The most popular names in Mexico

You surely remember. Those of us who were born in the twentieth century commonly have a cousin called María, Guadalupe, Carmen or Juanita. Every family had a cousin named José, Jorge, Víctor or Miguel. If we go further back, grannies were usually named Raquel, Francisca, Sara… Apparently, Mexicans have change their likes for names. Panchitas and Margaritas are gone. These are the favorite names in our country in the 21st century: The most popular names in Mexico.

The Inegi updates its list of common names in Mexico

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) released the updated information of the registration of continental and island geographical names for statistical and geographical purposes.

The most highlighted data about the Mexican society, which is included in that registry, was how Mexicans named their babies in 2020.

The information was published through the site Cuéntame Mexico which also contains birth figures in our country and general information on its population and entities.

According to the survey during 2020, 1,629,211 births were registered in Mexico, of which 49% are women and 51% are men.

In recent years the birth rate has decreased: 2.5 million births were registered in 2011; in 2020 the figure is 1.6 million, which means a reduction of more than 900 thousand birth records.

September is the month with the highest number of births:

What are the most popular names in Mexico?

In the previous study, of 2019, Julio Alfonso Santaella Castell, president of the Inegi Governing Board, shared at the time that names such as Abdy, Scarlett and Zyanya were on the rise because at that time more than 30 thousand records were found. In the same year, the official added, more than 190 thousand of boy names were found in birth records, including several Zidane.

At that time the most registered names for girls were Sofia, Valentina, Refina, María José, Ximena, Camila, María Fernanda, Valeria and Victoria. As for children the trend was Santiago, Mateo, Sebastián, Leonardo, Matías, Emiliano, Diego, Daniel, Miguel Ángel and Alexander.

How are we now? Let’s see what the latest report shows:

The most common names for girls

  1. 1Sofía (con 30,154 registros)
  2. María José (23,848)
  3. Valentina (23,545)
  4. Ximena (23,227)
  5. Regina (22,604)
  6. Camila (20,412)
  7. María Fernanda (18,800)
  8. Valeria (17,842)
  9. Renata (17,063)
  10. Victoria (16,544)
  11. Natalia (14,946)
  12. Daniela (14,188)
  13. Isabella: (13,659)

Don’t miss: Names for Girls and Boys Inspired in the Autumn

The most common names for boys

  1. Santiago (46,943)
  2. Mateo (35,482)
  3. Sebastián (25,554)
  4. Leonardo (23,687)
  5. Matías (21,953)
  6. Emiliano (20,863)
  7. Diego (20,005)
  8. Miguel Ángel (18,558)
  9. Daniel (17,928)
  10. Alexander (16,491)
  11. Alejandro (16,093)
  12. Jesús (14,896)
  13. Gael (14,392)

As we see there are slight variations but the top names remain at the top of both lists. If you want to consult the complete list we leave you the page of the  Inegi.

Which do you like? How would you name your baby?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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What is the normal temperature in babies?

“The normal temperature of babies is the same as in adults”, says Dr. Mónica Soto, a general practitioner, graduated from the UNAM School of Medicine.

“It is considered to be within the range between 35.5 to 37.2°C. When babies are born they have a lot of adipose tissue that keeps them warm, that’s why they are almost always around 36 or 37.2°C”, adds the expert.

When are we talking about a fever or a low-grade fever?

“Low-grade fever is considered when the body temperature rises above 37.5°C and we are talking about fever from 38°C and up. When the body temperature arises, we immediately have to control it by physical means to avoid seizures, especially in children under five years old”, explains Soto.

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What is fever?

According to the Mayo Clinic, a fever is a temporary increase in body temperature, usually due to illness. Having a fever is a sign that something out of the ordinary is happening in the body.

“For an adult, a fever can be annoying, but it’s usually not a cause for concern unless it reaches 39.4°C or higher. In infants and toddlers, a slightly elevated temperature can indicate a serious infection”, Mayo Clinic says in the article Fever, Causes, and Symptoms.

You can read: Regurgitation in babies

Depending on the cause of the fever, there are other symptoms such as:

  • Sweating
  • Chills and tremors
  • Headache
  • Muscle pains
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Dehydration
  • Overall weakness

“An unexplained fever is a greater concern in infants and children under five years of age than it is in adults”, explains Mayo Clinic.

You have to be very careful. Call your baby’s doctor right away if your child’s temperature is over 38°C, is irritable, lethargic, or uncomfortable, or if he has symptoms of a cold, cough, or diarrhea.

Translated by: Liga M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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Hiccups: Why it occurs and how to treat it

Hic! Hic! All of us have had the hiccups many times in life. Sometimes it causes laughter, other times despair and, when it happens to our children, I am positive you have tried several home remedies to try to calm it down.

But, have you ever wondered where that peculiar noise comes from? How is it produced? How can we treat it? Is it normal? When should we go to the doctor?

What is hiccups?

Hiccups is very common in babies, but also in older children and adults. It is very common and normal.

“It is a response of the organism to a spasm or irritation suffered by the diaphragm, a muscle located between the abdomen and the thorax used for breathing”, says Dr. Mónica Soto, a general practitioner, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

“The stomach is placed just below the diaphragm. When it is distended, it irritates nerves that produce some discharges that cause the diaphragm to contract suddenly, abruptly and involuntarily. The glottis closes and therefore the vocal cords close, too”.

“This process happens really quickly; produces the noise we all know as hiccups, the classic ‘hic’. Is self-limited, benign, and usually does not express any symptoms of serious illness”, adds the physician.

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What causes the hiccups?

  • In the case of babies, it is very common after a milk intake. It could be because he ate too fast, too eagerly, or swallowed too much air. Another cause is that he was full and the stomach distends. Other cause is that he has cried a lot and swallowed a lot of air.
  • Older children or adults it is also due to having a very full stomach, or drinking very hot or very cold drinks. The gas in soft drinks can also cause the hiccups. Sometimes there is no specific cause for the stimulation of this organ.
According to the Mayo Clinic

In its article, Hipo: síntomas y causas, otros detonantes (Hiccups: Symptoms and Causes, other triggers) includes, “Drinking fizzy drinks, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much, sudden changes in temperature, eating too much, having a large meal, alcoholic beverages, or a sudden emotion”.

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What to do to treat the hiccups?

“Actually, nothing, just wait until it disappears after a few minutes. There are a lot of parents who worry about their babies having the hiccups.

In general…

All the methods used to eliminate hiccups basically consist of stretching and relaxing the diaphragm.

You can lay the baby on his right side. If he is very young, the mother can breastfeed him so he can drink milk and stimulate gastric emptying.

“Surely, many know the homemade hacks for older children or adults: taking a teaspoon of honey, holding your breath, covering your nose and mouth as if you were going to unblock your ears, blowing in a paper bag, putting sugar on your tongue, taking sips of plain water”, says Dr. Soto.

Many moms would add what is perhaps the most famous remedy: someone scaring you! Boo!

You may want to read:

Should we worry about the hiccups?

Most of the time there is nothing to worry about, it usually lasts a short time and just goes away.

Baby cases:

“You should see a doctor when the hiccups lasts more than three hours or when there are also other symptoms such as crying, irritability and fever. In those cases, the doctor should evaluate the baby in case there is an injury that manifests itself through the hiccups”.

Rest of the cases:

The most usual thing is that it disappears between three and five minutes without doing any unnecessary things. Very rarely, the hiccups lasts for days, even months. You should go to the doctor when the hiccups lasts more than 20 days.

“The expert will determine if studies are necessary or what therapeutic measures are convenient according to each case”, concludes the expert.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Here: Spanish version

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Low school performance: causes and how to help our children

Poor school performance is a common problem in children and has multiple causes. It usually becomes evident in cognitive, academic, and behavioral areas. However, due to ignorance, fear that our children were medicated, difficulty in identifying emotional or physiological problems, and even teaching malpractice, we do not act fast to seek help for our little ones.

Poor school performance is not a lack of interest

To talk about the subject, we spoke with Dr. Sandra Schaffer, Director of the Psychoaprende Center and the Neuroscience Foundation for the Integral Development of the Individual, who explained that poor school performance goes beyond the student’s lack of interest or being lazy.

“Sometimes parents and teachers don’t realize there is a learning problem and are not considerate with kids. That affects children in their self-esteem. Some teachers just say they are lazy or don’t work. What I always explain to parents is that there are no lazy children, no one wants to be in a room doing nothing. Rather, the children are not having the skills to carry out the tasks in the way they are asked to do”.

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What is a learning disability?

According to the expert, a learning disability is a neurological disorder that interferes with a person’s ability to store, process or produce information.

“This has to do with how information enters in our brain and how we interpret it. Children who have learning problems generally have an average intelligence, it has nothing to do with their intellectual capacity; yet their ability to read, to write, to do mathematics and sometimes social skills is affected”, Schaffer says.

Causes of poor academic performance

The neuropsychologist explains that the causes are almost always multifactorial, that is, there isn’t a single reason. They can be divided into emotional causes, specific learning problems, as well as sensory and behavioral difficulties and poor study habits.

Emotional causes

It is difficult to detect them because many times it directly involves the parents although it can also be due to external factors that happen in school, or causes inherent to the child himself.

Changes in the school environment: “The change of a teacher or when they start a new school system. For example, those who go from preschool to primary or those who change schools. You may have conflicts with your peers or difficulty in finding friends”, says the specialist.

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Environment: Problems in the family environment, parent breakup, the arrival of a new sibling or a moving. It can also be the loss of a loved one or if a relative moves in the house. If there are addiction problems or aggressiveness in the family nucleus. Overprotection or abandonment. Sudden economic changes, parents increasing their work activities.

Inherent in the child: These are situations that are within us. For example, a health problem, lack of security, low self-esteem. Physiological problems that cause insecurities: If I am tall, short, fat, skinny, a stutter. All of this generates a negative image of themselves.

Anxiety and depression: We usually think that children do not suffer from anxiety and depression, but this is a mistake. There are children who go from simple sadness to losing interest in things, they feel helpless or hopeless.

Specific learning problems

Reading: Difficulty in perceiving a spoken word as a combination of sounds. Even when they master basic reading, they may struggle with reading at a certain pace, understanding what they read, or making inferences based on reading. There are problems in the working memory (ability to retain information).

Writing: Slow and labored handwriting, difficult to read handwriting, difficulty in putting thoughts on paper, poorly organized text, problems with spelling.

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Math: Trouble at understanding how numbers work, difficulty in calculating problems and using math symbols.

Language: A child who has problems speaking or reproducing sounds, who does not pronounce the ‘r’, the ‘ñ’ or the ‘s’, is going to affect his learning because he is going to write and read just like he speaks. His understanding would be diminished.

Nonverbal skills: Problems interpreting

Language: A child who has problems speaking or reproducing sounds, who does not pronounce the ‘r’, the ‘ñ’ or the ‘s’, is going to affect his learning because he is going to write and read just like he speaks. His understanding would be diminished. facial expressions and using language appropriately in social situations. Poor physical coordination, fine motor skill problems such as writing, and difficulty in paying attention.

Sensory, behavioral difficulties and poor study habits

Behavioral: The most common is oppositional behavior. When the child does not want to do what he is asked and he does the opposite or constantly challenges authority. It may be that he confronts his teachers, his principals, or his parents.

Physiological: For example, the child does not see or hear well. Although there are no doubts, we have to do tests because a reading problem can arise from there. The same with hearing because it might interfere with dictations and can lead to a problem of discrimination, or that he falls behind.

Attention deficit: The child’s difficulty in concentrating and carrying out his tasks at the same pace of his classmates.

Bad study habits: Having distractions while doing homework or studying (television or toys), trying to learn something in the last minute, being tired or hungry, not having a suitable place for study or homework (well illuminated and with enough space), among others.

The reasons for specific learning difficulties, as well as attention deficit problems, are many. “It can be hereditary, some problem during birth (the child did not breathe well), RH incompatibility with the mother, premature birth, low weight, a bump in the head, even substances such as lead in the blood. Sometimes malnutrition because, although we think that children eat well, perhaps they do not have the right nutrient balance and that is a factor of poor school performance.


According to the expert, the first thing is to identify poor performance attentively.

  • There is a lack of attention. We have to talk to the child several times because he is not listening to us.
  • The child sits down to do homework but won’t sit still. He stands up many times, he is unfocused.
  • The teacher talks to him and he is distracted, thinking about other situations or there is a loss of interest.

Once you have observed one of these situations, you have to go to the bottom of the causes with the help of an expert. The person in charge of detecting and treating these problems is the neuropsychologist, preferably with a specialty in the area of special education.

“If just a psychologist checks the child, there may be gaps because he will not be able to investigate the neurological part. Another point is that many parents are afraid to take their children to a psychologist because they don’t want him be medicated.

They let two or three years pass by, but there are treatments such as neurofeedback where the child does not have to take medication; it focuses more to self-regulation and learning therapy. But that has to be diagnosed by the neuropsychologist, doing an electroencephalogram, digital mapping and computerized tests”, concludes Sandra Schaffer.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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5 responsibilities of a father during pregnancy

We’ve said many times that pregnancy and the arrival of a baby change life, but it is a mistake to believe that it only affects women. Men also face a real revolution and, like mothers, fathers must assume their role from the moment the mother’s belly starts to grow, and fulfill their responsibilities for the well-being of their child.

Although mom is the one who carries the baby in the womb, dad’s role is not less important during pregnancy, childbirth and throughout childhood. There is plenty of research that points the effects of the presence and absence of the father in a kid’s life.

Besides, in modern societies, more and more women are entering the workforce outside home, so it is imperative that both parents raise their kids. It is not an option anymore, the father not only makes a “biological investment” or supplier, he also invests in the care of his children so that they can be born and grow.

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5 responsibilities of a father during pregnancy

1. Planning the pregnancy together, a shared responsibility

Through the study, The desire for fatherhood in men, Rebeca Rodríguez, Gilberto Pérez and Alejandra Salguero point out that the desire to be parents does not appear “naturally”, not even for women.

“It is not an instinct that accompanies men, but the product of the incorporation and resignification of sociocultural discourses found in magazines, television, friends”.

This is an important decision that should ideally be made through negotiation with your partner. “The relationship of the couple is essential to be able to account for the construction of the desire for fatherhood in men, that is, through negotiation where expectations are intertwined”.


Negotiating and planning your pregnancy has to do with your goals as a couple. Many couples “skip” this step, but it is desirable that shared responsibility begins with the decision-making.

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2. Accompany the partner in the prenatal checkups (ultrasounds and checkups)

An investigation carried out among the Latino population in Houston, USA, showed that when the father had a favorable attitude towards the pregnancy and looked forward to it, there was a healthy impact, since the woman tended to seek or receive prenatal care earlier.   The fact of caring about the baby and seeing it in the ultrasound implies a greater approach and connection, since it is difficult to bond with something that they do not see or feel. Accompanying the partner also implies great support for the woman, as it is a stage when they need to feel accompanied.

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3. Change habits with mom

Expecting a baby is a good time and excuse for men to take care of themselves. Together, you can incorporate good habits like quitting smoking, exercising lightly, and making sure you both eat a healthy diet. You can even take vitamins! Everything is easier and more pleasant if you do it as a couple.  

Sometimes it may happen that the parents present what is known as Couvade syndrome (which comes from the French and means to incubate). The couple becomes connected to such a degree that the man presents symptoms similar to those of his partner: dizziness, nausea, mood swings, and abdominal pain. It is unusual, but it could happen. If that’s the case, talk about your concerns to reduce anxiety.

4. Find information and attend prenatal classes together

Martín Maldonado and Felipe Lecannelier explain in the article, The father in the perinatal stage, that like mothers, many fathers feel ambivalence towards their partner’s pregnancy.

In the same way as the woman, they also wonder what it is to be a father, how they should behave, if they can provide what is necessary for their children and family. It is natural for them to feel “anxiety about their own maturity (becoming a parent means that they are no longer teenagers). Even when consciously happy, it is common to have anxiety and fear of the future”.

When in doubt, the fathers also have the responsibility and the right to seek information and receive prenatal classes together with their partners.

They also need to know what the gestation process will be like, what will happen during delivery, what to do with the baby in the first days.   Men also require psychological support and the containment that the two members of the couple must give themselves before the uncertainty, anxiety and natural fear that can arise at this stage.

5. Prepare for the baby’s arrival

The most satisfying part for both the father and the mother: decorating the room, buying the baby’s clothes together, preparing the hospital bag, choosing the baby’s first toys.

Dad is not only a support for the woman, he is also a protagonist. He should and can be involved in both pregnancy and parenting.   Like motherhood, fatherhood begins before delivery.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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How to teach your children the value of money

Many adults find it hard to manage money: we spend too much, we don’t know how to save: it just slips through our fingers! These problems arise because we haven’t really had a good financial education at home. That is why it is highly recommended that you start teaching your children the real value of money from an early age.

Financial education begins at home

An adult who has a good relationship with money knows how to manage it. Aspects such as saving, planning, retirement, or the proper use of financial products or the selection of credits never get out of hands.

But that healthy view of money begins at home, continues in schools, and keeps on through every aspect of life into adulthood. Because, whether we like it or not, we use money for everything, but we have to put it in perspective, explain exactly what it is, where it comes from and what it is for to our children.

The Spanish writer Laura Mascaró, mother of two children and financial adviser, explains that in today’s societies there are two extremist views of teaching the concept of money to children.

“There are two trends about the value of money, but both of them are wrong. The first one says that money is not important. But we send a contradictory idea to children because we go to work every day to get it and we need it”.

“The other trend is to recognize that money is indeed important, but it is difficult to obtain, difficult to manage, frankly suffered, that wealth is given only to a few, it is poorly distributed and that it will be difficult for us to have access to it”.

The writer assures both visions are wrong, “For me, both are wrong. The issue is not the value of money, but the value of the things we exchange for money”.

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Where does the money come from?

Before we teach our children concepts such as saving or planning, we must begin by explaining the very concept of money and where it comes from.  

“In my workshops, the first thing I do is to ask parents what they think money is, what the value of money is and how they would explain it to their children. Suddenly, they realize that they do not know what it is, but they also realize that it is a poorly posed question. Money has no value in itself, rather it serves us adults to reflect the value we give to things”, explains the author.

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The history of money

Children have a clearer concept of money when we tell them the story behind it. People started using money many, many years ago, in ancient cultures, as a form of payment. Precious metals and seeds were first used.

In Mexico, the cocoa bean was money! Even somewhere in Europe, salt was money.

“You have to explain the history of money, where it comes from, why grown-ups can go to buy things with a certain bill and not with the ones used to play Monopoly”.

“Money is not a thing. Salt at some point in history was used as money. However, the salt in my kitchen is not money”, adds the expert.

The assignment of a monetary value to an object that would be insignificant, such as a coin or a bill, arose when people developed the psychological capacity to place trust in other people and in an authority that oversees that exchange. That’s when the money really came.

Money has no value, things are what have a price

The value of money and the price of things is different. Value is subjective, price is a number. “Another key concept that children have to learn is the concept of the value of things that we get with money.

The first thing we adults should stop doing is stop asking how much it’s worth. Instead you have to say how much it costs.

When we say how much it costs, we are asking about the monetary price that I am going to be asked to pay if I want something. The value of money is something you give to it, how important you think money is. That’s different”.

Teach your children to have their own money

The final step in laying the foundation for a good money education is to teach and encourage children to have their own money. Trust them and respect their decisions!

“I am in favor of parents who give an allowance to their children to practice having their own money”, says the financial coach. Obviously it should have some conditions. It must be very clear why they are given that money and what they can do with it.

A key part is that the child knows that this money is his, and that means that he decides what to do with it. We can give him ideas, we can give him suggestions, he can ask us or not, but ultimately he decides.

When children have their own money, they know the concept of property and respect for property; they can only learn it if they have their own things.

If you are not free to use your own money, you are creating an interference with your relationship with your finances.

“If parents intervene, the child is no longer getting the information from himself, personal decisions are not made from his own knowledge but are conditioned by what he believes is what you consider to be correct or best.

You’d better not give him an allowance if later you will tell him what to do with it. If you give him money, let it be a kind of training so that he knows what to do in the future”, says the financial advisor.

Once you have these bases, you can think about teaching your children other concepts such as saving, but as grandmothers use to say, let’s start at the beginning.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Other interesting topic: 10 family movies that teach the value of friendship

Personal finance tips for moms

Being a mom is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to us women. The arrival of a new member to the family will change our routine and impact our finances. Here are some tips on how to take care of our finances.

  1. If employed, talk to your employer’s HR department. Check what the maternity policies are, the sick leave days you are covered, whether there is a cap on the salary you will receive during your maternity leave, and what additional benefits or supports are available in your company. This way, you will have all the documents ready at the time of your baby’s arrival.
  2. Host a diaper baby shower. It will allow you to have a stock of the products you use the most within the first years of your baby’s life as a gift from those close to you.
  3. A baby practically doubles his size during the first year of life. Always buy clothes one size larger so you can maximize the use of each garment.
  4. Feeding products for newborns are expensive. In addition to being a unique instance to connect and establish a bond with your baby, breastfeeding allows you to take care of your pocket and helps you recover your physical condition.

Reduce, recycle and reuse. Get organized and prepare healthy meals at home for your baby, which will allow you to reduce the consumption of prepared foods and give them a healthy option. Save and store your baby’s clothes that are too small. You can use them if you have more children, donate, or give them away, positively impacting the finances of your circle and the environment.

Ceci Jiménez – Women in Finance

It is a non-profit foundation that seeks to promote women’s professional development and empowerment in the industry, aiming to increase the number of women in leadership positions in the financial sector through three pillars: impact, resources, and networking.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

Seven podcasts that are very worthwhile

We are on Easter holidays and regardless of whether you go out or stay in your city, or if you have to work or not, they will be –I hope– calmer days where we will have more free time and what many of us are looking for is to disconnect a little.

Yes, there is war, inflation, and many problems, but it is also worth putting all that on pause and occupying our minds with other issues. For this reason, I leave you with seven options to disconnect and enter other worlds or sound stories that are very worthwhile.

  1. Hotel Jorge Juan

I insist that Mexico needs more quality pop culture podcasts (or maybe I haven’t found one yet) and when I think of that, I think of this podcast. It is hosted by Javier Aznar, a Spanish writer and columnist who invites another writer, artist, or anyone who has an interesting project to talk in each episode. The differentiating point is the tremendous references, data, and anecdotes that he takes from each episode, where you can well discover a film by Gaspar Noé, novels that you did not know, and a lot, a lot of music: from Miles Davis to Jack White passing through Mecano, all in one same episode. It’s an amazing podcast.


Sonia is the Spanish version of Sandra, a fictional podcast from Gimlet Media. The story revolves around Elena, who goes to work at the company that creates Sonia, the most popular artificial intelligence in the world, which is like an Alexa or a Siri, which makes me think, why are they always women? But the point is that this dystopian journey opens up questions such as hyper-surveillance, rapacious consumerism, and what would happen if behind these artificial intelligences there were people of flesh and blood.

Wind of Change

This is one of the podcasts that I have liked the most in my life. There is a rumor (true, this is not fiction) that the song “Wind of Change” by the German metal band Scorpions was written by the CIA as propaganda to help bring the Cold War to an end. The journalist Patrick Radden Keefe is in charge of investigating this rumor and taking it to its final consequences to determine if it is true or false.

Ciudades Esenciales

The bad news is that this podcast ceased to exist four years ago, the good news is that they left us 10 chapters to get to know cities like Kyoto, Los Angeles, Taipei or Bohol (in the Philippines). Each episode details the characteristics of the cities, from history and gastronomy to what to do if you go there. It is a great way to travel with your mind if for the moment your body is locked up in the home office.

Esta es otra historia

This podcast by Veka Duncan and Oswaldo Casares recovers the most bizarre anecdotes in the history of Mexico, those that the history books have left aside for seeming like fiction. From the origin of the Chupacabra to Santa Anna making chewing gum fashionable. This podcast rescues those data that if they were taught to us at school, history classes would be much less boring. The only detail is that it’s exclusive to Audible, so you need to pay that platform to listen to it, but if you like podcasts, go for it, it’s well worth it.


This is a very rare and very interesting podcast. It all starts when Yumiko, Carly Parker’s best friend and host of this podcast, disappears. Carly takes us into the search (in real time) for her friend, which ends up being much more complicated than it seems, because apparently, she was playing Rabbits, a game that has been played in the world since ancient times, and discovering it could lead to Yumiko’s whereabouts, but also with the biggest secrets in the universe. It is real? Is it fiction? Nothing is clear and that is the appeal of this podcast.


These can be found on many platforms such as Beek, Storytel, Audible, and even on Spotify or YouTube. Listening to a book is a great way to get to know it without having to have all your senses engaged. So you move forward while driving, washing dishes, or taking a walk around town.

Romina Pons

She is an editor, broadcaster, writer, producer and mom. She has written in various media about music, feminism and digital culture. She currently produces and hosts various podcasts for Audible and HBO, among others. Twitter and Instagram: @rominapons.

This article was first published on La-Lista. You can see it here.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

What to do in Los Cabos with the kids

Mexico is internationally famous for its beautiful beach destinations, and one of the most exclusive is Los Cabos in Baja, California Sur. This paradisiacal site has multiple attractions for children and adults. We recommend a series of activities you can do in Los Cabos with the kids. You will enjoy them to the fullest in the company of your family! What to do in Los Cabos with the kids?

Los Cabos is one of the five municipalities of the state of Baja California Sur. The municipal seat is San José del Cabo and 32 kilometers away is Cabo San Lucas. Together they make up one of our country’s most important tourist areas. A dream place full of magic.

What to do in Los Cabos with the kids?

In Los Cabos, there are so many wonders you will not be able to cope with. You need several days to discover them, and even then, you will still have things to see; you will want to return!

Go to its majestic beaches

The beaches of Los Cabos are spectacular and with transparent water. Some of the most famous are Las Viudas, Playa Chileno and Playa Costa Azul, perfect for surfing. Now, if what you want are quiet beaches to go with the children, you can visit:

Médano Beach

A beautiful beach with light waves and fascinating sunsets with an arch in the background. The sand is white and soft; the sea has a spectacular turquoise color and is the starting point for many activities in the area.

Médano Beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
What to do in Los Cabos with the kids: Médano Beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Love beach

Love Beach and The Arch are probably the most iconic places in Baja California Sur. It is the meeting point between the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean. The tranquility of its currents will invite you to cool off and walk along the shore.

It is located between two granite rock formations. It is a small and isolated area near The Arch. To get to it, you must take a water taxi from Medano Beach to the other side of the bay.

Love beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Love beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Santa Maria Beach

It is one of the most beautiful beaches in Los Cabos due to its horseshoe shape and its fine, pink sand. It has a family and quiet atmosphere; the waves are very calm and crystal clear waters, perfect for children. On this beach, you can do water activities such as diving and snorkeling to see the variety of fish on the shores.

It is located at Kilometer 11 of the Cabo San Lucas – San José del Cabo tourist corridor. If you travel by car from Cabo San Lucas, it will take you about 15 minutes.

Santa Maria Beach. Photo: Facebook Yadhira Zepeda
Santa Maria Beach. Photo: Facebook Yadhira Zepeda

Palmilla Beach

It´s a quiet beach surrounded by coves (smaller than a bay). It is located in a luxurious residential area where many celebrities choose to stay. A perfect place to spend the day with the family, see the fishing boats or have a picnic with your little ones.

In addition to these beautiful beaches with calm waves for your children, we recommend you allow yourself to visit Cabo Pulmo and Playa del Divorcio, the first is a wonder of nature, and the second is the complement to Playa del Amor.

Legend has it that a local woman rescued a Japanese sailor, and they fell in love on the beach of love; one day, the young woman’s father killed her boyfriend, and she took her own life on the beach of divorce.

Palmilla beach. Photo: Facebook SUP Palmilla Beach
Playa Palmilla
Photo: Facebook SUP Palmilla Beach

Attractions in Los Cabos if you have children

Get on a camel

How about going on a safari and having your children ride a camel… During the tour, they can walk along the beach, enjoy nature and even learn to make tortillas. This tour can be booked at Cabo Adventures.

Camel ride. Photo: Facebook Cabo Adventures
Camel ride. Photo: Facebook Cabo Adventures

Swimming with dolphins

All children love to swim with dolphins. They are tender and playful mammals that will make the day memorable. Many sites offer this option, for example, Dolphin Encounter, Dolphin Swim Adventure, Dolphin Discovery Los Cabos, or Dolphin Royal Swim.

Swimming with dolphins
Swimming with dolphins. Photo: Facebook Dolphin Discovery Los Cabos


If your little ones are old enough to use a snorkel, they will enjoy this experience to the fullest. Some tours, in addition to snorkeling, include a sailboat ride and stand-up paddle boarding. It is also available at Cabo adventures.

Snorkel. Photo: Facebook Cabo Adventures
Snorkel. Photo: Facebook Cabo Adventures

Los Cabos Adventure Park

It´s an ecotourism park and animal sanctuary with endless activities: zip lines, ATVs, camel rides, short zip lines, rappelling, a suspension bridge… All framed by an exuberant view.

Zipline. Photo: PxHere
Zipline. Photo: PxHere

San José Estuary and Bird Sanctuary

A sanctuary where you can watch the birds and enjoy their sounds, a beautiful oasis that will leave your little ones impressed.

San José Estuary and Bird Sanctuary.
San José Estuary and Bird Sanctuary. Photo:  Facebook Las maravillas de México

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Do not miss: What to do in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with the kids

7 snack ideas for kids: healthy and cheap! Five movies for kids that teach life lessons

What to do in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with the kids

Are you planning to travel to Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with the kids? There are many things to do in this beautiful tourist destination, the closest for those in the Mexican lowlands. We have a list of recommendations for you to plan your stay and spend an incredible vacation with your little ones.

Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo are not the same

Usually, the beaches of Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo are talked about as if they were a single destination, but they are different, and each has its charm.

Ixtapa is a tourist development planned by the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) in 1968. Large hotel complexes were built on what was once a coconut plantation.

Five kilometers away is Zihuatanejo, a small fishing port that began receiving many tourists in the early sixties as an alternative to Acapulco, which led to creating a new area to meet demand.

The official name of the hotel complex is Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, which is why it is often confused as if it were the same city. In fact, at first, it was called “New Zihuatanejo”.

What to do with children in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo

In your list of places to visit in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, we recommend that you include the following:

Visit its beaches

The beaches of Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo are beautiful. In Ixtapa, the waves are big because it is an open sea, but other beaches on the outskirts are much calmer in Zihuatanejo. For example:

Las Gatas Beach

Location: From the pier downtown Zihuatanejo you can take a boat. The cost is 50 pesos.
It is called Playa Las Gatas because there are many catfish in it. This beach is very safe due to a wave breaker our indigenous ancestors built, which is almost like a natural pool. Its water is crystal clear, perfect for snorkeling and diving.


Las Gatas beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Contramar Beach

Location: To get there, you must also hire a boat from downtown Zihuatanejo.

This beach is characterized by its calm waves, thanks to rock formations and bays protecting it. Its coral reefs are beautiful, so it is also an ideal place to snorkel and see colorful fish.

Contramar Beach. Photo: Facebook Paradise Zihua

Ixtapa Island

Location: It is located ten minutes by boat from the coast. Access is for a fee of 80 pesos in a water taxi from Playa Linda.

Ixtapa Island has two beaches: Varadero and Coral, which are very beautiful and quiet. You can go to the reef and snorkel. The food is fresh and delicious.

Ixtapa Island. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Playa Quieta (Quiet Beach)

Location: It is located 9.7 km from downtown Ixtapa, at the end of the second stage of the hotel zone. It can be reached by car or bicycle since the bike path passes through there.

It is a perfect beach for children since it is very calm, thanks to the island and a reef that works as wave breakers. The water is very clean, with some mangroves where you can rest. You can enter through the Meliá and Med hotel.

The plus: El Palmar Beach

Location: Boulevard Ixtapa.

This beach is an open sea, so you must be careful when swimming in it because the waves are high. It is the main beach in Ixtapa and is certified as the longest beach in all of Mexico. It is a good option for taking walks and renting an ATV, but be careful with children.

El Palmar Beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
El Palmar Beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Attractions for the whole family

Delfiniti: Swim with Dolphins

Location: Lote Anexo 6 B, Hotel Zone #1, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico, CP 40880

It’s a water park with a wide variety of programs: swimming with dolphins, shows, acrobatics and juggling, dolphin therapy, and even swimming with dolphins for weddings—a place for the whole family that children will enjoy to the fullest.

Dolphin show. Photo: Facebook Delfiniti

Ride along the bike path

Location: Starts at Marina Ixtapa, goes around the golf course to Playa Linda, and through Parque Aztlán.

At 9.7 kilometers long, the Ixtapa bike path has become one of the main attractions. Because it crosses an ecological reserve, you can enjoy giant trees and passages shaded with extensive vegetation along the route. It is an unforgettable ride. Some hotels offer bike rental within their amenities, but there are also many places where you can rent them.

Ixtapa bike path. Photo: Facebook Riggo Bert Loperez

Escollera Bio Park

Location: P.º de La Bahía, Playa las Gatas, 40880 Zihuatanejo, Gro.

An ecological park with more than 50 species of animals: insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles. It also has 100 species of plants and fruit trees. The visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In addition to the park, there is also a restaurant. Photo Facebook La Escollera

Adventure Park

Location: Carretera Nacional Zihuatanejo-Lázaro Cárdenas km. 4.8, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo.

If you and your children like adventures, this place is for you. They will spend a day full of excitement on the zip lines and suspension bridges.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Do not miss: 10 Water parks near Mexico City

What to do in Los Cabos with the kids

What to do in Acapulco with the kids

Acapulco will always be Acapulco. Not only because it is the closest beach destination to Mexico City but also because it is a place full of history. It has been an inspiration and a favorite spot for national and international personalities such as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Luis Miguel, among others. In addition, it has multiple attractions for children and adults. Yes, there is a lot to do in Acapulco with the kids.

Activities you can do in Acapulco with the kids

Beaches and attractions that the whole family will enjoy.

  1. Caleta and Caletilla beaches

Location: Av. Costera Miguel Alemán in front of Isla Roqueta, in the tourist area known as Acapulco Tradicional within the FraccionamientoLas Playas.

The waves are very gentle; there are a lot of informal vendors and attractions like the banana boat. It is advisable to arrive before noon because later it can be crowded.

Caleta Beach in Acapulco. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Caleta Beach in Acapulco. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

2. Pichilingue Beach

Location: Scenic Highway (Acapulco-Airport Highway), kilometer 14, Fraccionamiento Pichilingue, Diamante. It’s going down Baja Catita Street. You can also go directly down to Puerto Marques and head to the beach.

It is a tiny beach, not as popular as Puerto Marqués, so there are fewer people, so you will not suffer from crowds. Like Puerto Marqués, the waves are soft and calm, thanks to the bay that protects this space. It is also a perfect place to rent ATVs or ride horses. The water is clear and clean; the view is beautiful.

Playa Pichilingue

3. Pie de la Cuesta Beach

Location: 10 km north of the city of Acapulco, very close to La Quebrada.

A perfect beach to watch the sunset. You must rent a hammock or chair and prepare for the show.

The waves are rough because it is an open sea, so you must be careful with children. They can play on the shore, make sandcastles or go horseback riding; however, it is a beautiful place where there is a strange combination between the Pacific Ocean and the Laguna de Coyuca.

The freshwater lagoon is very calm and excellent for children and other activities such as water skiing. There are several islands, including Isla Pájaros, which has a bird sanctuary.

Pie de la Cuesta beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Pie de la Cuesta beach. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The best attractions for children in Acapulco

Activities for the whole family

El Rollo Water Park (formerly CiCi, Acapulco Mágico)

Location: Icacos, Costa Azul, 39850 Acapulco de Juárez, Gro.

If you have children, this is a place you indeed should visit because they will enjoy it to the fullest. In addition to being a water park with a wave pool, pools, wading pools, and slides, this place has a dolphin show every day. The swim with dolphins is well worth it; it is an unforgettable experience.

A place with pools and slides. Photo: El Rollo Water Park
A place with pools and slides. Photo: El Rollo Water Park

La Quebrada

Location: La Quebrada 25. Downtown, 39300 Acapulco de Juárez, Gro.

La Quebrada is a 45-meter-high cliff that was created by dynamiting a hill. It has a channel seven meters wide and four deep. This place is internationally known for the spectacular diving show that takes place there. The cost to access the area where this show is best appreciated is 70 pesos.

La Quebrada. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
La Quebrada. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Papagayo Park

Location: Fraccionamiento Hornos Insurgentes, between the limits of the tourist areas of Acapulco Tradicional and Dorado. It is located at Cuauhtémoc Avenue, Costera Miguel Alemán Avenue, Manuel Gómez Morínnota Avenue, and Juan Sebastián Elcano Avenue.

Ignacio Manuel Altamirano Park, better known as Papagayo Park, is an ecological and recreational reserve for children and adults. It contains the largest green area in the city, 218 square meters full of artificial lakes, a skating rink, a zoo, sports fields, and a library.

Papagayo Park. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Papagayo Park. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Xtasea Zipline

Location: Blvd. Cabo Marqués, Lt. 5 Punta Diamante, C.P. 39907, Acapulco, Gro.

If your children are older or even teenagers, they will love this place. It has two attractions: the largest zip line in the world over the sea (it crosses the Bay of Puerto Marqués at 140 kilometers per hour) and Xmonkey, a high ropes park with fun circuits and games for the whole family.

Xtasea zip line. Photo:
Xtasea zip line. Photo:

Tres Palos Lagoon

Location: It is about 30 kilometers southwest of Acapulco, along the Pinotepa Nacional highway, right on the border with Barra Vieja.

Another beautiful place among the many that exist in the port of Acapulco. In the Tres Palos Lagoon, you can navigate by boat through the 15 kilometers and relax with a black mud treatment. Children will like this place because it is a turtle sanctuary, and if it is the season, they will be able to release them into the sea.

Tres Palos Lagoon. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Tres Palos Lagoon. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

As you can see, there is a lot to do with the kids in Acapulco. If you go on a trip, allow yourself to explore and rediscover this destination that will always be a classic in Mexico.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

We also recommend:

What to do in Los Cabos with the kids
10 Water parks near Mexico City
What to do in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with the kids



What Children’s and Youth Book Day means (An explanation for children)

This April 2nd is the International Children’s and Youth Book Day, the perfect time to reflect on how important books are to help enhance our children’s imagination, empathy, creativity, and language. That date was chosen precisely because it is the birthday of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen. We invite you to explain to your children what the day means and encourage interest and the habit of reading.

What does Children’s and Youth Book Day mean?

It is a symbolic day celebrated to inspire a love of reading and draw attention to children’s books. It was established on April 2, 1967, by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), a nonprofit civic organization promoting children’s right to become readers.

Why April 2nd is International Children’s and Youth Book Day

It is celebrated on April 2nd because it is the day that Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday is commemorated; he is famous for stories that you surely know: The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Tin Soldier, and The Snow Queen, among many others.

Andersen was born on April 2nd, 1805, in Odense, Denmark. He wrote novels, poetry, plays, and autobiographies, but he is best known for his more than 200 children’s stories. Most of the stories were invented by him, but some were inspired by Norse legends.

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A good book does not end; it hides inside us, nourishes our intellect, and feeds our spirit. Photo: Envato Elements
A good book does not end; it hides inside us, nourishes our intellect, and feeds our spirit. Photo: Envato Elements

Children’s Book Day 2022 dedicated to Richard Van Camp

Every year IBBY, an international sponsor of Children’s Book Day, selects a representative writer and illustrator to send a message to all the children of the world.

This year it corresponds to the writer Richard Van Camp, illustrated by Julie Flett, both of Canadian nationality. This message is spread on posters that are distributed in libraries, schools, and bookstores for children around the world to read:

Stories are wings that help us take flight every day

Reading is freedom. Reading is breathing.

Reading allows you to see our world with different eyes and invites you to inhabit worlds you will never want to leave.

Reading allows your spirit to dream.

They say that books are friends for life, and I agree.

The fullness of your universe only grows when you read.

Stories are wings that help us take flight every day, so look for books that speak to your spirit, heart, and mind.

Stories are medicine. They heal. They comfort. They inspire. They teach.

Blessed are the narrators, the readers, and the listeners. Blessed be the books. They are the medicine for a better, brighter world.

Mahsi Cho. Thank you very much

Richard Van Camp

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Please don’t confuse it with World Book Day.

It is important not to confuse International Children’s and Youth Book Day with World Book Day, which is celebrated on April 23rd. Here are some ideas for you and your little ones to mark the date:

  • Have a picnic and choose a book with your children to read as a family.
  • Host a book swap.
  • Build a story with the whole family and act it out.
  • Decorate a notebook with inspirational phrases about reading.

Ready to celebrate the date with a good book? Enjoy it!

Don’t Miss: Family Diversity Books for Kids

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

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