Happy and strong: this is what the children of Millennial moms are like

Criticism towards the way of raising children is very common, especially if they come from previous generations in which you feel watched all the time, either by your mother, mother-in-law, or grandmother; everyone thinks they know the magic formula about parenting. To all those who have criticized you, you can tell them that: Millennial moms raise happier children.

Most of the mothers in Mexico are Millennials; by 2020, 66.9% of births in Mexico will be to women under 30 years of age. According to Inegi, the average age of the Mexican population is 29 years old.

The Millennial Parents and Education Study, which analyzed 150,000 mothers born between 1980 and 1990, reveals that this sector is not afraid of negative criticism. They are willing to change the way they were raised and how to perceive life.

Research conducted by sociologists from the Walton Family Foundation indicates that Millennial moms have greater access to information, which gives them more tools to face the challenges that parenting entails.

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The average age in Mexico is 29. Photo: Piqsels
The average age in Mexico is 29. Photo: Piqsels

What are the children of Millennial moms like?

The conclusions of the investigation detail that the children raised by this group of the population have the following qualities:

  • Diverse: These types of moms are more interested in promoting in their little ones the importance of diversity and respect for all people regardless of their differences.
  • More communicative: They can better express their emotions and what they think.
  • Nature lovers: Children are concerned about animals and caring for nature.
  • Altruistic: Millennial mothers are witnesses to the selfishness of previous generations, so they encourage their little ones to share what they have and put limits on the competition with others.
  • Multitask: Although they are in constant contact with technology, this does not limit them from doing many tasks simultaneously. Their moms encourage them to get involved in many activities.
Children of Millennial moms can multitask. Photo: Pxhere
Children of Millennial moms can multitask. Photo: Pxhere

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Who are the Millennials?

It is a category spread in the media that brings together those born with the consolidation of the digital era and who became adults with the change of the millennium.

Although there is no agreement on its time limits, it can be said that its starting point of reference is the first years of the 1980s and that it extends until the end of the 1990s, explains the International Youth Organization (OIJ).

Rubén Darío Vázquez Romero, an academic from the Aragón Faculty of Higher Studies at UNAM, comments that millennials grew up with the Internet and easily understand digital communication.

“They point out what they don’t like and that had been normalized, such as systemic violence against women, labor abuse, etc… and they don’t hesitate to use the platforms to build these protests by creating trends and content on social networks that can point out situations and make us aware of them”.

This generation grew up with the consolidation of the digital world. Photo: Pixabay
This generation grew up with the consolidation of the digital world. Photo: Pixabay

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Tell us on Facebook if you are a Millennial mom and if you identified with this article.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Keto diet for children: is it good?

This eating plan has become a trend in recent years and is very popular among celebrities. Low carb intake accelerates weight loss, but is the Keto diet recommended for kids?

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet in which the body produces small fuel modules in the liver called ketones, which are used for energy. According to Top Doctors Spain, ketones are an alternative fuel for the body, used when there is a shortage of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

“The entire body switches its fuel supply to run almost entirely on fat. Insulin levels become very low, allowing fat burning to increase dramatically. The body is in a state of ketosis when it produces ketones”.

The Keto diet consists of low carbohydrate consumption. Photo: Pixabay
The Keto diet consists of low carbohydrate consumption. Photo: Pixabay

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A healthy relationship with food

The Keto diet is indicated for particular cases, both in adults and children; it is recommended for children who have epilepsy, so it cannot be applied to every child, details the nutritionist Rosa Ávila.

The restriction of food is not healthy on a physical level since children need to consume all food groups for their development; in addition, by prohibiting products with sugar or junk food, curiosity is aroused, and they likely consume them in secret so that it is necessary to maintain a balance.

“It is a diet you cannot follow in the long term; zero sugar diets are not recommended for children either. It is not advisable to exclude food groups such as meat or carbohydrates; children need all food groups because they serve a function”.

The specialist highlights that to have a healthy diet, it is necessary to adapt the foods made at home and try to include at least three food groups in each meal.

“Diets should not be maintained long-term. To make it easier for moms to incorporate fruits and vegetables, you have to adapt the foods they usually eat and thus modify their meals”.

Consumption of all food groups is important for the development of children. Photo: Pixabay
Consumption of all food groups is important for the development of children. Photo: Pixabay

Don’t miss: Feeding a one-year-old baby: What can he eat?

Negative effects

If your little one follows a Keto diet, he could have low blood sugar, dehydration, and fatigue. He may also have nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, or abdominal pain explains Drugs.com.

Keto diet vs. epilepsy

This type of eating plan is used to treat epilepsy in some children. It is an alternative when medications do not work or have adverse side effects, details the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In these cases, this feeding mode consists of a proportion of 3-4 grams of fat for each gram of carbohydrate and protein. About 90% of calories come from fat, requiring you to eat more fatty foods, such as butter and cream.

The research Epilepsy, cognition, and ketogenic diet published in the Journal of Neurology reveals that the ketogenic diet is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for epilepsies that do not respond to pharmacological therapy; in addition, it shows no adverse effects on cognition or behavior and improves mood, as well as social interactions.

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A balanced diet is essential for the development of your little one. Do not forget to receive advice from a professional so that your child has adequate nutrition.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Family board games: a fun way to grow

It’s Friday night. Snacks, candies, beverages. Today is a special day; it’s time for you to get together with the people you love and have a great time with family board games. It is a leisure time that you must take care of carefully; you are forming unforgettable memories for your children and a playful way of learning. It doesn’t matter if they win or lose; the important thing is coexistence. Let´s play!

Board games, family activity par excellence

Playing is a natural part of children’s development and a fun way to explore the world and learn. When adults get involved in the activity, in addition to being exciting for the little ones, family ties are strengthened.

According to the Toy Technological Institute (AIJU) research, games help keep motor and mental skills active. Let’s talk in particular about board games, integrated from early childhood. These optimize their communication skills, increase their levels of self-esteem, enhance social contact and communication, and contribute positively to maintaining sensory and motor skills.

For these and many other fun reasons, why don’t you dust off the ones you have at home? Imma Marín, a pedagogue member of the Children’s Play Observatory of the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ), reminds us that 10 or 15 minutes a day are enough for children to begin to get all the benefits of playing.

What can we play?

From the traditional board games to current proposals:


It helps improve mathematical ability, visual perception, attention, and memory. This traditional game has versions with children’s characters to attract the attention of the little ones.

Domino. Photo: PxHere


One of the most popular games that helps strengthen memory, increase motor coordination and develop patience. The 500-piece sets are ideal for finding a moment of concentration and relaxation; there are options with their favorite characters for the little ones.

Puzzle. Photo: Pixinio


Mental and strategy game favors the activation of analysis, reasoning, and strategic problem-solving processes.

Chess. Photo: Pixabay


This is one of the funniest and most popular board games in recent years; the contestant must guess which character it is through questions. Creativity, memory, and patience are strengthened between card and card.

Hedbanz. Photo: Spin Master

Children vs. Parents

Here the skills and intelligence of parents and children are put to the test. Adults must answer questions about children’s things, and children will answer adult questions.

Children vs. parents. Photo: Spin Master
Children vs. parents. Photo: Spin Master

Pictionary and Taboo

Great fun to play in teams. Players will have to guess words and phrases through drawings and words. It is ideal for encouraging creativity, imagination, and originality.

Pictionary. Photo: Mattel
Pictionary. Photo: Mattel


Depending on the roulette, the classic mat is placed on the ground for players to put their feet and hands. The pedagogical values offered by this board game are found in spatial orientation, which represents an ability to position oneself and move inside and outside the mat.

Twister. Photo: Hasbro
Twister. Photo: Hasbro


Participants must remove wooden blocks from the tower, trying not to knock them down.

Jenga. Photo: Hasbro
Jenga. Photo: Hasbro


The objective of each player is to get rid of all the cards that each one has or are drawn during the game. When the last card is left, the participant must say out loud ONE! or they will be penalized by drawing more cards.

One. Photo: Mattel
One. Photo: Mattel


Each player must try to remove a stick without moving the others. Every time we get one, we add points. When trying to take one out, we automatically lose the turn when moving the sticks.

Chopsticks. Photo: Monte Carlo News
Chopsticks. Photo: Monte Carlo News

Hey, don’t be angry!

You have to take your marbles to the finish line; as you go around the board, you can collide with a rival who gets your marbles and makes you start over.

Hey, don't be angry! Photo: Pixabay
Hey, don’t be angry! Photo: Pixabay

More benefits of playing as a family

  • By creating a scenario of understanding and communication, spontaneous learning is fostered.
  • They promote self-esteem and interfamily relationships.
  • They provide security by allowing you to experience positive situations of attachment and security.
  • They facilitate the exchange of experiences and enhance social and emotional skills.
  • They increase emotional control as children learn to influence others and regulate their emotions.
  • The created environment allows the child to interact creatively with the world, encouraging his imagination. It is known that “Imaginative children are less aggressive, more tolerant, and are more successful in school tasks,” says pedagogue Imma Marín.
  • Parents involved in their sons’ and daughters’ games are much more likely to raise happy boys and girls.
  • Through board games, you teach children to respect rules, know how to win and lose, tolerate frustration, and communicate and express emotions.
  • They are cheap; you do not need to install a console or a tablet.

There are educational board games where kids can exercise their mathematical thinking or logic. Others teach values, give them a taste of the world and competition, require strategy, or invite them to stimulate their mental agility. There are for all tastes, ages, and different difficulties. Ready for a game?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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6 Tips to take care of your relationship after a baby

The arrival of a baby turns your life upside down: you don’t sleep, you’re always tired, and you have to divide yourself to fulfill all the activities you have. A new human being demands constant attention, so your priorities change, and the role of lover is often left aside. How do you take care of the couple’s relationship?

Both must be aware that you need to work as a team to face the adaptation process and the challenges. Nothing will be the same as before your baby, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

According to the book To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First, it is essential to prioritize your partner to be better parents. It doesn’t mean neglecting the kids, but it does mean finding times to be together and talk about your day.

The alteration that your routine suffers after childbirth generates an explosion of emotions in the couple, who must immediately adapt to new roles and responsibilities, explains psychologist Giuliana Vásquez Varas.

“There is a change of roles in women apart from the role of a working woman, lover, daughter, and others, now she has the role of a mother; the same thing happens with the man, apart from a worker, son, friend, lover, he will have that of a father. For many people, this role is so intense that it absorbs, annuls, or displaces the others creating a mismatch”.

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The arrival of a child inevitably changes the couple's relationship. Photo: Shutterstock
The arrival of a child inevitably changes the couple’s relationship. Photo: Shutterstock

Does the relationship change with a child?

An investigation published in the Journal of Family Psychology indicates that 67% of the studied couples felt dissatisfied with their relationship after the arrival of a child.

Although the birth of a child entails a transformation in the couple’s dynamics, this does not necessarily have to be negative; this depends on the characteristics of each case and how their interaction was before the baby, comments the specialist.

“Couples with a communicative and loving relationship tend to make this change more bearable and positively face each other. Suppose the couple had a conflictive relationship, communication problems, and there were no signs of affection. In that case, the arrival of a baby will be a tsunami in a relationship that is going through an earthquake”.

She details that the tiredness and lack of time together exacerbate the feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding that were present long before the birth of the little one, which causes a distance when feeling without support.

Your interaction with your partner before the baby will determine if it changes negatively. Photo: Shutterstock
Your interaction with your partner before the baby will determine if it changes negatively. Photo: Shutterstock

Tips to take care of the relationship

Understanding and empathy are essential to overcome the challenges that arise with a baby, and teamwork prevents routine from wearing down the relationship. Irene Fernández Pinto, a psychologist at the Autonomous University of Madrid, recommends the following to mom and dad:

  1. Rest: Look for some space to recover; then, you will have the energy to overcome the difficulties that arise during the day.
  2. Reorganization of tasks: Share the workload with your partner equally. If it doesn’t work, rearrange them to suit both needs.
  3. Talk about your feelings: Express what you feel and need. Otherwise, it will accumulate and come out through passive-aggressive behaviors.
  4. Share common interests: Do you remember what your relationship was like before the children? Find time to talk about topics and likes that you shared. Avoid talking about the children.
  5. Dates without your baby: Although it can be difficult to be alone when your child is young, make plans to have dinner at home. At this point, the organization is the key since time is scarce.
  6. Count to 10: Fatigue makes emotions run high, try to stay calm before exploding.
Find time to spend alone and reconnect. Photo: Pixabay
Find time to spend alone and reconnect. Photo: Pixabay

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Don’t forget that caring a relationship is a job for two. Share these tips with your partner. Do you know any other?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

Symptoms of childhood cancer: detection is life

Every February 15 marks the International Day of Childhood Cancer, a solemn campaign that seeks to raise awareness in child caregivers so that they are attentive to the symptoms. Another goal is to recognize and express support for survivors of this disease and their families.

What is childhood cancer?

Childhood cancer encompasses numerous diseases characterized by the abnormal development of cells that grow, divide, and multiply without control.

“Cancer is the uncontrolled and anarchic growth of a cell lineage. This can be in blood cells or a solid organ such as the kidney, liver, or bone”, says Dr. José Manuel Ruano, an oncologist specializing in pediatric surgery.

According to the specialist, the main difference between cancer in adults and children is that the former is from the superficial part of the tissues and is called carcinoma, “That’s why you hear about breast carcinoma, stomach carcinoma. In children, they are more embryonic-type tumors coded practically since the egg and sperm join and may be due to a genetic fault”.

Although physical, chemical, and biological factors influence cancer, both in adults and children, it is much more inclined towards the genetic part, “There are hereditary tumors and can be seen in the chromosomes. A small part is missing in the chromosome, which causes the protective genes against cancer to be lost”.

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What type of cancer is the most common in children?

Dr. Ruano explains that the most common cause of childhood cancer, with just over 50%, is leukemia or blood cancer. “It is usually in white blood cells, which grow disorderly and do not allow other cell lines such as red blood cells and platelets to develop, and only white cells grow”.

There are other common types of cancer in children, such as lymphomas and tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS). “In school children, CNS tumors or brain tumors are prevalent. Then you can mention bone tumors or kidney cancer in children, which is called Wilms tumor. There are many types of cancer and sarcomas, but basically, the first three causes are leukemia, tumors of the Central Nervous System, and lymphomas”.

Symptoms of childhood cancer

Depending on the type of cancer, the symptoms are different. “If we talk about cancer in general, almost all of them are accompanied by weight loss and lack of appetite. It is very common in children. This does not mean that it is always cancer, but when a child who does not want to eat presents weight loss, you see haggard eyes, has an unexplained fever, has already been given antibiotics, and does not recover… That child must have a biometry done and study his blood to see if he doesn’t have some cancer”.

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Symptoms of leukemia in children

Many of the symptoms of childhood leukemia can also be due to other causes. However, if your child has any of them, a doctor must examine him.

  • Feeling tired
  • Weakness
  • Cold
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Difficulty for breathing
  • Paler skin
  • Feeling tired

“Leukemias are almost always accompanied by anemia, very low red blood cells. The kid may have unexplained bruises on his body (he didn’t hit himself), have a bloody nose, have bleeding from his digestive tract, maybe poo, and have bleeding there. When you put all these symptoms together, there could be a problem in the blood, and leukemia could be one of those problems”, says Dr. Ruano.

Symptoms of brain tumors

According to the Mayo Clinic, the signs and symptoms of a brain tumor in children vary widely and depend on the type, size, location, and rate of tumor growth. Some include:

  • Headaches, which may become more frequent and severe
  • Sensation of increased pressure in the head
  • Nausea or vomiting for no apparent reason
  • Sudden onset of vision problems, such as double vision
  • Seizures
  • Babbling
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Difficulty maintaining balance
  • Memory problems
  • Disorientation or irritability
  • Changes in personality or behavior
  • Hearing problems

“Children with brain tumors almost always have strabismus. A child who suddenly turns cross-eyed is very likely to have affected part in the back of his brain. A child suddenly has facial paralysis; one eye goes crooked, and he loses balance… You have to suspect that he may have a tumor”, adds the doctor.

Symptoms of lymphomas in children

Lymphoma is any cancer that begins in the lymphatic system, a network of organs (spleen, tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, stomach, and groin) that carry a clear fluid, which is essential in the body’s immune system.

Not all children with lymphoma have symptoms. Those who do may have:

  • Lumps in the neck, armpits, stomach, testicles, or groin (sometimes called “swollen glands”)
  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Feeling tired
  • Weightloss
  • Skin itch
  • Feeling short of breath
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen abdomen

“Most children are hyperreactors, so when they have an infection in their throat, in the respiratory tract generally, their lymph nodes grow, but it is a small growth, they are mobile, you touch them, and they move easily. But when you have a tumor node, they are generally like rubber, with a hard, firm consistency; they do not move easily. A child who has lymph nodes and blames it for having had an infection, they gave him treatment, it is not removed, so he should be checked because it can be a tumor called Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin”.

On the other hand, the doctor calls on mothers to pay attention to the presence of lumps in the children’s body, “It is essential that the child goes to his check-up and that they touch his tummy and see that he does not have an organ that is grown to detect a tumor of the kidney, adrenal glands, or liver. These are tumors that do not give any symptoms until you go for a check-up or the mother is bathing him and notices a small ball in the tummy, so that is a fact that the child may have a tumor in the abdomen.

Other warning signs of childhood cancer

Dr. Ruano comments that a child who says that his bones hurt, especially when it is one, in particular, it could be the femur or the humerus, has already been treated, and the pain does not go away; he also has to be evaluated. “Do not be confused with growing pains. A child who repeatedly has pain in the same bone should have an X-ray taken because he may have a bone tumor”.

We also have to be very aware of the eyes of our children. “There are other types of tumors, for example, retinal tumors, specifically retinoblastoma, where the first sign you see is an abnormal reflection of the eye. Sometimes they see it when they take a photo or when the child turns at a certain angle, and the mother notices that a shine is reflected in the eye as if it had its own light. So that is something wrong with the child’s eye, and it could be a cataract or maybe cancer. He has to be checked by an ophthalmologist and a pediatrician. It looks like a cat’s eye, a white reflection. It can be in one eye or both”.

The probability of cure in children is high

The survival of a child diagnosed with cancer depends a lot on the stage of the disease. If it is detected in time, he will likely win the battle with the appropriate treatment.

“Fortunately, today, seven out of 10 children, 70% of children diagnosed with cancer, are cured. When detected early, the probability of cure is very high. Just as children’s tumors grow quickly, so is the treatment efficient. The most encouraging thing is that when he is cured, his chance of life is equal to that of the general population”.

Treatment for childhood cancer is based on surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. “Some tumors need all three weapons that we have, some only two and others one, depending on the tumor and its stage. The more advanced cancer, the more exposure to chemotherapy or radiotherapy”, concludes the expert.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

The connection between grandmother and grandchildren is more significant than with her children

Having a grandmother is the greatest blessing. They love us, take care of us, and fill us with pampering. Have you heard the phrase mothers educate, grandmothers pamper? Well, a new study proves it right, and not only that, it seems to show that grandmothers feel a greater connection with their grandchildren than with their children. It wasn’t your imagination; it’s true. The connection between grandmother and grandchildren is more significant than with her children

According to researchers at Emory University, who published their analysis in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, grandmothers feel a deeper emotional connection with their grandchildren than with their children, “Infants are likely to have developed traits to manipulate not only the maternal brain but also the brain of the grandmothers, obviously more the maternal grandmothers”, say the scientists.

There is a more significant emotional bond between grandmothers and grandchildren

The study examined the brains of 50 women who had at least one biological grandchild between the ages of three and twelve. Functional magnetic resonance imaging that reads brain activity was used.

The women were shown images of their grandchild, her child, an anonymous child, and an anonymous adult while the scientists analyzed their brain activity. The grandmothers also received questionnaires to measure the level of commitment to their grandchildren.

“Brain activity in areas associated with emotional empathy is very marked”, explained James Rilling, an anthropologist, and lead author.

“Grandmothers are geared to be very empathic with their grandchildren when interacting with them. If the grandchild smiles, she feels the joy of the child. And if her grandchild cries, she can also feel the child’s pain and anguish”.

With children, the connection is cognitive

The researchers found that, in contrast, when the grandmothers saw their adult children, a different area of the brain was activated that indicated cognitive, but not emotional, empathy.

“Emotional empathy is when you can feel what another person feels, but cognitive empathy is when you understand, on a cognitive level, what another person feels and why”, Rilling said.

The study indicates that grandmothers respond emotionally to their grandchildren’s traits when they are young; the children who were not related to them did not elicit a level of emotional response.

He also points out that children elicit in their grandmother cognitive empathy (also called the theory of mind) based on understanding what someone thinks or feels at a cognitive level. They can even put themselves in the other’s shoes, but fewer emotions are involved.

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Human grandmothers the only ones who help in the upbringing

Another important fact is that this link is stronger when grandmothers take care of their grandchildren, a human phenomenon par excellence.

“Mothers of great apes raise their young alone, for example. On the other hand, human mothers often receive support, especially from grandmothers. They are an important source of help in many families, and there is evidence that they contribute to the well-being of children”, said Rilling.

In conclusion, as indicated by other studies from the University of Oxford, the “cute” phenotype of babies, designed by evolution so that adults feel tenderness and want to care for them, as well as the bond that grandmothers generate with their grandchildren by caring and pampering them, make the relationship between them stress-free.

Parenting is a power struggle. It is love, but also pressure to educate them and set limits. Grandmas just love; the job of promoting responsibility is left to parents. It makes sense, don’t you think?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here  

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Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat?

In less than you expected, your little one has already grown. Every day he discovers new things, and one of them is food. The one-year-old’s diet is made up of more foods, and his diet is becoming more and more like that of an adult. Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat?

“As children grow, they require more nutrients for their development; do not panic if your little one does not want to eat or you notice that he has become picky. This is because your child grows at a slower rate; therefore, his appetite decreases”, indicates the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.

The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that a child of this age needs approximately 1,000 calories a day, which have to be distributed among three meals and two snacks to cover growth, energy, and good nutrition.

You must know that your little one will not always eat the same; his habits at this stage are very erratic; he can eat very well for breakfast but almost nothing for the rest of the day. Or he may eat the same thing for three days but then refuse these foods.

We recommend: Feeding the baby: for six months

When he turns one, the baby's eating habits are established. Photo: Shutterstock
When he turns one, the baby’s eating habits are established. Photo: Shutterstock

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat? What foods does he need?

Your little one’s diet begins to resemble that of an adult at this age. UNICEF recommends the consumption of these products:

  • Water
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Fruit
  • Whole grains
  • Meats
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Pasta

Patricia Martínez, a pediatrician at the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Pediatric Center, comments that the food group should be changed every three days and not all on the same day; the baby will gradually learn about this food.

“You can give him a new food once or twice a day; if he refuses, divide it into four teaspoons in the morning and some other four spoonfuls in the afternoon”, she explains.

A varied and balanced diet will form healthy habits in your little one. Photo: Pixabay
A varied and balanced diet will form healthy habits in your little one. Photo: Pixabay

Forbidden foods for one-year-old babies

  • Foods with added sugars and sweeteners, including sugary and diet drinks.
  • Foods with a lot of salt.
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese.
  • Raw vegetables, grapes, hard cheese, popcorn, and nuts. They can cause suffocation.

Dr. Martínez stressed that products with too much sugar, such as boxed juices or flavored milk, can generate an addiction to sweet foods, which in the long term causes obesity and later diabetes.

She also recommended avoiding tuna since it is a fish that spends a lot of time in the sea and can contain mercury, a toxic element for children.

Junk food will affect your baby's health. Photo: Pixabay
Junk food will affect your baby’s health. Photo: Pixabay

How often should a 1-year-old baby eat?

This stage is essential to establishing healthy eating habits, so you must set schedules: plan three meals a day and two snacks. At first, your little one may skip meals or will not want to eat; don’t worry, as he adapts to the routine, the frequency of feeding will be more balanced, indicates the organization Nemours Kids Health.

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat? Tips for a good diet:

The American Academy of Pediatrics provides the following recommendations:

  • Encourage your baby to eat and give him a variety of healthy foods. When your baby is full, he can close his mouth, turn his head away, and make gestures or sounds.
  • Balanced diet: Your little one needs the same basic food groups you do; if you offer him a variety of flavors, colors, and textures, he will consume the necessary nutrients.
  • Do not limit fats: Babies and young children get half of their calories from this source, which is very important for their development.
  • Good temperature: Ensure that the food is not too hot to avoid burns.
  • No condiments: Foods with a lot of salt or sugar harm his health; let him enjoy the natural flavor of food.
  • Right size: Make sure the food is cut into pieces that are easy to chew; at this age, children have not yet learned to chew and mash.
  • Watch: Accompany your baby while he eats to prevent choking.
You will identify the signs to know if your child is full at this stage. Photo: Shutterstock
You will identify the signs to know if your child is full at this stage. Photo: Shutterstock

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Do not forget to visit the pediatrician to give an adequate follow-up to your little one’s feeding and know the necessary amounts according to his weight and height.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Baby feeding: 6 months

Time flies by, it seems like yesterday when your little one was a newborn, and now he has passed the first semester of his life. The transition to solid foods characterizes the baby’s feeding at six months.

In the first months, breastfeeding plays a vital role in the nutrition of our baby. As they grow, their needs increase, so they should start consuming other foods after six months of life.

Adriana Rihani Suárez, a nutritionist and member of Top Doctors Mexico, explained that complementary feeding is the process that begins when breastfeeding is not enough to cover the nutritional requirements for infants; therefore, it is necessary to introduce other foods without giving up breastmilk.

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New stage, new food

She stressed that the consumption of solid foods by our little ones should be little by little and according to their age, implementing them in the following way:

  • Six to seven months: meats, vegetables, fruits, and cereals with iron.
  • Seven to eight months:
  • Eight to 12 months: egg, fish, and dairy
  • One year: Citrus fruits and whole milk.

“It is favorable for the baby to start with the following textures: from liquid to mash and then introduce purees, crushed, finely chopped and finally in small pieces”.

Dr. Adriana Rihani Suarez

Starting at six months, babies should start with solid foods. Photo: Pixabay
Starting at six months, babies should start with solid foods. Photo: Pixabay

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Healthy baby, healthy child

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that babies of this age should consume 200 kcal per day, just from food two or three times a day, and then gradually increase the frequency and amount of food. So, she recommends the following:

  • Continue breastfeeding. At least until two years of age to ensure optimal growth and nutrition.
  • One new food at a time. This way, you will identify if he has an allergic reaction or if the new food causes discomfort.
  • Try a different food each week to give your little one time to become familiar with the taste of the new food and accept it.
  • Do not add salt or sugar. It’s best to let him know the natural flavor of food. Otherwise, he will get used to intense flavors and keep looking for them.
  • Avoid industrialized mash. These foods contain high amounts of added sugars and salt, which will distort his taste and food preferences.
  • Let him play. Babies must use all five senses to learn to enjoy food to know all the textures, smells, flavors, colors, and noises that can be made with different foods.
The senses help your little one to know the food. Photo: Pixabay
The senses help your little one to know the food. Photo: Pixabay

The international organization indicates that the transition from exclusive breastfeeding to complementary feeding is a phase of “great vulnerability” because the child can develop malnutrition if good habits are not followed.

The Alliance for Food Health explains that complementary feeding is a fundamental stage in forming habits since it is when babies create their food preferences, which will continue throughout their lives.

Do not miss: Breastfeeding against Covid-19: this is what scientists say

What foods can’t my baby eat?

Some foods can be very heavy for our little ones or cause an infection. The National Library of Medicine recommends avoiding the following foods:

  • Honey: It can have a toxin that causes botulism in babies, so they should not eat it before their first birthday.
  • Cow’s milk: It does not contain all the nutrients that babies need and cannot be digested; Its consumption is recommended after a year.
  • Unpasteurized drinks or foods: Such as juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese, as they can cause infection by E. Coli, a bacterium that causes severe diarrhea.
  • Candy, popcorn, nuts, and grapes: Due to their size, they can cause suffocation in babies of this age, so their consumption is recommended after three years.
  • Industrialized juice: This product should not be consumed before the first year of life due to its high sugar content.
Foods with a lot of sugar can affect your baby. Photo: Pixabay
Foods with a lot of sugar can affect your baby. Photo: Pixabay

Remember that the diet at this stage will mark your baby’s habits and tastes for his entire life.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

PANKs: Who are they?

More and more women are deciding not to have children, either for their professional development or because it is not in their life plan. However, those who have nephews and nieces spend time with them and adore them with all their hearts. They even support the parents with the expenses of the little ones: they are the PANKs.

The acronym PANK (Professional Aunt No Kids) has been used for over a decade. Melanie Notkin, a marketing expert, coined the term in 2007, and the following year she founded the digital platform Savvy Auntie, which generates content for this segment.

The PANKs support their nephews and are important figures for them. Photo: Pixabay
The PANKs support their nephews and are important figures for them. Photo: Pixabay

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Who are the PANKs?

They are independent women with purchasing power and, for various reasons, have decided not to have children. Still, they have a special relationship with their nephews and nieces or their friends’ children.

More than a definition of this sector, Melanie Notkin and the marketing strategist Michael De Cicco saw a potential market in this segment of the population. They discovered that 28% of women in the United States are part of the PANKs, in whom they observed significant social and economic influence.

The study “The Power of the PANK: Engaging New Digital Influencers”, carried out by the communication agency Weber Shandwick, details that this group is key to the market. It is notable for children’s products.

According to this analysis, some of the characteristics of the PANK are:

  • They spend money on themselves, improving their quality of life.
  • They financially support their nephews and nieces.
  • They influence the lives of their nieces and nephews and are a support for their parents.
  • They have a lot of interaction in social networks and function in the digital environment.
  • Their opinion influences the decisions of their family and circle of friends.
  • They investigate the quality of the products they consume.
This population segment has a special relationship with their nephews and nieces. Photo: Pixabay
This population segment has a special relationship with their nephews and nieces. Photo: Pixabay

The importance of aunts

The help of other women in the family to those who are mothers is a little-studied phenomenon since it is a practically invisible task, indicates the research “The PANK phenomenon – Deferred maternity or a new form of maternity?”, carried out by the University National of Mar del Plata.

The study indicates that the PANKs play a vital role in the family circle, as they form the support network of the mothers of the family, not only in parenting but also in continuing their school or work development.

“The possibility of salaried parents to take their children to nurseries depended enormously on the collaboration of sisters or sisters-in-law. Yet despite their importance, aunts have been largely invisible in discussions of child welfare”.

And in Mexico?

In our country, the number of children per woman has been reduced in recent years. It went from 6.9 children per woman, in the 1960s, to 1.9 in 2020, according to data from the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (Inegi).

Despite this indicator, there is still social pressure on women to be mothers; even in some sectors, the idea prevails that motherhood is an obligation rather than a choice, explained Alejandra Collado Campos, a specialist in Women’s Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

“Women with a higher academic level have fewer children, do not have them, or have them much later. In contrast, women with primary schooling have more than two children or are younger mothers, which causes them to stop studying. These data make us understand why many women decide to postpone motherhood”.

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She highlighted that even though some ideas such as considering women “were born to be mothers” have been dynamited little by little, and motherhood is promoted as a choice, violent discourses prevail. Women are judged for not having children.

“Deciding not to be a mother is attributed to the fact that something is not working well with that woman, and she is symbolically punished by representing her as the spinster, bitter, angry, or “the one that nobody wanted”, and it is not conceivable that she can be complete and be happy, develop fully, without being a mother. However, that negative charge does not exist towards men who decide not to be a father”.

Violent speeches against women who are not mothers persist. Photo: Pixabay
Violent speeches against women who are not mothers persist. Photo: Pixabay

Remember that you have the right to decide whether or not you want to have children; it is a personal decision that no one should criticize.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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6 breastfeeding positions: How can I carry them out?

When our baby is born, we want to do everything perfectly. Every moment is new, and breastfeeding is no exception. We are concerned about feeding him properly. There are positions to breastfeed and facilitate this process. Do you know which ones they are? We share with you 6 breastfeeding positions and how to carry them out.

Breastfeeding has multiple benefits; it is a way of transmitting defenses against diseases to our children, but it is also a moment of intimacy with the little one in which we generate emotional ties.

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable; find the position in which you feel best. Remember that you must wash your hands before and after breastfeeding.

María Fernanda González Lazcano, lactation consultant, commented that it is not normal that breastfeeding hurts. She highlighted the importance of having a good technique in which you enjoy that moment of closeness with your baby.

“There is no one position that is the best; the best is the one in which the mother and the baby adapt. There are some in which the mother or the baby is not comfortable and must be changed. The position does not mean this is what you have to do. It’s about being comfortable and getting results.”

Breastfeeding positions facilitate this moment; choose the one that makes you feel most comfortable. Photo: Shutterstock
Breastfeeding positions facilitate this moment; choose the one that makes you feel most comfortable. Photo: Shutterstock

We recommend: Breastfeeding against Covid-19: this is what scientists say

The Nemours Kids Health organization recommends the following postures:

Cradle hold

It is the most common. It consists of carrying your baby in your arms, with his head resting on the crook of your arm, so that your little one’s nose is facing your nipple. You can support your breast with your free hand.

In this position, you cradle your baby in your arms. Photo: Pixabay
In this position, you cradle your baby in your arms. Photo: Pixabay

Cross-cradle hold

It is a variant of the previous one, except that in this position, you take your baby’s head with the opposite hand to the side of the breast with which you will breastfeed, and your child’s body will rest along your arm. You can use a pillow and place it on your lap to bring him closer to you.

The advantage of this position is that it gives you more control of your child’s suckling, and by supporting his head with your hand, he has more of a hold on your nipple.

By supporting your baby's head, you have more control over her sucking. Photo: Shutterstock.
By supporting your baby’s head, you have more control over her sucking. Photo: Shutterstock.

The side-lying position

It is a very comfortable position for moms, especially those with a C-section, because the little one does not pressure the abdomen. It consists of lying on your side and placing your baby next to you so that his nose is in front of your nipple.

Wrap your forearm around him to bring it closer to you. You can roll up a sheet and put it under your child’s back to make him more comfortable.

If you had a C-section, this position would give you greater comfort. Photo: Shutterstock
If you had a C-section, this position would give you greater comfort. Photo: Shutterstock

The clutch or football hold

This position is also very comfortable for C-section moms and those with twins if they want to feed them simultaneously, and it also allows babies to take milk more efficiently.

Place a cushion close to your body and support the little one on his back with your arm. Use the palm of the hand of the arm with which you are supporting your child and position him so that his side is next to yours. His legs should be under your arm.

This hold helps mothers with twins. Photo: Nemours Kids Health
This hold helps mothers with twins. Photo: Nemours Kids Health

Laid-back hold

You can lie on your back, bare-chested, and place your baby on top of you in this position. Instinctively he will look for your nipple. This position is also used for the kangaroo mother care method and strengthens the bond between mother and child.

The closeness with your skin will make your little one look for your breast. Photo: Shutterstock
The closeness with your skin will make your little one look for your breast. Photo: Shutterstock

Koala hold

If your baby suffers from reflux, this position could prevent heartburn. It consists of sitting your little one on your leg so that he approaches your breast.

With the baby sitting on your lap, you will avoid reflux. Photo: Shutterstock
With the baby sitting on your lap, you will avoid reflux. Photo: Shutterstock

Regardless of the position you choose, you should be comfortable in all of them and have support for your back so that it is straight and relaxed to maintain the position during breastfeeding.

The American Academy of Pediatrics explains that if the mother is reclining or leaning forward, it can be difficult for the little one to latch on to the breast.

Maria Fernanda Gonzalez Lazcano, a lactation consultant, affirms, “The mother’s back has to be straight when she breastfeeds to avoid tension and pain”.

Cleaning and care

Dr. Josefina Lira, a gynecologist at Hospital Ángeles, comments, “Breast hygiene is very important during breastfeeding”. She recommends cleaning them with a damp cotton ball before and after each breastfeeding session.

In case of dryness in the nipple, apply a hypoallergenic cream that is not greasy so that it is not difficult to clean the area to breastfeed.

“A proper breastfeeding technique is important to avoid those cracks in the nipple. If there are cracks, the patient can express the milk mechanically, let it rest for a couple of days, and apply some healing cream. She can also wear a nipple shield, so she doesn’t interrupt breastfeeding”.

Do not forget that breastfeeding is a moment that you should enjoy. What position works for you?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Kangaroo Mother Care Method: What is it, and what is it for?

One way to bond with our babies is through skin-to-skin contact. In the case of premature babies, the closeness of their parents is essential for their well-being, both physical and emotional. The kangaroo method encourages this contact. We’ll tell you what it is.

Premature newborns are those born before 37 weeks of gestation. They spend their first days in an incubator because they are born with low weight, and their respiratory system is not well developed. It is essential for these little ones to know their parents and feel them.

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What is the Kangaroo Mother Care Method?

It is skin-to-skin contact with his mother or father and consists of holding the baby, dressed only in a diaper, on the bare torso of the parents. It is part of the care that a premature baby should receive and is the most effective way to promote the health of these little ones, says the World Health Organization (WHO).

The kangaroo mother care method was developed in South America, in the late 1970s, as a way to keep premature babies warm and be able to discharge them earlier, as hospitals were overcrowded.

Warmth, exclusive breastfeeding, and the kangaroo position are the basic principles of this method, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The most important thing is the loving and close relationship established with the baby.

“The important and definitive stimulation, both affective and organic, will improve and guarantee the respiratory and cardiac pattern”.

This method allows a better quality of life for these little ones since it strengthens the mother or father and child relationship and provides support and emotional balance.

Moms and dads can do the kangaroo method. Photo: Pixabay
Moms and dads can do the kangaroo method. Photo: Pixabay

How is the kangaroo method done?

  • Sit comfortably: Sit down on a comfortable chair.
  • Quiet environment: Whether in the hospital or at home, find a quiet place with dim lighting and little noise.
  • Kangaroo position: Place the baby, wearing just his diaper, in an upright position, on the bare chest of the mother or father, with the head on one side and the ear close to the parents’ heart. The baby’s arms and legs should be bent and one hand near the mouth.
  • Clothing: It should be elastic to allow you to cover your little one.

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Kangaroo mother care method benefits

The American Academy of Pediatrics explains that this method dramatically improves the health of premature babies; some of its advantages are:

  • It makes it easy for the little ones to get warm.
  • There is more excellent stability in heartbeat and breathing.
  • They spend more time in deep sleep and are calmer when awake.
  • Less crying.
  • Greater weight gain.
  • More breastfeeding.
The kangaroo mother care method has many benefits for the baby and mother. Photo: Shutterstock
The kangaroo mother care method has many benefits for the baby and mother. Photo: Shutterstock

Rodrigo Osegueda Mayén, an expert in pediatrics and neonatology at Hospital Ángeles, comments, “The benefits of this method are for both the parents and the baby. In the mother, it lowers blood pressure and improves her mood; babies’ oxygenation increases and their respiratory rate is of better quality”.

“It is recommended that this method is practiced for about three hours per day while hospitalized. Already at home, as long as possible. Being in contact with her mother’s chest, they smell it, touch it, and can start looking to eat directly from the breast”.

Practice this method with your little one. Enjoy it!

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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Newborn: basic care

Breastfeeding against Covid-19: this is what scientists say

The pandemic has made us feel vulnerable. But the idea of being in the same space with many people makes us anxious, especially if we have babies. But did you know that the best way to protect them against Covid-19 is by breastfeeding?

María del Pilar Velázquez Sánchez, a specialist in gynecology at Hospital Ángeles, points out that breastfeeding is essential for the lives of our children, since it influences their physical, emotional and mental development.

“Breastfeeding makes it possible to have, not only a healthy child, but also a healthy adult. We recommend that it be exclusive for the first six months of life, and if possible, extend to the first two years”.

By breastfeeding our children we provide them with defenses against many infections, even against SARS-CoV-2.

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Shield against Covid-19

Studies have shown the existence of antibodies in the breast milk of vaccinated women against this virus.


Research carried out by the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute in Spain, have found the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in women who were vaccinated against Covid-19.

“We were not able to detect the RNA of the virus in any breast milk, and we found that antibodies were present in the majority of infected women, suggesting that breast milk is a protective shield”, said María Carmen Collado, a CSIC researcher.

In the research, carried out on 75 lactating women who received AztraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the presence of antibodies was detected.

In all the analyzed cases, there was a response to vaccination with an increase in antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, much more intense after the second dose.

“Breastfeeding is a priority, and we still need more targeted research to confirm the potential protective role of these antibodies present in breast milk against COVID-19 in children”.

María Carmen Collado, researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research

Breast milk provides protection against diseases, including Covid-19 .
Breast milk provides protection against diseases, including Covid-19 Photo: Pixabay

Defenses against Covid-19 in babies

In another investigation carried out by the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in the United States, the presence of antibodies against Covid-19 in breastfed babies was also revealed. The research involved 30 women in the lactating stage with their respective children.

The finding of these defenses was in the stool of the babies.

A research, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, involved taking several samples of breast milk at different times:

  • Before and after the mothers received the vaccine.
  • Two to three weeks after receiving the first dose.
  • Three weeks after they received the second dose.
Mothers vaccinated against Covid-19 can transmit antibodies to their children Photo: Shutterstock

Blood samples from the mothers were used after three weeks of receiving each dose of the vaccine; in addition, stool samples from the babies were studied 21 days after the application of the complete vaccination schedule for the mothers.

In the investigation, antibodies were discovered in breast milk, which neutralize the Spike protein (the one that contributes to the infection of Covid-19 in the respiratory system) of SARS-CoV-2, as well as four of its variants.

Antibodies against Covid-19 were also detected in stool samples from breastfed babies.

Breastfeeding without interruption

Unicef recommends not stopping breastfeeding during the pandemic, since there is no scientific evidence that Covid-19 is transmitted through breast milk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics explains that breastfeeding should not be interrupted, since the mother can breastfeed even if she has COVID-19 or if she has not been fully vaccinated, as long as she takes additional safety precautions to protect her baby.

All these results support the importance of recommending breastfeeding systematically in all cases in which the mother has few or no symptoms. It is the best protection.

Breastfeeding should not be interrupted during the Covid-19 pandemic Photo: Shutterstock

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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