Desarrollo WebAdictos

Resilience for pandemials: a guide for raising children in times of Covid-19

Children are also facing a global crisis, but with fewer emotional tools than adults. Resilience for pandemials, a guide to…

4 años hace

How to remove phlegm and mucus from my baby

Phlegm and mucus serve to protect the airways of our babies from the entry of viruses and bacteria. They are…

4 años hace

Why you should NOT use time-out to correct children

The idea of time-out is to correct problem behaviors, but an expert explains why it doesn't work.

4 años hace

How to prepare a homemade oral saline solution

There are simple solutions to complex problems like childhood dehydration. In these cases, it is vital to balance the fluid…

4 años hace

A father who takes care of his baby does not “help”, he exercises his paternity

The responsibilities of a home and family do not have a gender seal. The figure of the father is as…

4 años hace

Regurgitation in babies: what to do when they spit up milk

Some babies spit up more than others. What to do to reduce the frequency? What is considered to be normal…

4 años hace

How do home pregnancy tests work?

Home pregnancy tests are very accurate if used correctly. Learn how they work and when it is appropriate to get…

4 años hace

10 family movies that teach the value of friendship

What would we do without friends? It is worth watching these films with your little ones and to reflect on…

4 años hace

Energetic ties between parents and children: the invisible family legacy

Humans are energy experiencing in a physical body. We are connected to everything, but with family and ancestors, the bond…

4 años hace

Constipation in babies: what causes it and how to detect it

Constipation occurs when the baby has very hard stools or there is pain and difficulty in passing stool. Without worrying,…

4 años hace

Bubble groups, a model to return to classes and minimize risks

The children who are members of a bubble do everything together, without mingling with the rest of the groups; in…

4 años hace

Why you should stop shouting to your kids when you tell them off?

Why you should stop shouting to your kids when you tell them off? Yelling at your kids is a kind…

4 años hace