Neutral names for your baby

The choice of a name for our baby is one of the first decisions we must make as parents. In order to avoid gender stereotypes, more and more parents are looking for neutral names for their baby.

Even celebrities have chosen to call their babies with names that can be used indistinctly for either girls or boys. If you haven’t decided yet on any, we leave you this list of names that range from the most common like Guadalupe, to those that have an English or French origin.

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Neutral names: Letters A-J

Alex: Short form for Alexander or Alexandra. Its origin is Greek and means “Defender, The defender”.

Aike: It means “Sword”, and it comes from the Frisian, that is, from the villages that settled in northern Germany.

Akira: It is Japanese, its meaning is “Clear”, “Brilliant”.

Aran: It means “Valley”, its origin is Basque.

Ariel: Hebrew origin, its meaning is “Lion of God”.

Asunción: It means “to assume, to attract”, it is of Latin origin.

Azul: Like the color, it refers to stability or tranquility.

Cruz: It comes from Latin Crux and is closely related to the Bible.

Dani: It is associated with experience and wisdom.

Denis: It means “The one who doesn’t lose faith in God”, its origin is French.

Francis: Arising from Francisco or Francisca, it means “Free person”.

Fénix: In Greek mythology is the bird that is reborn from its ashes.

Guadalupe: It has several origins. One of them is related to the Virgin of Guadalupe and the root of the Nahuatl word “Coatlallope”, which means “The one that crushes the snake”. Although etymologically, it comes from the Arab wad-al-luben which means “River of black stones” or “River of love”.

Harper: It is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means “The one who plays the harp”.

Joss: It comes from the German name Josse, it means “Champion”.

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Neutral names: Letters K-Z

Kin: Japanese name to represent ‘golden color’.

Lamar: Arising from old French “La mare“, which means “The sea”.

Luan: Biblical name, it means “Uprising”.

Marlon: It means “Tiny hawk”, it is French.

Mel: It comes from Latin, it means “Honey in the field”.

Milán: Its origin is Hindu, it means “Union”.

Morgan: It means “Brilliant ocean”, it’s of Welsh origin.

Naim: Its meaning is “A very beautiful person”, it is of Arabic origin.

Nilam: Means “Blue gem”.

Neftalí: Biblical character known as “The Fighter”.

Paris: In Greek mythology it means “The protector of man”.

René: It means “The reborn”, it is French.

Robin: It is of English origin, it means “Illustrious”.

Sidney: It means “Wide prairie”, it is of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Sasha: Of Greek and Russian origin, it means “Defender of humanity” and “Warrior”.

Yael: It means “Force of God”, it is of Greek origin.

Zoel: Means “Son of Babel”, comes from Hebrew.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Baby names inspired by nature

In various cultures, natural elements have a powerful meaning and are a source of inspiration for choosing baby names. From those related to fire, earth, or water, whether of Nahuatl or Arabic origin, these names represent the mythology of their region of origin, making them a great option for your baby.

If you have not yet decided how you will name your baby, we leave you the following list:

List of baby names inspired by nature

Letter A

Ainara: Of Basque origin, it means swallow.

Akina: In Japanese, it means spring flower.

Alba, or Aurora: From the Latin Albus, Alba refers to dawn or the first light of the day before the sunrise. In the case of Aurora, it can be known as dawn or morning twilight.

Arán: In Basque, it means valley.

Arantxa: It means highlands of thorns in Basque.

Ayame: In Japanese, it means Iris.

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Letter B

Baikal: It means rich lake. It is a water name that refers to the lake located in southern Siberia; it has other meanings such as the blue eye of Siberia or the pearl of Asia.

Balam: In Mayan, it means jaguar.

Begoña: High hill, in Basque.

Bosco: Of Italian origin, it means forest.  

Byron: Of Celtic origin, it means man from the fields; it also means the man with bear characteristics or behavior.

Letter C

Cala: Of Arabic origin, it means castle, fortress.

Can-Ek: In Mayan, it means black snake.

Celestine: Derived from the Latin caelestis, it means sky. The name Celestino means inhabitant of heaven. It is derived from Celeste.

Celia: It comes from the Latin cælium, which means sky.

Chacte: Redwood, in Mayan.

Cihuacoatl, Siwakoatl: Lady goddess of the Earth, in Nahuatl.

Chloe: Of Greek origin, it means sprout of green grass.

Connor: Irish name meaning one who loves animals. The name Connor also means lover of hunting dogs or wolves.

Coral: Derived from Latin, it means sea stone.

Cuauhtli, Kuauhtli: Eagle, a sun symbol, related to war. (Larousse, 1999) Don’t Miss: Baby Names That Mean Moon

Don’t Miss: Baby Names that Mean Moon

Letter D

Daphne: In Greek, bay.

Dagoberto: Germanic name meaning shining like the sun.

Danae: It means earth fertilized by rain.

Demetrio: It means sacred to the earth. Its etymology comes from the ancient Greek «Δημήτριος» (Dêmếtrios), a name associated with the goddess of agriculture, Demeter.

Dimas: It means sunset in Hebrew.

Dimitri: It is a Russian variant of the name of Greek origin Demetrio, meaning belonging to the earth.

Douglas: It means dark sea. Its etymology comes from the Gaelic dubh (dark) and glais (water, river).

Letter E

Edurne: Snow in Basque.

Ehékatl, Ejecatl: In Nahuatl, god of the wind that sweeps the fields before the rains.

Elenio: It means the one who shines like the sun, of Greek origin.

Eleodoro: Of Greek origin, it means the one who comes from the sun.

Elía, Eli: In Nahuatl, it means the plant is sprouting.

Elián: Of Greek origin, it refers to Helios, the god of the sun.

Estela: Of Italian origin, its meaning is the morning star.

Letter F

Fabian: It means bean harvester in Latin.

Fabiola: Variant of Fabián, it means bean grower.

Falco: It means the falcon. It also means he who sees sharply or he who sees from afar.

Felipe: It comes from the Greek “Philippos,” which means horse lover.

Letter G

Gaia: Its meaning is earth. In Greek mythology, she was the mother goddess who presided over the Earth. She was the companion of Uranus and the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.

Garo: In Basque, it means fern.

Gemma: It comes from Latin, meaning precious stone.

Greta: It means pearl in Latin.

Guido: It means knower of paths. The name Guido, from the German “widu,” means forest but is interpreted as born in the forest or one who knows the way.

Letter H

Hana: Flower, to bloom, in Japanese.

Haru: Of Japanese origin, it means born in spring.

Hazel: It means walnut tree. English adaptation of the term “hæsel” of Celtic origin meaning hazelnut or walnut.

Helio: Of Greek origin, it means sun.

Helios: This name in Greek mythology belonged to the god of the sun; its etymology comes from the Greek “’ηλιος,” which means sun.

Hoshi: Star, in Japanese.

Letter I

Ignatius: It means fire in Latin.

Ilan: Of Hebrew origin, it translates as a vigorous tree.

Iliana and Isaura: Both mean soft air.

Inti: Name the Incas gave to the sun.

Íñigo: The one who comes from the mountainous slope, in Basque.

Izamal: Of Mayan origin, it means dew from heaven. There is a town in Yucatan with this name.

Letter K

Kai: It is of Hawaiian origin; it means sea. It also implies victory in Chinese and is worthy of being loved in the African Swahili language.

Kanté: It comes from the Mayan word “K’ANTEMO,” meaning the tree that listens.

Kin: Means sun in Mayan.

Letter L

Laura: Derived from the Latin “Laurus,” meaning triumph or triumphant, victory.

Lavinia: From the Greek “laphas,” stone. Virgil created the fictitious name to justify the origin of the city of Laninium. Lavinia is the daughter of the Latin king and wife of Aeneas in the poem “The Aeneid” by Virgil.

Leo: Lion in Greek.

Lilian or Liliana: From the Latin “Lilium,” meaning she who is pure.

Llaru: Spring in Japanese

Letter N

Nahuel: Of Mapuche origin, it means tiger.

Nikté or Nicté: Means “flower”. She thus called herself a Mayan princess.

Letter O

Ollin Tonatiuh: In Nahuatl, it means the sun of movement, of the fifth creation from Teotihuacan.

Orson: It comes from the term “Ursus,” which means bear. It means little bear.

Ovidio: It means the one who tends the sheep. This name comes from the Latin term “Ovidius,” whose meaning is sheep.

Letter P

Pedro: Of Aramaic origin, means stone.

Letter Q

Quetzalcóatl: In Nahuatl, the creator god of the man of the fifth sun.

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Letter R

Ramses: It means Son of the Sun. This name comes from the term “ramss” formed by the terms “ra,” which means sun and “mesu,” which means be born and, that according to the Egyptian mythology, god Ra, the god of the sun, acquires another meaning as the son of Ra.

Letter S

Sasil, Saasil, or Zazil: It means dawn, clarity, light in Mayan. Silas: It means little wolf.

Silvano: Derived from the Latin Silvanus, it means of the woods.

Sinti, Sintli: In Nahuatl, it means corn; it is related to the deity protecting the corn.

Suvan: Of Hindu origin, it means the sun.

Letter T

Tlali, Tlalli: In Nahuatl, it means earth, the motherland, the world.

Tonatiúh: Our father sun, the sun, the day, in Nahuatl.

Letter X

Xochipili, Xochipilli, Makuilxochitl: Of Nahuatl origin, it means the god of flowers.

Xochiquetzali: In Nahuatl mythology, it refers to the woman who populated Mexico after the flood; it means goddess of water, beautiful flower.

Xuchal, Suchatl: Rose petal, in Nahuatl.

Letter Y

Yaax: It means nature in Mayan.

Yatziri: It means flower of the dew or maiden of the moon, of Mayan origin.

Letter Z

Zahara or Zahra: Flower, of Arabic origin.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

I also recommend you: Names of Nahuatl origin for girls and boys

When does a baby start to feed himself?

Your child grows day by day, you watch how he discovers his world, and you are excited to see how your little one learns new skills, but you also feel nostalgic thinking about how quickly he develops. An essential step in his growth is feeding, so you wonder when a baby starts to feed himself.

This may be a habitual action to you, but it is one of the first steps to being independent. At this stage, you will have many questions, but remember that each child has their rhythm and a series of skills that your child will develop before eating alone.

Eating alone is an important step in your baby's development. Photo: Shutterstock
Eating alone is an important step in your baby’s development. Photo: Shutterstock

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How to know that your baby is ready for complementary feeding?

Around six months, complementary feeding begins; in addition to breastfeeding, your little one’s diet should include solid foods, as he requires other nutrients.

Dr. Ángel Robledo, a specialist in child nutrition, comments that at six months, babies acquire skills that allow them to start complementary feeding, such as:

  • Keeping his head up
  • Sitting with support
  • Showing interest in food
  • Losing the extrusion reflex (movements of the child to expel the food)

At what age can your baby eat alone?

When you start complementary feeding, you must support your little one in eating. Around nine months, a baby begins to feed himself, although he will do it with his hands. The Nemours Kids Health Foundation explains that at this age, he can take food with his little hands, as he has developed fine motor skills, which is the ability to make small fine movements. By holding food in their hands, children get to know its texture.

“A 9-month-old can grasp food (and other small objects) between his index finger and thumb in a pincer. At first, they use this finger grip a bit clumsily, but with practice, they soon learn to use it deftly and effectively”.

Although your little one will still need your help, let him eat alone as much as possible. By encouraging him to eat with his fingers, you are helping him develop healthy habits for feeding independently.

“Eating with just the hands, and later with cutlery, gives your child a certain degree of control over what he eats and how much he eats. Sometimes he will eat the food; sometimes, he won’t; this is all part of learning to self-regulate. Even a young child can tell when he is hungry and full”.

Around nine months, a baby begins to feed himself. Photo: Pxhere
Around nine months, a baby begins to feed himself. Photo: Pxhere

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How to help your baby feed himself?

Pediatrician Gracia María Martínez comments on the importance of developing healthy eating habits from an early age, so she recommends the following:

  • Sit him in his chair to eat: The child will know when it’s time to eat.
  • Give him a plate, spoon, and glass of water suitable for his size: They should be made of resistant materials in case they fall.
  • Eating together as a family: He will learn to hold the cutlery and glass, imitating the others.
  • Let him touch the food: Your little one is getting to know the textures of the food and fine-tuning his movements. Be patient because he will get dirty and throw the food. Little by little, he will have the ability to hold cutlery.

At what age do babies eat with a spoon?

The Nutrition Coordination of UNAM details that learning to use cutlery is a process maintained during the baby’s first years and is related to each child’s motor skills. Hence, the time it takes to master its use depends on each child. You can stimulate him and put these utensils near him so that he becomes familiar with them.

From the age of six months, when complementary feeding begins, you can give your baby his spoon. He will likely play games, but it will help you get to know her. Show him how to use it; little by little, he will learn to use it.

Around 10 or 12 months, even after this age, children begin to put the spoon into the plate and then into their mouths. Their movements are not yet very fine at this stage, and they will make a mess, but with time they will get there. Help your little one by guiding his hand in the right way.

Remember that each little one has her rhythm and develops differently; he can acquire new skills before or after other kids. Tell us on Facebook when your baby started feeding himself.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

Where to go with the kids in Mexico City

The holidays have started, and your little ones are eager to go out. If you decide not to visit any state this Easter, we recommend where to go with the kids in Mexico City so you can spend a day of fun with your naughty ones.

From amusement parks to aquariums, Mexico City has many places where your little ones can learn and have fun. This list will give you some ideas for planning your days off.

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Mexico City has many options for your little ones to have fun. Photo: Shutterstock
Mexico City has many options for your little ones to have fun. Photo: Shutterstock

Six Flags

The amusement rides in this park offer fun for the whole family. Whether the classic attractions like Medusa or the Kilahuea or the recent ones like the Wonder Woman Coaster or Superman, The Last Escape, your mischievous ones will spend a day full of adrenaline and extreme emotions.

The rides in this park will fill your little ones with adrenaline. Photo: Six Flags Mexico
The rides in this park will fill your little ones with adrenaline. Photo: Six Flags Mexico

Acuario Inbursa

It has more than 50 exhibitions where your little ones can learn about 14,000 varieties of 350 species, such as sharks, penguins, rays, jellyfish, axolotls, and various reptiles. They will learn more about this ecosystem and its inhabitants with the Arctic, the Expedition exhibition.

In this aquarium, children will learn about life in the sea. Photo: Inbursa Aquarium
In this aquarium, children will learn about life in the sea. Photo: Inbursa Aquarium

Papalote Museo del Niño

Here your children will learn from the functioning of the human body, the composition of the various ecosystems, to the changes in how people live. And as if that were not enough, there is also a mini-supermarket where your naughty ones can take a cart and pretend they go shopping. This is one of the areas that has been in the Museum for many years. Don’t you have a photo of you as a child in this mini-supermarket?

Here your little ones will learn enjoyably. Photo: Papalote Children's Museum
Here your little ones will learn enjoyably. Photo: Papalote Children’s Museum

Exposición de Snoopy en el MUMEDI

Do your children like to draw? This exhibition at the Mexican Museum of Design (MUMEDI) will delight them as it shows sketches from the Peanuts cartoon, which tells the adventures of Charlie Brown, his inseparable canine friend Snoopy, and his gang. During the exhibition tour, it is explained how Charles Schulz created this comic strip. This display will significantly inspire your little one.

This exhibition shows the story of how this cute character was created. Photo: Mumedi
This exhibition shows the story of how this cute character was created. Photo: Mumedi

Zoológico de Chapultepec

If your naughty ones love to learn about animals, this is the right place. You will see pandas, lions, giraffes, rhinos, elephants, and many more up close. This zoo in Bosque de Chapultepec is home to 1,236 varieties of 222 different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

Your little ones will see animals such as pandas, lions, camels, and many more up close. Photo: Chapultepec Zoo
Your little ones will see animals such as pandas, lions, camels, and many more up close. Photo: Chapultepec Zoo

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Laberinto Mágico

Slides, ascents, and descents are some surprises you will find in this hanging maze. There are activities for babies from 6 months old, stimulating their senses, even for 12-year-olds who will overcome various obstacles that will challenge them.

The challenges of this hanging maze will delight your naughty ones. Photo: Magic Maze
The challenges of this hanging maze will delight your naughty ones. Photo: Magic Maze


What would happen if there was a city where only children lived? In this park, that is possible; your naughty ones will pretend to fly a plane, climb walls, and play firefighters or scientists. The possibilities are endless!

Your children will have many options, from doing experiments in a laboratory to being a firefighter. Photo: KidZania
Your children will have many options, from doing experiments in a laboratory to being a firefighter. Photo: KidZania

Museo de Historia Natural

What was life like on the planet millions of years ago? Through its halls that look like caves, in this museum, your little ones will learn about the inhabitants of the Earth, such as dinosaurs, and the evolution of humans. The exhibitions are very didactic; they will catch the children’s attention.

Dinosaurs and current mammals are some of the species you will learn about. Photo: Natural History Museum
Dinosaurs and current mammals are some of the species you will learn about. Photo: Natural History Museum

Granja Las Américas

Through the workshops offered by this place, your little ones will learn about caring for the environment; they will be able to interact with animals such as chickens, ducks, rabbits, cows, and many more. They will also learn how to make cheese and milk. If your little ones are more daring, they will love the gotcha.

In this place, your little one can live with farm animals. Photo: Las Americas Farm
In this place, your little one can live with farm animals. Photo: Las Americas Farm

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K1 Speed México

The tracks of this site will fill your naughty ones with adrenaline and fun. Photo: K1 Speed Garden Santa Fe

The tracks of this site will fill your naughty ones with adrenaline and fun. Photo: K1 Speed Garden Santa Fe
The tracks of this site will fill your naughty ones with adrenaline and fun. Photo: K1 Speed Garden Santa Fe

What do you think of this selection of places? Tell us on Facebook if you already know where to go with the kids in Mexico City.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

Trip to the beach with children: Ten basics for your suitcase

Your whole family is excited because the holidays will begin. You end up pending to be able to relax without worries; time passes slowly, and the only thing you want is to reach the destination where you will enjoy a few days off. If you are about to pack for your trip to the beach with children, we have prepared this checklist of things you should take.

When you travel with children, the preparations are more complicated. Find the clothes for your naughty people, organize them, so they fit in the suitcases, well, in a hurry, it is normal for you to forget something, but this list will help you order everything you need.

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Sun lotion
Sun rays are very harmful, especially to children. Photo: Pixabay
Sun rays are very harmful, especially to children. Photo: Pixabay

Protecting the skin from sun rays is very important to prevent burns since children’s skin (especially those under three years of age) is more sensitive than adults. A layer of the skin called the stratum corneum works as a protective shield against sunlight. This layer is thinner in children.

Swimming suit

Although it may seem the most logical thing in the world to wear a swimming suit if you go to the beach, this garment is often forgotten, so you must include it to avoid going to the beach and repurchasing it there.

The swimming suit is often forgotten. Photo: Pixabay
The swimming suit is often forgotten. Photo: Pixabay
  1. Bathrobe

When leaving the beach or the pool, your mischievous people can wear a robe to cover themselves, move to another place, sit on a lounger or eat; when they finish, they can return to the water.

  1. Insect repellent

Insect bites are very annoying, especially for children, as they cause itching, so it is essential to protect your little ones. In addition, bugs can spread diseases such as Zika. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends applying the repellent to exposed extremities such as the arms, hands, and legs.

The repellent will protect your little ones from insect bites. Photo: Shutterstock
The repellent will protect your little ones from insect bites. Photo: Shutterstock
  1. Towel

Has it happened to you that when you arrive at the hotel, you remember that you forgot the towels? It is also an obvious item, but among so many preparations, it is common to leave them at the bottom of the pile of clothes you took out to select the one you would pack.

Towels are often forgotten. Photo: Pixabay
Towels are often forgotten. Photo: Pixabay
  1. Swim diapers

Whether disposable or ecological, you must carry them in your suitcase to avoid “accidents” underwater. This recommendation is only if your little one does not go to the bathroom yet. Otherwise, you do not need them.

If your little one still does not go to the bathroom, you should pack swim diapers. Photo: Shutterstock
If your little one still does not go to the bathroom, you should pack swim diapers. Photo: Shutterstock

Do not miss: Ten water parks near Mexico City for Easter

  1. Floats

Although your naughty ones know how to swim, these accessories, in addition to giving them security in the water, are a lot of fun. Who doesn’t like to throw themselves on their back in an inflatable? Do not forget to watch your children in the sea or the pool.

The floats will help your little ones feel safe in the pool. Photo: Pixabay
The floats will help your little ones feel safe in the pool. Photo: Pixabay
  1. Caps/Hats

Sun protection is very important, even more so when it comes to the face. These accessories will allow children to be more comfortable and prevent discomfort from burns.

  1. Fresh clothes

You want to take everything you have in your closet when you go on a trip. For your little ones, pack fresh and comfortable clothes that allow them to enjoy the beach, such as shorts and t-shirts. The number of changes in clothes depends on the days that your vacation will last, but you already know what the saying says: “A forewarned woman is worth two.” Try to bring some extra changes “for anything that may come up.”

It may interest you: What to do in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with the kids.

  1. First aid kit

Band-Aids, antiseptic, sterile gauze, pain relievers, and cream for sunburn and insect bites are some basic elements a travel kit should have. Check with your pediatrician about what else you should take.

The first aid kit is very important for any eventuality that may arise. Photo: Pixabay
The first aid kit is very important for any eventuality that may arise. Photo: Pixabay

Do you have everything ready for your trip to the beach with the kids? Tell us on Facebook what else you pack in your suitcase.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

10 Water parks near Mexico City

The Easter holidays are very close; if you still don’t have a plan for these days or won’t rest, these water parks near Mexico City are ideal for a weekend outing with your family and getting away from stress.

Children love the pools and slides of the water parks, but they also offer other activities that can be carried out from the oldest to the youngest. These destinations are located 2 to 3 hours away from the country’s capital and are perfect for a family getaway.

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Hurricane Harbor Oaxtepec, Morelos

The slides this water park offers range from the extremes like the King Cobra for adrenaline lovers to the wave pool area and children’s games for the little ones. They will spend an enjoyable day sliding down these tracks.

  • Cost: The day pass costs 329 pesos
  • Distance: 2 hours
The slides in this park are one of its main attractions. Photo: Six Flags Mexico, Hurricane Harbor, Oaxtepec.
The slides in this park are one of its main attractions. Photo: Six Flags Mexico, Hurricane Harbor, Oaxtepec.

The Geyser, Hidalgo

From hot springs to zip lines, this water park-spa located in the magical town of Tecozautla has many attractions. You can relax in the natural saunas while the children enjoy the water slides.

  • Cost: 150 pesos
  • Distance: 3 hours
You can relax in the hot springs Photo: The Geyser
You can relax in the hot springs Photo: The Geyser

Tolantongo Caves, Hidalgo

In addition to offering a beautiful view, this group of caves in Hidalgo provides many activities. Whether you immerse yourself in the Thermal Water Grotto, into which a waterfall falls where you can cool off, or swim in the pools along a wall of the mountain surrounding this site. The pools are small and shallow, where children can swim.

  • Cost: General admission 150 pesos
  • Distance: 3 hours
The pools here are shallow so that children can swim. Photo: Tolantongo Caves
The pools here are shallow so that children can swim. Photo: Tolantongo Caves

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Hot springs of Chignahuapan, Puebla

In the pools, your little ones can play, but they can also have fun at the ping-pong tables, foosball, dance machines, and board games. Meanwhile, adults can relax in the temazcal. The pools have direct hot spring water.

  • Cost: 110 pesos
  • Distance: 3 hours
The pools have spring water. Photo: Chignahuapan Hot Springs Hotel and Spa
The pools have spring water. Photo: Chignahuapan Hot Springs Hotel and Spa

Hot Water Spa, Michoacan

The children’s village in this park is an excellent option where the little ones can have fun. If your children love adrenaline, they will be happy on the slides of different sizes.

  • Cost: 120 pesos
  • Distance: 3 hours
In the children's village, your little ones will have a lot of fun. Photo: Agua Caliente Spa
In the children’s village, your little ones will have a lot of fun. Photo: Agua Caliente Spa

Ixtapan Water Park, State of Mexico

Located in the magical town Ixtapan de la Sal, it is one of the most popular water parks near Mexico City. The hot springs and attractions such as “The Abyss”, in which you travel 90 meters in 9 seconds, guarantee you and your family hours of fun. If you want to extend your stay, you can stay at the Hotel Ixtapan, located next to this water park.

  • Cost: 230
  • Distance: 2 hours
It has many areas that offer activities for the whole family. Photo: Ixtapan Water Park
It has many areas that offer activities for the whole family. Photo: Ixtapan Water Park

Ex hacienda Temixco, Morelos

The colonial landscape and the pools make this site very attractive. Your little ones can play in the wave pools and the aquatic multitrack, where your naughty ones will be able to slide with the boards. The children’s area has many games for the little ones.

  • Cost: 290
  • Distance: 1 hour 30 minutes
The combination of colonial style with pools makes this park a fantastic and fun place. Photo: Former Hacienda de Temixco Aquatic Park
The combination of colonial style with pools makes this park a fantastic and fun place. Photo: Former Hacienda de Temixco Aquatic Park

El Rollo, Morelos

This water park, a classic that you may have visited during childhood, could not be left out of the selection. It has attractions for the most adventurous who are not afraid to slide down the 25-meter-high slides, and it also has areas for the little ones, such as the Children’s Island or the Lazy River, where your mischievous people can enjoy the pools.

  • Cost: 395
  • Distance: 2 hours 30 minutes
This park has slides from the most extreme to those where children can slide gently. Photo: El Rollo Water Park
This park has slides from the most extreme to those where children can slide gently. Photo: El Rollo Water Park

El Tephé Water Park, Hidalgo

The 20-meter-high artificial geyser will delight children. They can play under the stream of water which, although it is the main attraction of this park, is not the only one. Its wading pools with slides, multi-tracks to slide, wave pool, and slides are other areas it offers. They will have a fantastic day!

  • Cost: 170 (holiday price)
  • Distance: 2 hours 40 minutes
The artificial geyser of this spa will delight your mischievous. Photo: Tephé Water Park
The artificial geyser of this spa will delight your mischievous. Photo: Tephé Water Park

Water park Bosque de las Ánimas, Hidalgo

In addition to its pools and slides, this place has green areas where you can play a kickaround with your family. It has grills, cabins, and a camping area. If you like to be in contact with nature and also enjoy a good dip, you will have a lot of fun in this place.

  • Cost: 100 pesos
  • Distance: 2 hours 40 minutes
Your whole family can cool off in the pools of this spa, and then they can roast meat on the grills. Photo: Bosque de las Animas Spa
Your whole family can cool off in the pools of this spa, and then they can roast meat on the grills. Photo: Bosque de las Animas Spa

What do you think of these water parks near Mexico City for Easter? Tell us on Facebook if you dare to visit one.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

How can we sow potatoes at home?

If you have food left in your fridge and think it’s no longer helpful, don’t throw it away! You can plant it. A garden in your home has many benefits; one is that the fruits and vegetables you grow will not have chemicals that harm your health. You can start with simple products, so we will tell you how to plant potatoes at home.

Growing our food is not only a way of taking care of our health but also of having them when we need them. The population on the planet increases, but the water and the land to plant are running out. In the future, it will no longer be possible to produce enough food for all the planet’s inhabitants.

The foods you have stored in your refrigerator will help you start your garden at home. Photo: Piqsels
The foods you have stored in your refrigerator will help you start your garden at home. Photo: Piqsels

Advantages of having a garden at home

Agriculture is one of the most polluting activities and uses the most water. Dieter Gerten, a professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin, says that food growing practices worldwide are worrying, so we need to take action soon.

“Currently, almost half of the world’s food production exceeds Earth’s environmental limits”.

Gardens at home are an excellent alternative to reduce the impact of agriculture on the planet since water is used better; it does not pollute because chemical fertilizers are not used. It is also an opportunity to rescue the traditions of previous generations, points out the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Now that you know some of the advantages of having a garden in your house, you can start it with a simple crop, such as potatoes.

A garden at home is a way to have healthy food. Photo: Pixabay
A garden at home is a way to have healthy food. Photo: Pixabay


To plant this tuber, you will need:

  • A 60-centimeter diameter pot.
  • Soil.
  • Compost: You can make it by gathering organic garbage from your house, like apple cores, banana peels, orange peels, etc.
  • Potatoes with sprouts: Have you noticed that after a long time of storing potatoes, they grow like little green roots? If you have potatoes like this, use them.

Do not miss: 10 Places to go out with children on the long weekend

How do we plant potatoes?

Once you have your pot, place the soil in and mix it with the compost. When it is well-mixed, you will make small holes, around 10 and 15 centimeters deep, in the pot, where you will place the potato.

Depending on the size of your tubers, you can plant more than two in the pot; if they are small, plant four; if not, two or one. Make sure they are separated from each other.

After planting the potatoes, there is nothing left but to wait.

Potatoes are an easy crop that you can have in your home. Video: Urban Garden and HerbalistVideo: Huerto Urbano y Herbolaria

Potato care

Like any other plant, potatoes need you to take care of them. You will have to water them constantly so that the soil stays moist. Listen! The pot should not be flooded because you will pour excess water, preventing the potatoes from growing.

Leave your pot in the sun for as long as possible. Add compost into the pot, as this is a natural fertilizer and will help your tubers grow. More or less 20 days after planting, you will see some little plants appear in your pots.

It would help if you watered your pot frequently, so the soil is always moist. Photo: Wikimedia commons
It would help if you watered your pot frequently, so the soil is always moist. Photo: Wikimedia commons

How long do potatoes take to come out?

One of the signs that you will soon be able to harvest is when lilac flowers begin to sprout from the plant that grew 20 days after planting.

Now that you have seen these little flowers wait between 10 to 15 days (when the leaves of the plant turn yellow) to harvest the potatoes. To do this, you must pull the plant and scratch it on the ground; you will see these tubers there.

In total, from the time you plant until you get your tubers, it can take 3 to 5 months.

The total time to harvest potatoes is 3 to 5 months. Photo: Pxfuel
The total time to harvest potatoes is 3 to 5 months. Photo: Pxfuel

Tell us on Facebook if you want a garden at home. Did you already know how to plant potatoes at home?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

At what age do baby teeth come in?

Each step in your child’s development makes you excited and a bit nostalgic because he grows faster than you expect. There are moments in that process that become precious memories. One of them is his first tooth when you start noticing a “white dot” on his gums, and you know that he will leave behind his beautiful “toothless” smile. We tell you at what age the baby’s teeth come in.

The teeth breaking through in babies varies significantly from child to child; it can start as early as three months, or even your little one can reach his first birthday without any teeth, explains the American Academy of Pediatrics.

At about three months, your child begins to explore the world with his mouth, so he sucks his little hands and has more saliva. Is this a sign that his teeth will soon come in?

The teeth breaking through can vary in each child; on average, the first ones come out between 6 and 12 months. Photo: Pxhere
The teeth breaking through can vary in each child; on average, the first ones come out between 6 and 12 months. Photo: Pxhere

We recommend: At what age can babies hold their heads?

When do the first teeth come in?

During the second trimester of pregnancy, what will be the first teeth of the little ones begin to form, which are under the gums.

Around six to 12 months, the baby’s first teeth come in. Almost always, the lower central incisors break through first, the ones in front of the lower part of the jaw.

Naysha Reyes, a dental surgeon, asks parents not to be scared if their little ones’ teeth do not break through at this age because it is only an estimate. Some children grow them later, which should not be a cause for concern.

Nemours Kids Health explains the order in which teeth come in, based on age and tooth type.

  • Upper central incisors: Between nine to 12 months.
  • Lateral incisors (upper and lower): Between nine and 16 months.
  • Canines: From 16 to 23 months.
  • First molar (upper and lower): From 13 to 19 months.
  • Second molar (upper and lower): From 23 to 33 months.

When your little one turns three years old, he will already have 20 baby teeth.

Teething timeline according to their type. Photo: American Dental Association
Teething timeline according to their type. Photo: American Dental Association


How do I know that the baby’s teeth will come in?

The discomfort when the teeth come in also varies a lot. It can be painless for some children, while others may be very sensitive and have swollen gums. Here are some signs that your little one will be teething soon:

  • He is drooling more
  • He wants to chew things
  • He has swollen gums; this can cause pain
  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Loss of appetite
If your baby is irritable and has swollen gums, teeth will soon come in. Photo: Pixabay
If your baby is irritable and has swollen gums, teeth will soon come in. Photo: Pixabay

Relief for discomfort when teething

The American Academy of Family Physicians advises parents to ease their baby’s discomfort:

  • Rub your baby’s gums with a cool washcloth. Massaging swollen gums can help relieve pain.
  • You can give her a cool teething ring to chew on.
  • Ask your doctor if you can give your little one any pain reliever (always ask first).
  • Avoid gels with benzocaine; the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that it can harm children’s health.
  • Do not use homeopathic remedies, as they have not been proven effective or safe for children.
  • Use comfortable bibs of a suitable size for your baby, this way, you will avoid that due to an increase in saliva, it wets his clothes, they feel uncomfortable, or he can get sick from the humidity.

It may interest you: Ten best lullaby songs to put your baby to sleep

How to clean a baby’s teeth?

Cleaning is very important since the first pieces appear in your little ones. Naysha Reyes, a dental surgeon, reminds parents that they should clean their little one’s teeth daily. In addition, you should take your child to the dentist from the moment the first tooth appears.

Here are some recommendations from the American Dental Association to take care of your baby’s dental health:

  • Clean his teeth and gums with a damp washcloth or gauze twice a day or after each meal.
  • Between the first and second year, it is advisable to use a soft brush. Add a small amount of toothpaste without fluoride since it is safe if he swallows it accidentally.
  • Regularly visit the dentist.
Brush your little one’s teeth at least twice a day or after every meal. Photo: Pixabay
Brush your little one’s teeth at least twice a day or after every meal. Photo: Pixabay

Taking care of your kid’s teeth is very important. Did you already know at what age baby teeth come in?

Translayed by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version:: Here

Stop there! Foods that babies should not eat

Your little one grows every day, and with it, his needs increase. Little by little, he will need to have more food besides breastfeeding. A balanced diet is very important to start establishing healthy habits in children. We tell you the foods that babies should not eat.

Breastfeeding during the first six months of life is essential for development. Still, after that age, it is necessary to start complementary feeding, the gradual consumption of solid foods, since energy and nutrient needs increase as one grows.

You must be careful with certain foods because their ingredients can affect your little one’s health or are more difficult to digest, causing discomfort in your baby.

We recommend: Feeding a one-year-old baby: What can he eat?

When starting complementary feeding, you should include all food groups. Photo: Pxhere
When starting complementary feeding, you should include all food groups. Photo: Pxhere

Healthy habits from a young age

Your child’s first two years are very important; a balanced diet will reduce the risk of suffering from malnutrition and developing chronic diseases such as obesity, explains the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Few children receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary feeding. In many countries, less than a quarter of children aged 6 to 23 months meet age-appropriate criteria for dietary diversity and meal frequency”.

A balanced diet in the first 24 months is crucial to maintain the necessary iron reserves for the neurological development and proper growth of the child; it is very difficult to reverse the deficiencies of energy, proteins, vitamins, and inorganic nutrients that occur during this stage, warns the Medical Gazette of Mexico.

The first two years of your child's life are very important for establishing healthy eating habits. Photo: Pixabay
The first two years of your child’s life are very important for establishing healthy eating habits. Photo: Pixabay

Do not miss: Feeding the baby: 6 months

Forbidden foods for babies

The eating habits that you teach your children from an early age will influence their growth. For this reason, pediatric neonatologist Laxmi Chowath advises parents not to add salt or sugar when preparing baby food and warns that babies should not consume canned products due to their high salt and sugar content.

The Nemours Kids Health organization recommends not giving your baby these foods:

  • Added sugars and sweeteners without calories: Their consumption can cause problems such as obesity, diabetes, or tooth decay.
  • High sodium content: Two-year-old children should not have more than 2 grams of salt daily.
  • Honey: It can cause botulism, so it should wait until after a year.
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese: Young kids may have trouble digesting these.
  • Cow’s milk or soy drinks: Do not give these products until 12 months; they contain proteins and fats that make digestion difficult.
  • Grapes, popcorn, and nuts: Due to their size, they can cause choking.
  • Fish: The contaminants in the sea, such as mercury, can harm your baby’s health. It is recommended to wait after two years to start its consumption.
Sugar and salt can affect your baby's health; avoid their intake. Photo: Pixabay
Sugar and salt can affect your baby’s health; avoid their intake. Photo: Pixabay

It may interest you: Keto diet for children: is it good?

Tell us on Facebook if you know of foods babies should not eat.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

When is Happiness Day?

This weekend, there are many things to celebrate: the leisure days and Oil Expropriation Day, the arrival of spring, and Happiness Day. Yes, there is a day to be happy as you hear it.

March 20th is Happiness Day

International Happiness Day is celebrated on March 20th, as established by the United Nations Organization (UN) in 2013 as a way to recognize the importance of this feeling in the lives of people around the world and the need to broaden economic growth so that the equality and well-being of all peoples are considered.

“The path to happiness requires fundamental values such as kindness and compassion, especially in times of crisis due to armed conflicts, pandemics such as the coronavirus, or famine. Individual happiness passes through global happiness with the collaboration of all. Let’s not leave anyone behind”.


March 20th is International Happiness Day. Photo: Shutterstock
March 20th is International Happiness Day. Photo: Shutterstock

What is happiness?

Have you ever wondered if you are happy? What do you need to be happy? The answer is usually not simple. Happiness is a state associated with positive emotion, according to psychology. For many philosophers, it constitutes the ultimate goal of the human being, related more to a way of walking through life than to the place at which one arrives.

For Hugo Sánchez, an academic from the Faculty of Psychology at UNAM, happiness is given by events and things that satisfy our needs.

“We have to accept that it is a concept that we must build to try to enjoy it when it appears”.

Happiness, explains the researcher, is the feeling of believing and having hope in the future, that “things” will be fine, in a situation in which relationships seem to be progressing positively.

“The problem appears when we believe that happiness should permeate our lives. The reality is that we must go through every emotion that exists: sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, etc. that allows us to adapt correctly to the environment”.

Happiness lies in the situations we go through. Photo: Pixabay
Happiness lies in the situations we go through. Photo: Pixabay

How do you teach children to be happy?

Sometimes adults associate happiness with material things, such as having a car of the year or earning a lot of money. Still, it can be in small details for children, says the Educo organization. Here are some tips to encourage this feeling in children.

  • .Play with your children: Playing is an important part of their development; make a space for them to enjoy this time together.
  • Be positive parents: Remember that your children will follow your example, so you must teach them the positive side of all situations.
  • Give autonomy: Although you will always want to care for your children, you must give them space to make their decisions.
  • Recognize their achievements: Let your children know that you are proud so that they feel appreciated and valued.
  • Help them express their emotions: Children must learn to understand their feelings and the situations that cause them from an early age.
  • Teach them what empathy is: Putting yourself in the place of others will help them understand what others feel and help when necessary.
  • Do not label them: Adjectives such as “bad” or “disobedient” will make your children act that way to adapt to the profile you are imposing on them unconsciously. To avoid this, give them positive teachings instead. Avoid labels.
  • Never fall for insults or even spankings: This type of act leaves traces forever. Remember that your little ones learn from you. If they see that you solve things with aggression, they will likely become violent.
Children learn by example; children will be happy with happy adults. Photo: Shutterstock
Children learn by example; children will be happy with happy adults. Photo: Shutterstock

Being happy is constant work. Talk to your little ones about when Happiness Day is.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

What is celebrated on March 18th? You can explain it to your children this way

Before you grab your bags and get ready to enjoy this long weekend holiday, your little one would have indeed asked you what is celebrated on March 18th, either because he has homework about it or because they heard about it on the news.

On this date, the oil expropriation carried out by President Lázaro Cárdenas in 1938 is commemorated. It is an important day in the history of our country; teachers in primary school made you repeat it by heart, but what does it mean, and how can you explain it to your children?

On March 18, the Anniversary of the Expropriation of Oil is commemorated. Photo: Pixabay
On March 18, the Anniversary of the Expropriation of Oil is commemorated. Photo: Pixabay

What is oil expropriation?

On March 18th, 1938, President Cárdenas issued a decree, which is like a command, to expropriate the oil exploited by 17 oil companies that worked in Mexico (most of them were from England and the United States); in addition to this order, The Mexican government took away the permission of these companies to work with the oil.

Therefore, this natural resource became the property of the nation. This means that the government manages this natural resource, from taking it out of the ground to transforming it into products like gasoline and selling it.

This decision was made because the oil companies did not want to improve the conditions of their workers, who asked to work eight hours a day (they worked much longer) and be paid if they got sick, among other requests.

President Cárdenas explained that the order to take control of the oil was to defend the independence of Mexico since this natural resource is very important for the country’s development because products such as gasoline are generated from it, which serves for the cars to move. Therefore, this president considered that the government should manage the oil.


What is oil, and why is it important?

It is a black, viscous substance in the depths of the earth and is generated from the decomposition of the remains of animals and plants. It takes millions of years to form, so it is said to be a non-renewable resource; that is, it can run out because the oil we have now took a long time to form.

“This material is important because gasoline is generated from it, but it is also fundamental for the chemical industry since 60% of the chemical products we know are derived from oil: plastics, detergents, fertilizers, antifreeze (a greenish liquid that is used in cars), explosives, dyes, and many more”, explains Economipedia.

Its origin begins with the decomposition of organic substances produced by the action of microorganisms and continues mainly due to the increase in temperature, burial, and time (millions of years). For this reason, it is considered a non-renewable fossil resource.

Oil is a non-renewable resource. Photo: Pixabay
Oil is a non-renewable resource. Photo: Pixabay

Who was Lazaro Cardenas?

He was president of Mexico between 1934 and 1940. He was born in Michoacán in 1895. “During his government, he distributed land to peasants to be owners of the field where they worked. Other actions of his government were the expropriation of oil, the construction of highways, and the foundation of institutions such as the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), the National Museum of History in Chapultepec, among others”, details the National Institute of Anthropology and History. His most significant contribution was to take control of oil, which remains to this day.

Lázaro Cárdenas was a Mexican president. He is remembered for having decreed the oil expropriation. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Lázaro Cárdenas was a Mexican president. He is remembered for having decreed the oil expropriation. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Get together with your rascal and learn what is celebrated on March 18th.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Ten places to go out with children on the long weekend

This weekend is long; you and your children are looking forward to Friday to forget about daily tasks. If you still don’t have plans, we recommend these places to go out with children and take advantage of family days off.

On March 21st, the birth of Benito Juárez is commemorated, so there will be no classes on Monday, the banks will be closed, and offices will be closed. Pack your bags and escape with your family to one of these destinations near Mexico City (CDMX). Enjoy the warm weather to leave stress behind.


Las Estacas

Located in the state of Morelos, this park has a one-kilometer natural river where your family can swim, snorkel, and even kayak. It has a camping area, but it also has cabins if you don’t like to sleep outdoors. The zip line, swimming pools, and green areas will drive your naughty ones crazy. This destination is two hours from Mexico City.

Camping, swimming, and kayaking are some of the attractions of this place. Photo: Las Estacas
Camping, swimming, and kayaking are some of the attractions of this place. Photo: Las Estacas


La Marquesa

Whether renting a cabin, having a barbeque, or going horseback riding, your kids will love this place. You can run and play in its extensive green areas until you get tired. Best of all, it is only an hour from the country’s capital city.

This park offers many activities that you can enjoy with your children. Photo: La Marquesa Ecological Park.

3 Africam Safari

Do you like animals? Here you can see 5 thousand animals of 450 species from all over the world. You can tour their habitat in your car or on one of the park’s buses. Giraffes, elephants, antelopes, and zebras are some of the guests at this site. It is located in the state of Puebla.

In this place, you will see the animals up close. Photo: Africam Safari
In this place, you will see the animals up close. Photo: Africam Safari

Do not miss: Seven rituals to welcome spring

4 Malinalco

An excellent alternative to recharge with energy. You can visit this Magical Town’s archaeological site in the State of Mexico and climb up to the Cuauhcalli or “House of the Sun,” the highest area. From there you can see a fantastic view.

This archaeological zone is an excellent option for a walk. Photo: Malinalco Magical Town
This archaeological zone is an excellent option for a walk. Photo: Malinalco Magical Town

5 Mineral del Chico

Located in the mining corridor of Hidalgo, this town will put you and your family in contact with nature. Its landscape full of trees, such as pines and oaks, is ideal for taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Mexico City. Bicycle tours, zip lines, sport fishing, or even a visit to the San Antonio mine are some of the activities offered by this site.

At this destination, you will find a beautiful landscape. Photo: I am from Hidalgo 100%
At this destination, you will find a beautiful landscape. Photo: I am from Hidalgo 100%

6 Valle de Bravo

The cobbled streets and this Magical Town’s relaxed air will make you have a pleasant time. They can tour the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary or take a paragliding ride to admire the lake surrounding this town. There are activities for all ages.

Here your little ones can ride a horse. Photo: VALLEXPERIENCES
Here your little ones can ride a horse. Photo: VALLEXPERIENCES

7 Prismas Basálticos

The main attraction of this park is its columns with geometric shapes, in which rainwater runs off, which produces a beautiful view. Whether they’re having a family picnic, camping, or the little ones ziplining, they’ll love this place.

These columns of geometric shapes offer a beautiful landscape. Photo: Prismas Basalticos
These columns of geometric shapes offer a beautiful landscape. Photo: Prismas Basalticos

8 Xochitla Ecological Park

Boats, quads, climbing walls, bungee jumping, and even seeing dinosaurs are some of the activities that can be done at this destination, which is ideal for having a great time with your mischievous ones. This park is located in Morelos.

This park offers many activities for children. Photo: Xochitla Ecological Park
This park offers many activities for children. Photo: Xochitla Ecological Park

It may interest you: Eight basic garments for spring

9 Hacienda Panoaya

It was the home of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Today it offers a variety of entertainment for the whole family to enjoy the outdoors. It also has a deer park where children can pet these animals. It is only two hours from Mexico City.

Games, zip lines, bikes, and plenty of diversions for your naughty ones. Photo: Hacienda Panoaya
Games, zip lines, bikes, and plenty of diversions for your naughty ones. Photo:  Hacienda Panoaya

10 Grutas deTolantongo

It is a set of caves in Hidalgo, whether you immerse yourself in the Thermal Water Grotto, inside which a waterfall falls where you can cool off, or you can swim in the pools along a mountain wall surrounding this site. The pools are small shallow pools where children can swim.

The pools located along one side of the mountain offer a beautiful landscape. Photo: Grutas de Tolantongo
The pools located along one side of the mountain offer a beautiful landscape. Photo: Grutas de Tolantongo

Which of these places to go out with children for the long weekend do you like the most? Tell us on Facebook if you visit one.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

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