day, a reminder that seeks to raise awareness in people about making healthy decisions for our well-being and thus reduce the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases. It is the ideal occasion to talk about how to take care of the heart of mom and dad.

Heart disease: the permanent pandemic

Did you know that cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death in the world? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), myocardial infarctions and strokes claim more than 17 million lives a year and it is estimated that the figure will increase to 23.6 million by 2030. In Mexico, more than 150,000 people die from heart problems a year, “It is a true pandemic, but unlike COVID-19, which will eventually go away, like all infectious epidemics, arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases remain”, said Dr. Enrique Gómez Álvarez, Postgraduate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

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Men and women are equally affected

In past times, it was believed that men were affected to a greater extent, today according to WHO data, it is known that these conditions impact women almost equally. And there is more information: In our country, 19% of women and men between 30 and 69 years old die from cardiovascular diseases, indicates a paper published in the Mexican Journal of Cardiology.

It is estimated that 70.3% of the adult population lives with at least one cardiovascular risk factor such as hypertension (17 million), diabetes (6 million), obesity and overweight (35 million), smoking (15 million) and/or dyslipidemia or high concentration of lipids in the blood (14 million).

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Risk factors

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicates that the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease (CVD) increases due to any of the following causes:

  1. An unhealthy diet: low consumption of fruits and vegetables and a high consumption of salt, sugar and fat.
  2. Overweight and obesity
  3. Sedentary lifestyle
  4. Exposure to tobacco

“So far in 2021, 326,892 Mexicans have been diagnosed with overweight. In other words, every week 9,080 people have been detected with one of these conditions. If only obesity, and therefore high cholesterol and high blood pressure, were controlled, 8 out of 10 deaths caused by diseases could be avoided”, says Dr. Laura Jessy Chávez Hernández, Medical Manager of the Cardiovascular Area of the Silanes Laboratories.

In addition to personal care, there is low investment by the State in Health; it is only 6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while in developed countries the figures are in two digits. The worst thing is that the biggest expense is in therapeutic care and not in prevention.

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How to take care of the heart of mom and dad

The best way to combat cardiovascular diseases is through prevention. These are some tips given by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) to reduce risk factors:

  1. Go to preventive medical care, particularly people with family antecedents, obesity, hypertension and a sedentary lifestyle. Actions such as the follow-up of weight, height, Body Mass Index, blood glucose and fat levels, kidney function, blood pressure and heart rate are essential.
  2. Control your blood pressure. Check it up at least once a year and more often if you have high blood pressure.
  3. Make healthy changes in your lifestyle. Avoid hyper caloric diets and do physical activity.
  4. Monitor and keep your cholesterol and triglyceride levels low.
  5. Maintain a healthy weight.
  6. Limit alcohol consumption.
  7. Don’t smoke.
  8. Control your stress.
  9. Controls diabetes (it doubles the risk of diabetic heart disease).
  10. Make sure you get enough sleep.

Heart Day reminds us that we must take care of our health. It’s not too late, start now.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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Being a woman is not defined by being a mother: giving up full-time motherhood

Those of us who have children know that we can give our lives for them. That is undeniable, but there is a fact that we should all take into account: being a woman is not defined by being a mother.

It is just as valid and respectable not to want children, as it is to look yourself as a person when you already have them; giving up full-time motherhood (the famous selfless and long-suffering mother) and remember that a happy woman is also a good mother.

Being a woman is not defined by being a mother

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According to Kalinda Kano, with whom we spoke about her book Perfectamente Imperfecta, the idea that just because we are women we have to be dedicated moms is very old-fashioned and we should eradicate it,

Life is not automatic, and not because ‘that’s how it’s always been’, it means this is it, that’s how it has to be for you too. Being a woman is not defined by being a mother. One thing is being a woman and another thing is being a mother”, says the author.

The writer explains that motherhood is not the only way in which we assist others, “There are family structures in which one of the daughters or sons takes care of her parents for reasons of health, old age or customs. There are mothers-in-law who live with married couples, cousins who for some reason end up sleeping in your couch, dependent roommates, friends who need you to be with them, even bosses who ask you more than expected”.

There will always be people who require your attention, energy and time.

We believe that the more we serve others, the better people we are. This not only applies to the idea of ​​the mother who goes out of her way for her children but in all kinds of relationships. We have been raised with the belief that you must give yourself to others, otherwise you are selfish, but that is a big mistake.

Taking care of you has the same priority

“Taking care of yourself and your needs should have the same priority or even more than taking care of others. Repeat after me: I am worth it, my needs are important and dedicating time to myself does not make me selfish or a bad person”, emphasizes Kalinda Kano.

The key is to set priorities and always maintain your individuality.

Let’s not only talk about reconciling family and work life, but also about reconciling your family (and maternal) life with your personal space. Each of us has pillars: home, children, work, family, friends… Where are you?

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Keys to recover yourself

Kano recommends 4 clues to recover your individuality:

  1. Block and formally schedule a certain time per day or week that is just for you. No children, no partner, parents, friends or acquaintances. It’s your time to do what you want. It can be watching the series you like, having your nails done, taking lessons of whatever you want, putting on a beauty mask, taking a nap, etc.
  2. Don’t always be available for others. Let them know that sometimes you can help them and other times they will have to wait. It is important for you and for those involved. Let your family know that you are going to read, meditate or listen to the podcast you like and that they cannot interrupt you. At first it will be a challenge, but at some point they will understand.
  3. Rediscover your passions. Remember something you loved and do it.
  4. Seek for help. Don’t try to carry the world by yourself. Ask your family for help. Sometimes they can help looking after the children. Hire a babysitter a few hours a week, tell your friend to take over with the other friend who is getting divorced and needs moral support. Asking for help doesn’t make you weaker, it makes you smarter.

We could add a couple more points:

  • 5. Take care of your body. Not only for aesthetics, but for health. You need yourself healthy, your children need you healthy. Exercise, eat a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy ones.
  • 6. Be imperfect. As Kalinda Kano says, “Don’t try to be Superwoman”, or as educator Ale Velasco suggests, “Give yourself a chance, be deliciously imperfect”.

These tips apply to every one: those who have children and those who do not. There will always be someone who will need your time, it depends on you how much you are willing to give it.

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Giving up full-time motherhood

You must understand that it is not about being a bad mother. You love your children, no one will love them more than you do. The proposal is that you just give up full-time motherhood and allow yourself to take care of yourself.

There are those who are forced by life to give up their mother’s full time for work. Sometimes you have to do it to make ends meet. Many women leave their children in the care of others for at least eight hours and when they pick them up, they find it hard to think about anything other than their children.

In this case the key is quality time. Quality time is what will allow you to make individual spaces in your busy agenda.

Of course, it is also essential that you set limits on your work, no answering messages, when it is your children’s time.

Balance, organization and limits are the ingredients to balance your life. Would you try it?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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To be or not to be a mother, a well-thought and individual decision

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