Neutral names for your baby

The choice of a name for our baby is one of the first decisions we must make as parents. In order to avoid gender stereotypes, more and more parents are looking for neutral names for their baby.

Even celebrities have chosen to call their babies with names that can be used indistinctly for either girls or boys. If you haven’t decided yet on any, we leave you this list of names that range from the most common like Guadalupe, to those that have an English or French origin.

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Neutral names: Letters A-J

Alex: Short form for Alexander or Alexandra. Its origin is Greek and means “Defender, The defender”.

Aike: It means “Sword”, and it comes from the Frisian, that is, from the villages that settled in northern Germany.

Akira: It is Japanese, its meaning is “Clear”, “Brilliant”.

Aran: It means “Valley”, its origin is Basque.

Ariel: Hebrew origin, its meaning is “Lion of God”.

Asunción: It means “to assume, to attract”, it is of Latin origin.

Azul: Like the color, it refers to stability or tranquility.

Cruz: It comes from Latin Crux and is closely related to the Bible.

Dani: It is associated with experience and wisdom.

Denis: It means “The one who doesn’t lose faith in God”, its origin is French.

Francis: Arising from Francisco or Francisca, it means “Free person”.

Fénix: In Greek mythology is the bird that is reborn from its ashes.

Guadalupe: It has several origins. One of them is related to the Virgin of Guadalupe and the root of the Nahuatl word “Coatlallope”, which means “The one that crushes the snake”. Although etymologically, it comes from the Arab wad-al-luben which means “River of black stones” or “River of love”.

Harper: It is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means “The one who plays the harp”.

Joss: It comes from the German name Josse, it means “Champion”.

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Neutral names: Letters K-Z

Kin: Japanese name to represent ‘golden color’.

Lamar: Arising from old French “La mare“, which means “The sea”.

Luan: Biblical name, it means “Uprising”.

Marlon: It means “Tiny hawk”, it is French.

Mel: It comes from Latin, it means “Honey in the field”.

Milán: Its origin is Hindu, it means “Union”.

Morgan: It means “Brilliant ocean”, it’s of Welsh origin.

Naim: Its meaning is “A very beautiful person”, it is of Arabic origin.

Nilam: Means “Blue gem”.

Neftalí: Biblical character known as “The Fighter”.

Paris: In Greek mythology it means “The protector of man”.

René: It means “The reborn”, it is French.

Robin: It is of English origin, it means “Illustrious”.

Sidney: It means “Wide prairie”, it is of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Sasha: Of Greek and Russian origin, it means “Defender of humanity” and “Warrior”.

Yael: It means “Force of God”, it is of Greek origin.

Zoel: Means “Son of Babel”, comes from Hebrew.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Baby names inspired by nature

In various cultures, natural elements have a powerful meaning and are a source of inspiration for choosing baby names. From those related to fire, earth, or water, whether of Nahuatl or Arabic origin, these names represent the mythology of their region of origin, making them a great option for your baby.

If you have not yet decided how you will name your baby, we leave you the following list:

List of baby names inspired by nature

Letter A

Ainara: Of Basque origin, it means swallow.

Akina: In Japanese, it means spring flower.

Alba, or Aurora: From the Latin Albus, Alba refers to dawn or the first light of the day before the sunrise. In the case of Aurora, it can be known as dawn or morning twilight.

Arán: In Basque, it means valley.

Arantxa: It means highlands of thorns in Basque.

Ayame: In Japanese, it means Iris.

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Letter B

Baikal: It means rich lake. It is a water name that refers to the lake located in southern Siberia; it has other meanings such as the blue eye of Siberia or the pearl of Asia.

Balam: In Mayan, it means jaguar.

Begoña: High hill, in Basque.

Bosco: Of Italian origin, it means forest.  

Byron: Of Celtic origin, it means man from the fields; it also means the man with bear characteristics or behavior.

Letter C

Cala: Of Arabic origin, it means castle, fortress.

Can-Ek: In Mayan, it means black snake.

Celestine: Derived from the Latin caelestis, it means sky. The name Celestino means inhabitant of heaven. It is derived from Celeste.

Celia: It comes from the Latin cælium, which means sky.

Chacte: Redwood, in Mayan.

Cihuacoatl, Siwakoatl: Lady goddess of the Earth, in Nahuatl.

Chloe: Of Greek origin, it means sprout of green grass.

Connor: Irish name meaning one who loves animals. The name Connor also means lover of hunting dogs or wolves.

Coral: Derived from Latin, it means sea stone.

Cuauhtli, Kuauhtli: Eagle, a sun symbol, related to war. (Larousse, 1999) Don’t Miss: Baby Names That Mean Moon

Don’t Miss: Baby Names that Mean Moon

Letter D

Daphne: In Greek, bay.

Dagoberto: Germanic name meaning shining like the sun.

Danae: It means earth fertilized by rain.

Demetrio: It means sacred to the earth. Its etymology comes from the ancient Greek «Δημήτριος» (Dêmếtrios), a name associated with the goddess of agriculture, Demeter.

Dimas: It means sunset in Hebrew.

Dimitri: It is a Russian variant of the name of Greek origin Demetrio, meaning belonging to the earth.

Douglas: It means dark sea. Its etymology comes from the Gaelic dubh (dark) and glais (water, river).

Letter E

Edurne: Snow in Basque.

Ehékatl, Ejecatl: In Nahuatl, god of the wind that sweeps the fields before the rains.

Elenio: It means the one who shines like the sun, of Greek origin.

Eleodoro: Of Greek origin, it means the one who comes from the sun.

Elía, Eli: In Nahuatl, it means the plant is sprouting.

Elián: Of Greek origin, it refers to Helios, the god of the sun.

Estela: Of Italian origin, its meaning is the morning star.

Letter F

Fabian: It means bean harvester in Latin.

Fabiola: Variant of Fabián, it means bean grower.

Falco: It means the falcon. It also means he who sees sharply or he who sees from afar.

Felipe: It comes from the Greek “Philippos,” which means horse lover.

Letter G

Gaia: Its meaning is earth. In Greek mythology, she was the mother goddess who presided over the Earth. She was the companion of Uranus and the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.

Garo: In Basque, it means fern.

Gemma: It comes from Latin, meaning precious stone.

Greta: It means pearl in Latin.

Guido: It means knower of paths. The name Guido, from the German “widu,” means forest but is interpreted as born in the forest or one who knows the way.

Letter H

Hana: Flower, to bloom, in Japanese.

Haru: Of Japanese origin, it means born in spring.

Hazel: It means walnut tree. English adaptation of the term “hæsel” of Celtic origin meaning hazelnut or walnut.

Helio: Of Greek origin, it means sun.

Helios: This name in Greek mythology belonged to the god of the sun; its etymology comes from the Greek “’ηλιος,” which means sun.

Hoshi: Star, in Japanese.

Letter I

Ignatius: It means fire in Latin.

Ilan: Of Hebrew origin, it translates as a vigorous tree.

Iliana and Isaura: Both mean soft air.

Inti: Name the Incas gave to the sun.

Íñigo: The one who comes from the mountainous slope, in Basque.

Izamal: Of Mayan origin, it means dew from heaven. There is a town in Yucatan with this name.

Letter K

Kai: It is of Hawaiian origin; it means sea. It also implies victory in Chinese and is worthy of being loved in the African Swahili language.

Kanté: It comes from the Mayan word “K’ANTEMO,” meaning the tree that listens.

Kin: Means sun in Mayan.

Letter L

Laura: Derived from the Latin “Laurus,” meaning triumph or triumphant, victory.

Lavinia: From the Greek “laphas,” stone. Virgil created the fictitious name to justify the origin of the city of Laninium. Lavinia is the daughter of the Latin king and wife of Aeneas in the poem “The Aeneid” by Virgil.

Leo: Lion in Greek.

Lilian or Liliana: From the Latin “Lilium,” meaning she who is pure.

Llaru: Spring in Japanese

Letter N

Nahuel: Of Mapuche origin, it means tiger.

Nikté or Nicté: Means “flower”. She thus called herself a Mayan princess.

Letter O

Ollin Tonatiuh: In Nahuatl, it means the sun of movement, of the fifth creation from Teotihuacan.

Orson: It comes from the term “Ursus,” which means bear. It means little bear.

Ovidio: It means the one who tends the sheep. This name comes from the Latin term “Ovidius,” whose meaning is sheep.

Letter P

Pedro: Of Aramaic origin, means stone.

Letter Q

Quetzalcóatl: In Nahuatl, the creator god of the man of the fifth sun.

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Letter R

Ramses: It means Son of the Sun. This name comes from the term “ramss” formed by the terms “ra,” which means sun and “mesu,” which means be born and, that according to the Egyptian mythology, god Ra, the god of the sun, acquires another meaning as the son of Ra.

Letter S

Sasil, Saasil, or Zazil: It means dawn, clarity, light in Mayan. Silas: It means little wolf.

Silvano: Derived from the Latin Silvanus, it means of the woods.

Sinti, Sintli: In Nahuatl, it means corn; it is related to the deity protecting the corn.

Suvan: Of Hindu origin, it means the sun.

Letter T

Tlali, Tlalli: In Nahuatl, it means earth, the motherland, the world.

Tonatiúh: Our father sun, the sun, the day, in Nahuatl.

Letter X

Xochipili, Xochipilli, Makuilxochitl: Of Nahuatl origin, it means the god of flowers.

Xochiquetzali: In Nahuatl mythology, it refers to the woman who populated Mexico after the flood; it means goddess of water, beautiful flower.

Xuchal, Suchatl: Rose petal, in Nahuatl.

Letter Y

Yaax: It means nature in Mayan.

Yatziri: It means flower of the dew or maiden of the moon, of Mayan origin.

Letter Z

Zahara or Zahra: Flower, of Arabic origin.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

I also recommend you: Names of Nahuatl origin for girls and boys

These are the infant formulas withdrawn for having bacteria

The health of your little ones is the most important thing, so you should know that Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare infant formulas, from the company Abbott Nutrition are being withdrawn from the market because Cronobacter Sakazakii and Salmonella Newport bacteria were detected. In Mexico, 16 possibly affected batches were identified.

On February 17, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported investigating four reports of hospitalized children who consumed the formulas above. Unfortunately, one of the little ones passed away.

The FDA advises consumers not to use Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered infant formulas if:

  • The first two digits of the code are from 22 to 37.
  • The code on the container shows a K8, SH, or Z2.
  • The expiration date is April 1, 2022, or later.

Given this, the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) announced that it had identified 16 possibly affected batches in Mexico, which are being withdrawn from the market.

The FDA investigates cases of children who became ill from consuming these products. Photo: Shutterstock
The FDA investigates cases of children who became ill from consuming these products. Photo: Shutterstock

What is this contamination about?

The FDA detailed that the contaminated products were produced at the Abbott Nutrition facility in Sturgis, Michigan. After analyzing samples of the powdered formula of this brand, the Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria was found, which causes diarrhea and urinary infections in people of all ages. Still, in babies, it can be very serious. This bacterium is related to the death of the minor who died, whose case is under investigation.

The results also show the presence of Salmonella, bacteria that cause diarrhea with blood, fever, and stomach cramps.

And in Mexico?

So far, no infection has been detected in our country due to the consumption of the Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare formulas. In addition, the company Abbott Laboratories de México, S.A. of C.V., points out that it found no traces of Cronobacter sakazakii or Salmonella newport bacteria in the samples it analyzed; Cofepris endorses this.

Although no cases have been found of children who have become ill from consuming these products, Cofepris is withdrawing from the market (department stores, supermarkets, and other businesses) the formulas that make up the 16 batches that may be contaminated.

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How do you know if the formula may be contaminated?

Check the lot number if you purchased Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare products. If in its first digits, it has the numbers from 22 to 37 or contains the codes K8, SH, or Z2, do not consume the formula and report it to Cofepris.

Cofepris detected that the subsequent batches are in circulation in our country and that they may be affected:

Cofepris details the batches that may be contaminated. Photo: Cofepris
Cofepris details the batches that may be contaminated. Photo: Cofepris

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Where can I report?

  • If you identify any of the lots mentioned, contact the Abbott Nutrition company at 800-3688-742 or
  • In the event of any symptoms or discomfort in your little one related to the consumption of these infant formulas, give notice on the webpage gob. mx/Cofepris.
  • You can also report if you observe that they sell products with the batches possibly affected in any establishment.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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