6 Ways to introduce your daughter to STEM

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills are increasingly valued in everyday life and the world of work. According to UNESCO, women currently represent only 35% of students in careers in these areas and 28% of researchers in the world.

Andrea Vega studied computer systems engineering at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and currently works as a Java backend developer. She says that she has been very good at math since she was a child, and she liked to watch chemistry and physics experiments. Her interest in computers started in high school when she started learning programming.

Josefina Espinosa always knew that science was her thing. With an engineer father and brother, and a chemist sister, she was always attracted to these subjects and decided to become a pharmaco-biological chemist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

“Long-standing gender biases and stereotypes keep girls and women away from science-related sectors”


However, many women rule out going into research because they are made to feel that these careers are not for them. Vega recounts that since high school, she had to face classes where 90% of the population were men, and many teachers underestimated women’s abilities.

STEM Women: Girls like science

With these suggestions, help introduce your daughters to science and mathematics:

  • Teach them not to believe gender stereotypes. When separating games by gender, the activities more related to science are often seen as for boys, when in fact, girls can also participate. “Often, even girls have this idea that something is not for them because they say that’s for boys”, says Andrea Vega.
  • Open the conversation around the scientists of yesterday and today. Many women have had impressive achievements in science. For example, Marie Curie was the first person to receive the Nobel Prize in two categories (physics and chemistry) for her studies and discoveries on radioactivity and other topics. For her part, Ada Lovelace was an exceptional mathematician, today recognized as the first programmer in history. From Babbage’s mechanical calculator, she developed what is considered the first computer program. Bring your kids closer to these stories with books like Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes (Goodnight stories for wild girls).
  • Start bringing them closer from an early age. Many logic games require only a pencil and paper; find some on the Peanuts site. NASA also made guides for your children to learn more about space exploration with Snoopy. There are also sites for children to learn programming, such as Scratch.
  • Feed their curiosity. Currently, there are workshops for girls and boys on programming, robotics, and more. “You don’t have to force them to like something, but when they are interested, they approach it on their own if they have the means to explore”, explains Andrea, who teaches basic programming courses for women. On Epic Queen’s YouTube channel, there are free tutorials on making robots at home, creating a site with HTML code, or extracting the genetic material from fruit.
  • Promote STEM subjects as fun. “It is important to remove the stigma that mathematics is difficult (it can be as difficult or easy as Language) and science too”, highlights Andrea, an IPN graduate. “For me, chemistry is enjoyable; it is something that I have always tried to pass on to my children”, says Josefina Espinosa, who has two adult children, one of them is an engineer. “Children have a great capacity for wonder, and our daily lives are full of chemical reactions: cooking, doing laundry, plants being able to grow”, she explains.
  • Bolster her confidence. “In secondary school, many women drop their interest in the areas of science, convinced that they are not good”, Andrea comments. This is why it is important to build confidence in girls in their abilities to solve problems and develop logical and mathematical thinking. “My dad always told us that we could study anything we liked if we set our minds to it”, says Josefina.

Closing the gender gap in STEM will ensure that girls and boys have the same opportunities to contribute to developing new ideas and discoveries, creating a better world for all people.

Translated by: Ligia Mabel Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish versio: Here

10 Life lessons taught by Tom & Jerry

Surely you remember Tom & Jerry. Who does not! You, your parents, grandparents, and now your children have laughed at their adventures. About the launch of our collection in co-branding with Warner Bros., we wanted to recount the life lessons that this wonderful series taught us.

By the way, have you seen how cute the Tom & Jerry Valentine’s collection by Baby Creysi is? It is a limited edition, only for true fans.

Returning to the lessons that Tom & Jerry have taught us, we leave you a top 10 with those we believe are the most significant. Obviously, each of them marked us in a particular way. Tell us what you learned from this inseparable couple!

10 Lessons Tom & Jerry taught us

1. Perseverance

No matter how many obstacles come their way, both Tom and Jerry are never willing to accept defeat. They try over and over again no matter how many times they fail. They are an example of perseverance; none is willing to give up.

2. Creativity

Every time one of the tricks they use fails, they immediately try the next one. They have a great capacity for reaction and creativity to come up with new things and counteract what the other comes up with. They are always willing to try new, different, innovative things.

3. Smile

Both always have a huge smile drawn. In their way, they have fun and enjoy the process of trying to reach their goals. The moral is to smile, smile at life. Enjoy the journey more than the destination. Be happy.

The Tom & Jerry collection by Baby Creysi is made with soft-touch cotton. Photo: Baby Creysi
The Tom & Jerry collection by Baby Creysi is made with soft-touch cotton. Photo: Baby Creysi

4. What matters is the attitude

Jerry is a tiny mouse, but he still stands up to Tom with intelligence and determination. Tom knows that he shouldn’t underestimate his opponent because he is brilliant.

Tom Cat What Sticker by Tom & Jerry for iOS & Android | GIPHY

5. Work as a team

Despite their endless fights, when it is necessary, they come together to deal with everyday problems. When their home is threatened, they stop their persecution and put an end to what is stalking them.

6. Know your limits

Although Tom knows that Jerry is brilliant and a great opponent in the game, he is also clear that it is not his best interest to interfere when the dog confronts him.

Tom And Jerry GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

7. If the strategy doesn’t work, try another

It’s okay to fail, as long as you learn from your mistakes and don’t keep repeating the same thing. One thing that is clear to us about Tom is that even though he doesn’t achieve his goal, he modifies his strategy, learns, tries new things, and tries again, hoping that it will work this time. He remembers that life is continuous learning.

8. Value the details

When we learn to appreciate the little things in life, we understand that the world is much bigger than we imagine and that we are not the center of everything. That will make you happier because you will begin to enjoy the details, what is truly important.

Tom Folding Arms GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

9. Friendship is the best gift

This cat and mouse share a unique bond of friendship. Although they fight and annoy each other, they complement their lives. Jerry can’t survive without Tom and vice versa. It’s nice to have someone to share and enjoy their company.

  1. Life is like Tom & Jerry

They tease, knock each other down, and get irritated, but they can’t be without each other. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you. Keep going; life constantly throws us challenges in different shapes and sizes. Defeat must not be in your vocabulary; the game is on!

Seamless socks are comfortable and safe for your baby's little feet. Photo: Baby Creysi.
Seamless socks are comfortable and safe for your baby’s little feet. Photo: Baby Creysi

Get the new Tom & Jerry collection by Baby Creysi at Amazon, Palacio de Hierro stores, Baby Creysi Boutiques, and our online store.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Benefits of singing to the baby during pregnancy: pamper him from the womb

Babies like you sing, talk to them, and play music for them. Singing to the baby makes him relax, fall asleep faster, smile, and give us a babble. We can carry out this activity from the fifth month of pregnancy when his ears have fully developed. Benefits of singing to the baby during pregnancy: pamper him from the womb.


Prenatal singing is a means through which, through the voice, “A mother will be able to connect with her daughter or son from the gestation stage”, explains Rocío Parga, founder of Terra Roja (Goddesses in Sorority).

The clinical and perinatal psychologist, trained in prenatal singing, mentions that sounds accompany the baby since pregnancy. The first thing he will hear will be the mother’s heartbeat, like a constant drum that never stops.

In the womb, he will hear the sounds of the intestines and breathing, especially if they are conscious and deep breaths. He will also attend to the sound of the placenta receiving blood, oxygen, and nutrients. “It is a beautiful sound, very similar to that made by the sea, very relaxing as it reminds us of our most primitive state”, says Parga, trained as a doula in Barcelona.

Sing to the baby to secrete oxytocin and endorphins

The mother’s voice is another of the sounds that the baby will hear during his life in the womb. For Rocío Parga, singing is a tool all women can use to connect with their babies, but it also serves as a natural pain reliever when giving birth. By vocalizing and relaxing the throat, the vaginal canal relaxes, and contractions become less painful.

For the specialist, singing before and after pregnancy will cause multiple benefits:

  • With just the use of the voice, a mom or dad can soothe his little one by singing a lullaby while looking into his eyes and stroking him.
  • Singing makes both parents and babies feel happy, joyful, and loving because they secrete oxytocin, the hormone of pleasure and love.
  • When you breastfeed your baby, the expert recommends singing, looking into his eyes, and caressing him.

According to the Guide for stimulation and psychomotricity in the early education of the National Council for Educational Development (CONAFE), some research has shown that newborn children respond to their mother’s voice with tiny movements, almost invisible is synchrony between movements and words.

The document mentions that it is essential for the mother to talk to and coo over the baby because:

  • The physical contact between them will help the baby lower muscle tension.
  • She will calm the child when he cries or is restless.
  • Cooing is a rhythmic stimulus for the baby.

Recovering our roots

Some songs have been sung to children for many years, transcending time. For Rocío Parga, prenatal singing also seeks to recover our roots and continue with the tradition of singing to babies, “A connection that has been lost and that we need to recover for its many benefits”.

Prenatal singing not only promotes singing but also provides affection through love songs.

You don’t need to be a professional singer to do prenatal singing, “You just need to do it with your heart, to give love to your children through it and create strong bonds. They are not going to notice if we go out of tune, but they will notice our intention”, concludes the expert.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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Ways to calm children down without using screens

The connection between grandmother and grandchildren is more significant than with her children

Having a grandmother is the greatest blessing. They love us, take care of us, and fill us with pampering. Have you heard the phrase mothers educate, grandmothers pamper? Well, a new study proves it right, and not only that, it seems to show that grandmothers feel a greater connection with their grandchildren than with their children. It wasn’t your imagination; it’s true. The connection between grandmother and grandchildren is more significant than with her children

According to researchers at Emory University, who published their analysis in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, grandmothers feel a deeper emotional connection with their grandchildren than with their children, “Infants are likely to have developed traits to manipulate not only the maternal brain but also the brain of the grandmothers, obviously more the maternal grandmothers”, say the scientists.

There is a more significant emotional bond between grandmothers and grandchildren

The study examined the brains of 50 women who had at least one biological grandchild between the ages of three and twelve. Functional magnetic resonance imaging that reads brain activity was used.

The women were shown images of their grandchild, her child, an anonymous child, and an anonymous adult while the scientists analyzed their brain activity. The grandmothers also received questionnaires to measure the level of commitment to their grandchildren.

“Brain activity in areas associated with emotional empathy is very marked”, explained James Rilling, an anthropologist, and lead author.

“Grandmothers are geared to be very empathic with their grandchildren when interacting with them. If the grandchild smiles, she feels the joy of the child. And if her grandchild cries, she can also feel the child’s pain and anguish”.

With children, the connection is cognitive

The researchers found that, in contrast, when the grandmothers saw their adult children, a different area of the brain was activated that indicated cognitive, but not emotional, empathy.

“Emotional empathy is when you can feel what another person feels, but cognitive empathy is when you understand, on a cognitive level, what another person feels and why”, Rilling said.

The study indicates that grandmothers respond emotionally to their grandchildren’s traits when they are young; the children who were not related to them did not elicit a level of emotional response.

He also points out that children elicit in their grandmother cognitive empathy (also called the theory of mind) based on understanding what someone thinks or feels at a cognitive level. They can even put themselves in the other’s shoes, but fewer emotions are involved.

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Human grandmothers the only ones who help in the upbringing

Another important fact is that this link is stronger when grandmothers take care of their grandchildren, a human phenomenon par excellence.

“Mothers of great apes raise their young alone, for example. On the other hand, human mothers often receive support, especially from grandmothers. They are an important source of help in many families, and there is evidence that they contribute to the well-being of children”, said Rilling.

In conclusion, as indicated by other studies from the University of Oxford, the “cute” phenotype of babies, designed by evolution so that adults feel tenderness and want to care for them, as well as the bond that grandmothers generate with their grandchildren by caring and pampering them, make the relationship between them stress-free.

Parenting is a power struggle. It is love, but also pressure to educate them and set limits. Grandmas just love; the job of promoting responsibility is left to parents. It makes sense, don’t you think?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here  

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Warning symptoms in pregnancy; pay attention to them!

In pregnancy, a common complaint, such as nausea or constipation, is not the same as medical emergencies, such as vaginal bleeding or ringing in the ears. Therefore, if you present any of these warning symptoms in any trimester, you should consult your doctor immediately to avoid complications.

The gynecologist and obstetrician Germán Palacios López, from the Star Médica Lomas Verdes Hospital, emphasizes that a pregnant woman must learn to listen to her body and, if necessary, go to the emergency room, but never ignore some symptoms or warning signs.

At any stage of pregnancy, time is a critical factor if it is an obstetric emergency. The faster a pregnant woman is treated, the fewer consequences she will have, “Because, in most cases, the complications that occur can be prevented or managed, as long as they are resolved as soon as possible”, explains Palacios López, a certified doctor by the Mexican Council of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

While most pregnancies and births are uneventful, there can be risks.

Recognizing an obstetric emergency

An obstetric emergency requires prompt attention to safeguard the life of the pregnant woman and the baby, “It is defined as that state of health that endangers the life of the woman and/or the product, and that also requires immediate medical attention and /or surgery”, states the document Obstetric emergencies in Mexico: designation of concept and use, by Guadalupe Ramírez and Graciela Freyermuth, published by the Observatory of Maternal Mortality in Mexico.

For Palacios López, in most obstetric emergencies, there will always be a certain point of margin to act, control, and prevent fatal complications. Hence, a pregnant woman must consult her doctor in the presence of any different or abnormal symptom, no matter how minimal it is.

Warning symptoms you should know

The military doctor comments that among the symptoms that should alert a pregnant woman to go to the emergency room immediately are:

  • A temperature of 38°C or higher, occurring at any time during pregnancy, requires medical attention.
  • Transvaginal fluid leakage or bleeding. Before 20 weeks, it will be considered a threatened abortion. After 20 weeks, it will be a threat of premature labor. “It is essential to differentiate between liquid and blood: the first may be due to a water break. But if there is bleeding, it may be due to a placental abruption,” says Palacios.
  • Swelling of face and fingers.
  • Severe or continuous headache.
  • Elevation of blood pressure to more than 140/90 mmHg is a sign of pre-eclampsia.
  • Pain or burning when urinating can mean an infection. In severe cases, it may require hospitalization.
  • Decreased fetal movements. After week 24, one way to know if a baby is doing well is counting his movements. Whenever a mother notices the absence or decrease in fetal movements (less than ten movements a day), she should immediately go to the emergency room, “This is a measure that helps prevent intrauterine deaths”, says the specialist..

On the other hand, the IMSS also advises a pregnant woman to go to the hospital, regardless of the day and time, when there is one or more of the symptoms mentioned above and the following:

  • See colored “lights”
  • Have ringing in the ears
  • Painful contractions before due time

Finally, among the discomforts that are NOT an obstetric emergency, but DO require that you consult your doctor, are:

  • Throwing up
  • Vaginal infection (discharge, burning, itching, bad smell)
  • Discomfort when urinating
  • Flu and/or cough
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Appearance of rashes on the body

About 15 percent of all pregnant women experience some life-threatening complication that requires skilled care and, in some cases, major obstetric intervention for survival.


Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

The Mexican Constitution explained to children

February 5th marks the anniversary of the enactment of the Mexican Constitution. This date is considered a holiday and mandatory leisure day in the Federal Labor Law, so there are no classes in schools and most people do not work. Beyond the holiday, how can we explain what the Constitution is and why it is so important to our children?

The leisure day will be on Monday

In 2022, February 5th is on a Saturday so, as established by law, the celebration will take place on the following Monday to have a long weekend break. This policy is applied in many countries and the objective is to promote regional tourism.

The citizens can make small trips, take a longer break, do recreational activities and thereby boost the country’s economy.

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What the Mexican Constitution is: Explanation for children

The Mexican Constitution is the supreme law of Mexico. This is a very important book because it contains all the fundamental rules that rule our country.

It is the highest law that contains the principles and objectives of the nation. It establishes the existence of organs of authority (their powers and limitations), the rights of people and the ways to make them effective. It explains and defines the relationship between:

  1. The three branches of government: legislative (those who make the laws such as deputies and senators), executive (the president) and the judicial (judges, prosecutors and magistrates).
  2. The three orders of government (federal, state and municipal).
  3. Citizens.
It is made up of 136 articles and 19 transitory ones distributed in nine titles.

Throughout the Constitution, it is addressed in detail, the Human Rights of Mexicans and foreigners, the form of Government, National Sovereignty and responsibilities of public servants, among others.

The Mexican Constitution is the supreme law in our country. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Mexican Constitution is the supreme law in our country. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Why is February 5th commemorated?

We celebrate it that day because it was promulgated on February 5th, 1917 by Venustiano Carranza, the first head of the Constitutionalist Army.

At first, the idea was to reform the Constitution of 1857, but as a consequence of the Mexican Revolution it was necessary to adjust the law to the new reality in the country, so a new Constitution was drafted.

Finally, after two months of debate, the Constituent Congress closed sessions on February 5th, 1917 at the Gran Teatro Iturbide, today Teatro de la República, located in the city of Querétaro.


Main articles of the Mexican Constitution

Through the document La Constitución al alcance de los niños (The Constitution for children), available in the library of the Chamber of Deputies, the most important articles that children should know are explained.

Article 1. Principle of equality

All people enjoy the same rights and must comply with the obligations established by law. Women, men, girls, boys, everyone is equal before the law.

Principio de igualdad. Foto: Diputados.gob
Principle of equality. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 2. Be free from discrimination

No one should be discriminated because of ethnic or national origin, sexual preference, social condition or ideology.

Right to non-discrimination. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 3. Right of education

It is compulsory at basic levels and optional at advanced levels. Freedom of teaching and research is also established.

Education rights. Photo: Chamber of Deputies
Education rights. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 5. Freedom of work

The type of work we want to do is a decision that must be made freely.

Freedom of work. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 6. Freedom of speech

We all have the right to express our ideas without any type of retaliation, as long as it does not attack morality, private life, the rights of third parties or that it provokes any crime or disturbs public order.

Freedom of speech. Photo: Chamber of Deputies
Freedom of speech. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 7. Freedom of transmission (circulation of ideas)

“The freedom to spread opinions, information and ideas through any means is always permitted”, says the Constitution.

Freedom of dissemination. Photo: Chamber of Deputies
Freedom of dissemination. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 9. Freedom of association

Freedom of association is the right that all people have to organize peaceful meetings, create organizations with other people or join existing ones, to work in favor of our interests and the exercise of our rights.

Freedom of association. Photo: Chamber of Deputies
Freedom of association. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Article 24. Freedom of worship

Our Constitution states that every person has the right to choose his religion, individually or in association.

Religious freedom. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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Give your baby a massage and strengthen the emotional bond

Giving a massage to a baby, girl or boy is a nurturing touch for the soul. Investment for you to enjoy physical and emotional well-being. You only need a few minutes a day and your hands. “Through them, you establish a family dynamic of love and communication”, says Ana Laura Ponce Cuspinera, Mexican trainer of the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM).

The representation of IAIM in our country is in charge of the Network of Educators of Child Massage Mexico (REMI). The massage consists of pressing some parts of the body with adequate intensity. When this technique is applied to babies, “non-verbal communication is achieved with them. An affective bond is created, emotional well-being is generated, and stress is reduced”.

The expert recommends starting to massage your baby from day one until your son or daughter leaves home. If you want, you can do it all your life because physical contact is necessary and important.

Some of the multiple benefits of infant massage are:

  • Regulate and strengthen physiological functions.
  • Improve muscle tone.
  • Reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Stimulate the immune system.
  • Relax and improve the state of wakefulness and sleep.

According to the study, Effects of therapeutic massage on anxiety and stress in the pediatric population, published in the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Colombia, therapeutic massage benefits the baby.

Since a baby is born, if you try to implement a daily massage routine, the impact will be very positive on the whole family’s physical, physiological, and emotional well-being.

Research indicates it decreases cortisol levels, a better adaptation of physiological responses to stressors, weight gain, and a more significant behavioral and sleep organization.

It also benefits mom and dad

Each family must find the ideal moments to perform the massage. It will be necessary to make eye contact with the baby and respect his rhythm because sometimes he will not be willing, especially if he is hungry or sleepy.

Massaging the baby is an activity that the mom or dad should do to create an experience that allows both parents and children to exchange sensations and feelings. It is a way of enriching affective communication.

Ponce Cuspinera mentions that, through touch and caresses, a loving bond is created with the children, and the hormones that generate dopamine are activated and, consequently, emotional well-being, “Parents will be able to understand their babies better, read their signals and learn to communicate with them”.

It has also been proven that if mom or dad massage their baby, they can:

  • Reduce pressure and stress levels.
  • Increase awareness of their work.
  • Build self-confidence.
  • Offer quality time to their little ones.
  • Establish a tradition with social impact.

Baby massage, an ancient tradition

Infant massage is a tradition that has existed for many years in various cultures. At REMI, the technique they use is the proposal created by Vimala McClure, founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, found in 70 countries.

This technique takes up aspects of Hindu and Swedish massage, yoga, and reflexology and seeks to make men and women aware of the importance of loving children through physical contact. “Create less violent generations and build more loving and inclusive families, communities, and societies”, says Ana Laura Ponce.

Likewise, they are interested in girls and boys growing up with the security and independence they need to develop in society as socially responsible adults, “In this way, we want to counteract domestic violence, intolerance, abandonment, and child abuse; then, if you visit a prison and look at the files of the inmates, you will see that these people lacked something in their childhood”.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

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Friendship among children: Why is it so important to have friends?

From day one to three years of age, the primary sources of love for little ones come from their parents. Once they enter kindergarten, they begin to separate from the family bond to open up to a larger world: friends.

When a little boy or girl begins to socialize, he is faced with new experiences. When he leaves school, he will tell you what he did that day, with whom and what he played, and about his friends. In this stage, friendship arises, and children “discover themselves and reflect through others”, explains psychologist Karla Miranda Vásquez from CreSer Juntos.

Friends are very important in childhood because girls and boys recognize themselves in their peers; they discover that there are people with whom they have affinities: same age, likes, and interests. Not only with the family can they have moments of happiness and joy.

Seeing a world of equals, little ones will want to do things for others and express their affection. But friendship is also “a reciprocal relationship that both parties must affirm,” said José Eduardo Moreno and Santiago Resett in their paper, The quality of friendship in school-age children.

But what can we learn by making friends? For psychologist Karla Miranda Vásquez, through friendly relationships, girls and boys will cultivate qualities such as:

  • Cooperation
  • Be generous
  • Share
  • Generate joy and friendliness

The face of a girl or boy reflects how they are living friendship. If he comes home from school sad, his parents should start to find out what is going on in the school environment; ask him about his friends so that he can recognize that such company is not healthy.


How to teach girls and boys to be good friends

Conflicts among children are natural. One day your daughter or son will come home from school sad because her best friend said something rude to her. The wonderful thing about this age is that the next day, she will tell you that they played together, that her girlfriend lent her favorite toy and that they have spoken to each other again as if nothing had happened.

The little ones are learning to socialize. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that they “systematically learn the behavior patterns necessary for effective and satisfactory social interactions at school, on the playground and at home”, according to the Skills Program for Children Early, by Ellen McGinnis and Arnold P. Goldstein.

For the specialist in child development and well-being, Karla Miranda Vásquez, children will have to face and solve life situations on their own, “As parents, we have to guide them and teach them to reconcile and, above all, to build relations from joy, love, and respect”.

It is necessary to endow the little ones with social skills to have a good adaptation to the community. And you have to start doing it from home. Parents must provide well-being scenarios so that from a young age, minors know about:

  • Empathy
  • Self-control
  • Communication
  • Respect
  • Conflict resolution

A girl or boy who has grown up with love and respect will find it easier to identify people unrelated to him who do not generate well-being, tranquility, and harmony. You have to guide them and explain that a friend is happiness, company, a desire to help and share.

On the contrary, a friend will never make fun of me, offend me, verbally assault me, or hit me. True friends will never make us feel sad. “We have to be very aware of our children’s state of mind to help them. Be attentive to their mood swings or if they show insecurity”, concludes the expert.

Peer group experiences constitute an important developmental context for children. In it, fundamental skills, attitudes, and experiences are acquired, influencing the entire life cycle.

“The quality of friendship in school-age children”, José Eduardo Moreno and Santiago Resett

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Practical tips for your baby to leave the diaper behind

Between 18 months and three years of age, a new milestone in the development of boys and girls arrives: leaving the diaper behind. This happens thanks to the maturation of their brain nerve centers, which will allow them to express their desire to go to the bathroom. Now they will be more attentive to their body’s signals and will begin to be able to tell when they need to pee or poop.

“Each girl has her rhythm since the sphincter control is a physiological process. Around the age of two, many little ones begin to show some interest in using the bathroom and wearing underwear instead of a diaper”, says Carla Pérez Martínez, Ph.D. in Perinatal Psychology, Founder of Psychology with babies.

To reach this point, the coordination of several muscles is needed, as well as signals from the brain to be able to control the output of pee or poop, “It is not, as we used to think, a skill that must be trained, but a process that needs to be accompanied,” emphasizes the specialist.

Therefore, the commitment of moms and dads is to accompany them in this process and support them with tools that facilitate sphincter control. They do not need training; each child will set the pace that the maturity of his body allows.

Some signs that indicate the little one is ready to leave the diaper behind are:

  • He can follow simple instructions.
  • He understands and uses words related to going to the bathroom (pee, poop, potty, toilet).
  • He shows interest in the potty, observing how her parents or siblings use the bathroom; she wants to sit on the potty and wear underwear instead of a diaper.
  • He keeps the diaper dry for 2 hours straight or more.
  • He communicates when her diaper is wet or dirty.
  • He can pull her diaper or clothes up and down.
  • He associates the feeling of peeing or pooping with going to the bathroom.

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Going along with the toddler

If you are living this critical stage in the life of your children at home, you can help in different ways, as Dr. Pérez Martínez suggests:

  • Teach their body parts and functions, including the correct names for their genitals.
  • Start when they are ready, don’t push them.
  • Allow them to take an active role in this process by letting them choose their potty and underwear.
  • Encourage them to become familiar with the potty by personalizing it and putting stickers on it, among other details. Ensure the toilet has a child adapter and a stool to support their feet. This will give them more security, and they can get up when they want.
  • Let them play potty with their toys and let them watch how others use the bathroom. Children learn by imitation, and seeing the rest of the family will give them security and confidence.
  • Read children’s stories that talk about this transition so that they become familiar with it and understand the concept of going to the bathroom. Educational videos and pictograms that explain “going to the bathroom” step by step are also handy.
  • Take care of their diet by incorporating fruits and vegetables daily. This will facilitate the processes of digestion and expulsion. Processed foods like cookies, nuggets, or pizza can cause constipation and make this process difficult.
  • Pick a quiet moment. It can be on vacation when they don’t have to go to school, and you and your baby are more relaxed.
  • Keep in mind that there will be “leaks” or setbacks. Don’t get mad; continue with the process.
  • Communication is vital. Don’t underestimate them, even if you think they are too small to understand! Talk to them and say what you are going to take away; they will be able to understand it.
  • A great tip: follow schedules and routines. As far as possible, sit them simultaneously in their potty: when they wake up, after eating, before going to sleep. This will help them get into a routine, and it will be easier.
  • If you have already decided not to use a diaper, do it all day. When you are at home, but also when you go out.
  • If you see that it does not work, do not stress. Go back to the diaper and wait a little longer for your baby to be ready. Remember that everyone has his rhythm.

Each boy and girl has their rhythm when it comes to leaving the diaper behind, do not pressure them or want it to happen at your time! A safe and supportive environment will make toilet training a calm and memorable process.

As your little one gains control of his sphincters, there will be accidents, like not getting to the bathroom on time or getting his clothes wet. Let them go, don’t get angry or scold him; this is part of learning about how his body works, “In the case of an accident, act naturally, don’t play down or give it too much importance. Clean up together and remind him he can tell you or go straight to the potty when he feels like it again”, recommends the expert in the emotional development of babies.

If he is going through an important event, such as the birth of a sibling, a room change, a separation or divorce, just starting daycare, or having a new caregiver, for example, do not pressure him. It is preferable not to introduce more than one change at a time.

Finally, demanding, comparing, or ridiculing to get out of the diaper are negative strategies that will only make the child feel insecure and distressed.

The toilet training process must be respectful of the children and the maturity of their

We also leave you some songs that will help make the process more fun.

Leave the diaper behind, Song by Jejé Kids

Learning to go to the bathroom by myself

Bye-bye, nappy

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

The bib: how do you choose the best one for your baby?

The bib is one of the babies’ accessories the most from the first months of life. Although there is a wide variety on the market, the most important thing when choosing it is to make sure they are functional and protect the baby’s chest from excess saliva.

The bib is handy at all stages of the baby. When you are lactating, it helps you if the milk comes back. When the first teeth come out, which usually happens after six months of age, or sometimes before, babies drool excessively, and you will have to change their bib several times so that it does not get wet. When your baby starts eating baby food, this accessory will be essential – at every meal – to keep his clothes clean.

How to choose the best bib for your baby

Try to choose the ones that have these characteristics:

  • Made of cotton
  • Soft
  • Very absorbent
  • Adjustable
  • Easy to clean
  • Machine washed
  • Practical, that is, easy to put on and take off
  • Durable
  • Have a waterproof base
  • Take into account the size, prefer them to be a little bigger
  • Make sure your little one is comfortable

Salivation softens and moistens the solid foods part of the baby’s diet. It keeps the mouth moist and makes it easier for the baby to swallow, and protects the teeth, among other functions.

American Association of Pediatricians (AAP)

A handy item, indispensable for your baby

Once your baby starts with solid foods, bibs will be necessary to avoid having to change them every time he eats. Yet, it is essential that you do not become obsessed with cleaning.

“When your baby already grabs food with his hands and puts it in his mouth, perhaps a bib will not be enough to keep him clean. Still, it is important that you allow him to experience new flavors and textures”, says Cristina Belén Hernández, a graduate in preschool education and early stimulation instructor, “because with this, you will be allowing him to know and discover the world that surrounds him”.

For the older ones, make your kid wear a long-sleeved all-plastic bib, or choose a silicone bib with a pocket so that crumbs and some liquid fall there. Opt for bibs that are lead-free, BPA-free, and non-toxic.

Choose bibs with attractive designs

Choosing from a wide range of designs brings out your personality. Let out the tender part or the funny side that is in you.

There are bibs in black or white, pastel colors or multicolored, plain or with prints of animals, children’s drawings, comics, stripes, stars, flowers, cars, musical notes, with a vintage, retro, or pop design. There are also some with the shape of tiny animals, stars, or balls, with impressions of a tie, bow, or pearl necklace, even with images of oil landscapes. Bibs with phrases have become a trend in recent years and are the favorites of some parents for their messages. Which one would you choose?

Currently, some bibs are designed in the form of a neckerchief, which we know as bandanas. These are very safe and easy to put on and add a touch of class to your baby’s outfit.

It is common for babies to drool and make saliva bubbles during the phase of development when their need is focused on the mouth. This becomes more evident from 3 to 6 months of age.

Get the bibs and bandanas your baby needs in our Online Store.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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I hate my children’s endless homework

When I grew up, I thought that one of the advantages of being older would be that I had left behind the endless schoolwork of elementary school, but I was wrong. When you are a mother, you go back to primary education with your children. Don’t get me wrong; I get the point of homework: kids need to practice the new skills they learned in school; I’m okay with that. The problem is when homework is excessive and clearly beyond what children can do independently. My dislike is when the task is for the parents.

I’ll give you an example: when my daughter was five years old, her art teacher asked her for a model in which she captured her neighborhood. She asked for it a week in advance, ok, but when both parents work and come home late, it is difficult to make a 1.5m long by 1m wide model. Mainly because it is not the only task, every day, they gave her -and they continue giving her- pages and pages of all the other subjects.

I have many reasons why endless homework drives me crazy. I want to expose my disagreement and know your opinion.

I do not have the patience

I accept it; I have no patience. This is not the fault of my daughter or the teachers. After a long day of work, it is easy for me to despair. I become a train without brakes: the math pages, the dinner, the repetitions of verbs in English, the dishes that I couldn’t wash in the morning, the brochure about the whales, the reading summary, the cutouts… I breathe, and I manage to contain the screams, but… the damn model!

I’m not the only mom who feels this way. Through her Facebook account, the blogger, Sour Mom, also expressed her discomfort when her little one had for homework to make some puppets and a stage (in addition to the daily exercises).

“I know that it is not the teacher’s fault that I have no one to help me wash, cook, clean, make beds, clean the bathroom, dishes, etc. Even if I hired a tutor for my son, a 5 to 7-year-old boy who only keeps his attention for 30 to 45 minutes maximum, he is in his world the rest of the time. Children can’t complete the tasks alone. Who do you think will end up doing the puppet activity? Me, of course!” she explains.

Her post garnered more than 1,500 comments. Hundreds of mothers are exposed to the stress they feel due to the avalanche of schoolwork, which is added to the daily work of the house and the office. In the end, I understood: Today’s moms gain independence by going out to work, but we do not stop carrying most of the responsibility in the education and upbringing of children. Add to this the household chores. The work tripled.

It’s up to us to make our hubby collaborate simultaneously, but the “tsunami” of activities that some schools give to children is unreal.

Many schools give excessive homework

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), four hours of homework a week should be the most homework students take home. In the report entitled, Does Homework Perpetuate Inequities in Education? The agency explains that spending more time has a negligible impact on academic performance, but it affects children’s free time for leisure activities and plays.

I will be clear in what I think: the main job that children should have is to play and get to know the world through play. Little by little and, at their level, responsibilities must be incorporated, but let the children enjoy their childhood! With this, I do not mean that the remaining time is spent watching TV or playing video games, but that they have more space to run, ride a bike, exercise, take some music lessons, paint, draw, or whatever they like.

The pandemic made the situation worse. Mara Estrada, Camila’s mother, assures us that with the online classes, the homework also increased. “My daughter cried when we returned to lockdown Mexico City because the workload at home was greater. The teacher explained less and compensated with assignments. She is eleven years old and is in fifth grade. She gets very stressed. We finish later”.

The pros and cons of homework

Homework certainly has its benefits. It teaches responsibility, time management, and perseverance. In theory, it should reinforce independent learning because the child practices his learning on his own. It also allows us, parents, to find out what children are learning at school and get involved in their education. So far, so good. But one thing is that they give simple things to reinforce knowledge and another to ask young children for too much workload or very elaborate tasks.

“Why are you telling me that the key is to let the child do the homework independently? Let’s evaluate: A six-year-old boy, who has never had face-to-face classes, is learning to write, read, add, subtract, etc. Today’s homework: Solve pages 96 and 97 of the math book, including finishing the activity by watching a video, drawing, and writing in the notebook. Language: Page 90 of the book (a drawing) and learn the dialogues of two or three characters from the story he chose and make sock and yarn puppets and a stage. Literacy: Dictation of 20 words and using them to make up five sentences of at least six words each. Each notebook page should include a margin and date. In addition, he must read 20 minutes a day”, indicates Sour Mom in her post.

Obviously, parents should watch their children, but where is the quality time if they spend the afternoon and evening doing homework? An activity that should be fun, like making sock puppets, becomes an ordeal.

“Family and school are a binomial that cannot be separated. For the child’s learning to be successful, families must comply with the share of responsibility that corresponds to them. That should not be negotiable. The family must always be aware of the learning of their children. Parents should not see themselves as clients; as they go to the educational institution to look for a service, they must realize they are collaborators. It is a shared job”, says Ángeles Grajales, a primary school teacher.

I agree with the teacher; however, there are studies by researchers like Harris Cooper, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University and author of the book, The Battle Over Homework, which show that homework has minimal academic benefits for children in the early years of primary school. On the contrary, the researcher maintains that they are the main reason for stress and friction between families and between parents and schools. The children, of course, are in the middle. Homework, yes, but according to the level and age of the children, without excesses. As simple as that.

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How much homework should children do?

The National Association of Parents and Teachers of the United States (PTA) recommends applying the 10-minute rule for children’s homework.

If a student is in first grade, he should spend 10 minutes on homework every afternoon. If he is in sixth grade, he should spend 60 minutes. Perhaps we should rethink the tasks and apply such a model. Instead of endless papers, why not short, simple assignments that lead to an honest review?

Honestly, I think homework in elementary school is a waste of time for all parties involved. In high school, it depends on the child. I remember that, for example, in my case, I did need homework to reinforce the information that was taught during the day, but I had classmates who learned very well with just the teacher’s explanation. That is why I say that homework is helpful from that age, and without exaggeration.

When I entered college, my relationship with homework improved substantially. Gone were the summaries and rote learning. At last, I found meaning in the task, the essays, the analysis, and the understanding of the subject. But many of my classmates from elementary school fell by the wayside; plain and simple, they got fed up with school.

Quality over quantity

The PTA sets its position on homework through a letter entitled, Resolution on assignment: Quality over Quantity.

While acknowledging that when homework is used appropriately, it has the potential to help students maximize their learning, it also points out its drawbacks:

“Homework can negatively affect interactions between family and children. A large number of tasks increases stress and does not lead to better results. It has been shown that students who spend more time on homework than is recommended for the appropriate grade do not experience an increase or decrease in academic achievement”.

The association adds that if we consider that children’s homework depends heavily on parental supervision, this “increases the achievement gap in schools and creates inequity when the diversity of the academic capacity, availability of time, and resources of parents or caregivers to support learning at home adequately”.

The PTA’s conclusion, which we should take seriously, is that schools should design assignments that promote a focus on quality rather than quantity. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Unfortunately, there is a long way to go before we get there in Mexico and throughout the world.

And you, what do you think of the endless tasks of children? Write your opinion in the Facebook comments.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish versión: Here

Other topics of interest: Low school performance, causes, and how to help our children

Benefits of having a pet

Tasks that children should perform according to their age

Drowsy during pregnancy? This is the reason and what you can do about it

One of the most perceived symptoms from the beginning of pregnancy is sleep when you are pregnant. What is the reason we feel so tired? Our eyes are closed! But like all the changes that happen during this stage, it has a curious reason.

Drowsiness during pregnancy

During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone increase, and your metabolism is at a high level, which can cause daytime sleepiness and fatigue. If you work or have other children to take care of, this can be a big problem, as it is difficult to control the desire to lie down for a while and sleep soundly.

“During pregnancy, the metabolism increases, and the body stores cholesterol, glucose, etc. Yes, there is some tiredness and sleep. This is because the metabolism is saving resources. That, coupled with the hormone progesterone, which also increases in levels, makes you feel sleepy,” explains gynecologist Susana Haquet Santana, academic of the Department of Embryology and Genetics of the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM.

During the first trimester, things are like this. You will be more eager to sleep than usual, which is normal. You will feel tired while watching how your body transforms to protect and promote your baby’s development.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the levels of the hormone progesterone increase, and your metabolism is working triple. This can cause drowsiness and fatigue. Photo: Pxhere
At the beginning of pregnancy, the levels of the hormone progesterone increase, and your metabolism is working triple. This can cause drowsiness and fatigue. Photo: Pxhere

The placenta, the organ that nourishes the baby throughout his growth, is forming. Your body is making more blood; your heart is beating faster. All of you is preparing to give life.

What can we do? Be patient. Drink water to cool down. When you can’t anymore, get up and take a walk. Eat well and take your vitamins. Sleep during pregnancy is normal, but if you are underweight, one of the main symptoms of anemia is an increased feeling of tiredness and fatigue. The consumption of iron-rich foods is highly recommended: green leafy vegetables, oily nuts, and fruits with vitamin C. Preferably whole, not in juice.

Later, things change. Tiredness doesn’t go away, but it will be hard for some moms to fall asleep. Every woman is different, and every pregnancy is different, so there are no rules.


As the baby grows, many women find it challenging to get enough uninterrupted sleep. Photo: PxFuel
As the baby grows, many women find it challenging to get enough uninterrupted sleep. Photo: PxFuel

Trouble sleeping during pregnancy

According to the Mayo Clinic, typical symptoms during pregnancy could disturb sleep. For example:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Need to urinate often
  • Physical discomfort (tender breasts, back pain, leg cramps, heartburn, itching, shortness of breath, restless leg syndrome)
  • Fetal movement
  • Snoring
  • Anxiety about labor and delivery
  • Sleep disorders

What can you do to sleep well?

From the beginning, it is a good idea to get used to sleeping on your side (preferably on the left side, with your legs bent). This is the most comfortable position as the pregnancy progresses. You can experiment with different pillows. Many women find it helpful to put one under the abdomen or between the legs. There are pillows for pregnant women, too.

Take care of your diet. Minimize caffeinated beverages, colas, coffee, and tea. Many doctors recommend having a bigger breakfast and lunch and a lighter dinner at night, but make sure you’re getting enough nutrients. Drink enough water during the day and less when you are about to sleep. It would help if you also tried to eat the amount indicated by your doctor.

Lastly, always consult your specialist. He can help you specifically with your case.

Translated by: Liga M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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