Names for boys inspired by love

When we wait for the arrival of our baby, we constantly think about what he will be called because that decision will mark him forever. We can take ideas from nature or indigenous cultures, but today we bring you a selection of names for boys related to love, whose meanings are so beautiful that they will inspire you.

Love has motivated many romantic stories that have been captured in books, movies, and myths that pass from generation to generation, including the Egyptians, the Romans, the Aztecs, the Mayans… In many civilizations, this feeling has played a prominent role in having a deity dedicated to love.

Eros was the god of love, son of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and fertility for the Greeks. The Romans changed the names of the deities, and Eros became known as Cupid; he is depicted with wings, arrows, and a bow.

Valentine’s Day is approaching; let yourself be inspired by these names that we present to you. Some of them evoke romantic stories from literature and mythology.

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In ancient civilizations, there were gods dedicated to love. Photo: Shutterstock
In ancient civilizations, there were gods dedicated to love. Photo: Shutterstock

Letters A-E

Amadeo: Derived from the Latin Amadeus, meaning he who loves God.

Amadís: Derived from the Latin Amadeus, which means he who loves God.

Amador: It means the one who loves; it comes from Latin.

Aziz: It means powerful and beloved; it is of Arabic origin.

Connor: It’s Irish; it means wolf lover.

Daryl: It’s English; it has two meanings, made with love or from Ariel (city of Israel).

Davet: the origin of it is not clear; it is debated between French and Dutch; it means the one who is loved.

David: Of Hebrew origin, it means the one who is loved.

Davis: It is a derivative of David in English.

Dawit: Of African origin, it means beloved.

Erasmus: Of Greek origin, it means beloved.

Eros: It is the Greek god of love; in their mythology, he was in charge of sexual attraction.

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Letters F-N

Felipe: It comes from the Greek Philippos, which means friend of the horses.

Femi: It is of Nigerian origin; it means love me.

Habib: It is of Arabic origin; it means beloved, dear.

Harsal: It means lover; it is of Hindu origin.

Kelvin: It means friend, trustworthy person, of Celtic origin.

Lennon: Gaelic name, it means lover.

Milos: It’s Greek; it means pleasant, dear.

Nao: It means love; it is Japanese.

Names inspired by love have beautiful meanings. Photo. pixabay
Names inspired by love have beautiful meanings. Photo. pixabay

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Letters P-Y

Paris: It is of Greek origin; it is the name of a prince of Troy who fell in love with Elena, the wife of the king of Sparta, which triggered a war.

Riku: Of Japanese origin, it means earth and rocker of love.

Romeo: It means pilgrim from Rome, but it is the name of one of the greatest love stories in history, Romeo and Juliet.

Tadeo: It comes from Aramaic and means heart.

Timothy: Derived from the Greek timao-theos, which means worship or love for God.

Valentín: It means brave, healthy; it is of Latin origin. We include it because this name is the saint celebrated on February 14th, Valentine´s Day, when love and friendship are celebrated.

Valentino: It comes from Latin; it is a derivative of Valentine.

Ville: It is a diminutive of Wilhelm’s German name, which means love.

Yadid: It means friend, beloved; it is of Hebrew origin.

Love has inspired many stories and myths. Photo: Pixabay.
Love has inspired many stories and myths. Photo: Pixabay

These names have beautiful meanings. Choose the one you like best!

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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