Does stopping breastfeeding cause you to gain weight?

Your body goes through many changes after bringing your baby into the world. Breastfeeding also involves physical modifications to be able to feed your child. But what happens when this stage ends? You may wonder if stopping breastfeeding causes you to gain weight. We will tell you what is happening.

Surely you have heard that breastfeeding helps you lose the kilos you gained during pregnancy, and it is true; there is a relationship between breastfeeding and weight loss, as indicated by the study Breastfeeding reduces postpartum weight retention.

Research reveals that breastfeeding helps lose the kilos gained during pregnancy, especially in the first six months after giving birth; however, this depends on the Body Mass Index (BMI) that you had before getting pregnant, how long you breastfeed your baby, and what you eat during these stages.

Elizabeth LaFleur, a lactation consultant, and Mayo Clinic fellow, says that when you breastfeed, you use fat cells stored in your body during pregnancy and calories from your diet to stimulate milk production and feed your baby.

“Weight loss during lactation can occur even when you follow the recommendations to consume an additional 300 to 500 calories per day to maintain energy and milk production.”

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Yes, you can lose weight while breastfeeding. Photo: Shutterstock
Yes, you can lose weight while breastfeeding. Photo: Shutterstock

What happens when I stop breastfeeding?

Are you wondering if stopping breastfeeding causes you to gain weight? When you breastfeed, you should know that you burn around 500 calories a day to produce breast milk; it makes you more hungry than usual, so you eat more. Once you stop lactating, your needs change, but your body is used to consuming those extra calories, explains nutritionist Paola Figari.

“This is the most difficult thing, to stop eating the largest or most frequent portions you have been eating for nine months of pregnancy, plus the lactating time. This change can take time because you need to know your body and its needs again, so don’t pressure yourself to do it quickly.”

The hormonal changes that occur after breastfeeding alter your metabolism. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for producing breast milk, is reduced, and, in its place, estrogen levels rise. Therefore, your body continues to send hunger signals, Figari details.

“Although your priorities often focus on taking care of your baby, it is essential that you do not leave your health aside. Getting back into a healthy eating and exercise routine can take time, but you can do it with help and inner work.”

She advises having foods rich in nutrients, keeping a balanced diet, and incorporating cardio and resistance exercises, which will help you level hormonal imbalances.

A balanced diet and physical activity will help you maintain your weight. Photo: Pixabay
A balanced diet and physical activity will help you maintain your weight. Photo: Pixabay

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How can you control your weight after breastfeeding?

“It is important that you consider that there is an immediate weight loss of approximately 6 kilos after childbirth. After this, you will lose the rest little by little, around 400 and 900 grams per month, during the first six months after delivery, and then it will be even slower”, says Elizabeth LaFleur.

“It often takes six to nine months to lose the weight gained during pregnancy.”

LaFleur recommends keeping a healthy diet with a variety of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and drinking plenty of water. Avoid foods with added sugars and saturated fats such as soft drinks, desserts, cheeses, whole milk, and fatty meats. You can also do moderate physical activity.

Physical activity will help you control your weight. Photo: Pixabay
Physical activity will help you control your weight. Photo: Pixabay

“If you want to lose more weight after six months of breastfeeding, you can carefully restrict your calories as your baby begins to eat more solid foods while you continue to breastfeed.”

Remember that each body is different and that a balanced diet and physical activity are key to losing weight. Do not hesitate to ask for help, approach a specialist.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish versión: Here

Keto diet for children: is it good?

This eating plan has become a trend in recent years and is very popular among celebrities. Low carb intake accelerates weight loss, but is the Keto diet recommended for kids?

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet in which the body produces small fuel modules in the liver called ketones, which are used for energy. According to Top Doctors Spain, ketones are an alternative fuel for the body, used when there is a shortage of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

“The entire body switches its fuel supply to run almost entirely on fat. Insulin levels become very low, allowing fat burning to increase dramatically. The body is in a state of ketosis when it produces ketones”.

The Keto diet consists of low carbohydrate consumption. Photo: Pixabay
The Keto diet consists of low carbohydrate consumption. Photo: Pixabay

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A healthy relationship with food

The Keto diet is indicated for particular cases, both in adults and children; it is recommended for children who have epilepsy, so it cannot be applied to every child, details the nutritionist Rosa Ávila.

The restriction of food is not healthy on a physical level since children need to consume all food groups for their development; in addition, by prohibiting products with sugar or junk food, curiosity is aroused, and they likely consume them in secret so that it is necessary to maintain a balance.

“It is a diet you cannot follow in the long term; zero sugar diets are not recommended for children either. It is not advisable to exclude food groups such as meat or carbohydrates; children need all food groups because they serve a function”.

The specialist highlights that to have a healthy diet, it is necessary to adapt the foods made at home and try to include at least three food groups in each meal.

“Diets should not be maintained long-term. To make it easier for moms to incorporate fruits and vegetables, you have to adapt the foods they usually eat and thus modify their meals”.

Consumption of all food groups is important for the development of children. Photo: Pixabay
Consumption of all food groups is important for the development of children. Photo: Pixabay

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Negative effects

If your little one follows a Keto diet, he could have low blood sugar, dehydration, and fatigue. He may also have nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, or abdominal pain explains

Keto diet vs. epilepsy

This type of eating plan is used to treat epilepsy in some children. It is an alternative when medications do not work or have adverse side effects, details the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In these cases, this feeding mode consists of a proportion of 3-4 grams of fat for each gram of carbohydrate and protein. About 90% of calories come from fat, requiring you to eat more fatty foods, such as butter and cream.

The research Epilepsy, cognition, and ketogenic diet published in the Journal of Neurology reveals that the ketogenic diet is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for epilepsies that do not respond to pharmacological therapy; in addition, it shows no adverse effects on cognition or behavior and improves mood, as well as social interactions.

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A balanced diet is essential for the development of your little one. Do not forget to receive advice from a professional so that your child has adequate nutrition.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat?

In less than you expected, your little one has already grown. Every day he discovers new things, and one of them is food. The one-year-old’s diet is made up of more foods, and his diet is becoming more and more like that of an adult. Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat?

“As children grow, they require more nutrients for their development; do not panic if your little one does not want to eat or you notice that he has become picky. This is because your child grows at a slower rate; therefore, his appetite decreases”, indicates the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.

The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that a child of this age needs approximately 1,000 calories a day, which have to be distributed among three meals and two snacks to cover growth, energy, and good nutrition.

You must know that your little one will not always eat the same; his habits at this stage are very erratic; he can eat very well for breakfast but almost nothing for the rest of the day. Or he may eat the same thing for three days but then refuse these foods.

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When he turns one, the baby's eating habits are established. Photo: Shutterstock
When he turns one, the baby’s eating habits are established. Photo: Shutterstock

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat? What foods does he need?

Your little one’s diet begins to resemble that of an adult at this age. UNICEF recommends the consumption of these products:

  • Water
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Fruit
  • Whole grains
  • Meats
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Pasta

Patricia Martínez, a pediatrician at the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Pediatric Center, comments that the food group should be changed every three days and not all on the same day; the baby will gradually learn about this food.

“You can give him a new food once or twice a day; if he refuses, divide it into four teaspoons in the morning and some other four spoonfuls in the afternoon”, she explains.

A varied and balanced diet will form healthy habits in your little one. Photo: Pixabay
A varied and balanced diet will form healthy habits in your little one. Photo: Pixabay

Forbidden foods for one-year-old babies

  • Foods with added sugars and sweeteners, including sugary and diet drinks.
  • Foods with a lot of salt.
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese.
  • Raw vegetables, grapes, hard cheese, popcorn, and nuts. They can cause suffocation.

Dr. Martínez stressed that products with too much sugar, such as boxed juices or flavored milk, can generate an addiction to sweet foods, which in the long term causes obesity and later diabetes.

She also recommended avoiding tuna since it is a fish that spends a lot of time in the sea and can contain mercury, a toxic element for children.

Junk food will affect your baby's health. Photo: Pixabay
Junk food will affect your baby’s health. Photo: Pixabay

How often should a 1-year-old baby eat?

This stage is essential to establishing healthy eating habits, so you must set schedules: plan three meals a day and two snacks. At first, your little one may skip meals or will not want to eat; don’t worry, as he adapts to the routine, the frequency of feeding will be more balanced, indicates the organization Nemours Kids Health.

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat? Tips for a good diet:

The American Academy of Pediatrics provides the following recommendations:

  • Encourage your baby to eat and give him a variety of healthy foods. When your baby is full, he can close his mouth, turn his head away, and make gestures or sounds.
  • Balanced diet: Your little one needs the same basic food groups you do; if you offer him a variety of flavors, colors, and textures, he will consume the necessary nutrients.
  • Do not limit fats: Babies and young children get half of their calories from this source, which is very important for their development.
  • Good temperature: Ensure that the food is not too hot to avoid burns.
  • No condiments: Foods with a lot of salt or sugar harm his health; let him enjoy the natural flavor of food.
  • Right size: Make sure the food is cut into pieces that are easy to chew; at this age, children have not yet learned to chew and mash.
  • Watch: Accompany your baby while he eats to prevent choking.
You will identify the signs to know if your child is full at this stage. Photo: Shutterstock
You will identify the signs to know if your child is full at this stage. Photo: Shutterstock

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Do not forget to visit the pediatrician to give an adequate follow-up to your little one’s feeding and know the necessary amounts according to his weight and height.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Baby feeding: 6 months

Time flies by, it seems like yesterday when your little one was a newborn, and now he has passed the first semester of his life. The transition to solid foods characterizes the baby’s feeding at six months.

In the first months, breastfeeding plays a vital role in the nutrition of our baby. As they grow, their needs increase, so they should start consuming other foods after six months of life.

Adriana Rihani Suárez, a nutritionist and member of Top Doctors Mexico, explained that complementary feeding is the process that begins when breastfeeding is not enough to cover the nutritional requirements for infants; therefore, it is necessary to introduce other foods without giving up breastmilk.

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New stage, new food

She stressed that the consumption of solid foods by our little ones should be little by little and according to their age, implementing them in the following way:

  • Six to seven months: meats, vegetables, fruits, and cereals with iron.
  • Seven to eight months:
  • Eight to 12 months: egg, fish, and dairy
  • One year: Citrus fruits and whole milk.

“It is favorable for the baby to start with the following textures: from liquid to mash and then introduce purees, crushed, finely chopped and finally in small pieces”.

Dr. Adriana Rihani Suarez

Starting at six months, babies should start with solid foods. Photo: Pixabay
Starting at six months, babies should start with solid foods. Photo: Pixabay

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Healthy baby, healthy child

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that babies of this age should consume 200 kcal per day, just from food two or three times a day, and then gradually increase the frequency and amount of food. So, she recommends the following:

  • Continue breastfeeding. At least until two years of age to ensure optimal growth and nutrition.
  • One new food at a time. This way, you will identify if he has an allergic reaction or if the new food causes discomfort.
  • Try a different food each week to give your little one time to become familiar with the taste of the new food and accept it.
  • Do not add salt or sugar. It’s best to let him know the natural flavor of food. Otherwise, he will get used to intense flavors and keep looking for them.
  • Avoid industrialized mash. These foods contain high amounts of added sugars and salt, which will distort his taste and food preferences.
  • Let him play. Babies must use all five senses to learn to enjoy food to know all the textures, smells, flavors, colors, and noises that can be made with different foods.
The senses help your little one to know the food. Photo: Pixabay
The senses help your little one to know the food. Photo: Pixabay

The international organization indicates that the transition from exclusive breastfeeding to complementary feeding is a phase of “great vulnerability” because the child can develop malnutrition if good habits are not followed.

The Alliance for Food Health explains that complementary feeding is a fundamental stage in forming habits since it is when babies create their food preferences, which will continue throughout their lives.

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What foods can’t my baby eat?

Some foods can be very heavy for our little ones or cause an infection. The National Library of Medicine recommends avoiding the following foods:

  • Honey: It can have a toxin that causes botulism in babies, so they should not eat it before their first birthday.
  • Cow’s milk: It does not contain all the nutrients that babies need and cannot be digested; Its consumption is recommended after a year.
  • Unpasteurized drinks or foods: Such as juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese, as they can cause infection by E. Coli, a bacterium that causes severe diarrhea.
  • Candy, popcorn, nuts, and grapes: Due to their size, they can cause suffocation in babies of this age, so their consumption is recommended after three years.
  • Industrialized juice: This product should not be consumed before the first year of life due to its high sugar content.
Foods with a lot of sugar can affect your baby. Photo: Pixabay
Foods with a lot of sugar can affect your baby. Photo: Pixabay

Remember that the diet at this stage will mark your baby’s habits and tastes for his entire life.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Home remedies to raise the body defenses

Many people look forward to the holiday season. It is the time to get together with friends and family, but low temperatures are a factor that can cause respiratory diseases. These home remedies will help you raise your defenses and be stronger against any illness.

A balanced diet is key to having strong defenses, since consuming certain foods provide us with nutrients to strengthen our immune system. However, we can help ourselves with some home remedies, which combine different natural products to keep us strong.

However, we must not forget that no home remedy or food is the cure for an illness. If you or your little one have any discomfort or symptoms, you should go to the doctor to get the appropriate treatment.

Honey lemon tea

This recipe is a granny’s classic home remedy because when we go down with a cold, they tell us that this drink will help us cope with the symptoms. Honey has many benefits: it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it is a natural sweetener, and best of all, it only has 64 calories.

On the other hand, the lemon has a high content of vitamin C; it also has antiviral properties that help raise the defenses against possible viral infections. Attention! It helps our body to strengthen our immune system, but it does not mean that lemon cures a viral or bacterial infection.

Ointments with ginger

Ginger is a plant native to Southeast Asia which is used in many food recipes, but it is also used to calm many ailments, since its properties provide many benefits, including raising our defenses and it is udes in many home remedies.

Gingerol is the main active compound in ginger and the one that gives its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; it also helps reduce stress and therefore raise our defenses. Whether you consume it in tea, or in some food, the ginger ointment helps stimulate the respiratory tract, thus helping to decongest.

To prepare this ointment, boil a few pieces of this root; then grind the root (if you have a mortar, it is much better, otherwise you can crush it with some hard object to apply pressure). You are going to grind the root until its consistency feels like a paste, and at night, apply it on the chest.

Saltwater washes

Another home remedy: Making a solution with salt and water helps clean the mucous that is generated in the respiratory tract. Pour a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and stir. Whether you gargle or put small drops directly into your nose with the help of a dropper, it will help keep your breathing passages clear, due to the astringent properties of salt.


Because it contains phytochemicals (compounds that help promote the immune system), garlic is a food that you can eat in small pieces or you can add it to your meals. It will help you raise your defenses.

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Juice against flu

This drink is also a mom’s classic because as soon as the winter arrives, moms prepare this juice for their children. The ingredients, orange, pineapple, guava and a few drops of lemon, are rich in vitamin C to raise defenses.

Remember that these home remedies only help us raise our defenses and they complement other factors such as sleeping well and eating a balanced diet. Check them and prepare for your little ones the one you consider best.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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