6 Tips to take care of your relationship after a baby

The arrival of a baby turns your life upside down: you don’t sleep, you’re always tired, and you have to divide yourself to fulfill all the activities you have. A new human being demands constant attention, so your priorities change, and the role of lover is often left aside. How do you take care of the couple’s relationship?

Both must be aware that you need to work as a team to face the adaptation process and the challenges. Nothing will be the same as before your baby, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

According to the book To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First, it is essential to prioritize your partner to be better parents. It doesn’t mean neglecting the kids, but it does mean finding times to be together and talk about your day.

The alteration that your routine suffers after childbirth generates an explosion of emotions in the couple, who must immediately adapt to new roles and responsibilities, explains psychologist Giuliana Vásquez Varas.

“There is a change of roles in women apart from the role of a working woman, lover, daughter, and others, now she has the role of a mother; the same thing happens with the man, apart from a worker, son, friend, lover, he will have that of a father. For many people, this role is so intense that it absorbs, annuls, or displaces the others creating a mismatch”.

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The arrival of a child inevitably changes the couple's relationship. Photo: Shutterstock
The arrival of a child inevitably changes the couple’s relationship. Photo: Shutterstock

Does the relationship change with a child?

An investigation published in the Journal of Family Psychology indicates that 67% of the studied couples felt dissatisfied with their relationship after the arrival of a child.

Although the birth of a child entails a transformation in the couple’s dynamics, this does not necessarily have to be negative; this depends on the characteristics of each case and how their interaction was before the baby, comments the specialist.

“Couples with a communicative and loving relationship tend to make this change more bearable and positively face each other. Suppose the couple had a conflictive relationship, communication problems, and there were no signs of affection. In that case, the arrival of a baby will be a tsunami in a relationship that is going through an earthquake”.

She details that the tiredness and lack of time together exacerbate the feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding that were present long before the birth of the little one, which causes a distance when feeling without support.

Your interaction with your partner before the baby will determine if it changes negatively. Photo: Shutterstock
Your interaction with your partner before the baby will determine if it changes negatively. Photo: Shutterstock

Tips to take care of the relationship

Understanding and empathy are essential to overcome the challenges that arise with a baby, and teamwork prevents routine from wearing down the relationship. Irene Fernández Pinto, a psychologist at the Autonomous University of Madrid, recommends the following to mom and dad:

  1. Rest: Look for some space to recover; then, you will have the energy to overcome the difficulties that arise during the day.
  2. Reorganization of tasks: Share the workload with your partner equally. If it doesn’t work, rearrange them to suit both needs.
  3. Talk about your feelings: Express what you feel and need. Otherwise, it will accumulate and come out through passive-aggressive behaviors.
  4. Share common interests: Do you remember what your relationship was like before the children? Find time to talk about topics and likes that you shared. Avoid talking about the children.
  5. Dates without your baby: Although it can be difficult to be alone when your child is young, make plans to have dinner at home. At this point, the organization is the key since time is scarce.
  6. Count to 10: Fatigue makes emotions run high, try to stay calm before exploding.
Find time to spend alone and reconnect. Photo: Pixabay
Find time to spend alone and reconnect. Photo: Pixabay

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Don’t forget that caring a relationship is a job for two. Share these tips with your partner. Do you know any other?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

Phrases that destroy children’s self-esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion that children have of themselves, but how is it formed? Where does it come from? The answer is simple. It comes from the exchanges of affection they have with their close references: mom, dad, family, friends, etc.

Everything you say to your child will influence him. And just as there are words of encouragement that comfort, there are also phrases that destroy that self-worth.

According to the book, Consejos de oro para mejorar la autoestima en los niños (Golden Tips for Improving Self-Esteem in Children), by Más Editores, self-esteem is a self-assessment that entails, on the one hand, a learned judgment (it is not inherent to the child, it is picked up from somewhere) and on the other, it implies a strong negative or positive feeling.

“High self-esteem is related to positive feelings such as pleasure, confidence, joy, enthusiasm, and interest. Negative self-esteem involves pain, sadness, inertia, guilt, shame or feeling empty”, says the book.

The influence of parents on children

There is a close relationship between parents and children’s self-esteem. “In the first years of life, information about oneself is received almost exclusively from parents. Over the years, other significant figures are incorporated, such as teachers, schoolmates and friends”, explain Jael Vargas and Laura Oros in their research Parentalidad y autoestima en hijos (Parenting and Self-esteem in children).

The more positive the family relationship is, the higher the children’s self-esteem tends to be. On the contrary, negative experiences at home contribute to an inadequate self-definition.

It is not only the physical mistreat

It is not only the physical mistreat, abuse or abandonment, but also the psychological one, the phrases that you say over and over again to the children, until they believe them.

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10 types of phrases that destroy children’s self-esteem

Parents often repeat these words without being aware of the damage they can cause to their children.

But the worst thing is that there is a risk that they become core beliefs that are “tattooed” in the mind. In the long run, the child (and the adult he becomes) clings to the destructive idea, despite evidence to the contrary.

1. Phrases that promote disability

  • You can’t do anything right.
  • I don’t know when you’re going to learn.
  • You suck.
  • I’d better do it, I am already desperated.

The core belief that is taught is ineptitude.

The child thinks it so strongly that he acts accordingly. Instead of working to increase his ability, it unconsciously tries to show that he really “can’t do anything right”.

Positive Alternative: We all have abilities and limitations. With patience and practice you can do anything. Let’s work together until you achieve it.

2. Phrases that put a label

  • You’re a liar.
  • You are fat.
  • You are a mess.
  • You’re a wimp.

Labels highlight the “negative” characteristics of children and cause them to develop feelings of inferiority, besides generating identity problems.

The core belief that is promoted is that, “You are full of flaws”.

Positive alternative: If what you say does not match what you do, it will be difficult for me to trust your word. /You are normal, with strengths and weaknesses. If you want to change something, I can help you. / It’s okay to cry, it helps you calm down.

3. Phrases that humiliate

  • Shut up, don’t talk nonsense.
  • Are you a fool or just pretending to be one?
  • You are old enough to stop wetting the bed.
  • You look ridiculous in that.
  • I’m going to spank you in front of your friends.
  • You embarrass me.

When the kid’s opinion is belittled, he is denigrated, his difficulty is evidenced or he is even exposed in public, we are talking about humiliation. The psychological effects of shame and humiliation include decreased self-esteem and in his sense of dignity.

Make corrections in private, never in front of other children or adults.

Positive alternative: I’ll explain it better, don’t worry. / It is not easy to learn to use the bathroom, sometimes accidents happen. You will achieve. / Do you feel comfortable with what you are wearing? Ok! It is up to you.

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4. Phrases that cause guilt

  • You are making me sick.
  • Do you see the trouble you are making?
  • You’re going to drive me crazy.
  • If you leave, I will be very sad.
  • I´ll have a heart attack because of you.

This is, plain and simple, blackmailing.

Blaming children for situations beyond their control makes them believe that they are responsible, when you know very well that it is a lie. Passing blame on them can cause great anxiety.

Positive alternative: Let’s both calm down. / Adult problems are not your fault. /When you’re not here I miss you, but I know you’ll be fine. If you have any concerns, call me, you can trust me.

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5. Phrases that condition love

  • Not now, I’m busy.
  • Move away, get off my back.
  • Go away, I don’t want to see you.
  • Go away, I don’t love you anymore.

If you reject your child when he wants to express his affection, you are sending him a very destructive message: he does not deserve to be loved. He will not feel safe, loved and accepted.

The consequence of this idea will affect their relationships in the future.

Positive alternative: You are the most important thing to me, but right now I have to solve something urgent. Give me a few minutes and I’m with you. / I love you, you can be sure of that.

6. Phrases that compare the child

  • Why aren’t you as smart as my friend’s son?
  • At your age, your sibling was doing much better.
  • I wish you were like your cousin.
  • Learn how John Doe does.

Through comparisons only jealousy, resentment and rivalry are created. The child perceives the other as an unattainable model and will have the belief that he must be different to be loved.

Problems of identity and acceptance are generated. He will not know who he is and will try to imitate others.

Positive alternative: You’re good, we’re going to keep pushing. I will help you. / It’s not a competition, everyone has his place.

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7. Phrases that threaten

  • If you don’t do this, I’m going to punish you.
  • You’d better come here immediately.
  • I’m going to leave you alone, I’ve had enough.
  • If you misbehave, Santa will not bring any presents to you.
Threats are based on fear and erode children’s trust in their parents. We are teaching them that it is good to use intimidation to get things.

Furthermore, if that threat is not followed through, we lose credibility and send the signal that their actions are inconsequential.

When the threat is abandonment (leaving kids alone) feelings of dependency are generated.

Positive alternative: Every act has a consequence, if you do not fulfill your responsibility, you will have to assume it (fulfill that consequence).

8. Phrases that seek perfection.

  • A B is not a good grade, it means you didn’t study enough.
  • Grades below A are not worth it.
  • You should always get straight As.

It is good to instill discipline and effort, but not to the point of demanding perfection. The reason? You create high expectations that are difficult to achieve, as well as chronic dissatisfaction.

You teach them that they must judge themselves permanently.

In the future they will give a lot of thought to the possible mistakes they make, no matter how small. They will have a continual need for recognition, a low tolerance for change, a need for control, and difficulty at making decisions.

Positive alternative: You tried very hard and that’s what’s important! / If you can give more, go ahead.

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9. Phrases that predict failure

  • You are lazy, so you will achieve nothing in life.
  • You’ll never succeed.
  • You will always be a failure.
  • If you don’t study, you will be an ignorant.

The intention of the parents is that the children realize that they will regret it if they do not get good grades or make the wrong decisions.

However, far from leading to positive reactions, it causes frustration, disinterest and anger, because they think that their parents do not believe in them.

Positive alternative: I know you can do better / People who study have more tools to be successful. You have a lot of capacity.

10. Phrases of hate or verbal aggression

  • Despicable you.
  • Son of a…
  • I hate you.
  • I wish you had never been born.
  • I’m sick of you.
  • You are a nuisance.

The verbal abuse that some parents use in the upbringing of their children is the worst of all. It generates emotional and psychological damage imperceptible to the eye, but with deep traces.

With these harsh words, the child is stripped of self-confidence, courage and ability to react.

The insults are so hurtful that they paralyze many times throughout life.

Positive alternative: I love you.


You know it, the love we feel for our children is that kind of love that comes from the depths of our guts and seeks the best for them.

Many times we make the mistake of saying one of these phrases due to ignorance, trying to forge the character of children or simply because of stress. Do not make mistakes.

Words hurt and very deeply. Before saying something you will regret, breathe, calm down and try to find a way to better explain what you want without damaging your children’s self-esteem.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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How to be patient with children

Patience is a virtue, but it is not easy to develop.

It is linked to:

  • A mature, educated and humane personality.
  • Know how to listen, speak and be careful of each of the actions and decisions we make.
  • And to have a balanced mind to see things clearly and in the future.

It’s hard for all of us, but if you’re a mom, it’s definitely harder. How to be patient with children? Why do we lose it so often?

Patience with children

The act of being patient means to be perseverant in relation to something. In the case of raising our children, it is to be aware that it is a daily process, with many ups and downs.

Along with patience, other virtues such as peace, calm, tolerance and prudence are developed.

According to Alejandra Velasco, parenting expert, workshop facilitator and author of the book Ayuda, tengo hijos, for a person (especially a mother) to be patient with her children, it is essential that she has “fuel”, energy, that she is not at the limit in other life situations.

“How to be patient with children? To answer that question, I would first ask to that mother, ‘How do you feel?’ If you lose patience with your children, it is very likely that you are physically exhausted. If you had worked all day, and when you get home at night you still have to do homework with your children, logically, it would cost you much more work to be patient!”

“In these times women have acquired many more responsibilities. If you have little fuel, you are not sleeping well, you are full of activities… and now with the pandemic many moms are 24/7 with their children… How are you, mom? If you have problems with your partner, you lost your job, you have no money, or you depend economically on someone else, all of these burdens make you more desperate”, explains the expert.

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Be delightfully imperfect

For Velasco, the key to not losing patience is to be deliciously imperfect, that is, not trying to cover many activities and not wanting to control everything. We must do our best, but accept that we have limits.  

“It happens that we want to be the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect friend, the perfect daughter. That search is exhausting and counterproductive. I kindly tell you, that if you want to be perfect, everything will go wrong”.

Before wanting to be an A+ woman, mother and wife, with A+ children, give yourself permission to be imperfect: “What would you think if you start being a B- and work little by little?  It is okay to want to improve, but if you demand too much of yourself, you submit your body to unnecessary stress and drag your family into that neurosis. After a while your neck hurts, you have an anxiety crisis. Better inhale peace, exhale stress”.

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Fill your fuel tank

“Before applying any strategy with your children, you must fill your “tank” with energy and tolerance. How do you fill it? Doing things for you. Many moms ask me, ‘How am I going to have time with four children?’ Well, create routines! From an early age, make your children responsible for themselves! Share responsibilities with your partner!”, explains the also author of the book, Por favor, no me griten, por las buenas sí hago caso (Please, don´t shout at me, I will listen).

Some tips that can help you to fill the tank and be deliciously imperfect are:

Create routines

It is essential for children and, believe it or not, they love and need routine, it tells them the way to go. If you schedule that they are going to do homework at a certain time, get them down to work at that time without excuse. If you agree that they would go to sleep at 9, start at 7:30 with the routine of having dinner, taking a bath, and finally put them to bed. “Stay on track”, says Ale Velasco.

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Make them accountable

Children have to assume their responsibilities.

“Be imperfect. Once I told a doctor, ‘My teenage son doesn’t tidy up his room!’ Well, close the door of the room and let him assume he is like that. We have this Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and if they don’t arrange the toilet paper the way we want, we get angry”. Just relax!

Your partner must cooperate

Carrying a load for just one person is not the same as sharing it between two. The responsibility of the children is of two; the chores of the house is responsibility of all those who live in it.

“Come to agreements. In my workshops I have a challenge called Fly where I ask the participants to first seek to be women and then mothers. When you’re happy as a woman, you’re going to reproduce it as a mom. If you are angry with your partner, you will transmit your frustrations. You have to set limits”.

Be imperfect

Many moms have trouble dealing with challenging children, but before that, the expert emphasizes, be imperfect.

“If they don’t want to sleep, turn off the light and leave him alone, that’s it! Get out of your room and he can poke his eyes if he is not sleepy, that’s his problem. If, for example, the drawing he is doing doesn’t turn out well or he doesn’t want to do the homework, leave him alone, it’s his homework, not yours. If he does not turn it in, he will have his consequence at school, or you highlight the consequence at home, but leave him, do not be after him. Set him free!”

Don’t mistake patience with negligence

Don’t go to the other extreme either. Do not confuse being patient with being indifferent, passive and even negligent, that is an extreme in which we do not want to fall as mothers.

Rather, it is about facing things with serenity, facing difficulties calmly, optimistically, always looking for the best solution.

Finally, don’t take time for mom for granted, start with minutes and increase it as needed.

“Make the T sign with your hands and tell your children, ‘Stop, it’s mom’s time, I don’t want to be interrupted in these following minutes.’ Start with five minutes, in that period no one can enter your space. You can even set a timer. This helps them accept and see that respect is a great value and that you also have your own things to do”, concludes Velasco.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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