How many kilos can I gain in pregnancy?

One of the concerns while expecting your baby is to stay healthy. You face the dilemma of feeding a being within you and keeping balance for the benefit of you and your little one. We tell you what weight gain during pregnancy is like.

Food is a key element in life; health depends on it since you can prevent many diseases with a balanced diet. While you expect your child, you must have products from all food groups and avoid those with high caloric content and salt.

A study from the University of Granada, Spain, reveals that the Body Mass Index (BMI) before pregnancy is a powerful indicator of the child’s weight at birth. Hence, it is important to promote BMI care to avoid perinatal complication conditions such as macrosomia (when babies are larger than normal) or low birth weight.

Dr. Liliana Cortés, a specialist in nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, explains that weight gain during pregnancy depends on several factors, such as obesity before pregnancy or some pathology. In these cases, the diet must be taken care of even more so that the weight gain is correct for the baby’s development, but without reaching extremes.

“We must remember that if we allow ourselves to gain excess weight, this will result in babies with a heavier weight than appropriate. We are conditioning that our baby may develop a disease in the near future”.

We recommend: Food during pregnancy: What can you eat?

A balanced diet will bring benefits for you and your baby. Photo: Pixabay
A balanced diet will bring benefits for you and your baby. Photo: Pixabay

Target weight gain

Nutritionist Ana María Vilas comments that it is a myth that women should gain 9 kilos during pregnancy; this depends on the particular situation of each one, especially her weight. If she is obese before pregnancy, she should gain less.

The Institute of Medicine and National Research Council details how much a woman should gain during a singleton pregnancy, that is, with a single child:

  • Low weight (BMI at 18.5): 13 to 18 kilos
  • Normal weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9): 11 to 16 kilos
  • Overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9): 7 to 11 kilos
  • Obesity (BMI 30 or more): 5 to 9 kilos

“It’s a weight range you can put on; it doesn’t necessarily have to be the highest or the lowest; you can stay in the middle”.

Nutritionist Ana María Vilas

Weight gain during pregnancy will depend on the health status of the mother. Photo: Pixabay
Weight gain during pregnancy will depend on the health status of the mother. Photo: Pixabay

Multiple pregnancies

When you expect more than one baby, the weight gain must be more significant; it is distributed as follows:

  • Normal weight: From 17 to 25 kg
  • Overweight: 14 to 23 kg
  • Obesity: 11 to 19 kg

“Although it may seem like many kilos, you must consider how much your baby weighs, the placenta, the amniotic fluid, and many other factors that contribute to this increase”, explains nutritionist Ana María Vilas.

“What the mother should keep is more or less two or three kilos of fat because the body prepares for lactation to have more reserves. As soon as the baby is born, most kilos are gone in the first two weeks; those stayed behind leave during lactation”.

When you expect more than one baby, the weight gain is greater. Photo: Pixabay
When you expect more than one baby, the weight gain is greater. Photo: Pixabay

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Kilos per trimester

You must gain weight little by little throughout your pregnancy, not all in one month, to avoid increasing the risk of suffering from preeclampsia or gestational diabetes.

Mayo Clinic comments that most women do not need to gain much weight in the first trimester, so they usually gain between 0.5 to 1.8 kilos.

The most significant weight gain occurs in the second and third trimesters, especially if you start at a healthy weight or below average. You will gain about half a kilo a week until delivery. That represents about 300 extra calories a day.

For women who are overweight or have a body mass index of 30 or more, it is recommended to increase 200 grams per week in the second and third trimesters.

“Have a healthy diet and keep your prenatal appointments to keep your weight gain during pregnancy on target”.

Mayo Clinic

The most significant weight gain occurs in the second and third trimesters. Photo: Shutterstock
The most significant weight gain occurs in the second and third trimesters. Photo: Shutterstock

Do not forget that a balanced diet is vital so that both you and your baby have good health.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

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The ten best lullabies to put your baby to sleep

Bedtime arrives, and you do everything. You lull your little one to sleep, put him in his crib, and turn off the light, but none of this works, he seems more awake than ever, yet lullabies will help you in this titanic task.

The first few months of life are vital for your child to establish a bedtime routine. Although in the first week, sleep habits are erratic. As your little one grows, the situation becomes more regular, and the time they stay awake increases.

How do babies sleep?

Newborns can sleep between 10 and 18 hours a day; they are only awake for 1 to 3 hours. Around four months, your baby sleeps between 6 and 8 hours for each nap. Between 6 and 9 months, he only sleeps between 10 and 12 hours. After a year, he will continue to sleep this time, but his naps will only last between 30 minutes and two hours, according to the National Library of Medicine.

Guadalupe Terán, a Sleep and Neuroscience Center specialist, highlights that sleeping well is very important for brain development. To the extent that you help your little one rest, he will have a better sleep quality.

When babies are born, they do not distinguish between day and night; through breastfeeding, you transmit to your child a hormone called melatonin which is synchronized with the biological clock and with sleep.

“The mother helps the baby, through breastfeeding, to pass on this hormone, and she will synchronize the baby´s sleep cycle. Babies do not have a defined cycle, they sleep the same day and night, but after three months, they establish a night sleep cycle. This synchronization will first be given by the mother and then with the environmental stimuli that are promoted”.

Dr. Guadalupe Terán

These lullabies will help you create that environment so that your little one sleeps well.

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Twinkle, twinkle little star

The story of this popular children’s song dates back to the year 1761 in France; the music of this piece is attributed to Mozart. The sweet melody of this song is ideal for putting your little one to sleep.

Video: El Reino Infantil

Arrorró mi niño

Grandmas, moms, uncles, everyone has hummed it. No person does not know it, and it is the first one you sing when you try to put your baby to sleep. It emerged in Africa, in the Berber ethnic group, reached Europe, and spread throughout the world.

Video: Leoncito Alado

Duérmete mi niño (Go to sleep, my child)

The origin of this famous lullaby is unknown; it has been passed down from generation to generation. Now it’s your turn to sing it to your little one.

Video: Luna Creciente

La Lechuza hace “shh” (The owl goes “Shh”)

Other pieces have the same melody as Brother John because they derive from a French lullaby whose chords sound: ding, dong, dang. Over time, various lyrics have been adapted to this tune.

Video: El Payaso Plim Plim

Cinco lobitos tiene la loba (Five wolves has the wolf)

The catchy lyrics of this song make it easy to learn. It is a good option to put your little one to sleep. Its author is unknown.

Video: Luna Creciente

A dormir mi bebé (Lullaby and Goodnight)

Just listening to this melody makes you want to close your eyes. Lull your baby with this lullaby; he will fall asleep. Johannes Brahms composed this piece in 1868.

Video: Chiquitines TV

Esta niña linda (This pretty girl)

Indeed, you have seen the video of “Chimoltrufia” singing this lullaby. It has beautiful lyrics that you can use to put your little one to sleep. The origin and author are unknown, but it is very popular as it has been passed down through generations.

Video: Luna Creciente

“Tolín Tolán”

The soft melody in this piece will relax your little one. It is an original song by the Venezuelan duet Víctor and Pablo Escalona.

Video: Luna Creciente

Adoro mirarte (I love looking at you)

This is a beautiful song by the musical artist Clara Terán. The lyrics of this piece narrate all those emotions you feel when you see your little one sleep.

Video: Garra Kids

Guardian angel prayer

When you hear this sweet song, you will remember your childhood. It is an option to include it in the bedtime routine for your child in the playlist.

Video: Mundo Canticuentos

What was your favorite? Do you know any other? Please leave us your comments on Facebook.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

10 Proverbs to educate your children

Popular wisdom offers teachings that have been passed down from generation to generation. Surely you remember many proverbs that your mother and grandmother told you in childhood, which you now apply to your little ones. These proverbs to educate will help teach your children a lesson.

Proverbs are the product of an oral tradition that contains learning, which we can apply to multiple situations.

The Royal Spanish Academy defines a proverb as “a sharp and sententious saying of common use”; At the same time, Herón Pérez Martínez, a member of the Mexican Academy of Language, explains that this word comes from the Latin verb referred and defines it as:

“Sententious, concise, sharp expressions of various forms that encapsulate situations; they go by word of mouth. They function as small doses of knowledge attached to larger discourses”.

This selection of proverbs will take you back to childhood.

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Popular wisdom
Proverbs provide teachings that have passed through generations. Photo: Pixabay

• There’s no substitute for experience

It is a classic of grannies who say it when they give you advice, arguing that, due to their experience, they know more about the subject.

• If you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas

When you hang out with people your parents don’t like; this proverb comes out. If you surround yourself with bad influences, you will become like them.

• You snooze; you lose.

The accelerated dynamics that you live every day force you to stay alert. It is essential to instill in your little ones to be aware of its dangers.

• When the going gets tough, the tough get going

This saying applies when conditions become difficult people with strong character become more determined.

• Every cloud has a silver lining

Adversities will always be present; it depends on how you see them. With this saying, you teach your children to see difficulties positively.

• As you make your bed, so must you lie in it

Actions speak of you. A lesson that your little ones should learn from an early age, face the consequences of actions.

• Cut your coat according to your cloth

Social networks usually show us an image of perfection in which people show off trips, luxuries, and the best relationship as a couple or family. You must tell your little ones that what people presume is not always true.

• Actions speak louder than words

Keeping promises is an invaluable virtue. Your children should know the importance of showing their real attitudes from an early age.

• Make hay while the sun shines

Opportunities do not always come when you want them; therefore, it is important to value them, not to lose them.

• As you sow, so shall you reap

Complicity makes you as guilty as the one who makes the mischief. You should explain to your children that they should not cover it up when someone does something wrong.

Which ones do you use? Tell us on Facebook what other proverbs you know.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Food in pregnancy: what can you eat?

Waiting for your baby’s arrival, you have been told that you should eat for two and satisfy your cravings. How is the diet during pregnancy? Do you have to eat food without restriction?

At this stage, you must be very careful with food and achieve a balance in which you obtain the necessary nutrients for both you and your little one without stopping eating, and do not overdo it with products with a high salt content sugar.

It is essential that you have a healthy and adequate diet according to your age, weight, and specific characteristics, indicates the Ministry of Health.

Because this helps prevent anemia, infections, poor healing in the mother, and premature or low birth weight emphasizes the Ministry.

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Food to prevent diseases

A study published in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria from Spain points out that a balanced diet in the first thousand days of life, which is counted from the moment of conception until the child’s first two years, is key to health throughout life; as well as for the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.

The nutritionist Rosa Ávila, a specialist in maternal and child nutrition, highlights the importance of having control over food during pregnancy, together with the support of a professional, to prevent diseases such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia; so you must follow a balanced diet in which all food groups are present.

“The most important recommendation is that pregnant women eat as balanced a diet as possible; I’m not talking about following a strict or special diet. The pregnant woman can eat from all the food groups, but her diet must be low in salt, fats, and sugars to preserve the good state of health reflected in the baby”.

She explains that it is not contraindicated for the future mother to fulfill a whim, “As long as she does not have a health condition that limits her, such as the beginning of preeclampsia or gestational diabetes; in that case, you have to look for options that can be adapted to the woman’s condition”.

She adds that the gynecologist should prescribe a special multivitamin for pregnancy, complementing a balanced diet.

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A balanced diet during pregnancy reduces the risk of diseases. Photo: Pixabay
A balanced diet during pregnancy reduces the risk of diseases. Photo: Pixabay

Foods you should eat

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) recommends that pregnant women include these foods in their diet:

  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables: Have between 4 and 5 servings per day, as they provide vitamins A and C, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.
  • Carbohydrates: Bread, cereals, rice, pasta, and flour that, in addition to being fortified with folic acid and iron, are essential nutrients.
  • Animal products: Beef, poultry, and fish are good sources of B vitamins, protein, iron, and zinc, as well as fats and oils that are vital for the child’s brain development.
  • Fiber: Orange (with bagasse), tangerine, pineapple, figs, prunes, tamarind, wheat germ, soybeans, oats, barley, green salads. This will reduce constipation.
  • Water: Drink 2 to 3 liters daily.
  • Have five meals a day: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. Include all food groups in each of the meals.
  • Tea or coffee: You can have a cup, but not overdo it.
  • Pasteurized cheeses low in fat and salt: Cottage, panela, and fresh cheese will prevent or reduce stomach inflammation.
  • Dairy: Milk and yogurt, in addition to the cheeses mentioned, are a source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus.
In pregnancy, you should have all food groups. Photo: Pixabay
In pregnancy, you should have all food groups. Photo: Pixabay

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Products to avoid

  • Salt: Be careful with sausages, cheeses, canned goods, jerky, ketchup, mineral water, powdered consommé, olives, and crackers.
  • Raw or undercooked foods: Avoid dishes like sushi, beef tartare, ceviche, raw salmon, and medium-rare meat; you could get an infection if they were not appropriately prepared.
  • Spices and condiments: With this, you will reduce heartburn.
JFoods high in salt, such as sausages, affect your health. Photo: Pixabay
Foods high in salt, such as sausages, affect your health. Photo: Pixabay

Do not forget to consult a specialist to advise you on your diet. A balanced diet will bring benefits to you and your baby.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Ten Pepito jokes for children

Quality time with your children is very important. Balancing all the facets of your life seems to be a titanic task, so you try to enjoy the moments with your little ones to the fullest. Humor is a way to connect with them, so we leave you these Pepito jokes for children so that you can laugh together.

Laughter brings many benefits to our health; when we laugh, we produce endorphins: hormones that strengthen the immune system providing a feeling of well-being that will help reduce stress, explains Belén Guerrero Cuevas, psychologist and member of Top Doctors Spain.

“Endorphins have countless benefits, apart from reducing stress. They also help protect the body from infections and make it more resistant to pathologies such as hypertension, cancer or diabetes”.

A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine indicates that people with a great sense of humor live longer, despite suffering from cardiovascular diseases since endorphins strengthen their immune system.

Given these advantages, have fun with your little one with these Pepito jokes.

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Laughter brings many benefits to our health. Photo: Pixabay
Laughter brings many benefits to our health. Photo: Pixabay

The school grades

The teacher comes to class and hands out the exams

“Luisito, here, you got a ten… Pedrito, you got an eight, very good too… Juanito, a six, but you pass, well… Pepito, you got a zero”.

“But teacher, why did I get zero?”

“Well, because you copied from Juanito’s exam”.

“Did I? How do you know that?”

“Because you answered the first four questions the same way he did. And in the fifth question, Juanito says, “I don’t know”, and you wrote: “I don’t know either”.


The teacher asks Pepito in math class:

“Pepito, if you have 10 pesos in one pants pocket and two 100 bills in the other, what do you have?”

“Someone else’s pants, teacher”.

The exam

Pepito’s father asks him when he comes home from school…

“Pepito, how did you do in today’s exams?”

“Well, I don’t know, dad, but the teachers are very religious”.

“Religious? How come?”

“Well, while they were reading my exam, they kept saying: “Oh, Lord,” “Holy Mary”, “Holy Mother of God”.

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Pepito asks the teacher, “Teacher, can I be punished for something I didn’t do?”

The teacher surprisedly responds, “Of course, not Pepito; that would be very unfair”.

“Okay”, Pepito replies. “I didn’t do my homework”.

The polar bear

Why did Pepito put his teddy bear in the freezer?

Because he wanted a polar bear.


The teacher says, “Pepito, they tell me that you are very fast in mathematics. Let’s see, how much is 47 times 126?”


“But you didn’t even come close!”

“But teacher, don’t tell me I’m not fast”.

With these Pepito jokes for children, you will have a good time with your little ones. Photo: Pixabay
With these Pepito jokes for children, you will have a good time with your little ones. Photo: Pixabay


Pepito tells his mother, “Mom, I ran out of shampoo”.

“Well, Pepito, use mine, then”.

“But I can’t”.


“Because it says it’s for dry hair, and I have it already wet”.

The school

“Why did Pepito bring a ladder to school?”

Because he wanted to go to high school.

The best school

“Pepito, what would the best school be like for you? How do you imagine it?”

“Closed, teacher”.


“Grandma, Grandma, I need you to close your eyes”.

“Why, Pepito?”

“Because my dad told me that we will be millionaires when you close your eyes”.

The English class

“Pepito, what do you call a dog magician?”

“A labracador”.

One way to connect with your child is with humor. Photo: Pixabay
One way to connect with your child is with humor. Photo: Pixabay

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Which one did you like the most? Do you know others?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Compatibility among signs: Is he your better half?

Sometimes, searching for a partner can be difficult, finding that special person to share your joys and sorrows. When you meet someone, you want to know everything: likes, interests, hobbies; in short, discover if you have things in common. The compatibility between signs can help you.

What does it depend on if you are compatible with someone? There are many theories about it; psychology points out that personality influences how you were raised and the everyday experiences that marked you, among other factors.

A study by the University of Amsterdam, applied to more than five thousand marriages in the United States, reveals that a more remarkable similarity with the couple is the ideal situation in terms of feeling more supported in the relationship; common interests play in favor of both men and women in aspects such as the enjoyment of new experiences, as well as the appreciation of art and culture.

Astrologer Ishtar Freya commented that several very specialized astrological studies help us deeply understand the nature of relationships.

One of them is synastry, which refers to compatibility through two astrological charts where you can see the exact place of the planets of one member of the couple, and so in the chart of the other, and determine the good aspects, as well as areas of opportunity.

“We must keep in mind that the ideal partner represents much more than just the signs’ compatibility, but we can identify with which signs you get along better”.

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There are many factors involved in compatibility; astrology offers an answer. Photo: Pixabay
There are many factors involved in compatibility; astrology offers an answer. Photo: Pixabay

Signs and elements

Freya details that in astrology, there are four elements: fire, air, earth, and water. In addition, each sign is divided as follows:

  • Cardinal: They start something; they take the first step to explore.
  • Fixed: They give structure to what the cardinal has already started.
  • Mutable: It can be on both sides to initiate and give structure.

Nature of the elements

The energies will influence our way of relating; these are the characteristics of the elements:

  • Fire: It is a powerful energy, agile, purifying; it moves a lot, it generates change. You can build or destroy.
  • Earth: It puts the seed that will be germinated, so there is no life without earth.
  • Air: It helps the seeds to be pollinated by carrying them through the skies.
  • Water: It represents the energy that comes and goes. You cannot contain it; it is sensitive, psychic, and very fluid; if it stays in one place, it stagnates.

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The energies influence the way we relate to others. Photo: Pixabay
The energies influence the way we relate to others. Photo: Pixabay

How do you know if they are compatible?

The first thing is to identify your sign and element; for example, if you are a water sign, you will get along well with others of this same element, explains astrologer Ishtar Freya.

This is the list of the signs that correspond to each element:


  • Cancer: Cardinal
  • Scorpio: Fixed
  • Pisces: Mutable


  • Taurus: Fixed
  • Virgo: Mutable
  • Capricorn: Cardinal


  • Gemini: Mutable
  • Libra: Cardinal
  • Aquarius: Fixed


  • Aries: Cardinal
  • Leo: Fixed
  • Sagittarius: Mutable

“Water and earth complement each other, just like air and fire, so that we will be compatible with those other signs”.

Ishtar Freya

We are composed of many energies which are involved in our compatibility. Photo: Pixabay
We are composed of many energies which are involved in our compatibility. Photo: Pixabay

However, the opposite signs can be compatible, “Sometimes there will be energies that complement you 100% of that sign that is your opposite, but there will be others in which you will be in shock, that you will feel that something is not there, it is missing something, or there is a confrontation”.

Freya points out that we are made up of many energies, making us unique and unrepeatable. The relationship between sign and element hardly indicates compatibility; for greater accuracy, she recommends studying the birth chart, both yours and that of the person you are interested in. You can contact her through her social networks.

What sign is your partner? Leave us your comments on Facebook.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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6 Tips to take care of your relationship after a baby

The arrival of a baby turns your life upside down: you don’t sleep, you’re always tired, and you have to divide yourself to fulfill all the activities you have. A new human being demands constant attention, so your priorities change, and the role of lover is often left aside. How do you take care of the couple’s relationship?

Both must be aware that you need to work as a team to face the adaptation process and the challenges. Nothing will be the same as before your baby, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

According to the book To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First, it is essential to prioritize your partner to be better parents. It doesn’t mean neglecting the kids, but it does mean finding times to be together and talk about your day.

The alteration that your routine suffers after childbirth generates an explosion of emotions in the couple, who must immediately adapt to new roles and responsibilities, explains psychologist Giuliana Vásquez Varas.

“There is a change of roles in women apart from the role of a working woman, lover, daughter, and others, now she has the role of a mother; the same thing happens with the man, apart from a worker, son, friend, lover, he will have that of a father. For many people, this role is so intense that it absorbs, annuls, or displaces the others creating a mismatch”.

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The arrival of a child inevitably changes the couple's relationship. Photo: Shutterstock
The arrival of a child inevitably changes the couple’s relationship. Photo: Shutterstock

Does the relationship change with a child?

An investigation published in the Journal of Family Psychology indicates that 67% of the studied couples felt dissatisfied with their relationship after the arrival of a child.

Although the birth of a child entails a transformation in the couple’s dynamics, this does not necessarily have to be negative; this depends on the characteristics of each case and how their interaction was before the baby, comments the specialist.

“Couples with a communicative and loving relationship tend to make this change more bearable and positively face each other. Suppose the couple had a conflictive relationship, communication problems, and there were no signs of affection. In that case, the arrival of a baby will be a tsunami in a relationship that is going through an earthquake”.

She details that the tiredness and lack of time together exacerbate the feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding that were present long before the birth of the little one, which causes a distance when feeling without support.

Your interaction with your partner before the baby will determine if it changes negatively. Photo: Shutterstock
Your interaction with your partner before the baby will determine if it changes negatively. Photo: Shutterstock

Tips to take care of the relationship

Understanding and empathy are essential to overcome the challenges that arise with a baby, and teamwork prevents routine from wearing down the relationship. Irene Fernández Pinto, a psychologist at the Autonomous University of Madrid, recommends the following to mom and dad:

  1. Rest: Look for some space to recover; then, you will have the energy to overcome the difficulties that arise during the day.
  2. Reorganization of tasks: Share the workload with your partner equally. If it doesn’t work, rearrange them to suit both needs.
  3. Talk about your feelings: Express what you feel and need. Otherwise, it will accumulate and come out through passive-aggressive behaviors.
  4. Share common interests: Do you remember what your relationship was like before the children? Find time to talk about topics and likes that you shared. Avoid talking about the children.
  5. Dates without your baby: Although it can be difficult to be alone when your child is young, make plans to have dinner at home. At this point, the organization is the key since time is scarce.
  6. Count to 10: Fatigue makes emotions run high, try to stay calm before exploding.
Find time to spend alone and reconnect. Photo: Pixabay
Find time to spend alone and reconnect. Photo: Pixabay

It may interest you: Five tips to go out as a couple again after the birth of the baby

Don’t forget that caring a relationship is a job for two. Share these tips with your partner. Do you know any other?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

Postpartum sex: When can you have intercourse?

Pregnancy involves a physical and mental transformation. For nine months, your body adapts to give life, undergoes a series of changes that do not end by giving birth, and your relationship is no exception. Returning to your activities after the baby is born includes intimacy: What is postpartum sex like?

Both you and your partner must be aware of the significant change that your body went through. The fatigue involved not only in giving birth but also in adjusting the entire dynamics of the home before the arrival of a new member and the physical wear and tear that entails bringing life into the world. Therefore, both must have patience and support each other to find those spaces to connect.

The first 40 days after childbirth, either by delivery or C-section, are called the puerperium. During this period, the woman’s body progressively recovers the characteristics it had before pregnancy, explains the World Health Organization (WHO).

At this stage, there is abundant bleeding called lochia, in addition to colic, a symptom that the uterus is returning to its original size. Beyond these physical changes, you are faced with many other factors that alter all aspects of life, including your sexuality.

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The baby’s arrival implies many changes in which sexuality will be affected. Photo: Pixabay
The baby’s arrival implies many changes in which sexuality will be affected. Photo: Pixabay

Postpartum sex

After six weeks of giving birth, women can have sexual relations again, according to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS); however, several factors can complicate this aspect, such as: having had complications in childbirth, if there was a tear that needs surgery or, the lack of sexual desire.

Mayo Clinic recommends that women set their times according to their physical and emotional state. Resuming sexual relations can be a longer and more complex process involving hormonal and emotional factors.

“The risk of complications after childbirth is higher during the first two weeks. Waiting will also give your body time to heal. In addition to postpartum discharge and vaginal tears, you may experience fatigue, vaginal dryness, pain, and low sex drive. If you had a vaginal tear that required surgical repair, you might have to wait longer”.

Psychologist Soledad Sánchez from the Chilean Institute of Reproductive Medicine explains that postpartum can be a difficult period in the relationship, which requires adjustments in the couple and a lot of mutual understanding.

“Many times, couples try to restart their sexual life as if nothing had happened, unaware of the changes, the gap between them, and the need to seek a new form of relationship or a new balance. For this reason, it is necessary to dedicate some time to the subject and support the couple”.

The physical and emotional changes after childbirth can make intimacy as a couple difficult. Photo: Shutterstock
The physical and emotional changes after childbirth can make intimacy as a couple difficult. Photo: Shutterstock

Is it going to hurt?

One of the main obstacles that many women experience when resuming intimacy is the fear of pain. The research Recovery of sexual activity after childbirth, published in the scientific-health journal SANUM from Spain, points out that concern about the state of the genitals after childbirth is another factor that makes it difficult to resume sexual life.

When facing the emotional sequelae, “After childbirth, the good quality of the couple’s relationship is essential for the emotional stabilization of the new mother”, details the study led by Manuela Velázquez Barrios, a specialist nurse in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Virgen del Rocío Hospital.

“It is necessary for the emotional stabilization of women, to share tasks, and that the couple does not feel displaced. It makes it easier to have common time for the approach and the resurgence of the desire for intimacy, tenderness, and sexual relations”.

Hormonal changes, especially if you are breastfeeding, can make it difficult for the vagina to lubricate and thus lead to difficulty and discomfort during intercourse. You may experience some pain during sex if you are healing from an episiotomy or perineal tears.

Tips to get back to intimacy

To regain intimacy after childbirth, Mayo Clinic recommends:

  • Try to ease the pain: Take a hot bath or take an over-the-counter pain reliever; if you feel burning, you can apply ice wrapped in a towel to the area.
  • Use lubricant: Preferably water-based to remedy vaginal dryness. This can be helpful if you have vaginal dryness.
  • Be creative: Let your imagination run wild to create intimacy; try alternatives to sex. Both of you need to communicate about what makes you feel good.
  • Quality time: Find some time to spend as a couple, do something together that you like, and forget about stress.
  • Consult your doctor: If sex continues to be painful, see your doctor for an evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Find times for you and your partner to connect. Photo: Pixabay
Find times for you and your partner to connect. Photo: Pixabay

Pelvic floor: how to exercise it?

It is the set of muscles and ligaments that surround the abdominal cavity and support the bladder, urethra, uterus, vagina, and rectum; it is normal for these muscles to be affected by the weight we carry during pregnancy.

This muscular structure is essential for various body functions, including sexual function. The AtempoCare Organization points out that a pelvic floor causes us to have less sensation in intimacy and that orgasm is more difficult to achieve.

Given this, the institution recommends going to a specialized physiotherapist to tell you the state of your pelvic floor and the exercises to strengthen it. The recovery of this set of muscles is easier during the postpartum period and up to two years after giving birth.

Inmaculada Santos García, a physiotherapist and member of Top Doctors Spain, comments that hypopressive and Kegel exercises are beneficial for the recovery of this area; she highlights the importance of going to a professional and performing these routines with supervision to avoid injuries.

Hypopressive and Kegel exercises help recover pelvic pain. Photo: Pixabay
Hypopressive and Kegel exercises help recover pelvic pain. Photo: Pixabay

Do not forget that your body has just given birth and needs time to recover. Talk to your partner, together will find a way to resume intimacy.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

Baby Rash: What causes it?

The skin of our little ones is very delicate, so it requires a lot of care not to damage it. However, soaps, creams, and temperature changes (among other factors) cause irritation, which manifests itself with hives. We tell you why rashes appear in babies.

It is very common that we see red pimples on our child’s face or body; this rash usually appears in newborns. Most of these rashes go away without any treatment, as his skin adjusts to the outside world and reacts, explains the Mayo Clinic organization.

It is important to be aware of these rashes so that we do not worry and apply unnecessary treatments that may harm his skin.

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Types of the rash

The most common rashes in babies are as follows, according to the National Library of Medicine:

  • Diaper dermatitis: It is a rash that appears due to prolonged humidity, urine, and feces. Very common in children under two years of age.
  • Heat rash or prickly heat: The heat or overcovering the little ones obstructs the sweat glands, generating small red bumps on the face and chin due to retained sweat.
  • Erythema toxicum: Contrary to its name, this type of rash is not caused by any toxic substance. They are small red pimples with a white center. They appear throughout the body after five days of birth and disappear between 7 and 14 days.
  • Baby acne: It is caused by exposure to the mother’s hormones. These are red bumps. In most cases, acne appears between the first 2 and 4 weeks of life, although it can appear up to 4 months after birth and last up to 12 or 18 months.
  • Eczema: It consists of the appearance of dry and red areas that cause itching. It is usually hereditary and can go away on its own.
  • Hives: These are red welts that seem to move around the body, they can last a few weeks, and their cause is uncertain.
The rash in babies appears in the first weeks of life and disappears on its own. Photo: Shutterstock
The rash in babies appears in the first weeks of life and disappears on its own. Photo: Shutterstock

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Atopic dermatitis

While most rashes go away after a few weeks and don’t require treatment if they persist, you should see your doctor to evaluate your little one, as these rashes may be due to atopic dermatitis.

It is the most common dermatological condition in babies; it is generated by having hyperreactive sensitive skin. It reacts exaggeratedly to changes in climate, types of fabric, foods such as cow’s milk, soaps, and detergents. Karin Carpizo Lugo, dermatologist and member of Top Doctors Mexico, explains that “atopic dermatitis is a hereditary chronic inflammatory condition that mom or dad suffers from”.

“One of the triggering factors is genetics. Maybe the parents only have allergic rhinitis now, but when you ask them, they tell you that they did have atopy; sometimes, both parents had it. This does not mean that if only one of both had it, it would be milder or stronger in the baby because they both had it. It’s not like that”, she said.

She explained that little ones with atopic dermatitis require a lot of skincare; they should avoid creams and soaps with fragrances, and the detergents to wash their clothes should be special for babies since others should irritate them.

In newborns, this condition is more visible on the face, but as they grow, it appears in the flex areas, that is, in the folds of the legs, arms, and neck. Foods such as chocolate, strawberries, gluten, and cow’s milk should be avoided since they can worsen the skin.

As children get older, atopic dermatitis appears in other parts of the body. Photo: Shutterstock
As children get older, atopic dermatitis appears in other parts of the body. Photo: Shutterstock


Dr. Rossana Llergo Valdez, president of the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology, advised parents on some care measures to prevent rashes:

  • Short baths: No more than 10 minutes to avoid dryness.
  • Moisturizing: After bathing, fragrance-free cream should be applied.
  • Soaps: No dyes or perfumes; these can dry out or cause itching.
  • 100% cotton clothing: Synthetic fabrics cause irritation and, with it, itching.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes: Both cold and heat can damage children’s skin.
  • Do not overdress: You will prevent the sweat cells from perspiring.
  • Beware of the sun: The skin’s natural defense mechanisms against UV light are not mature; our baby could sunburn.
  • Do not use home remedies: If a rash appears, do not apply any home ointment, it could harm your little one.
The baby's bath should not last more than 10 minutes. Photo: Pixabay
The baby’s bath should not last more than 10 minutes. Photo: Pixabay

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Do not forget to consult a dermatologist to take care of your baby’s skin and treat any condition in time.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

When can a baby sit up?

Throughout the growth of our little one, many questions arise; one of them is about the baby’s movements. How to hold them or when babies can sit are the most frequent doubts.

As they grow, the motor skills of our little ones mature; they acquire skills. They start with slight movements such as turning their heads, and then they can sit up, crawl, and walk.

Dr. Sydney Greenawalt, a pediatrician who graduated from the National Institute of Pediatrics, explains that when it comes to the development of children, we speak of developmental milestones, which means that for an action to happen, an antecedent is required, that is, for a child to be able to sit down, he must first have held his head up, if he doesn’t, he can’t sit down. If he doesn’t sit down, he won’t walk.

“The movements must be progressive. It is essential to know that no child is lazy or spoiled. If a child does not make any movement, something is wrong; for example, he is not stimulated. If so, the doctor should tell the mother what to do, and if there is no change in three weeks, then there is a problem, and it should be evaluated”.

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The movement of the little ones is progressive. Photo: Shutterstock
The movement of the little ones is progressive. Photo: Shutterstock

Baby movements

The first months of life are crucial for motor development. The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that newborns can move their heads to one side; they do this as a reflex to seek the mother’s breast to feed; they can’t support their neck, so they need help to keep it up.

The institution explains that, by the second month, the baby’s nervous system is more mature, so he can lift his head when lying on his stomach; he can also wave his arms when he is excited and can smile since, at this age, he can control the tension in his lips and not do it just for imitation.

By the third month, he can move much more: he stretches, he can roll over to lie on his back, he starts to grab things within his reach, and will try to make small jumps by holding his arms and lifting him as if he wants to bounce.

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As babies grow, they develop more movements. Photo: Shutterstock
As babies grow, they develop more movements. Photo: Shutterstock

Sitting age

After the first trimester of life, babies begin to master new movements. They can support their head and chest while lying on their stomachs; they begin to roll over and move their legs.

Between four and eight months, there is an increase in the strength of the neck and trunk muscles so babies can begin to sit with support. Your little one will learn to lean forward by stretching his arms to use them as a support point.

This will give your child the strength and self-confidence to be able to sit for a while, but he will still need some help getting into this position, says the organization Nemours Children’s Health.

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) recommends placing your little one in front of a mirror to see and get to know his body; at the same time, play and talk to him in a sweet voice; in this way, you stimulate his movements.

Dr. Sydney Greenawalt explains that between 6 and 8 months, the little ones can stay seated; this process is called sitting.

“At eight months, a child can sit up. If he doesn’t sit down, watch out, that’s a red flag of development; you have to go to the doctor”.

It may interest you: Baby feeding: 6 months

Help him move

To stimulate the baby’s movements, it is essential that you play together since play and learning go hand in hand; therefore, you should find a quiet place in the home to encourage him to move. The Mayo Clinic Foundation offers the following tips to help your little one get moving:

  • Talk to your little one: Describe what you see, what is in the house; your tone of voice and your expressions transmit ideas and emotions.
  • Change the position. Lay your baby on his stomach for a few minutes, and hold a toy or object that can attract his attention so that he raises her head. Try to sit him up and prop him up on pillows so he can support himself.
  • Simple toys: The colorful ones or those that make noise are preferred at this stage. Pick up a toy and move it slightly out of his reach to encourage him to stretch, crawl, or roll over.
  • Read aloud: By reading stories to him, you develop his language and thinking skills. He will try to imitate the sounds you make. Start with books that have large, colorful pictures.
  • Kisses and hugs: The signs of affection to your little one will give him a feeling of security, protection, and love.
  • Music: Playing lullabies or nursery rhymes will help him calm down, and it is a way to entertain your child.
With games, you can stimulate your little one's movements. Photo: Shutterstock
With games, you can stimulate your little one’s movements. Photo: Shutterstock

The support you give your little one at this stage is essential for his motor development. Which of these activities do you do with your baby?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version: Here

9 Tips to help your kids make friends

Friendship is very important in our lives. Friends are by our side through thick and thin; they are our playmates, adventure buddies, and confidants. As parents, we are concerned that our children socialize. These tips for making friends will help you with your child.

Not all of us have the same ability to relate to others, much less to have friends; therefore, parents are critical in motivating the coexistence of their children with other children.

According to the NYU Langone Health’s Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, parents play an essential role in developing their children’s social skills and building friendships with other children.

“The socially redirected children had parents involved in their social activities. If your child has problems with a friend, encourage him to talk to them and think about how they can handle similar situations if they come up again”

Remember that not all children relate in the same way, and we must understand that each is different.

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  Friendship is important in the emotional and social development of children. Photo: Pixabay
Friendship is important in the emotional and social development of children. Photo: Pixabay

Tips for making friends

The book Redes sociales: infancia, familia y comunidad (Social Networks: Childhood, Family, and Community) shares some recommendations for parents to help their children establish friendships.

  1. establish friendships.
  2. Talk about friendship: Get together with your little one and explain what friendship means to you and its importance.
  3. Facilitates coexistence: You can offer your house so that classmates come to do homework; suggest activities for them to play.
  4. Against shyness: If your child finds it difficult to socialize with other children, you can discuss it with his teachers so that they integrate him into the group when doing dynamics.
  5. Team activities: Encouraging him to participate in group activities such as soccer, basketball, or being a boy scout will help him meet other children.
  6. Consequences of attitudes: Discuss with your little one that the actions he performs have repercussions on the emotions of those around him. If necessary, go to a professional to help him work on his feelings and attitudes.
  7. Limit time in front of screens: The use of technology makes children isolate themselves, so you must promote activities at home to encourage them to live among children, which involves leaving the house, such as going to the park.
  8. Respect their style: We are not all the same; some little ones like to be surrounded by people, others prefer a smaller circle, it all depends on their personality. Encourage him to interact without forcing him.
  9. Play at home: Carry out activities with clear rules to explain how to be kind and respectful. These skills will be learned and applied in school.
  10. Express feelings: Talk to your child, listen to what he feels; in this way, he will learn to express his feelings.
Team activities help your child to get along. Photo: Pixabay
Team activities help your child to get along. Photo: Pixabay

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Why doesn’t my child have friends?

Carlos Gutiérrez, a psychologist at the Northwest Psychological Institute, explained that children isolate themselves due to their personality or a pathological cause; we parents have to be very attentive to identify our children’s behavior.

“Children by nature make friends, play and run and thus begin to develop friendships. If that doesn’t happen in the early years, there is a problem; it may be autism or many other causes. But if the child does have that contact and then isolates himself, something happens in his family relationship”

The levels of stress to which a child is exposed or different parenting styles at home can alter his behavior, which will be reflected in how he interacts socially.

Another situation that can affect the interaction of our children is bullying. If your little one tells you that they are bothering him or that no one wants to play with him, you should listen and talk to him. If he suffers from bullying, you need to notify the educational authorities so that they can intervene and take the necessary measures.

Dr. Gutiérrez recommends that we include him in the group when seeing an isolated child and help him live with others. Always respect the personality of the little one, as well as his tastes, without forcing him.

If you detect that your child isolates himself or has changes in his behavior, you must seek help from a specialist to find the cause.

Encourage your little one to interact without forcing him. Photo: Pixabay
Encourage your little one to interact without forcing him. Photo: Pixabay

The importance of friends

Friendship is a necessity for healthy psychosocial development. The Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona in Spain indicates that children with friends enjoy a state of optimal well-being and better self-esteem and have fewer social problems in adulthood than children who do not have friends.

In contrast, children with trouble making friends are more likely to feel lonely, be teased by their peers, have academic problems, and engage in destructive behaviors.

The institution highlights that the younger the children are when they start having friends, the more likely they will establish friendships later. 75% of preschool children have friends, and in adolescence, between 80 and 90% say they have friends, usually indicating that one or two are the best and the others are good.

Friendship in childhood influences how children will relate. Photo: Pixabay
Friendship in childhood influences how children will relate. Photo: Pixabay

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat?

In less than you expected, your little one has already grown. Every day he discovers new things, and one of them is food. The one-year-old’s diet is made up of more foods, and his diet is becoming more and more like that of an adult. Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat?

“As children grow, they require more nutrients for their development; do not panic if your little one does not want to eat or you notice that he has become picky. This is because your child grows at a slower rate; therefore, his appetite decreases”, indicates the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.

The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that a child of this age needs approximately 1,000 calories a day, which have to be distributed among three meals and two snacks to cover growth, energy, and good nutrition.

You must know that your little one will not always eat the same; his habits at this stage are very erratic; he can eat very well for breakfast but almost nothing for the rest of the day. Or he may eat the same thing for three days but then refuse these foods.

We recommend: Feeding the baby: for six months

When he turns one, the baby's eating habits are established. Photo: Shutterstock
When he turns one, the baby’s eating habits are established. Photo: Shutterstock

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat? What foods does he need?

Your little one’s diet begins to resemble that of an adult at this age. UNICEF recommends the consumption of these products:

  • Water
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Fruit
  • Whole grains
  • Meats
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Pasta

Patricia Martínez, a pediatrician at the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Pediatric Center, comments that the food group should be changed every three days and not all on the same day; the baby will gradually learn about this food.

“You can give him a new food once or twice a day; if he refuses, divide it into four teaspoons in the morning and some other four spoonfuls in the afternoon”, she explains.

A varied and balanced diet will form healthy habits in your little one. Photo: Pixabay
A varied and balanced diet will form healthy habits in your little one. Photo: Pixabay

Forbidden foods for one-year-old babies

  • Foods with added sugars and sweeteners, including sugary and diet drinks.
  • Foods with a lot of salt.
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese.
  • Raw vegetables, grapes, hard cheese, popcorn, and nuts. They can cause suffocation.

Dr. Martínez stressed that products with too much sugar, such as boxed juices or flavored milk, can generate an addiction to sweet foods, which in the long term causes obesity and later diabetes.

She also recommended avoiding tuna since it is a fish that spends a lot of time in the sea and can contain mercury, a toxic element for children.

Junk food will affect your baby's health. Photo: Pixabay
Junk food will affect your baby’s health. Photo: Pixabay

How often should a 1-year-old baby eat?

This stage is essential to establishing healthy eating habits, so you must set schedules: plan three meals a day and two snacks. At first, your little one may skip meals or will not want to eat; don’t worry, as he adapts to the routine, the frequency of feeding will be more balanced, indicates the organization Nemours Kids Health.

Feeding a one-year-old baby: what can he eat? Tips for a good diet:

The American Academy of Pediatrics provides the following recommendations:

  • Encourage your baby to eat and give him a variety of healthy foods. When your baby is full, he can close his mouth, turn his head away, and make gestures or sounds.
  • Balanced diet: Your little one needs the same basic food groups you do; if you offer him a variety of flavors, colors, and textures, he will consume the necessary nutrients.
  • Do not limit fats: Babies and young children get half of their calories from this source, which is very important for their development.
  • Good temperature: Ensure that the food is not too hot to avoid burns.
  • No condiments: Foods with a lot of salt or sugar harm his health; let him enjoy the natural flavor of food.
  • Right size: Make sure the food is cut into pieces that are easy to chew; at this age, children have not yet learned to chew and mash.
  • Watch: Accompany your baby while he eats to prevent choking.
You will identify the signs to know if your child is full at this stage. Photo: Shutterstock
You will identify the signs to know if your child is full at this stage. Photo: Shutterstock

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Do not forget to visit the pediatrician to give an adequate follow-up to your little one’s feeding and know the necessary amounts according to his weight and height.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

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