Hiccups: Why it occurs and how to treat it

Hic! Hic! All of us have had the hiccups many times in life. Sometimes it causes laughter, other times despair and, when it happens to our children, I am positive you have tried several home remedies to try to calm it down.

But, have you ever wondered where that peculiar noise comes from? How is it produced? How can we treat it? Is it normal? When should we go to the doctor?

What is hiccups?

Hiccups is very common in babies, but also in older children and adults. It is very common and normal.

“It is a response of the organism to a spasm or irritation suffered by the diaphragm, a muscle located between the abdomen and the thorax used for breathing”, says Dr. Mónica Soto, a general practitioner, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

“The stomach is placed just below the diaphragm. When it is distended, it irritates nerves that produce some discharges that cause the diaphragm to contract suddenly, abruptly and involuntarily. The glottis closes and therefore the vocal cords close, too”.

“This process happens really quickly; produces the noise we all know as hiccups, the classic ‘hic’. Is self-limited, benign, and usually does not express any symptoms of serious illness”, adds the physician.

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What causes the hiccups?

  • In the case of babies, it is very common after a milk intake. It could be because he ate too fast, too eagerly, or swallowed too much air. Another cause is that he was full and the stomach distends. Other cause is that he has cried a lot and swallowed a lot of air.
  • Older children or adults it is also due to having a very full stomach, or drinking very hot or very cold drinks. The gas in soft drinks can also cause the hiccups. Sometimes there is no specific cause for the stimulation of this organ.
According to the Mayo Clinic

In its article, Hipo: síntomas y causas, otros detonantes (Hiccups: Symptoms and Causes, other triggers) includes, “Drinking fizzy drinks, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much, sudden changes in temperature, eating too much, having a large meal, alcoholic beverages, or a sudden emotion”.

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What to do to treat the hiccups?

“Actually, nothing, just wait until it disappears after a few minutes. There are a lot of parents who worry about their babies having the hiccups.

In general…

All the methods used to eliminate hiccups basically consist of stretching and relaxing the diaphragm.

You can lay the baby on his right side. If he is very young, the mother can breastfeed him so he can drink milk and stimulate gastric emptying.

“Surely, many know the homemade hacks for older children or adults: taking a teaspoon of honey, holding your breath, covering your nose and mouth as if you were going to unblock your ears, blowing in a paper bag, putting sugar on your tongue, taking sips of plain water”, says Dr. Soto.

Many moms would add what is perhaps the most famous remedy: someone scaring you! Boo!

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Should we worry about the hiccups?

Most of the time there is nothing to worry about, it usually lasts a short time and just goes away.

Baby cases:

“You should see a doctor when the hiccups lasts more than three hours or when there are also other symptoms such as crying, irritability and fever. In those cases, the doctor should evaluate the baby in case there is an injury that manifests itself through the hiccups”.

Rest of the cases:

The most usual thing is that it disappears between three and five minutes without doing any unnecessary things. Very rarely, the hiccups lasts for days, even months. You should go to the doctor when the hiccups lasts more than 20 days.

“The expert will determine if studies are necessary or what therapeutic measures are convenient according to each case”, concludes the expert.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Here: Spanish version

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Radiography of Mexican dads

Celebrating Father’s Day started in 1910. Louise Smart Dood, an American woman, tried that the role of fathers in society got some recognition. Here we present: Radiography of Mexican dads

In Mexico, it was not until 1972 that dad began to be celebrated, and it was established that he would be celebrated every third Sunday in June.

Radiography of Mexican dads: Traditional fatherhood

To speak of fatherhood in Mexico is to point out a variety of characteristics that exist in the male population that has sons or daughters.

Little by little, the Mexican father is leaving the traditional fatherhood behind. Today, more and more men are getting involved in parenting.

It should be noted that this celebration does not have “as much rating” as the celebration of Mother’s Day, but the new generations are recognizing the importance of the father in the lives of girls and boys.

Fatherhood in Mexico

Let’s get to know dad according to the latest data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the National Population Council (CONAPO) and the National Institute for Women (INMUJERES):

  • To begin with, while 78 percent of the population celebrates the mother, only 50 percent of the population celebrates the father.
  • 5 million men are fathers, that is, a third of the male population have children. According to the INEGI, all the men in the household who were referenced as such by any of the household members were counted as fathers; those who do not share the dwelling with their children were not counted as fathers.
  • On an average, the fathers are 44 years old.1 percent were under the age of 18; 15.8 percent were between 18 and 29 years old; 52.3 percent were in the range of 30 to 49 years of age; 25.8 percent between 50 and 69; and only 5.9 percent were 70 years and older.
  • 2 percent have basic education; 15 out of every hundred have a major’s degree and only two out of every hundred have a master’s degree or higher. It should be noted that the majority of the population under 15 years of age lives with both parents (86.5 percent), 12.2 percent lives only with the mother, while 1.3 percent lives only with the father.
  • 3 percent of households in Mexico are supported by men.
  • A male head of a family spends an average of 11.1 hours a week on housework. While female heads of family spend an average of 33.2 hours a week.
  • A male head of a family spends an average of 11.1 hours a week on housework. While female heads of family spend an average of 33.2 hours a week.

In Mexico, there are around 900 thousand single fathers. The State of Mexico tops the list with 160,997 cases, followed by Mexico City with 97,846, Jalisco with 70,857 and Veracruz with 64,657.

  • 796,000 men are heads of their homes, of which 259,000 are separated or divorced, 42,000 have suffered abandonment, and 495,000 are widowed.
  • The Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco-Servytur) estimated that this 2021 celebration of Father’s Day would result in an economic benefit of around 17. 5 billion pesos.
  • Since 2012, paid paternity leave has been included in the Federal Labor Law (LFT). Working fathers are entitled to five days of leave from the birthday of their son or daughter, or when they receive the minor, in the case of adoption. In other countries, they average 8.1 weeks of paid paternity leave, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • In the United States a survey found that 46 percent of fathers say they don’t spend enough time with their sons and daughters, compared to 23 percent of mothers, according to the State of Parenting Outlook in the World, from MenCare 2015.

In 1972, dad began to be celebrated in Mexico and it was established that every third Sunday in June, he would be celebrated.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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A father who takes care of his baby does not “help”, he exercises his paternity

How to teach your children the value of money

Many adults find it hard to manage money: we spend too much, we don’t know how to save: it just slips through our fingers! These problems arise because we haven’t really had a good financial education at home. That is why it is highly recommended that you start teaching your children the real value of money from an early age.

Financial education begins at home

An adult who has a good relationship with money knows how to manage it. Aspects such as saving, planning, retirement, or the proper use of financial products or the selection of credits never get out of hands.

But that healthy view of money begins at home, continues in schools, and keeps on through every aspect of life into adulthood. Because, whether we like it or not, we use money for everything, but we have to put it in perspective, explain exactly what it is, where it comes from and what it is for to our children.

The Spanish writer Laura Mascaró, mother of two children and financial adviser, explains that in today’s societies there are two extremist views of teaching the concept of money to children.

“There are two trends about the value of money, but both of them are wrong. The first one says that money is not important. But we send a contradictory idea to children because we go to work every day to get it and we need it”.

“The other trend is to recognize that money is indeed important, but it is difficult to obtain, difficult to manage, frankly suffered, that wealth is given only to a few, it is poorly distributed and that it will be difficult for us to have access to it”.

The writer assures both visions are wrong, “For me, both are wrong. The issue is not the value of money, but the value of the things we exchange for money”.

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Where does the money come from?

Before we teach our children concepts such as saving or planning, we must begin by explaining the very concept of money and where it comes from.  

“In my workshops, the first thing I do is to ask parents what they think money is, what the value of money is and how they would explain it to their children. Suddenly, they realize that they do not know what it is, but they also realize that it is a poorly posed question. Money has no value in itself, rather it serves us adults to reflect the value we give to things”, explains the author.

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The history of money

Children have a clearer concept of money when we tell them the story behind it. People started using money many, many years ago, in ancient cultures, as a form of payment. Precious metals and seeds were first used.

In Mexico, the cocoa bean was money! Even somewhere in Europe, salt was money.

“You have to explain the history of money, where it comes from, why grown-ups can go to buy things with a certain bill and not with the ones used to play Monopoly”.

“Money is not a thing. Salt at some point in history was used as money. However, the salt in my kitchen is not money”, adds the expert.

The assignment of a monetary value to an object that would be insignificant, such as a coin or a bill, arose when people developed the psychological capacity to place trust in other people and in an authority that oversees that exchange. That’s when the money really came.

Money has no value, things are what have a price

The value of money and the price of things is different. Value is subjective, price is a number. “Another key concept that children have to learn is the concept of the value of things that we get with money.

The first thing we adults should stop doing is stop asking how much it’s worth. Instead you have to say how much it costs.

When we say how much it costs, we are asking about the monetary price that I am going to be asked to pay if I want something. The value of money is something you give to it, how important you think money is. That’s different”.

Teach your children to have their own money

The final step in laying the foundation for a good money education is to teach and encourage children to have their own money. Trust them and respect their decisions!

“I am in favor of parents who give an allowance to their children to practice having their own money”, says the financial coach. Obviously it should have some conditions. It must be very clear why they are given that money and what they can do with it.

A key part is that the child knows that this money is his, and that means that he decides what to do with it. We can give him ideas, we can give him suggestions, he can ask us or not, but ultimately he decides.

When children have their own money, they know the concept of property and respect for property; they can only learn it if they have their own things.

If you are not free to use your own money, you are creating an interference with your relationship with your finances.

“If parents intervene, the child is no longer getting the information from himself, personal decisions are not made from his own knowledge but are conditioned by what he believes is what you consider to be correct or best.

You’d better not give him an allowance if later you will tell him what to do with it. If you give him money, let it be a kind of training so that he knows what to do in the future”, says the financial advisor.

Once you have these bases, you can think about teaching your children other concepts such as saving, but as grandmothers use to say, let’s start at the beginning.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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When is Happiness Day?

This weekend, there are many things to celebrate: the leisure days and Oil Expropriation Day, the arrival of spring, and Happiness Day. Yes, there is a day to be happy as you hear it.

March 20th is Happiness Day

International Happiness Day is celebrated on March 20th, as established by the United Nations Organization (UN) in 2013 as a way to recognize the importance of this feeling in the lives of people around the world and the need to broaden economic growth so that the equality and well-being of all peoples are considered.

“The path to happiness requires fundamental values such as kindness and compassion, especially in times of crisis due to armed conflicts, pandemics such as the coronavirus, or famine. Individual happiness passes through global happiness with the collaboration of all. Let’s not leave anyone behind”.


March 20th is International Happiness Day. Photo: Shutterstock
March 20th is International Happiness Day. Photo: Shutterstock

What is happiness?

Have you ever wondered if you are happy? What do you need to be happy? The answer is usually not simple. Happiness is a state associated with positive emotion, according to psychology. For many philosophers, it constitutes the ultimate goal of the human being, related more to a way of walking through life than to the place at which one arrives.

For Hugo Sánchez, an academic from the Faculty of Psychology at UNAM, happiness is given by events and things that satisfy our needs.

“We have to accept that it is a concept that we must build to try to enjoy it when it appears”.

Happiness, explains the researcher, is the feeling of believing and having hope in the future, that “things” will be fine, in a situation in which relationships seem to be progressing positively.

“The problem appears when we believe that happiness should permeate our lives. The reality is that we must go through every emotion that exists: sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, etc. that allows us to adapt correctly to the environment”.

Happiness lies in the situations we go through. Photo: Pixabay
Happiness lies in the situations we go through. Photo: Pixabay

How do you teach children to be happy?

Sometimes adults associate happiness with material things, such as having a car of the year or earning a lot of money. Still, it can be in small details for children, says the Educo organization. Here are some tips to encourage this feeling in children.

  • .Play with your children: Playing is an important part of their development; make a space for them to enjoy this time together.
  • Be positive parents: Remember that your children will follow your example, so you must teach them the positive side of all situations.
  • Give autonomy: Although you will always want to care for your children, you must give them space to make their decisions.
  • Recognize their achievements: Let your children know that you are proud so that they feel appreciated and valued.
  • Help them express their emotions: Children must learn to understand their feelings and the situations that cause them from an early age.
  • Teach them what empathy is: Putting yourself in the place of others will help them understand what others feel and help when necessary.
  • Do not label them: Adjectives such as “bad” or “disobedient” will make your children act that way to adapt to the profile you are imposing on them unconsciously. To avoid this, give them positive teachings instead. Avoid labels.
  • Never fall for insults or even spankings: This type of act leaves traces forever. Remember that your little ones learn from you. If they see that you solve things with aggression, they will likely become violent.
Children learn by example; children will be happy with happy adults. Photo: Shutterstock
Children learn by example; children will be happy with happy adults. Photo: Shutterstock

Being happy is constant work. Talk to your little ones about when Happiness Day is.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

11 tips from a new mom

“Sharing my experiences as a new mom, I am sure that more than one will feel identified.” Nancy Aguilar describes herself on Mama Primeriza, a Facebook fan page with almost 130 thousand followers where she shares parenting tips and anecdotes of the most beautiful adventure of life: motherhood.

“I opened the page in 2020 because I had my emotions running high when my daughter was born. I started writing about how I felt and noticed that many people responded. I didn’t think it would be so successful,” Nancy tells us.

Those experiences led her to connect with thousands of women who felt identified. “More moms were going through the same thing I was going through.”

Two years after publishing her first post, Nancy tells us the top tips she would give to other new moms, including herself, to understand what is going on when having her first baby. This is what she replied to us. They are all very useful; we are sure they will work for you.

1. Reality surpasses everything you imagined

It is good to be informed and prepared before your baby’s arrival, but nothing compares to having him already in your arms. You can read thousands of books or even have some experience with nephews and children of friends, but do not expect everything to be as you were told or as the book said.

“Honestly, I did not imagine that motherhood would be like this. I had already supported my sister with her two girls, and I thought I knew what it was like to have a baby because I helped her bathe them, change them, take them to school… I thought I was ready, but nothing prepares you to have a baby when your body is recovering. It is a very strong physical and emotional wear. If you add that my baby was born during a pandemic, I stopped working and dealt with postpartum depression, which I did not expect.

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2. Your child is your teacher

When you have a child, you face a new world, and you have to learn little by little about it. You evolve as a person and mother because your baby is your best teacher.

“Emma has taught me that you have to evolve and grow to face what comes at each stage of your baby. Two years ago, I learned the whole topic of breastfeeding, diapers, and bathing the baby; today, I face emotional intelligence. I have realized that there are many things that I have to regulate to pass on to my daughter. Motherhood is growth.

3. Accept your new role

Motherhood is a radical life change that confronts you:

“At first, it is a shock. Seeing that you are no longer the woman you were before getting pregnant but a new woman with other responsibilities is very hard. It was tough for me, but now that I understand my role as a mom, it’s a blessing. I know that I have to grow up together with my daughter.

4. One day at a time

A bad day doesn’t define you as a mom.

“Every day is different and full of learning, so I would tell you to think about one day at a time. Do not punish yourself or get overwhelmed because maybe today was not good; tomorrow will be a new day, and you will think about things better. Calm down; this is motherhood; some days are excellent, and others not so much. We should not label ourselves or punish ourselves by saying that we are the worst mothers just because we had a bad day.

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5. Be patient

Go at your own pace, be patient with yourself, your body, and your baby. Each thing requires its time and a period of learning.

“Breastfeeding, for example, is an art. You learn, your baby learns, and there is a very nice bond. But before that connection happens, it isn’t easy to get used to. Some are successful, and it doesn’t hurt, but I wasn’t one of them, the truth is I struggled a lot, but I loved it when I managed it well. Don’t despair, be patient with yourself and your baby.”

6. Do not compare yourself

“I would also tell you not to compare your motherhood to someone else’s because they are all different. There is no better or worse. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. As I almost always put in the texts I write, I would tell you: you are doing well”.

7. Sometimes, you feel overwhelmed

“For me, the first few weeks were very overwhelming; I felt lost. The page helped me get off my chest, and many moms told me they felt that way. That’s when I realized it wasn’t me; we ALL went through ups and downs. We have meltdowns. Motherhood is a flurry of emotions, but when you go down, there are two options: either you go further down, or is it a watershed for you to wake up and get ahead. There are days when I still feel overwhelmed, and that happens to all of us.”

8. You can’t control everything

“When activities and tasks come together when the day doesn’t give you up or don’t do what we had planned, you feel frustrated. Emma got to teach me that I can’t control everything. I used to have everything planned, and it turned out impossible. When you become a mother, you face the fact that there are things that get out of your hands, and you cannot control some situations, people, or emotions.

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9. If you need help, look for it

Another piece of advice I would give you is that if you need help, look for it and accept it because we tend to fall for the I can do everything. It happened to me, and it’s not true. Even if you say, “It’s just a baby, and I can do it,” it is not true. It’s ok to accept help”.

10. Trust your body

“Be confident in your body and your instincts. Even if you don’t know how to do it well, you can”.

11. Be selective with the information

“Social networks have good and bad things, but it depends on what you decide to pay attention to. We have to be selective; we have the power to choose what to follow. Take what works for you and your family, and throw the rest away.”

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Goodbye to the chancla culture! What is it like to educate with effective parenting?

“Behave yourself, or you’ll see what happens to you.” Perhaps this is a phrase you remember from childhood, either because they told it to you or you heard it shouted at someone you know. You likely grew up seeing, as a common thing, that parents spanked children when they had tantrums. You know, threatening with the chancla (flip flop) is so well known that it is the subject of memes to this day. However, in recent years, new ways to raise children have emerged, one of them being effective parenting. Bye to violent corrective methods!

Violence in parenting is often justified because that is how children have been raised for many years. Grandparents, parents, even you were raised that way, but you don’t have to repeat those patterns with your children.

We recommend: Spanking children can cause depression and mental disorders

For generations, it has been thought that violent discipline breeds “good children.” Photo: Shutterstock
For generations, it has been thought that violent discipline breeds “good children”. Photo: Shutterstock

The impact of violence on children

In recent years, much thought has been given to the impact that violence and punishment have on the upbringing of children.

According to UNICEF data, in Mexico, at least six out of ten children between the ages of one and 14 have suffered violence as a method of discipline. The belief that “the stricter the parents are, the better the children” is widespread and entrenched, as the study “Physical punishment in parenting. A comparative study”.

The research carried out by the Federico Gómez Children’s Hospital of Mexico reveals that minors disciplined with violence tend to develop behavior problems, are aggressive, the parent-child relationship is affected, and find it difficult to live with others. Therefore, you should think twice before applying a “corrective method” to your children since it leaves traces that are difficult to repair and last a lifetime.

“Physical corrective methods are not accepted measures. It is worth promoting its reduction by modifying inappropriate beliefs and learning more respectful and effective means to exercise adequate control of the behavior of minors”.

Violent discipline breeds aggressive children. Photo: Shutterstock
Violent discipline breeds aggressive children. Photo: Shutterstock

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What is effective parenting?

When your son is having a monumental tantrum in which he throws himself in the street, kicks, and screams so loud that the people around him turn to see him, it is tough to stay calm and not explode. Take a break and breathe!

The effective parenting method seeks to prevent you from exploding with your child to understand his needs according to his stage of development, the reason for his irritation, and find a solution. The objective is that you can positively influence your child’s behavior without using blows or threats.

Gabriela González and Luis Carlos Flores, psychotherapists and creators of this method, explain that understanding the meaning of each of the little ones’ misbehavior and working on their emotions will help you address those feelings effectively.

“It’s easy to fall back into old, outdated parenting patterns and don’t work today; instead, they worsen problems at home. Today, children are exposed to a different world, and, likely, what your children need from you is not what they are receiving.”

Gabriela González, psychotherapist

Each stage of development leaves traces on the character of children. Photo: Pixabay
Each stage of development leaves traces on the character of children. Photo: Pixabay

Steps to achieve effective parenting

The creators of this method comment that the keys to achieving effective parenting are the following:

  • Parenting and behavioral styles: Learn to identify and apply the parental leadership style you need to achieve the behaviors you want in your children.
  • The four fundamentals: Identify the causes of their behavior, tantrums, rebellion, fear, or apathy; this will help you understand their needs and that each stage of development leaves a mark on their character.
  • Family system: You need to detect your role within your family; in this way, you will begin to sort out the responsibilities in your home to see dysfunctional patterns.
  • Family code: You must build and practice the key statements that will define how to generate harmony in the home you have always wanted.
  • Strategies and limits: According to your child’s behavior, you must apply a strategy since each action tries to tell you something.
Identifying the root of your child's misbehavior will help you find solutions. Photo: Pixabay
Identifying the root of your child’s misbehavior will help you find solutions. Photo: Pixabay

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As a parent, the influence you have in raising your children is very important; your actions will affect their behavior. Tell us on Facebook how you deal with your children’s tantrums.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

10 Things a father should do with his daughter

Today, the little girl you have in your arms will grow up in less than you expect and become a woman. Take advantage of every opportunity to be with her: play, have fun, learn together… every moment is valuable! We leave you this list of 10 things that a father should do with his daughter, recommendations so that every moment becomes unforgettable.

Men do get involved in parenting

The view of fatherhood has changed. The figure of the scolding father of yesteryear, who used to complain about what his children did, the one who only contributed money to the house and who did not get involved, has been changing. “More and more men are interested in parenting development”, says psychologist Michael Lamb, author of The Father’s Role in Child Development.

Dads play a vital role in parenting. Photo: Shutterstock
A father plays a vital role in parenting his daughter. Photo: Shutterstock

Dad has an impact not only on the development of the girls’ personality but also on their self-confidence, as explained by the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development.

It can even influence their love relationships. Women who have a good relationship with their fathers will look for their partners to look like them, as revealed by research carried out by the University of Durham. Lynda Boothroyd, a psychologist at that institution, points out that the quality of the daughter-father relationship affects who she finds attractive.

“Our brains don’t just generate prototypes of the ideal face from those we see around us; we generate them from people we’ve had an intensely positive relationship with”.

We recommend: A father who takes care of his baby does not help; he exercises his paternity

The relationship with dad can influence love relationships. Photo: Pixabay
The relationship with dad can influence love relationships. Things a father should do with his daughter. Photo: Pixabay

We compiled some tips for you and ideas of things you should do with your daughter; with this, you will strengthen the relationship with your little girl and help her be a strong woman.

10 Things a father should do with his daughter

1. Quality time

Sometimes work, and obligations absorb you, don’t let that stop you from being with your daughter. Find space to do things together: go to the movies, the park, or watch her favorite show. Time flies by; that girl who today asks you for help to tie her shoelaces, in a few years, she will ask you for permission to go out with her boyfriend.

2. Listen to her and pay attention to what she tells you

Whether she tells you about something she saw or about her schoolmates, please pay attention to everything she says; this way, she will know that you care about her and trust you.

3. Encourage her to practice any sport

If she likes soccer, karate, boxing, or skateboarding, encourage her and tell her that she’s capable of anything she puts her mind to. It doesn’t matter if people say that these are boys’ things; support her if she likes this activity. That way, she will know from a young age that she is just as capable as boys, and she will not limit herself.

Encourage her to practice whatever activity she wants. Photo: Pixabay
One of the 10 Things a father should do with his daughter: Encourage her to practice whatever activity she wants. Photo: Pixabay

4. Let her know how valuable she is

Don’t miss the opportunity to tell her that she is intelligent, talented, and pretty, that she is perfect just the way she is. This way, you feed her confidence in herself.

5. Get to know her

From knowing her favorite color, her favorite ice cream flavor, or her favorite subjects to asking her for her little friends’ names or remembering the name of her teachers. Those details will help you get to know her and get involved in her life.

6. Take her by the hand

Hold her hand; this gesture will make her feel protected and that she can count on you in any situation.


Do not waste moments to be with your daughter. Photo: Pixabay
Do not waste moments to be with your daughter. Photo: Pixabay

7. Play together

Not only is it a way for your daughter to learn, but you build her trust in you and help you get to know her better. In addition, you create beautiful memories.

8. Respect her mom

Regardless of whether you are a couple, always show respect towards her mother. As we mentioned above, you are her first reference to a male figure, so she must see that you respect her mother.

9. Get her involved in repairs

Whether she’s helping you put together a piece of furniture, put up a shelf, or check out the car, get her involved in the things you do, even home repairs. Teach her how to do what you are doing; in this way, you provide her with skills for her adult life and give her some lessons of independence.


By teaching your child to make repairs, you help her become self-sufficient. Photo: Shutterstock
By teaching your child to make repairs, you help her become self-sufficient. Photo: Shutterstock

10. Let her make her decisions

With daily choices like what to wear, what movie to watch, or how to do her hair, you help her make her own decisions and give her a vote of confidence that what she thinks matters a lot. Trust what she chooses and avoid judging her; with this, you will make her a strong and determined woman.

Every moment you spend with your daughter will be a precious memory that you will treasure. Which of these things do you do with your daughter? Tell us on Facebook.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Does stopping breastfeeding cause you to gain weight?

Your body goes through many changes after bringing your baby into the world. Breastfeeding also involves physical modifications to be able to feed your child. But what happens when this stage ends? You may wonder if stopping breastfeeding causes you to gain weight. We will tell you what is happening.

Surely you have heard that breastfeeding helps you lose the kilos you gained during pregnancy, and it is true; there is a relationship between breastfeeding and weight loss, as indicated by the study Breastfeeding reduces postpartum weight retention.

Research reveals that breastfeeding helps lose the kilos gained during pregnancy, especially in the first six months after giving birth; however, this depends on the Body Mass Index (BMI) that you had before getting pregnant, how long you breastfeed your baby, and what you eat during these stages.

Elizabeth LaFleur, a lactation consultant, and Mayo Clinic fellow, says that when you breastfeed, you use fat cells stored in your body during pregnancy and calories from your diet to stimulate milk production and feed your baby.

“Weight loss during lactation can occur even when you follow the recommendations to consume an additional 300 to 500 calories per day to maintain energy and milk production.”

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Yes, you can lose weight while breastfeeding. Photo: Shutterstock
Yes, you can lose weight while breastfeeding. Photo: Shutterstock

What happens when I stop breastfeeding?

Are you wondering if stopping breastfeeding causes you to gain weight? When you breastfeed, you should know that you burn around 500 calories a day to produce breast milk; it makes you more hungry than usual, so you eat more. Once you stop lactating, your needs change, but your body is used to consuming those extra calories, explains nutritionist Paola Figari.

“This is the most difficult thing, to stop eating the largest or most frequent portions you have been eating for nine months of pregnancy, plus the lactating time. This change can take time because you need to know your body and its needs again, so don’t pressure yourself to do it quickly.”

The hormonal changes that occur after breastfeeding alter your metabolism. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for producing breast milk, is reduced, and, in its place, estrogen levels rise. Therefore, your body continues to send hunger signals, Figari details.

“Although your priorities often focus on taking care of your baby, it is essential that you do not leave your health aside. Getting back into a healthy eating and exercise routine can take time, but you can do it with help and inner work.”

She advises having foods rich in nutrients, keeping a balanced diet, and incorporating cardio and resistance exercises, which will help you level hormonal imbalances.

A balanced diet and physical activity will help you maintain your weight. Photo: Pixabay
A balanced diet and physical activity will help you maintain your weight. Photo: Pixabay

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How can you control your weight after breastfeeding?

“It is important that you consider that there is an immediate weight loss of approximately 6 kilos after childbirth. After this, you will lose the rest little by little, around 400 and 900 grams per month, during the first six months after delivery, and then it will be even slower”, says Elizabeth LaFleur.

“It often takes six to nine months to lose the weight gained during pregnancy.”

LaFleur recommends keeping a healthy diet with a variety of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and drinking plenty of water. Avoid foods with added sugars and saturated fats such as soft drinks, desserts, cheeses, whole milk, and fatty meats. You can also do moderate physical activity.

Physical activity will help you control your weight. Photo: Pixabay
Physical activity will help you control your weight. Photo: Pixabay

“If you want to lose more weight after six months of breastfeeding, you can carefully restrict your calories as your baby begins to eat more solid foods while you continue to breastfeed.”

Remember that each body is different and that a balanced diet and physical activity are key to losing weight. Do not hesitate to ask for help, approach a specialist.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish versión: Here

How to choose the best pet for your family

Baby pets are lovely, but before you decide to bring a pet into your home, keep in mind that it will be another family member. You must be very aware of your circumstances and analyze which is the most suitable animal depending on its needs and what you want and can give it. It does not necessarily have to be a dog; other species can get along with children and adapt to your space.

Basic questions before having a pet

According to Dr. Fausto Reyes Delgado, director of the UNAM-Banfield Veterinary Hospital, before acquiring a pet, it is essential to answer the following questions, preferably with the help of a veterinarian.

  • Do you all agree?
  • What do I want a pet for?
  • How much time am I going to spend on it?
  • Is there space in my house?
  • Do I have money to cover its needs?

Reaching consensus: Do you all agree?

Although children are always the ones who insist on having a pet, we must remember that the responsibility for the pet rests with the adult.

“Those who have to be responsible are the adults, not the child. The child has to play; he has to learn. The adult has to educate the child on the care of his pet and mark how far he can and how far he cannot interact with it,” says Dr. Reyes.

If any family member does not agree with having a pet, it is best to think twice as it could be a source of conflict.

Do not miss: My child wants a pet; what do I do?

Why do you want a pet?

According to the specialist, 50% of the dogs and cats kept at home are out of habit, not because they are wanted. A pet is a permanent commitment, so before assuming that responsibility, ask yourself why you want it,

“Almost always, the first options are dogs or cats, but if you analyze the questions well, you may realize that a fish or a cat is better for you. If you want to have a dog, go ahead, but why do you want it?” points out the expert.

Do you want a dog that gets along well with children? There are breeds that do not do. Do you need a vigorous animal with which you can go running? You should also see which one is right and its size or temper.

Your pet must be adaptable to your way of being. If you are an active family that goes out to the countryside, a dog is ideal. If you like to watch movies at home, a cat will be delighted to be with you.

Taking into account the expectations you have as a family is also essential. A dog gives you security; fish tanks can be very relaxing. You can determine all this by answering the simple question: Why do you want a pet?

How much time are you going to dedicate to the pet?

Pets need your care, so choosing according to the time you can dedicate to them is highly recommended. Primarily, dogs require a lot of attention. Consider walks, play, affection, physical activity, and education. Many fall into a deep depression from being home alone all day. Cats require less care. If you don’t spend much time at home, turtles or fish may be better.

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Is there room at home?

Each animal has specific needs and its own living space. If you want to adopt a dog, you need an appropriate place, even for the smallest breeds. If you live in a very small apartment, it may be better for you to choose a fish. Cats adapt better, but they need enough toys not to get bored; besides, they may scratch furniture and doors if they don’t have a scratching post.

How much can I invest in my pet?

In Mexico, pet owners invest an average of 1,407 pesos per month, with the most significant expense being food with 505 pesos and the veterinarian with 332 pesos. You have to consider that at the beginning, the cost can be higher, around 4 thousand pesos, because you must apply vaccines, dewormers, general check-ups, medicine in case of illness, and sterilization surgery if you wish.

Choose the ideal pet


It is usually the first choice as a pet. They are loyal, affectionate, tender, and one of the greatest sources of happiness for many people. They are social animals; they seek human company. They need attention and care.

  • You must take them out for a walk.
  • They require space.
  • Diet suitable for its size.
  • Vet visits.
  • They can’t spend much time alone because they get very sad.
  • You have to educate, brush and bathe them regularly.
Dogs are lovely. Photo: Pixabay
Dogs are lovely. Photo: Pixabay


They require less care than dogs; that is why many families opt for one, although they are not the most recommended for children because they are very independent animals that must be treated gently. When they don’t want to play, you don’t have to insist because they don’t tolerate rough treatment.

Most cats like being able to go outside, but this doesn’t mean they enjoy going for walks as dogs do. Instead, they love to go out and explore gardens, terraces, or patios. They move in three-dimensional spaces; they like to climb high places and have places to hide.
They need space. Cats make a clear differentiation among places of rest, feeding, elimination, and play. They should not be mixed.

They require special food, water, a litter box, a scratching post, and toys.

Cats are independent and territorial. Photo: Pixabay
Cats are independent and territorial. Photo: Pixabay


They are furry, funny, and cute and have floppy ears, but they also need care.

They need a complete and varied diet. Fresh vegetables, leaves, and herbs, zero candy. Their cage should be large; they need space to move and go out at least two hours a day to exercise.

You can put some hay or straw as a cage but be careful with wood chips because some types can irritate. They are sensitive to heat waves, so you should not leave them exposed to the sun for a long time. You have to cut their claws regularly because they can hurt themselves or their owners.

Funny and tender, this is how bunnies are as pets. Photo: Pixabay
Funny and tender, this is how bunnies are as pets. Photo: Pixabay

Aquatic pets

Turtles and fish. Aquatic pets love quiet and don’t like to be touched, but you can admire their beauty. Observing their swim provides peace of mind and is an excellent therapy to calm cravings.

The most common aquatic pets are goldfish, Chinese neon, red-eared sliders, guppy fish, and aquatic frogs.

Among their needs is a fish tank with a filter, a water pump, a heater with a thermostat, and decorative elements for them to hide. They also require special food, soothing drops, and regular cleaning.

Fish provide tranquility and beauty. Photo: Pixabay
Fish provide tranquility and beauty. Photo: Pixabay


Examples of rodents such as hamsters, mice, gerbils, and guinea pigs are “pocket pets.” They are so-called because they are tiny and require less care than other pets.

They require a cage with a feeder, waterer, and adequate space to move and exercise. Exercise wheels and gyms are great sources of activity. Rodents love to nibble, so you should have gnawing toys and accessories.

They are relatively inexpensive but consider additional feed, accessory, and vet costs.

Rodents like hamsters need a lot of exercise. Get them a wheel or gym. Photo: Pixabay
Rodents like hamsters need a lot of exercise. Get them a wheel or gym. Photo: Pixabay

What do we celebrate on March 8?

Imagine that just because you were a woman, you couldn’t study or work, that your only choice was to be at home. For many years it was like that. On March 8, we remember the fight for equal opportunities between women and men so that girls have a better future.

Today, women make their decisions and perform any activity. However, this date reminds us that the battle for equality is constant and that there are still many challenges to overcome, such as gender violence.

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Why March 8?

This day was chosen by the World Organization of the United Nations (UN). In 1977, it officially declared International Women’s Day to commemorate the history of women’s rights movements.

In 1979, the UN approved the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). All the countries that are part of the organization promised to take action to promote gender equality.

On March 8, the fight for women's rights was commemorated. Photo: Pixabay
On March 8, the fight for women’s rights was commemorated.

Photo: Pixabay

And in Mexico?

The struggle has been long, but women have made their way in school and at work in our country, showing that they have the same capacity as men. More than half of the female population belongs to the labor sector, and 39% have management positions in the social, private, or public sectors. They own a third of the small businesses in Mexico.

Even though they gain more space in sectors that were previously only considered for men little by little, things have not changed much when women get home. There is still inequality in the time that women dedicate to housework since, according to the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (Inegi), they spend 13.4 hours a week on these tasks.

In addition, violence against the female population continues. From January to May 2021, more than 106,000 cases of family violence were reported, while 13,631 women fled home with their children due to domestic violence, according to the National Public Security System (SNSP).

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More and more women are in management positions. Photo: Pixabay

Fight from home

This space is very important to promote equality between girls and boys without gender roles influencing their upbringing. The family tends to reinforce the difference between genders since the little girls are assigned tasks related to taking care of the house and others. At the same time, the boys are involved in activities that foster competition, which explains the Gender role and family functioning.

Marisol Pérez Ramos, a researcher at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), recommends not limiting girls in their activities and tastes or limiting them to household chores in which all family members must participate.

“These types of limitations tell you about gender violence and the fact that girls are the ones who serve the food or do the chores. Nor should we tell them always to be nice or kind because it is a way of conditioning their behavior.”

Teach your daughters that they can practice any sport. Photo: Pixabay
Teach your daughters that they can practice any sport. Photo: Pixabay

She also advises not to compare daughters with boys, as this limits them and reproduces gender stereotypes and expectations of how they should act like women.

The fight for equality is every day; teach your little girl that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to and can make her decisions.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

How to integrate healthy routines into the family

All children, and adults, need routines. Routines help organize our days, constantly integrate healthy habits, and define our tasks and responsibilities.

The importance of healthy routines

When a child knows what he has to do, he begins to feel much more secure in his environment. And just as healthy habits are created through routine, it is also possible to have unhealthy routines,

“Some moms come to the office and tell me that they find it hard to have specific routines in the week. I have the case of a mother who told me that she is nocturnal. She is more active at night and, therefore, she has a hard time putting her daughter to sleep. The four-year-old girl could be playing until 12 or one in the morning depending on what time her parents fall asleep. The next day, this girl’s mood is irritable, she has a hard time waking up, she doesn’t pay attention”, explains Paloms, psychologist and mother, author of the blog Hola Mi Tribu.

Especially in the early years of children’s development, the kind of routine they have is very important. Think about it, they are beginning to create the habits that they will carry for a lifetime. Good and bad habits, so it’s critical that as a family you establish routines that are positive. And not only that, remember that children learn by imitation: you must also lead by example.

What healthy routines can we apply as a family?

1. Mealtime

Establishing a meal schedule is useful for your children to learn to eat well. The food routine helps them to know when their stomach is full, they are not snacking and snacking, not knowing the quality and quantity of what they are eating. In addition, if they all eat together as a family, ties are strengthened, and the moment becomes more enjoyable.

Integrate the most suitable foods for each meal, make sure they are varied, and that they belong to different groups. Do not forget to include fruits, vegetables, and freshwater every day. Hydration is also very important. At least two liters throughout the day, prefer plain water, without sugar.

2. Personal hygiene

How difficult bath time is for some children! You should not be flexible on this subject. Personal hygiene habits are essential because they are related to our health. Brushing their teeth after every meal, bathe daily (or at least every other day), make sure their clothes are clean, and tidy up their room. Set specific days and times when you must do each thing.

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3. Homework time

Just as you have your job, your child must understand that he also has responsibilities, and that homework is one of them. You decide the time he does his homework, but a great tip is that when he gets home, before anything else, he does his homework. Problems will be avoided.

4. Exercise, at least 30 minutes daily

Many parents make the mistake of believing that because children are playing and running, that counts as exercise. No, children need vigorous physical activity or the specific practice of a sport. Find your time to move and exercise as a family. Drink water to stay hydrated!

5. Time to watch TV or have fun

If you think that leisure time should not be in the routine, you are wrong. Children also need to play, have fun, and get away from stress. Obviously, you also have to set schedules. They can’t spend all evening watching TV, but they can set aside one hour a day to enjoy their favorite show or go out to play.

6. Family moments

Set aside some time each day to spend time with your children. They can do some puzzles, play a board game or read a little, but these moments are the ones that will stay etched in their memory. Take advantage of the weekend to break the routine and make plans together. Go for a bike ride, a swim, to the park, or skating. Not only is it worth it, but they are also very important.

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7. Time to go to bed

Sleeping hours should be a priority in the family. Children between the ages of five and 12 should get about 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Adults and adolescents need about 7 to 8 hours. The whole family should have their bedtime, not necessarily the same, especially if you have small children and adolescents, but sleep is essential to get through the day. Set schedules and establish a suitable environment: no screens and no toys on the bed.

As parents, it is a great challenge to establish comfortable, effective, and healthy routines that maintain balance. But beware, our children are not robots, we must also be flexible and be aware that, if from time to time the family gets out of the routine, nothing happens.

“Remember the 80 20 rule. If 80% of the time your kids have a routine to follow, that’s fine. It is also very nice to be able to get out of the routine, go on vacation, have a party, and eat outside the house. Routines help us have a clear idea of what our days are like and what we have to do in the week or month, but it’s not like something will happen if we sometimes break that routine”, concludes Paloms.

No matter what routine you are talking about, the important thing is that at least from Monday to Friday you try to follow schedules. This is going to make it a lot easier for our kids and you will also know what’s next so you can guide them.

We all need routines; they help us organize ourselves. Photo: Shutterstock
We all need routines; they help us organize ourselves. Photo: Shutterstock

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

During breastfeeding, there is a crush of love between mom and baby

Movies, television, and everything around you make you idealize motherhood. They have made you see that the moment you breastfeed your baby for the first time will be magical, and your connection will happen immediately. It is not always that way. Fatigue after childbirth, emotions, and myths make breastfeeding difficult.

When you become a mom, you face endless doubts, and every day you discover new things that are a challenge. Breastfeeding is one of them because it is as if it were your first exam on how to be a mother; if you do not do it well, people will judge you, and then you will assume that you are a bad mother so you hesitate to ask for help.

Do not feel bad for not being able to breastfeed your baby; the lack of support and information is one of the obstacles to breastfeeding in Mexico; only 31% of babies are exclusively breastfed in the first six months of life, according to Unicef.

Calm down; not everything has to be perfect, you are learning, and you will often make mistakes. You are not alone; many women want to help and accompany you in this new adventure. Ani Cuartas, a lactation consultant, tells you about her experience.

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From rage to love

Ani remembers her first time facing breastfeeding as the most significant challenge she had as a new mom; emotions and fatigue combined against her; postpartum depression made it more difficult for her to breastfeed her little Julia.

“I didn’t think I would last breastfeeding for six months; at first, it seemed that it was the most demanding, exhausting. Physical exhaustion and hormones made me feel angry about breastfeeding.”

The first month of breastfeeding was not pretty for Ani, so she started supplementing with formula.

“I wanted to feel that I was the good old Ana María that could go out for coffee, but I couldn’t do it because Julia had to eat and everything depended on me. I suffered very strong baby blues. So I complimented my daughter with formula initially because I said that not everything could depend on me”.

Julia started having reflux and constipation; she complained while she slept; this alarmed Ani and made her feel very guilty. She changed her pediatrician, who told her that her milk was of good quality, and she recommended stopping formula. Her daughter recovered, and Ani fell in love with breastfeeding.

“I felt that I was making my daughter sick because of depression and lack of accompaniment”.

One in seven women suffers from postpartum depression, which can occur at any time during the first year of giving birth; this is why women experiencing this condition require much more support for breastfeeding, warns the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Postpartum depression makes breastfeeding difficult. Photo: Pixabay
Postpartum depression makes breastfeeding difficult. Photo: Pixabay

The crush

Once her baby was healthy again, the much-talked-about connection between mother and child when breastfeeding was born.

“I was alone in the house with her; I was breastfeeding her, and Julia unlatched, looked at me, smiled at me for the first time, looking into my eyes. She then went back to breastfeeding. There I said, Here is the connection”.

Ani tells mothers, “This connection with their children is not always immediate, as people would make you believe on television since women go through a very complicated process after giving birth. At such times, what you need most is support and the right information at the right time.”

“I completely fell in love with breastfeeding, I liked it so much that I breastfed my daughter for one year and nine months, I liked it so much that I became certified as a lactation consultant to support and accompany moms in this process”.

The mother-child connection during breastfeeding may not be immediate. Photo: Pixabay
The mother-child connection during breastfeeding may not be immediate. Photo: Pixabay

Ani invites all mothers to seek help when they need it, “It is essential to have a support network so that you do not feel alone”.

She also tells us that in March, she will launch a recipe book in which she combines “The experience of being a mother and making delicious, healthy and easy food for my daughter, together with a gastro pediatrician so that we have dishes that are safe and that we contribute to our children”.

If you want more advice from Ani Castro, follow her on mujermamavilla.com

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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